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File: 109 KB, 600x800, view-massage-bangkok-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19793265 No.19793265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

-Retirement visas for Thailand are available to foreigners 50 years of age or older.
-These visas are valid for only one year and employment of any kind is strictly prohibited.
-Applicant must be able to provide proof of a pension or other regular income from a source outside of Thailand;
-Applicant’s pension or other regular income must be no less than the equivalent of 65,000 Baht ($2098) per month;
-Alternatively, the applicant may meet the financial requirement by maintaining a Thai bank account with a minimum amount of 800,000 Baht($25,756).
-(Applicants will need to show that they have 800,000 Baht in savings each year when they renew their visa.)

as long as you aren't spending a fortune on booze and whores, you can live a very comfortable life there for relatively small amount of money.
you can find luxury apartments in Bangkok for ~$1000/month. if you go to a smaller city, the price drops significantly. personally, i am looking at Korat (Nakhon Ratchasima) and to rent a full house will run me about $300-$400 per month.
Thailand has all the charm of third world Asia, but with a far higher standard of living. they have good wifi and air conditioning.
Thai people are also obsessively clean, particularly the women. i have never seen a people so concerned with personal hygiene.
not to mention, when i'm an old man, i'd rather get taken care of by pic related than some Haitian sheboon in an American retirement home.
when will you take the Thai Pill, anon?

>> No.19793289
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protip: thai women hate you

>> No.19793316
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thai women are built for white bvlls

>> No.19794015
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>a well thought out thread, trying to give a nugget of hope to anons
>pictures of actual women
>slid by threads with pics of actual men
the tranny threads are turning you gay, /biz/.

>> No.19794064

>Women under 5'10

>> No.19794071

i bet you'd love her if she had a penis.

>> No.19794084

>living among shitskins
no thanks
it's bad enough here.

>> No.19794104

that's the point. the west is browning at an alarming rate. do you want to be an old white man in a western country? imagine how bad you will be hated in 20-30 years.

>> No.19794106

Thai woman. Can confirm we hate shitskins like you

>> No.19794126

I'm a 8/10 6'2 white male, will thai thots be swooning over me or what

>> No.19794151
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sawadee kap, m'lady
probably, but you need to have impeccable hygiene. they will harass you to take a shower multiple times per day.

>> No.19794153


>actual women

but all those pics are male prostitutes

>> No.19794185
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Thailands great. I don't know why all these incels are hating on it. Probably they've never been. Hows the internet in smaller towns? Shit is terrible in flip land

>> No.19794242

how is healthcare there?

>> No.19794243

>muh ladyboys
if you ever go to Thailand and want to whore monger around, you will notice a phenomenon:
ladyboys are overwhelmingly obvious about being a ladyboy. they advertise themselves as such. they are not trying to fool you into believing they are a woman, they are in fact trying to be a ladyboy.
the hookers and ladyboys are also very territorial, and they keep to their own turf.
anyone who tells you they "accidentally" fucked a ladyboy is lying. they were curious and more than a little bit gay.
i stayed mainly in Korat, and i had fantastic internets. the building i stayed in had great wifi, and i bought a cheap phone and could use the hotspot otherwise.
i like korat because it's super chill. i would personally never want to live in BKK, but it would be fun to visit.

>> No.19794260

why are they so concerned with good hygiene? Is taking multiple showers a day a real thing? Anything more than 1 seems psychopathic

>> No.19794283

no because the streets stink of shit and I respect myself

>> No.19794340

in my humble experience, they enforce showers on you because they want to fuck you. this experience was shared among every other white expat i spoke to that had a thai wife or gf.
not in Thailand, my friend. it's super clean and orderly. Thai people are very clean in their day to day habits. i'm sure there are exceptions to this, but generally they are a very clean culture.

>> No.19794537

Why the fuck would you want to live among monkey people like some boomer degenerate than with your family in your home country?

