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19803218 No.19803218 [Reply] [Original]

What compels some boomer shit back landlord to think they can still charge 2500 bucks for some plywood shit box when there is literally zero demand and hundreds of new offers everyday?
my city looks like a cemetery with the shit ton of 4 sell signs popping everyday.

I want the housing market to reflect the current state so I can get a fucking water from place for 300 bucks on a 5 year lease


>> No.19803235

You should be more angry at the people paying the 2500 than the landlords charging it. They will charge what ever people are willing to pay and as long as people are willing to pay 2500 thats the price. If they stopped paying it the price would go down. If people stopped renting all together the houses would go up for sale.

>> No.19803311
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No body is paying that amount, most places are crowded with 5 fucking individuals spread on a 1 bed 1 bath apartment paying 500 bucks each to sleep in the kitchen!
Up to 30% of America didn't pay rent in the last 2 months and more are about to come
How the fuck is the housing market not caving the fuck in?
How is it even possible to keep this obviously manipulated and bull shit prices?

>> No.19803330

shut up lazy millenial. When I was 24 I bought my first house. Because I worked hard and did not go out to Starbucks everyday

>> No.19803347
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oh boy.

>> No.19803364

CARE act basically allows for mortgage payments to be deferred til next year. So defaults are very low. No crash for a bit

>> No.19803382

the inflation adjusted value of our house bought in 1989 is about 190k but the current market price is about 650k

>> No.19803406
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I been saving every penny since I started working last month, I barely have a thousand bucks to my name, the system is fucking bull shit, even house and apartments that are 100 miles away from my city are wanting 1500 bucks just to look at them, the game it's fucking rigged i hope every fucking boomer is forced to sell their properties and kill themselves when they become homeless.

We're not paying 2500 bucks for a fucking place that is obviously not worth 1/5th of the price and no one is either buying or can't even afford to buy, dump your fucking prices boomer idiot, your fairy tale of forever growth is over

>> No.19803415

Try harder with the next bait

>> No.19803429

>the current market price is about 650k

Yeah, go ahead and sell it for that price, you'll be surprised the amount you'll fetch this days, you might not even get the 190 you paid back in 198 fuck, is a fucking buyer's market till the eye can see and it's just going to get worst by the day

>> No.19803456

Work harder. Make better choices. 23 and making well over 6 figures, saving 8k each month after savings, taxes, rent, and bills. Bootstraps nigger.

>> No.19803497

Ah hello white boy i am also white but born rich so thanks for the good attitude keep sending my living trust thru the roof

>> No.19803529

If your larp is even true you're an outlier, no one is making more than minimum wage other than 20% of America, that's why you have thousands of belly delfi wanna bes stretching their shit holes on camera because selling your decency is the only way the Jews have allowed anyone in this country to afford a room but that's not even the point.
The point is, how is it even possible the housing prices are not reflecting the current market?
How long can the fed keep artificially pumping this market just to avoid a bunch of boomer faggots from jumping off a bridge?

>> No.19803757

Privately owned housing would become a thing of the past. The cost of housing and financing housing would gradually be made so high that most people couldn't afford it. People who already owned their houses would be allowed to keep them but as years go by it would be more and more difficult for young people to buy a house. Young people would more and more become renters, particularly in apartments or condominiums. More and more unsold houses would stand vacant. People just couldn't buy them. But the cost of housing would not come down. You'd right away think, well the vacant house, the price would come down, the people would buy it. But there was some statement to the effect that the price would be held high even though there were many available so that free market places would not operate. People would not be able to buy these and gradually more and more of the population would be forced into small apartments. Small apartments which would not accommodate very many children. Then as the number of real home-owners diminished they would become a minority. There would be no sympathy for them from the majority who dwelled in the apartments and then these homes could be taken by increased taxes or other regulations that would be detrimental to home ownership and would be acceptable to the majority. Ultimately, people would be assigned where they would live and it would be common to have non-family members living with you. This by way of your not knowing just how far you could trust anybody. This would all be under the control of a central housing authority.

>> No.19803778

You forgot avocado toast...

>> No.19803835
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This is bull shit, while I understand no one wants to lose specially those fucking boomer faggots who though they were made men because they bought a bunch of shacks back in 2008 is also immortal the government is printing bundles of cash just to keep the housing market artificially inflated, this is the reason why there is a bunch of cancerous bubbles ready to burst every where at any time, because the American government keeps printing and surfing the market with confetti instead of letting the market self correct and be more efficient.

