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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 984x756, ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19798207 No.19798207 [Reply] [Original]

whatchu think

>> No.19798255

The partnership with the Ukrainian / Chinese takeaway place was fucking hilarious... My sides

>> No.19798297

I had a look into this, it's a no joke pajeet team like all of them. Ghostie's really quiet on that particular truth. shit is so obviously fake,Mcafee has done multiple pnd scams already yada yada nobody wants this literal street shitting token

>> No.19798302

I sold my COMP should I add to my ghost stack :)

>> No.19798318

They have a working partnership with a Ukrainian / Chinese takeaway and only hire pajeet devs.. Personally I'm all in

>> No.19798326

It’s going to pump even with their half ass software.

>> No.19798409

It already pumped, Josh and insiders got all their esh for free and have tons of wallets with 5-100k go look at the bot shit happening on etherscan. They just needed time to feed them out to idex, easy win. Why do you think everything was such low effort? I’d do the same, just half ass a pajeet team together (check) slow sell my massive gains (in esh for free, check) and see what pajeet team does for keks, I’ve already cashed out a few million

>> No.19798476

not to mention when you have domain over announcements and Mcafee tweets you know when it's going to go up or down and why. He can swing % of his sell off gains and compound even more ether by knowing when the highs and lows are coming

>> No.19798893
File: 1.21 MB, 2473x3500, NINTCHDBPICT000427086504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19799057

ProBit listing when?

>> No.19799104

>ProBit listing when?

>> No.19800125

It is going to be so fucking funny when this shit pumps higher than link within the first fucking week of mainnet.

It will be even funnier when it pumps higher than Monero within 6 months.

It will be funnier still when it pumps higher than ETH at the same time when BTC dumps to worthless making GHOST the #1 Crypto in 2021.

>> No.19800155

Yeah, the crew who shilled it here in May moved on to STA. Enjoy your bags.

>> No.19800343

yeah and xrp will be the normie coin standard as ghost thrives in the blackmarket

>> No.19800552

It already mooned heavily. Cut your losses or be the last bagholder.

sell today and buy Suterusu before it moves.

>> No.19800903
File: 34 KB, 546x658, brainlet-1mb-block-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't tell if this is fud or real. gotta be fud

>> No.19800969

shit show project but expect to unironically moon due to meme factor and normie appeal

>> No.19801164

>normie appeal
biztards couldn't even figure out idex or how to add the custom token to metamask and had to be spoon fed. lot of normies into monero zcash huh fuckin retard

normies don't know or follow Mcafee besides when he's on the news for 10 seconds about drugs, murder, hookers and child brides brainlet. his twitter is all boomer alex jones brainlets, even at 1m followers the 24volume at bitcoin.com is like $500 and none of them are buying