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File: 48 KB, 992x558, biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19789928 No.19789928 [Reply] [Original]

IF biden wins... how will it effect stock market and crypto? i know nothing about biden. is he a stock pumper like trump?

>> No.19789965

he won’t win

a fucking 80 year old senile pedophile

>> No.19789975

We're talking about Biden, not Trump.

>> No.19789983

sigh cant you guys answer the question. Ive asked this a few times and everytime it becomes off topic

>> No.19790001

Sounds like the kind of a man burgers would elect

>> No.19790007

He's got a good chance of winning, depends on how bad corona gets. Drumfies are just as bad as le blue wavers when it comes to "we're gonna win 100%"

>> No.19790010

Economically he’d actually probably be good. Corporations and the top earners have been getting away with paying virtually no taxes for ever. Amazon paid zero taxes last year and wanted the government to give them 3billion to build an HQ. I would anticipate Democrats to close several loopholes like the carried interest one. Also access to healthcare and education would likely be improved.

>> No.19790029


Taxing companies doesn't improve the economy dumbshit, that serves a different purpose. It finances the government.

>> No.19790033

economy is not the stock market.... so biden is good for economy & bad for stock market??? or??

>> No.19790034

The market would go down from September to January, and then he would give out a bunch of gibs and take credit for bringing the economy back on its feet, even though it's his rise in the polls and election that brought the market down in the first place.

>> No.19790035

Because nobody fucking knows. The markets do whatever the fuck they like, if a worldwide pandemic didn't change that, a different shade of boomer won't either.

>> No.19790070

The lack of self awareness is incredible in this post.

>> No.19790089

he won't win. Murricans love Trump

>> No.19790091

Yeah and making it so your peons can actually afford to spend money on consumer goods instead of medical debt tends to keep the economy going

>> No.19790130


Business growth is more important for the economy than Shaniqua getting $10 more in her bank account every month. I'm not saying some forms of tax and spend don't help but this assertion that "we're going to tax corporations" is automatically economically positive is just wrong, that isn't why it's done.

>> No.19790132
File: 57 KB, 800x450, moneyprintergobrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will Biden turn up the money printer. or turn it off? will he effect the money printer???

>> No.19790158

biden yes

at least trump is young and senile and no pedophile and fuckin hilarious how he trolls the establishment.

>> No.19790174

AFFECT for christ's sake. just never use "effect", the word exists but you are incapable of building a sentence where it would be used.

>> No.19790178

communists are bad for everything most of the time

>> No.19790181

i think it wouldn't make a major difference
this dude is a globalist so he would favour and suck of the big corps in whatever jurisdiction they lie in return for favours
the only difference is trump wants to bring them back to US soil so imo the gains would be bigger under trump


>> No.19790186

No matter who wins, we're getting a geriatric pedophile with dementia.

>> No.19790188


>shaniqua gets $2/hr more
>spends it on services that stimulate growth

>corporations get 1 trillion from tax cuts
>spend it on stock buybacks, enriching the executives
>go bankrupt 4 months later and demand another trillion in government bailouts


>> No.19790202


Ah here we go....”taxing mega corporations and billionaires is communism”. The memes are real.

>> No.19790217
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The current lower-tax paradigm was working positively pre-COVID. There's no reason for us to have odious corporate taxes and discourage growth and onshoring. It's not all buybacks and you know it.

>> No.19790250


Income taxes exclusively affect the working class. The mean income of the top 0.1% of income tax payers is $1.5m/year, which is high but not even close to billionaire tier, more like a doctor in New York City. Nobody in the working class should have to face punishment for waking up every morning, going out and earning money.

Billionaires earn money from capital gains, totally different tax structure. And they smartly promote income taxes so that the stupid peons shoot themselves in the foot.

>> No.19790271

probably the other way around. he's bought and paid for by big banks and big biz, so the stock market will likely be fine. he'll probably trash a lot of jobs through regulations, immigration, and offshoring

>> No.19790279

Biden says he'll tax the rich because that's what will earn him votes from Bernouts and young people. He'll close some meme loopholes that will change almost nothing and still allow corporations to grow since he is and always has been a corporate Dem with corporate backing. He may pick and choose some sectors though, oil and gas will definitely suffer without Keystone but he may divert the attention to renewables which might become a decent buy in that case. But he's not going to tank the market like Bernie would have, it may not be as bullish but it'll definitely be more stable than Trump destroying your portfolio with a single tweet.