Boomers need to fucking drop dead already, I propose we put them all in a bond fire including every single rat over 50 in government to cleanse this fucking country once and for all from this fucking forever leeches, boomers are turning in to metastatic cancer on the nation

>> No.19803859

It will not crash. Get this through your skull already. The central banks of the world will not allow it and will do anything they can to make sure real estate keeps going up. See what Australia's reserve bank wants to do:

>> No.19803899

Boomers are the niggers of age. I hate these old fuckers so much.

>> No.19803940
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Shit like this will create another bubble somewhere else, new investors should be allowed to enter the market, how is it fair the boomers want to hold 5 house, 3 commercial properties, 2 rental ones and a bunch of business that aren't producing anything for the sake of keeping this niggers alive?
This is why you have so many idiots rioting on the streets, they can see the neon sign in front of them saying, the government will always keep you forever poor to save their hedge fund friends, they'll print debt in your behalf just to keep you subjugated.

This is beyond fucked up, there are empty houses out there right now that the only reason they're empty is because the government is saving them in behalf of some fucking Jewish friend of them while Joe no body is sleeping under a bridge while working 2 jobs.

>> No.19803959
File: 174 KB, 438x616, D884DF0E-8AB3-421C-B2EE-F8BC7F62A4D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that money and still a complete faggot, damn shame

>> No.19803975

Prices obviously only go up the more the USD dollar inflates, not really rocket science. Value doesn't increase but dollar is becoming worthless. Why should shitboxes value decrease as long as there is some land you as well? Population is increasing and dollar becoming works. It's literally only reliable safe haven for value. Bonus if you're crafty and can repair or build stuff by yourself. Putting up some shitbox is really not that expensive.

>> No.19804055
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>Prices obviously only go up the more the USD dollar inflates, not really rocket

Is called offer and demand and is the back bone of capitalism, is what allows the market to work, it doesn't matter if the printing machine is running in super sayan God level X100, if there is no demand the prices must come down unless the government keeps making CDOs.
This practice needs to fucking stop, there is way too many fucking homeless as it is already no one can afford Jack shit As long as Pelosi is unwilling to lose a house or 2, they're destroying the fucking country faster than global warming ever could, they need to stop yesterday

>> No.19804084

Riiiight and I have a 10/10 wife that treats my dick and ballsack like an ice cream cone every morning

>> No.19804094
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Here is what $100,000 gets you now, a 9x16ft chunk of concrete

>> No.19804110

>Dollar loses [random number between 50-99%] buying value in 30 years
>Prices will come down when demand slightly rises as well
I'm afraid to say: no

>> No.19804123

>the fed keep artificially pumping this market
They don't have to, not with real estate anyway. If nobody local is willing to buy plenty of Chinese, Saudi, or Russian firms will just to keep their cash outta the eyes of their governments.

>> No.19804189

How is that not artificially pumped, why is the government allowing this practice to continue, the whole shit is so fucked

>> No.19804616

Boomers make the rules, in australia we have the reserve bank calling for a halt to house sales ! can you fucking imagine halting housing sales like the stock market. Its all fucking manipulated to the hilt and the boomers will not give up they will fight with all their made up regulations and laws so they can keep their perpetual growth.

>> No.19804734
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How long can they halt home sales?
Do they think this Corona recovery shit is going to be gone before Christmas?
Can they force everybody to just sit in the side walks until they can get whatever price they think they deserve?
Will the government rather sell default houses to foreign fucking chinks and Russian mongols who will never inhabit before they sell to a citizen at a discount?
How long is the plebs going to allow this stupid and fucked up practice to continue?

I guess until every normie isn't seriously facing the prospect of sleeping next to the high way on a dirty camping tent for the next rest of their lives no one will do Jack shit to keep foreign mafias, corrupt politicians and fucking boomers from laundering money through the housing market.
Everybody needs to wake the fuck up and stop the government from printing more money just to keep mummified oligarchs hogging mansions and yats.
This ugly decrepit ass holes are cancer, they need to be forcibly removed from government, they're fucking a really good shit up in their dreams of forever growth and scrooge mcduck fantasies