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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19801070 No.19801070 [Reply] [Original]

I’m getting early 2017 vibes

>> No.19801093


>> No.19801128
File: 25 KB, 640x640, universal-protocol-logo-cryptodiffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted this the other day, quite undervalued, UPT

>> No.19801141

vlink and xrpbomb

>> No.19801152

Unless you can explain why those are "gems".

>> No.19801159


>> No.19801163

i have no fckign idea
xrpbomb seems cool but I do not fckigg know

>> No.19801173
File: 50 KB, 525x700, 20200612_030410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not spoon feeding you any further, go see their other connections by yourself

>> No.19801208


>> No.19801227

FLOW just added to Uniswap:


>> No.19801243

Yeah just bought a bag of FLOW, hope im actually right for once, never been this early

>> No.19801246

Right. I’ll get shot for this.

But I have a weird feeling that dude trying to shill tiger coin might be legit. I have no proof, there’s just something about the wording of the post. I’m too scared to buy in Cos everything uniswap is a scam, but I just can’t shake the feeling that’s gonna be a winner. The contracts generic but the ideas good. I dunno, screenshot this if you want. I just have a feeling.

>> No.19801266


I made a 50% profit on REQ/BTC... mainly because of the stupidity of buying into REQ. If you zoom out, the coin went into a nosedive. I thought fuck it and hoped for some noise to increase the value. It was pure luck.
Stay away from this Pajeet coin.

>> No.19801280

Yeah, and link is the god protocol.
DYOR is dogwissle for PAJEETS anyway.

>> No.19801297


>> No.19801318

>early 2017 vibes
I did too. Can someone help me understand this? Is it COVID? We’re entering the next world and crypto is a part?

I’ve been around crypto since 2012. I’ve gone from extremely optimistic to “this is fake dumb play money” about 10 different times.

Why do I feel optimistic again?

>> No.19801320

DFOHUB BUIDL. Rising for weeks, keeps finding stability. Currently around 65c. Decentralized github platform that enables the creation and launching of DFOs and DAOs. Tokens are programmable, team is a group of Italians. The team provides weekly updates and it has already seen adoption. Just started tracking on CMC and Coinbase.

>> No.19801331

im pretty sure this is literally nothing but i bought a bag anyhow. haven’t gambled on a shitcoib in weeks.

>> No.19801379

God I remember AntShares. That was a good one.

I'm long AST, ARPA, ALGO, and LINK.

>> No.19801391
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Decred will 20x in BTC

>> No.19801402


Speaking of Antshares? Switcheo. 2 million cap. Beautiful rebrand. Ticker SWTH

NEO namedrops it constantly now in their updates, one of the quickest developing project.

>> No.19801423
File: 11 KB, 800x600, auctus-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This all other defi tokens have a very saturated mkt cap this is still at 1m $

>> No.19801454

Fantom seems like an obvious one if their DeFi suite is good

>> No.19801476


FUND is the number 1 early 2017 viber

>> No.19801511
File: 57 KB, 1400x933, xhv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19801560

Sys and aergo

>> No.19801634
File: 36 KB, 564x334, AUC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just around $1m mc defi, integrating with Compound, 0x and Uniswap protocols

>> No.19801929

Bascially every coin that /biz/ shills goes to 0. That's why I will never buy link
and DBC, the absolute worst of all

>> No.19801948


>> No.19801959

Statera, and even if it doesn't make it with FMA, it's poised to alter the landscape of crypto.

>> No.19802000

the IND token from ethereumgold.io It just hit its ATH 15 minutes ago

>> No.19802101

so many cryptos listed here fuck i dont know what to toss money into. Aergo sounds kinda dope especially if fucking sequoia china is backing it

>> No.19802158

pretty much the only good ones

>> No.19802162

aave (lend).

btc was the digital gold

eth was smartcontracts/dapps platform

link was oracles

now the next big thing is defi. aave (lend) is the #1 defi project

>> No.19802197
File: 35 KB, 432x250, Curio-Airdrop-by-Probit-CUR-1w9u4eev3s2mvo580yqigsrm4etmuclbzizjy7z4apro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curio CUR

600k marketcap, IDEX listing very soon

>> No.19802376

i'm gonna say bankroll vault will do the first antshares this time

>> No.19803150
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I genuinely think that the virus is rewriting humanity into the next season.

