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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 114 KB, 1212x1546, 44E133CA-6DE0-4FA7-9D8C-8EF7155FDB90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19804384 No.19804384 [Reply] [Original]


Being able to deploy PRIVATE, PERMISSIONED networks, with a PUBLICLY traded coin, does several things:

1. Works with the existing banking system not against it by facilitating deployment of a FIAT currency
2. Allows fiat coin networks to be open source and prepare for smart contract adoption/API crypto economy
3. Outsources the internal database management banks have to do and makes it more secure
4. Anyone can use the payment system so long as they buy fantom, but all transactions are still publicly traceable by the banks, resulting in lower overhead for public adoption of the system while still keeping it accountable to illicit usage
5. The network pays for itself, making a more transparent market in the fees validators charge to users of the network
6. Encourages banks to set price floors on fantom to secure the network
7. Since it’s permissioned with latest tech it scales infinitely and securely so it will be actually USED for day to day transactions
8.This is all only ONE usecase, stablecoins, which will result in strong network effects for others to adopt Lachesis technology for other permissioned networks, such as smart contract networks and smart cities, all scaling independently

>> No.19804473
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>> No.19804515

He's mad cuz DAG is dead.

>> No.19804530

holy shit it just keeps pumping even though the token unlock is next week, which everyone knows about. It's fucking priced in, kek.

>> No.19804543


>> No.19805148
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>> No.19805165

I keep trying to market buy this and it keeps fucking going up even when everything is tanking

>> No.19805201

How many coins will be dumped next week?

>> No.19805211

Seething idiot, fuck off sam smith

>> No.19805975

Price predictions for this scam piece of shit vaporware?

>> No.19805991

Hello lamp post what you knowing
Ive come to watch your flowers growing
Aint you got no rhymes for me
100k FTM Feeling Groovy.

>> No.19806128

Are u for real? Its a wind up right? Anyway I will play along...
When you want to know where a token is sold, hit coin gheko or coin paprika etc and click on the 'markets' heading or the 'apirs' heading and it will tell you everywhere that it is sold.

>> No.19806139


>> No.19806176

DAG is a scam but so is Fantom bruv

>> No.19806191

FUCK OFF SCAMMERS! Why do you idiots use a fake site to fabricate your speed?

>> No.19806197
File: 106 KB, 600x492, FTM Scam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone "investing" in Fantom deserves to lose his money. This is an OBVIOUS scam and Ponzi scheme. Fantom chink team exit scammed a long time ago. Scammer Andy replaced them with Russian temp devs so the scammers would still have some kind of "product" and "development" to dump on low IQ investors. Fantom promised a 300K dag with smart contracts. Everyone with tech insight knew that was impossible due to the rubbish tech solutions in the white paper.

So when Fantom scammers delivered their utter garbage product, a fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine with some dag like garbage on top of it, even the most deluded Fantom bagholders would normally have seen something was wrong and start to dump. What the Fantom scammer team did to prolong the scam was to introduce a classic Ponzi scheme with absurd ROI that is unsustainable.

But they don't care about that, as it all is designed to attract short term money so they can dump for a couple of months and then complete the exit scam. There is no working product, the "partnerships" are either paid for, mostly in corrupt third world countries or just fabrications. Bitconnect also faked a partnership with Visa, paid for partnership, and positive editorials. Fantom is doing the same thing. Their tech is utter shit and there will be no magical "packaging" of transactions, insane claim, so Fantom suddenly and magically can get high TPS. This is the sad reality:

Michael Chen did a similar scam earlier on, as a warning for everyone to see. This Fantom scam is just as obvious as Bitconnect was. Here:

More about why Fantom is a scam here:

>> No.19806214

if its a scam its pumpin now. grooooovy

>> No.19806253

fantom is dogshit. pump and dump scammer faggots got in deep on this and now they're trying to offload their bags (of dogshti) to you :)

>> No.19806265

They are manipulating the price so nobody will get nervous and they get a synchronized unlocking of staking, so the scammers will then have a whole week to dump, while the idiots are waiting a whole week (this was made only to scam - could have given access within seconds) to get access to both their rewards and FTM locked up in staking. When the idiots finally get their FTM, the price has tanked insanely and what they have is practiclaly worthless, while the scammers have totally milked the market dry,

>> No.19806271

That's also why they have ramped up their 24/7 spamming on biz, one week before unstaking.

