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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1980010 No.1980010 [Reply] [Original]

What is the fastest way to get 1000$?

>> No.1980013


>> No.1980022

when you're unemployed and have 0$ atm and need at least $700 urgently?

>> No.1980057

You have some spare kneepads?

>> No.1980066

shouldnt have to be in this situation nigga always plan ahead and have spare money just in case

>> No.1980068

Armed robbery.

>> No.1980072

Put all your money in bitbean

>> No.1980094

Buy PoSW and cash out in a day or two

>> No.1980682

Sell a kidney

>> No.1980708


>> No.1980712

In the USA, I'd say cleaning. Cleaning is a lucrative business. And everything always needs cleaning, and cleaning cannot be outsourced. Work hard, And you will get 1000 bucks in no time.

>> No.1980716

Buy some FRN it's going to get pumped because of the French election

>> No.1980741

For most of us?

Walk 2 mins to bank

Withdraw $1000

>> No.1980757

suck dick. dead serious

>> No.1981219

unemployed, in croatia....so i cant get a loan i think

>> No.1981241

Go to craigslist and offer to suck guys off for $$$. It's not gay if you don't swallow.

>> No.1982239


Buy 1000 stocks of AMD.

Wait a week.

Sell it for $1 more than you bought it for.

$1000 profit.

>> No.1982301

from fastest to slowest
print it
steal it
borrow it
work for it
buy some "investment" and wait for it to grow until the profit margin equals the $1000
place money in a bank and wait for interest to build up to $1000 (does not work for interest rates <= to 0%)

>> No.1982304

Start sucking dick.

>> No.1982500

buy POSW

>> No.1982502


>> No.1982569


>trying to find your old kneepads


>> No.1983618


ignore shitcoins

ignore shitcoins

ignore shitcoins

ignore shitcoins

ignore shitcoins

>> No.1983629

You missed the most important advice of all

>ignore nocoiners

>> No.1983777

i think im gonna steal it but don't know from who and where, i should scam

>> No.1983958

suck 14x$50 dicks

>> No.1984048

suck dick and sell meth.

>> No.1984161


Go fucking work. I'm not saying you need to love working, but develop a routine and steady income to avoid asking such a pathetic question. Plenty of hours in a week for you to be a degenerate after you've earned it.

$1000 doesn't come from shit coins overnight unless you time the right coin.
A lot of fags shill coins like they've actually seen gains themselves. In reality they're basking in the speculation they're shitcoin of choice may currently be carrying. Thinking 1000% gain is happening overnight when in reality most you cucks sell your shit after a week.

Those who truly make a sustainable lavish living off crypto hold shit for years.

>> No.1984167
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pimpin' hoes buddy

>> No.1984169

stealing, blowjobs

>> No.1985432

Steal from a drug dealer. They always have cash because they can't get caught wiring huge deposits, just get close to one and either start selling or stealing.

>> No.1985827

it is not that easy, i would steal from whores because they are women and its easier to knock them out

>> No.1986003
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Invest in any of the currencies that are a part of team bean

>> No.1987193


- Rob a servo

- Have sex with men

- Sell drugs

- Go busking/begging in the streets

Why do you need the money so badly OP? Also, what skills do you have? Where do you live? What's available?

>> No.1987195

This is what biz is without crypto. Fucking pathetic scum

>> No.1987230

biz is full of idiots and shills who think they're going to be millionaires with shitcoins. Just for the record this is realistically the fastest and easiest way to earn $1000. Not saying it's the most ethical or sustainable way, just the quickest.

>> No.1987242

OP sell your possessions on eBay/Craigslist/Pawn shop