>> No.19794659

my country is being sucked dry by spics and burned down by niggers. it's all well and good to larp as a badass when you're a young man, but when you get old, do you want to be at the mercy of people who have been raised to hate you with a passion?

>> No.19794757

I would rather live my elder years with my brother, cousins, nieces, nephews, as well as wife, children, grandchildren if I ever have those. I'm not larping as a badass, I just want to make enough money to be independently wealthy and not need some nig nurse to take care of me in a retirement home. If I ever get to the point where I can't even take care of myself, and nobody in my family would take care of me, I would rather just die.

>> No.19794806

luckily i never needed any medical attention while i was there, however, i would feel perfectly comfortable going to a Thai doctor or dentist.
you will need to live in a majority/exclusively white enclave or you will be raped by a gang of niggers.

>> No.19794808

Fuck off you racist clown. Oh poor me, it's not my fault that Blacks are the victim of systemic racism. You and your ilk literally held black captive as slaves. Called them monkey's and apes and push this false narrative that african americans are beneath you on the evolutionary food chain

>> No.19794813

What are thai women like? Is the tight asf meme true? Do I just need to be white?

>> No.19794824

That's the plan.
Shut up nigger, black lives don't matter

>> No.19794891

none of my ancestors owned slaves, yet i am blamed for it for just being white. racial hatred against whites will only increase in the coming decades. the nigger will never be appeased because of "muh slavereeeeeeee".
you will never get reparations because if they based it on slave owners in your family tree, it would disproportionately effect jews and their money.
it's a woman. at the end of the day, it's still a fucking woman. there are no miracles.
they generally like white men, and americans in particular have a reputation for being nice. beyond money, we are known to not beat on or cheat on our women. that's the sentiment i got, at least.

>> No.19794958

Thailand is paradise

>> No.19794983

How is it convenience wise I’ve lived in japan and I love that you don’t have to drive at all if you don’t want to

>> No.19795003

America is truly a garbage dump get out while you can

>> No.19795031

this anon gets it
it's super convenient. lot's of shit open 24 hours, cheap taxis everywhere. trains, buses, etc. everything nice, clean, and cheap. no need to own a vehicle.
it's a sinking ship, has been for a long time now. boomers sold us out for nigger gibs and mexican slave labor.

>> No.19795045

Literally all men

>> No.19795069

There is nothing more pathetic than a man going to Asia for girls. In order to do this you have to be completely beyond hope with no social interaction at all because you basically have to burn down your life completely in order to do this. The women aren't even cute and they'll just follow you around like a walking cash machine

>> No.19795097

cant disagree with that tho honestly
i dont find the women attractive at all but i love east asian civility and food

>> No.19795106

Thailand is fucking dope.

Infinite pussy.

It's warm every day of the year. You only have to deal with rain.


That being said you can't drink the tap water, police are corrupt as shit, and you're a foreigner. I might spend like half the year there when I'm older but I don't think I wanna do it full time.

>> No.19795142

it's less about the girls in Thailand and more about the nonwhite hordes in America and other western nations, who will certainly become more dangerous to whites in the coming years.
i think the girls are cute tho, and i have no qualms anymore about just renting a gf once in a while. you save money in the long run.
thai food is god tier.
have you spent much time outside the tourist areas? it's quite nice. i wouldn't mind living out my twilight years there. america is done for.

>> No.19795176

I lived in Asia for a year.

It gets tiring not having a place of your own and being a foreigner. You feel like a transient. I would not recommend living in a foreign country long term desu.