I got ill as fuck in January and was convinced it was corona because as part of my job i had to interact with a lot of rich, travelling chinese students.

I remember vividly having a fever dream so weird that it forced me to rethink my whole life. It was like a free psychedelic trip. Since then i've felt different. The lockdown didn't cause me anguish or depression like it seems to do most people. In fact, it's made me 2x as happier and more productive than before.

TL;DR coronavirus is the launch sequence for the new world order and crypto is a part of it

>> No.19803300

stop shilling your shitcoin pajeet

>> No.19803304


>> No.19803319
File: 9 KB, 275x183, images (56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Backed by Anonymous
>Token actually has use unlike all the other shit you're buying
>Tons of media hype (Joe Rogan Experience, Wired, Techcrunch, etc.)
>First-mover advantage
>Decentralized Facebook
>Millions of users
>Huge discount on Uniswap vs the Minds site price



>> No.19803334
File: 33 KB, 637x405, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DFOhub is confirmed a scam

>> No.19804022

Oh shit, I forgot about this one. Cheers anon.

>> No.19804028

why do you have to remind me. I lost so much on that. And I still think it's a great team and they do heaps. But fucked if the price EVER reflects it.

>> No.19804277

Literally not one single person mentioned TOMO when it unironically has a partnership with LINK and will eventually offer an anonymous platform to buy LINK... Imagine the liquidity if it was 1k/LINK

>> No.19804288

Adbank $ADB the $BAT killer

>> No.19804320

So is the point of this board to throw out names of random shitcoins with zero potential?

Shit this is the same board that shilled btc to me 10 years ago and eventually convinced me and I'm retired at 29. what dumb fucking luck.

But if you have actual tech worth me putting like 10K into I'm open to suggestions

>> No.19804553

streamr $data

>> No.19804755

tellor is giving me antshare vibes
could easily pull a neo and go into the hundreds

>> No.19804807

This guys gets it.

>> No.19805023

Link to tweet, nigger. NOW.

>> No.19805040


>> No.19805058

vechain decred xrp livepeer

>> No.19805076

STAKE. Just read the website.

>> No.19805098

Buidl sta and unipower

>> No.19805100

Let it go, my man. Don't marry your projects. Tellor is nice but they are an also-ran in the field of oracles. You will deny this with all your might, but it simply doesn't have the buzz that antshares had.

>> No.19805105

Only project defi and burns token: $AUC

>> No.19805116

Two of these are great

>> No.19805133

UniPower. That's all I gotta say bud.

>> No.19805214


>> No.19805412
File: 127 KB, 707x147, aergo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AERGO. It is literally one of the most solid projects I've seen in a while ( been in crypto since 2016 ). Honestly just check it out if you don't believe me, you won't regret it

>> No.19805445

AAVE is about to have the run-up we were promised with LINK. The first 10x to $1 has just begun. Maybe wait for a dip, but that's what I've been doing (to buy more) and the dip never seems to comes.

>> No.19805484

Xla the next verge

Fuck everybody else

>> No.19805525


>> No.19805884
File: 70 KB, 1185x515, SINOVATE_SIN_price_charts_market_cap_and_other_metrics_CoinMarketCap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly the most bullish chart I have ever seen

>> No.19805965
File: 168 KB, 1495x1177, New-Kind-of-Gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19806007


>> No.19806026

Take a look into Qtrade and Tradeogre.

>> No.19806079

VI. The TikTok of crypto.

>> No.19806153


>> No.19806252

NKN is the Antshares of next bull run. Difference is they have paying customers using their network.

>> No.19806696

$BDK Exchange Token 1.2M$ Mcap
Staking - Q2 2020
Lending - Q2 2020
BDK holders will get benefits on IEO tickets
IEO announcement soon

>> No.19806739


all are complete shitcoins. AERGO is the only coin you need to make it.