>> No.19806280

Hello sirs where is the proofs

>> No.19806305
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Why do you have one week waiting period for unstaking. Give me ONE logical reason for that except for scam. Technically it could have been done in a matter of seconds, and that is the norm among NON scam staking projects. Combine that with the insanely high staking rewards that has nothing to do with securing the network, and you have a classic ponzi scheme.

>> No.19806350


>> No.19806445


>> No.19806570

>t. stupid fantom spammer that can't defend their insanely obvious and documented fantom scam

>> No.19806574
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>> No.19806598

Hello scammer, please tell the world why you decided to accumulate a little over a week before 60% of the supply is gettning dumped on the market. Walk us through your financial reasoning, scammer.

>> No.19806638


>> No.19806691

dude you seem to project schizo, post an argument, I have popcorn rdy

>> No.19806720


>> No.19806789

Why, scamming asshole. Present your case slime. Use facts and logic only. Do it or fuck off, con artist.

>> No.19806820

Hi there Fantom Fudder, not like it's it's any of your business, but I have been buying up Fantom since like early May. The original goal was to unironically buy 100k, but now I am trying to reach my stretch goal of 1 million before I get priced out.

>> No.19806847

Just ignore schizo. He has a massive bag of fanties staked and is just fudding to stop it pumping until they are unlocked

>> No.19806882


>> No.19806886

You didn't answer my question, scammer. Why NOW and not wait until the big 60% of supply dump? Makes no sense unless you are one of the 38 paid scammers (Fantom's "marketing" dep) trying to give confidence to nervous ftm bagholders, so they don't start to sell before you scammers can dump a whole week with no competetion as 60% of supply is locked up in your crazy lock up process (something that should have taken only a few seconds, unless it was a blatant scam),

I warned against BCC, Nano etc etc. You scammy idiots have no logic and facts to defend your dirty business so all you have is lies, ad hominem and the totally insane idea that I really like you scamming assholes and your dirty swindle.

>> No.19806946

I did answer your question sweetie, you asked why I waited a week until I started accumulating before staking rewards were dropped. I told you that I have actually been accumulating since early May. Reading comprehension must not have been your strong suit in school.

>> No.19807054

That's not a reason, unless you are extremely low IQ.

You don't buy something when it is OBVIOUS you will get a much better price two weeks later BECAUSE you started to buy long time age. That a ZERO logical sense comment. Like buying strawberry to make jam for the winter two weeks at high prices right before a giant harvest and crashing prices BECAUSE you started to buy strawberry in early May. The stupidity and logical circuit crash is baffling.

>> No.19807066

>Reading comprehension must not have been your strong suit in school.
100% pretty much all the time.

>> No.19807116

I'm still waiting for a dip. I will be buying any dip that happens. If no dip, I'll still buy.


>> No.19807155
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Does suck though. Schizo was a double sided blade. He helped me to hold when we went down to 0.3 cents, but I didn't accumulate any since before staking. So I only have 150k now. But I've been staking since the first week, so I suppose it could be worse.

>> No.19807221

Well if you believe in Fantom, the time to buy is after the unlock. Atleast wait until June 24th or after.

>> No.19807233
File: 71 KB, 761x723, Annotation 2020-02-15 1011341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this video. Nobody of them is there anymore. They ALL exit scammed.

They constantly lie through their teeth. When TPS was the big thing, they promised 300 000 tps (reality 18 tps), when dag was a big thing, they promised dag with smart contract (reality a crashed fork of ethereum virtual machine. When X is the hot thing,they promise X some time in the future. When Y is the big thing, they promise Y some time in the future. They are scammers and this was swindle from the very beginning. They hoped for a billion, but thanks to crashed crypto market, they have only been able to scam you for only some tens of milions of dollars.

>> No.19807266

If I haven't sold until now, do you really think I'm gonna sell now?

>> No.19807319
File: 87 KB, 769x600, Annotation 2020-02-15 10113412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you seriously think you will get the same or better price when 60% of total supply is getting dumped on the market and Fantom yet again will be exposed as liars with no functioning defi. Just as they lied with 300 000 and had to set up a fake transaction speed site.
Or lying about their Oracle partnership (scammer andy lying about Oracle calling him up to ask them about tech advice) when in reality they had nothing but a simple sales rep contract. Pic.

It can't get more obvious that this is a scam.

>> No.19807346

Yeah I do. Thanks

>> No.19807389

Okay, hopefully, you will learn from it.

>> No.19807405

No problem friend and hey -- happy memes to you.