>> No.19795266

my country feels more foreign with each passing year, and the system is meant to keep me as a slave worker for as long as possible.
in SEA, i'd be able to live comfortably for much less money and be able to retire early.
i like thailand personally, it's just an idea i wanted to throw out there.
it gives me hope. there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.19795313

but it's asian pussy. and not the good kind like Japanese

>> No.19795377

Yeah what I mean though is if you are a man and live there even if you don't care about girls and only are there for food, nature, cost of living etc, it doesn't matter because people just assume you're a pervert and that stuff is just cover. That's why in order to do this you basically have to have zero prospects and social connections at home because you lose it the second you go over there because of that natural assumption people make

>> No.19795386

>my country is being sucked dry by spics and burned down by niggers.
And yet here you are crying about it on pol and fantasizing about race mixing instead of doing something about it.

>> No.19795401

fuck no. you will literally be kidnapped and enslaved, living out your retirement in Thailand is the worst idea ever

>> No.19795515

>do sumthin' 'bout it, pussy
stfu you retard. it's over. sunk cost fallacy.
i spent my twenties and early part of my thirties backpacking it around asia, just by saving up my wagebucks and just going for 6 months to 1 year at a time (18 months was my longest trip around asia).
everybody told me i would get kidnapped and robbed.
it never happened once. worst thing to happen was getting ripped off by taxis.
i only ever got fed, fucked, and treated with politeness and respect.

>> No.19795633

On the day of the rope racemixers will be the first to hang.

>> No.19795719

>"muh rope day"
you're going to fly all the way to Thailand to hang me? i'll have the maid make up the guest room for you.

>> No.19795772

Fuck off bro, I have kids with 1 Arab and 1 Sicilian.

Just mad your not getting any pussy.

>> No.19795801

You got the right mindset anon. I’m looking to retire early in Morocco since my son has citizenship there.

>> No.19795829

imagine being stuck in a shithole like that when SHTF

>> No.19795869

unless youre in like vermont or something youre probably better off in thailand if you have money

>> No.19795925

Wouldn't it be better to be in a shithole when shtf, as the shithole is already a shithole, so daily life would not really be that affected compared to more advanced nations that are heavily dependent on delicate infrastructure and globalism to survive?

Like how much did 2008 affect life in shitholes like Africa or SEA compared to the west?

>> No.19795958

>you’re just mad you don’t get PUSSY bro
>is divorced

>> No.19795972

a high quality post, offering yet another affordable option towards the path of early retirement.
best of luck, anon.
Thailand is not a shithole, anon. it's surprisingly nicer than you'd think. it's definitely a first world living standard in the cities. the poorer areas of the country make up for in beauty and charm what they lack in luxuries.
worth a trip.
with a humble amount of passive income through dividends, pension, or social security, you could live a much higher quality of life in thailand than any area of america.
innawoods is innawoods. when shtf it matters little where you are on the globe, as long as you have an escape plan.
having a studio apartment in a city and a small getaway cottage in the countryside is FAR more affordable in SEA.
it's an achievable goal.

>> No.19796018

Can you find a legit waifu for love there, or are they all golddiggers who want green cards as the white harpy myth goes?

>> No.19796021

I am afraid not being allowed to make fun of the royal family offends my American sensibilities too much.

>> No.19796077

Never married the Sicilian and the Moroccan I am married too in Maroc just not in the US. Islam is great for men. Both kids have my last name too fag.

Good luck to you aswell anon!

>> No.19796118

women are women no matter how far you travel, anon. thai women have their quirks, but it's still a woman nonetheless.
as far as a green card, i would never even consider bringing a foreign wife to the states. she would be ruined within 6 months.
thailand offers a retirement visa tha doesnt require you to be married, so there is no pressure to do so.
if you've /made it/ and have set yourself up with some passive income, i don't see why you'd ever want to take your thai wife out of thailand for longer than a vacation.
a fair criticism.

>> No.19796181
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>1 Arab and 1 Sicilian
What's the difference?

>> No.19796212

Absolutely untrue. Unless you're an absolute dickhead or Indian.
I'm working towards retiring in Thailand or Vietnam in the next 10 years. I'll pull the trigger once my net worth reaches $2 million. The Thai visa requirements are a huge pain in the ass, and it looks like it'll only get worse in the future. The easiest option is to marry a Thai woman and I've got women in Nakhon Sawan, Chonburi, and Maha Sarakham that would marry me in a heartbeat.

