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19800933 No.19800933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Flow token


>> No.19800962

k sold ill get me some dont want to miss out like with hex2t
do you have telegram or anything about the token?

>> No.19800988

There's another thread about this here where they said website and TG released tomorrow and first dapp within next week

>> No.19800990

idk its seems legit for now not sure what to think

>> No.19800996

FLOW - 100% distributed project Anonymous (ID: ICL1F6gw) 06/19/20(Fri)02:27:09 No.19800565▶>>19800596 >>19800617
FLOW is an experiment designed to test the risk appetite of low to medium end investors. Unlike all deflationary tokens out there FLOW's token supply is 100% available on Uniswap, so there are no misunderstandings about allocations and devs share, as trust is paramount to a project's success. Within the next week we will be launching our first Dapp for staking where the staking dividends will come from token burns. Tokens are to be burned with every transaction at a fixed percentage, this will be implemented within a couple of days and the new FLOW tokens will be airdropped to current holders at a 1:1 ratio.

All tokens burned until the staking dapp launch will be collected and rewarded at the first staking distribution in full at a rate proportionate to staker's share, so the first dividend distribution will be massive in comparison to the ones that follow. This will occur one week after staking dapp launch

Website and socials to be opened and published here within 2 days

FLOW just added to Uniswap:


>> No.19801015

Alright I'll give it a go dont dissapoint me

>> No.19801019
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this is early af it decent liquidity for the number of people

>> No.19801076
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>> No.19801107

it is going up slightly i think 10 percent

>> No.19801109

hahaha what the fck

cmon lets pump this bitch up what we waiting for

>> No.19801112


>> No.19801127

its up 30 percent lets go 6k liquidity just came out burn ittttttt

>> No.19801168

Yeah this is good for that first dividend distribution, was waiting for price to drop to scoop some more but I got greedy I think

>> No.19801180

I hope im early finally been losing quite a lot lately

>> No.19801201

This is still the alpha version, tomorrow website launch and next week the first dapp is coming out along with the first dividend distribution happening in 2 weeks. Quite early if u ask me

>> No.19801224

Can we get telegram going and discord?

>> No.19801238

soon m8, 11 holders lets go guys

>> No.19801256

There wont be a discord but the telegram is coming tomorrow and the website too. I'm unironically hyped for the website launch

>> No.19801259

Well its 50% up for me so im good atm

>> No.19801282

Me too, what price point are you aiming at?

>> No.19801298

Even if it's a scam we can 3x this easily in a couple of hrs or less

Let's go biz

>> No.19801329

Well its super early, we're getting holders atm but im aiming for atleast 10 20x

>> No.19801340

Bro you’re crazy x20 is rare af, Im thinking of selling half at x7 and hold the other half in case this pulls a STA

>> No.19801342

im aiming for 50x i mean 14 holders for now only, 96 percent on uniswap, noone has too much it seems legit cant wait for the news

>> No.19801349

50 holders would be 20x if im not mistaken, its very doable exspecially when its not an exit scam

>> No.19801358

if it pulls a sta it is 1000x lol idk i am holding strong it has the name if it is not an exit scam than it is going places and we are early boyz. if it is idgaf i tried :D

>> No.19801384

This has the legs to grow and take off for sure. I am liking how more and more legitimate projects are on Uniswap.

>> No.19801403

Bro if it pulls a STA I’ll be retiring early af ahah lets wish

>> No.19801432

Holy fuck this is climbing

>> No.19801436

People starting to cash out already anons, better be quick

>> No.19801447

what do you mean it is on all time high u moron im already 3x but no weak hands for me tard

>> No.19801457

yeah but more liqudity came its pumping 2x now

>> No.19801471

Early buyers cashed 100$ out lol, didnt even stop climbing yet

>> No.19801475

check again loser

>> No.19801482

yeah hahhah pathetic fktards cashed 100 dollars and it did not touch the price it is just going up so better get on the train

>> No.19801490

its literally pumping still hahahaha what the fuck u on about pajeet niglet

>> No.19801505

Just checked, still climbing

This is at 5k mcap still wtf

>> No.19801510

clearly none of you know how to use uniswap

>> No.19801512

Just got in early buyers sold initial for like $100 LOL only 1 eth to be top 5 early af get in

>> No.19801523

yep hahha but the idiots are fudding while we are on 3x

>> No.19801527

Bro the price is holding steady even when early buyers cashed out a total of 150%, only way is up now

>> No.19801533

well i bought for 0.2 now worth 0.6, is it that hard to understand?

>> No.19801538

Imagine being a top 20 holder when this takes off like STA did. Instant whale status. Just don’t bump me to the bottom.

>> No.19801540

exactly feels good to be early man

>> No.19801541

You can still buy in no need to fud bro, srsly we're at 10k mcap

>> No.19801551

hahahaha let them fud and miss out they would have shaky hands anyway

>> No.19801556

Have we made it frens?

>> No.19801565

still ways to go

>> No.19801570

I think this is the one fellas, should go to sleep but cant stop checking the price, this has found zero resistance yet

>> No.19801578

By 6am this is 100 holders i know it

>> No.19801588


>> No.19801589

yeah me too but it is ok ill go to sleep hopefully it will be 10x by then

>> No.19801600

You're gonna neck yourself as soon as you wake up pal, sweet dreams sweetie ;-*

>> No.19801601

down 15% "ITS DUMPING"

This is how you stay poor

>> No.19801615

yeah hahahaha they panic sell cuz some retard took some profits

>> No.19801656

Last of the early buyers just sold, this is it

I'd like to wake up and see a x5 but I'll settle for a x4 ahaha

>> No.19801670

You never know that happened to me with STA

Really hoping this one does the same

>> No.19801675

where do i check the price

just bought $800 worth

>> No.19801679

its 19 holders. +4 last 3 minutes, we're gonna mooooon

>> No.19801684

Uniswap v2, just put it up and on sell put DAI and select 1 on top and you should see the exact price

>> No.19801688

19 holders and new ath omg keep them hands steady boys and girls we are going to the moon

>> No.19801691

i feel included for once holy shit

>> No.19801715

feels so fucking good
btw 4x now lets go train is leaving the station guys

>> No.19801721

20 holders now its growing!
yeah finally something decent after these 10 min exit scams ffs im tired of those

>> No.19801732


their partnerships and funding are so bullish. unironic gem

>> No.19801734

wow im actually early for once lol thanks anon

>> No.19801735

22 holders omfg the flow is good if it keeps floating like this we will end on on YUPPYTER

>> No.19801751

This definitely has an early STA vibe

>> No.19801755

2 holders every minute, we're starting anons

>> No.19801761

yep just getting started 50x end of week guys..
it is already 5x

>> No.19801771

Dumb scammers

>> No.19801792

24 people omg imagine 200 people it has to be 20x frome here and the website and staking is comming tomorrow guys we are suppa early, finally something good from biz.

>> No.19801829

its 1 in 20 token here on biz, we early and its legit, next IDXT inc

>> No.19801834
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Only 1 sell on the first page, this is it frens