>> No.19807448

Whatever you do, good luck with your investments.

>> No.19807655

don't worry guys, op is probably a nigger

>> No.19807761

Fudders on suicide watch after we broke 80 sats.

>> No.19807830

If you buy dont forget to sell before june 24th or enjoy your bags

>> No.19807907

>Fudders on suicide watch after we broke 80 sats
It's all part of the scammers plan. Here:

>> No.19807946

>16 posts by this ID

Holy fuck, please take your meds

>> No.19808002

Shut up faggot. I am using my smartphone but if I was at home I would report for spam shitpost spam.

>> No.19808011

>Holy fuck, please take your meds
So you slimy con artist think it's OK that I am not allowed to reply to your lies and fabrications, while you 38 paid scammers from Fantom's "marketing" department (and NO DEVS) can just continue to the spam the hell out of biz? Time for you hustlers to fuck off from biz. Get lost. Do it.

>> No.19808055

That's ALL you scammers have. Reporting my comments for racism. You can't defend your obvious scam and crashed shitcoin with facts and logic, so personal attacks and reporting comments, is all you have. Pathetic bunch of weak snake oil salesmen.

>> No.19808064

>posts 17 times instead of taking his meds

>> No.19808107

Thanks for substantiating my claim.

>> No.19808195

I dont report it for racism, just for shitposting spam.

>> No.19808318


>> No.19808491

>shitposting spam.
You hired fantom spammers have been doing that for two years now. 24/7. You never use facts or logic to defend you abvious fraud. But me you are reporting. Right slime?

>> No.19809039
File: 157 KB, 1008x692, Fantom Token Economy - icodrops fantom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a joke, right? Or are you Fantom scammers really this stupid and dishonest?

After chink team exit scammed, scammer Andy was hired to keep the scam floating while they all could dump on stupid investors. Chink team and their investors controlled more than 60% of total supply, so they have plenty to dump. Ethereum foundation had 1% and Vitalik sold his ETH at $7. Chink scammers will dump on you into oblivion.

>> No.19809062

Nope. No joke. Inflation model is fine

>> No.19809220
File: 76 KB, 592x651, FTM is a scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about inflation when the scammer team, that has not delivered the promised product at all [1] controls 60% of total supply? And you idiots promote that the team controls 60% of total supply and tokenemics as your first and best selling point? How desperate are you fantom scammers?

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mddGmFSE2Gk

>> No.19809230

By then they’ll be priced out with what comes next. /biz/lets are sleeping on this so hard. Get ready for the “Is it too late to buy in” threads

>> No.19809460
File: 308 KB, 2566x1856, Fantom 18 tps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you fantom scammers lie about your speed and even had a fake site to "prove" it?

Why did you lie about 300 000 tps, when reality is 18tps? Why did the whole chink team exit scam?

>> No.19809600

Fantom defi soon. Sorry, but you're priced out

>> No.19809773

Defi? With zero stress test, zero security audit from a team that openly lies about their tx speed and even sets up a fake website to "prove it", and with NO DEVS, only using a Russian blockchain company to smash together some spaghetti code and all led by a well known scammer that has never completed a sucessful project in his whole life and just recently managed to crash an amateur finance projet with losses to the customers after he de facto left Fantom:

You mean that shit project? Who the hell will be so stupid to use fantom? Whatever ETH is doing, you idiot scammers are trying to copy, but you don't even bother to try to build it. Or if you do, it's fake.

>> No.19809851
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Checked and based
>23 posts by this ID
We really got to him today. He is trying his absolute best to fud it. You know, I heard people are talking about this all over Twitter you might want to try over there since only smooth brains will listen to you here.

>> No.19809902

I am organizing stuff and commenting here on the side.

>> No.19810298


>> No.19811212

Why are we mooning

>> No.19811317

Price manipulation, so fantom staking holders will not be nervous and unstake before the time and, so all major unstaking will be done on the same time and the scammers will have a whole week to dump, completely alone, as the vast majority of the supply is bound up in the ridicilous one week waiting period of unstaking. It's all planned.

>> No.19811518

26 posts by this id

>> No.19811709

>26 posts by this id
>t. con artist unable to defend the documented Fantom scam with facts or logic. Desperate.

>> No.19811794


>> No.19812853

lol i was off /biz/ for a few months and i see this schizo ftm fudder is still at large
how can the jannies be THIS incompetent is beyond me, not that i care, i prob bought cheap ftm thanks partially to them, just reached a million