>> No.19796270

absolutely, undeniably based and early asian retirement pilled.
the requirement to have a thai bank account with ~$26k seems easy af for a visa renewal requirement. just let it sit there until you decide to go elsewhere.
but hey...you already know

>> No.19796298

The Arab is a great lover, and great cook along with treating me very well. I recall being sick and she stripped me down naked and gave me a bath then rubbed my body down with oil. It also takes very little money to make the Arab happy about $200 usd a month. She is a shit mother though with my son.

The other one well she kind is after every penny she can get, worry’s more about her image then anything. Always fighting and complaining non stop. Sex was alright but no passion. She is however an amazing mother to my son and would kill for him.

>> No.19796337

thai elite visa.

thailand is a shithole, its a good spot for virgins and autists to spend a year here, but for anyone who considers themself well adjusted id stay away. Lived there 3 years, regret it kinda, 1 year would have been more than enough

>> No.19796458

why bother when America is producing so many hungry, home-grown traps?

>> No.19796463

>Retiring to rent
>White bulls
>Gonna be sucking dick like white bear

>> No.19796562

Where did you stay? And did you bother to pick up any of the language? I think that's a big factor in enjoying the non-tourist spots.

>> No.19796581

>I would never want to live in Thailand
>You should retire to Thailand
>I plan to retire to Thailand

Are you retarded or did you forget you were OP?

>> No.19796720


>> No.19796997

i personally would never want to live in bangkok, just visit. i would prefer a smaller city/town for long term living.

>> No.19797000
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I don't understand why any straight man would ever choose mongoloids over latinas if the goal is affordable exotic pussy. Bug women are so androgynous, so similar to little boys. I wonder about the type of people who are obsessed with them.

>> No.19797011

Checked, what’s a good latin country for a white men to slay in?

>> No.19797013

latinas are snobby, and only stay hot for 2-3 years, then they turn into nasty goblinas.
latinas are a bad investment.

>> No.19797521

Thailand is a great place, I'd love to live there, and I don't say that because of the hookers. Hookers and sexcapades aside it's a great place.

>> No.19797574

Every race held slaves. Africans practice slavery now. You only get upset because it's safe to do so in USA. They had to spend 50 years time of propoganda, subversion, and slow genocide just so you could be angry, safely, and post from your air conditioned, affirmative action supplied apartment about how oppressed you are. Go over to Africa and see how rules of nature treats you.

It is irrelevant anyway. Day of the rope soon, nigger.

>> No.19797617

Found the nigger

>> No.19797787

do you faggots unironically believe women can be an investment or is this a meme?

>> No.19797835

Go back where you came from pls

>> No.19797946

Literally just live in small town America
I lived in South Dakota for 2 years and only saw white people
Idk why you are this retarded that you think you have to escape your country when you like 60% of the us is at your disposal.

>> No.19798015
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If you learn enough Spanish to get by, you can slay in every single one of them. Their culture is just more laid back, nobody gets mad if you have fun down there. It's a very easy language to learn too.

>> No.19798069

Where is it legal to own a white loli wife? Ukraine? Poland?

>> No.19798098

hideous. i wouldn't fuck that thing with my dog's dick.

>> No.19798104
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>Is taking multiple showers a day a real thing?
Yes. All Asian women do this. It's why I enjoy rimming my Asian wife so much. No fear, just fun.

>> No.19798105

That's a ... yeah

>> No.19798613

Oh god I'm fucking laughing so hard at that you have no idea. Sweden you absolute mess of a country.
>cute Asian girls not allowed
>African boyfriends mandatory

>> No.19798616

Why are you comparing a cold underpopulated shithole like South Dakota to a beautiful tropical country? Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.19798794

Probably this is nigs psyoping whites to leave. Why leave ones country because of darkies to go live in a darkies country. And Thais here willingly pander to Jew witches. Fuck Thais.

