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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.19801617

Hey look, it's fucking nothing!

Kill yourself
>1.6M ftm holder

>> No.19801636


Which part of this pdf am i supposed to look at?

>> No.19801687
File: 100 KB, 779x713, Annotation 2020-02-15 1250088444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies, do your fucking job. Three threads going on by these shitty fantom scammers. They have been spamming their scam for years now, 24/7

xar is dead. They lied about their own tps and Visa's tps. Pic. When exposed they stopped communicating on twitter in December. When called out they only gave some nonsense tweets in support of Fantom

>> No.19801703

I found a picture of the schizoid

>> No.19801716

gtfo with your scam bags, faggot

>> No.19801726
File: 311 KB, 1200x900, 74893011-9F27-406D-849B-63E3565597E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19801731
File: 98 KB, 893x834, Hey hey heeeeeyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone "investing" in Fantom deserves to lose his money. This is an OBVIOUS scam and Ponzi scheme. Fantom chink team exit scammed a long time ago. Scammer Andy replaced them with Russian temp devs so the scammers would still have some kind of "product" and "development" to dump on low IQ investors. Fantom promised a 300K dag with smart contracts. Everyone with tech insight knew that was impossible due to the rubbish tech solutions in the white paper.

So when Fantom scammers delivered their utter garbage product, a fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine with some dag like garbage on top of it, even the most deluded Fantom bagholders would normally have seen something was wrong and start to dump. What the Fantom scammer team did to prolong the scam was to introduce a classic Ponzi scheme with absurd ROI that is unsustainable.

But they don't care about that, as it all is designed to attract short term money so they can dump for a couple of months and then complete the exit scam. There is no working product, the "partnerships" are either paid for, mostly in corrupt third world countries or just fabrications. Bitconnect also faked a partnership with Visa, paid for partnership, and positive editorials. Fantom is doing the same thing. Their tech is utter shit and there will be no magical "packaging" of transactions, insane claim, so Fantom suddenly and magically can get high TPS. This is the sad reality:

Michael Chen did a similar scam earlier on, as a warning for everyone to see. This Fantom scam is just as obvious as Bitconnect was Here:

More about why Fantom is a scam here:

>> No.19801939

Shizoid is a loser KEK

>> No.19802018

Time to ban the trashy fantom spammers. They have been a plague on biz for two years now, pushing their crashed scam.

>> No.19802077

Fuck it!
Now if I'm interested in buying some of this shitcoin.

>> No.19802186

Yeah, please go all-in

>> No.19802266

Imagine not owning at least 1mil FTM

>> No.19802303

>Imagine not owning at least 1mil BCC (Bitconnect)