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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19792613 No.19792613 [Reply] [Original]

Hello brothers, I could use your help. Also, in your opinion, what would be the best portfolio in my case?

>> No.19792756

unironically impossible to have a body like this without roids

>> No.19792761

So a 50:50 link xcm Portfolio. Both available on coinmetro.com

Their exchange token xcm is linked to their volume and is still really low, they are starting a Marketing campaign in july. One of the few crypto with a product behind it, not only hype.

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>> No.19792773

i would propose chainlink since it seems you already have the sexuality to go with it.

>> No.19792776

he seems natty, traps and wrists are normal sized. Lifting for 5 years + low fat + good insertions can do the trick

>> No.19792829


>> No.19792831

go all in STA

>> No.19792876

Sweet pecs, bro.
Now. Use $1000 to buy Statera.
After you do that, and you're feeling comfy as fuck, use the remaining $700 to buy more Statera.
I can't beleieve you thought I was gonna suggest two projects, when you only need Statera.

C'mon, dude.

>> No.19792949

Wrong, I’m a natural pro bodybuilder and compete in shows where we get tested for roids

>> No.19792998


So you have balloon tits as well? Fucking retards.

>> No.19793007

Or use RobinHood and turn your $1700 into -$730,165.72

>> No.19793037

don't "invest" in crypto, learn how to trade crypto instead

>> No.19793066
File: 3.69 MB, 750x1334, B4087C7D-78F6-4596-9DE3-92B0706013F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I look good anon.

>> No.19793077

Nice simp wrists

>> No.19793098

Right pectoral looks like a breast, gj bro
I'm fine with looking average

>> No.19793128

40% BTC
40% ETH
20% LINK
the chadfolio

>> No.19793142

Or just STA

>> No.19793145

I don’t even know what this means but small joints are a good sign someone is natty as it adds to the illusion factor that they’re bigger than they actually are, the smaller joints contrast with the larger muscles. I’m like 5’10 160 here kek

>> No.19793153

black guys have this body type without even working out or eating right. im envious of them

>> No.19793167

post dick or fuck off

>> No.19793179

Lol good thing I don’t care what another guy prefers. Literally every girl I’ve ever been with physically has told me they love my chest and is their favorite part on my body. The absolute cope of acting like women aren’t turned on by muscular chests, baka

>> No.19793188


>> No.19793216

>caring what women think

>> No.19793226

based retard

>> No.19793229

seethe and cope weakling

>> No.19793241

femanon here, sorry i only fuck black guys

>> No.19793268

Imagine posting your body on biz.
/lgbt/ is that way - - - >

>> No.19793283

Want some more onions my little cutie? Open up.

>> No.19793286

>femanon here, sorry i only fuck black guys
The fact that you're a woman and on 4chan means you're ugly as fuck

>> No.19793288

Kek. At the end of the day I care about what I think, but if it’s between caring about what some random incel on 4chan thinks or what women I’m trying to get with think, I think it’s safe to say where my answer lies
The multi thousand dollar checks I won from my natural shows last year then immediately invested in crypto say otherwise

>> No.19793328

I'm just busting your chops anon, you look fucking good and I'm totally mirin. No homo tho

>> No.19793380

that body is nothing

if you think it can't be done without roids you are weak beta bitch

>> No.19793424
File: 53 KB, 600x800, 614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black guys have this body type without even working out or eating right. im envious of them

>> No.19793439
File: 86 KB, 430x441, 1536785125832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steroids bad

>> No.19793449

I can tell you know nothing about bodybuilding. Natty af.

>> No.19793466

Buy BUIDL. Just do some research on BUIDL and see why you should buy it. No one is going to shill BUIDL to you because thats not how the elites work. But if your not a mindless consumer then you'll see what your missing out on. BUIDL will be $1 by end of july and $2.60 eoy. If you bought $1000 worth yesterday and sold this morning you'd be up $200.

>> No.19793592


>> No.19793603

Fat fuckers think anything muscular and lean is due to steroid use. At least that’s how I used to think when I was a fat fuck.

>> No.19793632


>> No.19793654

not true at all. this kind of body requires a lot of work, but it is attainable without roids.

>> No.19793829

You’re right solely due to the delt/tricep definining like

>> No.19793933

thats a man

>> No.19794030

s h u t u p f a g g o t

>> No.19794088

Drop a grand on Harmony One, market manipulation and history point to it being listed on Binance.us tomorrow.

>> No.19794231

This man is only half right. I'd put it all into xcm. They're the dark horse everyone is hoping to find. Dyor

>> No.19794271

All in STA

>> No.19794300

I'm 30, have no friends and basically no future. I know I'm going to get banned, but I have no choice but to beg... Thanks in advance

>> No.19794873

Now show a picture of a black man and I guarantee you he makes the white man's pic look like an anorexic twig.

>> No.19794994

Help me, guys.