>> No.19798853

>he thinks nigs are capable of psyops
niggers can't even manage to feed their children. they need free breakfast/lunch in schools for the niggers, otherwise they riot.

>> No.19798864

Yea, all the lower class fat ugly losers in my country go to Thailand to retire.
I have been to Bangkok once. It was disgusting, degenerate, poor and I could tell that everyone just saw me as a walking wallet.
And the women are some of the worst looking in Asia imo.
If you can afford it there are much better and much more interesting/ civilized places to retire in Asia (e.g. Japan).

>> No.19798886

I assure you, the feeling is mutual.

Expats who spent any time in Thailand realize that your bullshit two-tier pricing system (pay 20x to enter a national park), ever changing visa rules, msg laden foods, and suffocating air pollution all make it not worth living there.

>> No.19798923

will thai girls let you creampie them on the first date? i hate condoms

>> No.19798933

98% of the posters here are Indian

>> No.19798985

Lol yes. I creampied two girls within 24 hours during my trip in December. I creampied the second girl almost everyday for 2 weeks and ended up getting her pregnant (birth control issues). Thankfully she miscarried in January.

>> No.19799037


>> No.19799079

Only if you are white and attractive/are incredibly charming. Thai women are more wary of STDs these days, so you might have to work for it.

>> No.19799095

>b-b-but muh iq!!!!

Face it, honkey white devil nazi, not everything vital to life can be measured, contained, and written down as a numerical score. You lost, and your women love the bbc. Anytime you ever try to propagate, the white devil slut immediately sharts out your seed and craves the bbc load, in every hole possible, all over. I can’t tell you how many white bitches want my seed, must be over 50 by now.

>> No.19799124

where do you think you are? serious question

>> No.19799127

why are joggers allowed internet access? have they ever contributed anything meaningful to western civilization other than when they mashed up peanuts?

>> No.19799154

responding in earnest to that question lmao. the real answer is that the only difference is that one of them is black(italian)

>> No.19799163

Let me clarify.

I am white and semi fit. I barebacked every woman I dated or brought home in Thailand and they loved it.

My Arab friend had endless issues with women and always complained about condoms, and my black marine friend also complained about condoms.

I didn't even have condoms in my apartment. I don't even know what condoms cost in Thailand because I never bought any in the 6 months I lived there.

I never brought any when we went whoring either because I assumed that I could just bareback them if I wanted, and I did. Once again my nonwhite friends and drinking buddies bitching about condoms. Hmm.

>> No.19799204

Found the chink. How much do you make a day Chang? Like $5 equivilent I bet, then you go back to your psyop legion dorm and huff the farts of 100 other Hunan province peasants trained since birth to act like niggers on the western world internet.

Lmfao what a life.

>> No.19799295

>Browsing 4channel
Im a 11/10 myself

>> No.19799340

>T. Helpleds antigun fag

>> No.19799369

>thinks condoms are for women
>not for protecting him

White trash detected

>> No.19799381

you're so gay. i have a dozen guns and many thousands of rounds of ammo.
im not going to be fending off the brown hordes when im old and crappy.
i'll take my chance with the asians.

>> No.19799446
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Tell yourself that at the next bam meeting, honkey. At least in hunan, we don’t have niggers telling us shit. Stay white, honkey. China is tops.

>> No.19799603

thaipill is most based pill but you should keep it on the down low we don't want more retards ruining it for us, let them meme about ladyboys they're all brainwashed to remain slave npcs in the west

>> No.19799639
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asian gfs all the way -spic-

>> No.19799682
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I prefer white women.

>> No.19799697

So rent for 2-3 years. Why the fuck would you even mention investing? GFYS

>> No.19799700

wait....that's a man

>> No.19799751

I'm sure all of us do, but we want to retire early.

