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File: 132 KB, 678x960, C4nzWRgXAAAREU5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1981037 No.1981037 [Reply] [Original]

sold all my coins (bean, trust, XEM, ARK PIVX NLG... etc) they are all so low right now.

buying iEx.ec

1. tell me I made the right choice.

On the other hand, I will be investing $10,000 in 4 days. I have this idea:
Buy all coins in the Top 20, and some 10 newly added coins.
Auto-sell when rises 5%.
If it doesn't, it becomes long term.
2. Is this a good strategy?

>> No.1981042
File: 206 KB, 790x524, 1492744635916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in the hole

>> No.1981045

said I just sold my beans

>> No.1981053

please no shilling in this thread

>> No.1981054

1. You made the wrong choice.

>> No.1981060
File: 19 KB, 340x340, 1412814849497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iEx.ec already has a higher market cap than posw but you have no posw

>> No.1981064
File: 10 KB, 120x120, 1492818135399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the beans back and delete this thread or you're going to become suicidal in the next 10 days.

>> No.1981076

bought at 19 sold at 20 after holding for a long time. now it's 30-31 but still doubting it would go exponentially higher since I do not see the value of beans aside from shilling and memes.

if anyone can convince me otherwise, I might put that 10k on beans, but as for now, it does seem like all memes and all shills.

>> No.1981081

I'm sorry i need a clarification. did you say that you sold because they're all so low???? explain your logic please....

>> No.1981090


Talk to the dev in the chat. The Bean ain't just a Meme anymore.

>> No.1981093
File: 185 KB, 291x431, BITBEAN moving at incredibly angry speeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he needs to be spoonfed information again

what the fuck is with you fucking chinks? are you serious? okay, here yo go again dude

new wallet

24/7 dev roadmap website at same time

beanstore.co going live soon

point of sales system with bitbean as payment method alongside major credit cards

active developer you can literally ask all your shill questions to 24/7

developer confirmed non-jewish

mascot is kid friendly and there are actual unironic plans to make an animated series to introduce youngins to ideas like crypto and saving money

in other words you're a stupid motherfucker for not just going to bitbean.org and asking your questions to the developer himself.

>> No.1981104

I didn't see their potential. It was more of impulsive buying, and i realized they're just shitcoins no quality and nothing really to offer

>> No.1981111

haha good meme man here's the pasta you conveniently missed

>what the fuck is with you fucking chinks? are you serious? okay, here yo go again dude
>new wallet
>24/7 dev roadmap website at same time
>beanstore.co going live soon
>point of sales system with bitbean as payment method alongside major credit cards
>active developer you can literally ask all your shill questions to 24/7
>developer confirmed non-jewish
>mascot is kid friendly and there are actual unironic plans to make an animated series to introduce youngins to ideas like crypto and saving money
>in other words you're a stupid motherfucker for not just going to bitbean.org and asking your questions to the developer himself.