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File: 57 KB, 1200x847, EazK61-XkAEDjbI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19796081 No.19796081 [Reply] [Original]

Is this bullish for bitcoin?

>> No.19796125

those are chainlink holders

>> No.19796202

That's a man

>> No.19796213
File: 2.19 MB, 774x480, 1592501210263.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are two men? in the game?

>> No.19796260

where is this from?

>inb4 /tv/ or /v/

>> No.19796324

surprised the jews took this long to start indoctrinating kids via video games. they have almost everything covered by now

>> No.19796344
File: 23 KB, 456x528, 1508018976420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that man is wearing a bra

>> No.19796346

is trans coffee good for you

>> No.19796349

Considering the primary demographic that enjoyed and cared about the last game, who the fuck wants to see this.

>> No.19796351

soros bought loads of activision blizzard stock recently
can't wait to see gay thrall, tranny bolvar and call of duty: kill whitey

>> No.19796369
File: 71 KB, 509x423, 1592508930460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no... oh no... AHAHAAAHAHAHAAA

>> No.19796375

What game is this from

>> No.19796395

Last of Us 2

>> No.19796400

Last of Us 2

>> No.19796409

Nobody, so they've resorted to making memes of the cringe

>> No.19796413
File: 198 KB, 768x1024, 1552620553874m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely asqueroso

>> No.19796415
File: 128 KB, 693x1024, 12717F0B-169C-43F7-87F3-5D54952570DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill all Jews

>> No.19796490

Surprised snoy is pro censor but this disgusting thing gets a pass.

>> No.19796605


That's clearly a muscular woman, which makes sense considering they're in a zombie apocalypse. What, do you expect her to look like a Stacy or something? This is coming from a guy who thinks trannies are mentally ill freaks.

>> No.19796678

what's the game?

>> No.19796713

i think its the last of us 2

>> No.19796876

well this is what a shieldmaiden looks like

>> No.19796925
File: 20 KB, 509x423, 1592511604142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck jannies

>> No.19797034

>sony is selling this to kids

>> No.19797099

I know you are memeing but how can a woman build up this much muscle in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?

>> No.19797098


>Senran Kagura NEEDS to be censored
>Also check out our flagship title


>> No.19797110

>but how can a woman build up this much muscle in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?

running, carrying supplies, climbing over buildings and raising heavy objects to move them out of the way or get under

>> No.19797126

giving birth

>> No.19797127

Yeah, and it's established that she's an actual female in the first game.

>> No.19797144

No matter how much a woman lifts she wouldn't get that bulky unless she used roids. That's a man's body and they know exactly what they are selling.

>> No.19797166

A biological female or a fake tranny female?

>> No.19797189

>sequel to beloved game
>"it's going to tell a story unlike anything other!"
>it's just gay people fuckin'
lmaoooo jesus christ the culture has changed

>> No.19797193

>I look like dude in the left
Does that make me gay?

>> No.19797203
File: 700 KB, 1422x1756, SmartSelect_20200618-153910_Firefox Focus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19797250

no the best way to catch a tranny is by the hands. all trannies no matter how thin and fragile they are have man hands. that looks like a female albeit a strongly built one.

>> No.19797385

Fuck this goy earth

>> No.19797394

>>but how can a woman build up this much muscle in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?
i kek'd ngl

>> No.19797400



>> No.19797421

Is that JonKim?

>> No.19797469
File: 47 KB, 800x672, 800px_COLOURBOX3768422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she kinda looks like this woman in build

>> No.19797474

OHHHHH the story line makes it acceptable to show a gay sex scene in a video game marketed at adolescent teenagers. Right on (((anon)))

>> No.19797486


>> No.19797490
File: 41 KB, 455x720, c64e66fc847966f13628178a86cd8d84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but remember it could be worse

>> No.19797493

You filthy kike. Even if it is a biologically women who looks like a man- THE PROPAGANDA IS STARING YOU IN THE FACE

>> No.19797557

>tfw some kid from a garbage board makes a garbage thread on the good board
People with cookies from kiddie hobbies should be banned from posting on adult boards.

>> No.19797577

so athletic women look like a man to you?
if you can't tell the screaming differences you may be a latent homosexual actually.

>> No.19797598

but it's a game for men to jerk off to
the woman should be hot, not look like trannies

>> No.19797619
File: 127 KB, 555x555, 1589669810180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Comments are turned off. Learn more

>> No.19797622

Yep, like that tranny attention whore who posts on /ck/ hiding his face. He really takes it personally when everyone tells him that his physic and hands are exactly that of a mans and he is not fooling anyone pretending to be a girl.

>> No.19797641
File: 311 KB, 923x616, Sony-kikes-anti-white-propaganda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real kicker is that this entire game was made just to make people watch that scene, make children watch that scene. The rest of the game - just window dressing. The spark that created that game is exactly like pic related, how can we get faggotry into a game - and from that point everything is built around it.

This is how Jews make propaganda.

>> No.19797650

Also, no that is a tranny man in TLoU2

>> No.19797701

wtf I hate the jews now

>> No.19797708

yeah, that women definitely moves around 10k-30klbs of weight a day...
thats how it keeps its physique in the apocolypses..
must mix like 700 bags of crete a day...

>> No.19797713

i like a bit of realism. 40kg fairies beating up tough heavy built men (often while wearing high heels) is past hilarious it's retarded. a man is about 2-3 times stronger than a women of equal weight on average.
that's a hell of a lot of difference. their muscle quality and build and the geometry of their frame is different. so even if a woman has the same muscle mass and build she will still be a lot weaker.

if men have to get spanked around by femmes in fiction i prefer them to be built af at least.

>> No.19797732

why didn't they make the girl on girl sex scene naked?


>> No.19797734

doesn't look like it to me at all, face neck hands all look fragile compared to the guys. the thing that confuses you is they fucked up the shoulders and the upper arm a bit for the model.

>> No.19797779
File: 20 KB, 881x293, t43534645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19797816
File: 179 KB, 457x786, sony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19797836

Update it to an asian man ffs. That's just lazy anon.

>> No.19797853

>Last of us
>For children
Don't have kids

>> No.19797885

They have a huge US presence

>> No.19797954
File: 159 KB, 630x700, 322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>warned a friend about this shitty game
>he doesnt believe me and still wants to buy it full price

>> No.19797990


>Miniplayer turned off for kids

>> No.19798006

i am now fully erect

>> No.19798008



>> No.19798269

op is gay

>> No.19798730

>wow giant corporation is so chad xd