>> No.19799766

Why would anyone want to be near third rate asians?

>> No.19799816
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What are you talking about?

>> No.19799856
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white stacy cannot compete

>> No.19799873

ignorant pussies always FUD great travelling opportunities

>> No.19800010


White women are disgusting liberal whores. As a white man I took the brown/yellow pill and haven’t looked back.

>> No.19800277

what do we call an asian stacy?

>> No.19800330
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sugoi desu desu

>> No.19800345

>Thailand has all the charm of third world Asia
There is no "charm" in third world asia. it's either overcrowded factory cities or grinding poverty in the boonies.
>Thai people are also obsessively clean
This is how I know you're larping.

Go live there for the ladyboys, but stop with the snake oil. It's a third world shithole, with cheap whores.

>> No.19800369

>thai women
They're all ladybois

>> No.19800391


>> No.19800438

Because it's basically jungle, and humid as fuck, and they don't want some fat round eye's sweat all over them.

I've been to Thailand. It sucks. The cities are noisy and ugly. The countryside is nice, if you like jungle. The traffic is fucked, as a white person you can't leave the cities without fear of being kidnapped for ransom, the cops HATE expats, and don't even get me started on the fucking muslims. Southern Thailand is a shithole because of them.

OP is a fat whoremonger who's trying to get validation for getting sucked by ladyboys on the cheap.

>> No.19800497

You missed the joke he's referencing the Moorish occupation of Southern Europe.

>> No.19800526

Thailand is shit and the women look gnarly. Indonesia is the way to go.

When FUND hits $1, that's where I'm building my fortress.

>> No.19800613
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I would rather be OP than wage cucking for ungreafull fat white stacy in burgerland/EU

>> No.19800633

I don't think the assumption is as widespread as you think, it is a common stereotype though

>> No.19800650

Im a LINK ICOer (pre sibos OG) and I lived in Thailand


>> No.19800718

Is Thailand becoming anti foreigners?
I had a pinoy happa gf, don't you think the Philippines is more cozy (many speak english, catholic, more western)

>> No.19800812

I'm 6'2, with blond hair and blue eyes. Are thai women going to insist I cum inside them?

>> No.19800872

Almost every country hates foreigners either in an overt or subtle way.
Farang, gaijin, gringo, foreigner, westerner...

Don't think it has changed much recently in terms of foreigner perception, most need foreigners for their livelihood especially in the smaller or tourist areas.
Philippines is more of a shithole. Worse traffic, poorer, more pollution.
The girls speak english but are much uglier.
Since I am rich all the Thai girls I met with spoke english and were rich themselves anyway.

Most likely not. Sex in Thailand has changed quite a bit recently. And almost all of them have been pumped and dumped by now so no they won't be begging for it you retard.

>> No.19800884

why would you wanna live there. thai people hate foreigners especially white people. there's this youtube channel i binged one time (can't recall name) and it talked about thai life and they did interviews. they fucking hate you and just see you as a walking atm. they even have multiple terms for you. they take your money and go to their thai boyfriends who they think are more masculine anyway (the hot thais usually have a thai version of a chad usually a fighter). young and old all hate you, go somewhere else dude. at least in the Philippines they worship white people and are by nature friendly and loving.

>> No.19800888

I'm 6'5, haven't been to Thailand but in general in Asia if you aren't full blown autistic you'll do well. Fair warning to all you incels though the women in these countries are wildly different from people in the west and its really hard to find one you'll connect with more than a friend level really, at least in my experience. Cultural barriers aren't a joke

>> No.19800909

I think about it everyday. I just need a scheme to secure around 3k passive income every month so I can live like a demi god. And a few based white friends to come with for company.

>> No.19800921

whatever im not trying to make friends there. i just wanna get my dick wet and stealth creampie every thai slut i come across

>> No.19800967

you guys are gonna make it

>> No.19801044
File: 212 KB, 600x600, 1528928441_20f947c0a41e6ed495867441e9d2c16c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to make it
How do you think i would do in SEA as a mulatto amerimut?

>> No.19801081

You'll do fine as long as you don't look, act, or smell Indian. A lot of Thai women primarily prefer White or Korean/Japanese men, but tons of them are Ok with Black/Arab/Hispanic, etc.

>> No.19801231

Google flying farang but ignore the hockey team, google tries to hide all the articles of foreigners getting married to thai women who get tossed from balconies.

You cant own property in thailand. It has to be majority owned by a thai; that goes for commerical and residential unless you put some crazy money into the economy for residential.

Listen man, its better to be poor in a rich country than rich in a poor country. I've lived in SK for 3 years, China for 2 years, japan for a year, Thailand for 2 years (all teaching English) I've lived in Shenzhen for the past 2 years doing ecommerce and selling shit online.

Everyone here is giving you shit advice. Stay away from Thailand. If you are their for retirement of living luxury, Youll get killed, it's a matter of time. Trust me. They will kill you for less than 10k and the police only need like 100 bucks to ignore it and rule it a suicide.

>> No.19801240

i get your point but still find it stupid. for me it's like going for a vacation in a place full of violent niggers that hate me. why would i wanna go there when i can go somewhere that's safer and pleasant to at least walk around in, even if i'm just there to rawdog all the hoes there.

>> No.19801258

Also very true. Everything I said was in context of visiting a place for a few months maybe or on a study abroad. Living in these places is just not worth it. You can easily make it living in some of the western US states and be much happier

>> No.19801319

Also worth noting that living in Eastern Asia is fine. Koreans and Japanese are both nice enough, though they'll never truly accept you or act not weird towards you. I stayed in Nagoya for about 6 months, made some good friends and plowed plenty of girls but the amount of people who just want to be your friend to 'practice English' or people who will be nice but want nothing to do with you on a regular basis is high. Could live there permanently if you like, but do it knowing that.

>> No.19801585

Hey there shlomo

>> No.19801646


As a Thai native, gotta add something to the plus and minus of living here.


1. Rules in Thailand are rarely enforced. So there are not a lot of rules to follow. For example, prostitution is illegal but it's still everywhere. We have a dictatorship but the government is mostly incapable of enforcing its laws due to corruptions. As long as you don't mess with the government, they don't come after you.

2. Thailand's economy is mostly agriculture and tourism. You will never worry about not having foods to eat or whores to fuck.

3. I lived in Korat for a while. Outside provinces are generally better to live due to better traffic, less pollution and lower cost. There is little lifestyle difference between living in Korat and Bangkok as big shopping malls are everywhere these days. You can also buy stuffs online and take online taxi's almost everywhere.

4. About Wu Flu, most people here don't give a shit. I've been to Chinatown in Bangkok during the lockdown a month ago. About half of the old people there don't wear masks. They probably know it's a scam.

5. If you're into gold, there is no premium to buy gold bar here. Plus, you don't have to show your ID, if you buy gold jewelry. The premium is pretty low compared to the US and the gold priced is based on XAUUSD and USDTHB rates.


1. Thai women are becoming gay and feminists. They rather fuck themselves. So it's not advisable to look for long term relationship here. A lot of leftover single moms looking for white boyfriends to make money. Thai men are mostly simps as they have to pay dowry to women to get married. Imagine what a country full of simps does to women.

2. Chinese are moving in big time.They are the reason Bangkok real estate is expensive. If you want to save on rent, live away from Chinese people. I wouldn't be surprised if Thailand become a province of China in 10 years.

3. If you are white, you'll get charged more in everything.

If this is helpful, I'll post more.

>> No.19801713

would a mixed nord - somali do well

>> No.19801736

Curious, is this anon >>19801081 right about Thai women especially hating Indians?

>> No.19801816
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best luck next life rashish