>> No.19790294


That’s a result of stricter immigration and a tight labor market. The average America is still living paycheck to paycheck and you know it. Trickle down disproportionately benefits those at the top. Wages stagnated under the low tax institutions of Reagan and GWB. Even the CBO said most TCJA gains went to buybacks and not new investment or raises.

>> No.19790299

cronyism as per usual, nothing changes.

>> No.19790308


Corporations love immigration and offshoring FYI.

>> No.19790312


The most positive double whammy for mid/lower class earners is cutting taxes, restricting immigration, and increasing trade protections, yes. Not going on a taxing spree and hoping shit magically appears because you're circulating cash more than usual.

>> No.19790326 [DELETED] 

Uh anon do YOU know what the difference is? You are confused why don't you go take a nap

>> No.19790330


Capital gains on billionaires should be raised too, and loopholes eliminated like I stated earlier. I agree that joe blow earning 50k/yr should pay as few taxes as possible but ultra high earners should contribute too. Those who benefit the most from the economic system should give back to it.

>> No.19790379


I’m for cutting taxes on lower and middle class workers. They got a small cut under trump but TCJA was basically a giveaway to his buddies at the top. There are loads of studies on this. Even JP Morgan, before the bill was passed, said they would just buyback stock. Corporations and the ultra rich have basically been free riding on the US for ever and that needs to change.

>> No.19790437
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It's worth noting that our corporate rate (35%) was higher than most in the OECD and patently terrible for encouraging onshoring and business growth here. When we cut it it was more in line with other Western nations and it spurred a lot of positive economic development. At the end of the day yes, I would say income tax cuts are more of an important crusade than anything else.

>> No.19790461


Back in Dec 2017, Trumo made an executive order that made it possible to confiscate all property associated with people committing human rights violations.

THIS one order caused the crypto crash.

MUCH of crypto's real use is money laundering.

Get rid of this order and we ALLLLLLL rich.

>> No.19790966

These are not long term solutions or even really solutions at all. You might experience an increase in spending and a slight bump to the economy in the short term, say for instance a presidential term. But beyond that it's nothing more than trying to patch a leaky ship with tape. Though they sure sound good as election campaign slogans.

>> No.19791001
File: 170 KB, 666x1299, 60sBestDecadeOfMyLife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes they are. It's exactly how this country functioned while it was seeing a meteoric economic rise from 1900-1960. Stop buying establishment kool-aid anon, you're getting sold out by powerful, internationalist businessmen.

>> No.19791023


>> No.19791037

Biden elected would crash the market 100%

>> No.19791056

The middle class pays very little tax and the low class pays none or a negative rate

>> No.19791060

Im not american and even I know biden doesn't stand a fucking chance.

If you're not betting hard on trump you bout to lose some serious money.

Inb4 350++ electoral votes

>> No.19791090


An effective 30% of my paycheck with fed + state + local and SS isn't a trivial amount anon. That could allow me to retire 15 years earlier.

>> No.19791091

by the end of this year the president won't matter. Whoever is in office is going to be blamed for a coronavirus shitstorm that neither of them could fix.

the economy is outside their control right now, and will stay that way until we have a working vaccine. Because it's up to citizens, not the government, to decide when to go shopping. And citizens base that decision on how many people are dying in their area. We will have ~200k dead before the election, and very likely double that number before the end of the year. We may break a million deaths in the US alone by summer 2021. None of this is good for the economy.

>> No.19791277

>Im not american and even I know biden doesn't stand a fucking chance.
Americans are sick of Trump.
that is all.

Biden is a terrible candidate, but he's going to win by a landslide because we're sick of the drama and just want someone boring.

>> No.19791332

i bet you think man made global warming is real too and are literally eating bug burgers right now

>> No.19791352

you're so clever
you've got it all figured out

tell me again why you're poor and stupid because of the jews

>> No.19791361

If you had two kids you could get that down to 0%

>> No.19791393

because max horkheimer (jew) from the frankfurt school escaped nazi germany in the 1930s and preceded to infect the entire western education system with marxist diatribe, which has slowly poisoned our culture to the point of no return

>> No.19791420

God I hope this election is going to be like the 2016 where we memed trump to victory. It was fucking hilarious.

>> No.19791502

Congrats for knowing nothing. I dislike Biden intensely but he's not a progtard lunatic like most of the Dems.

>> No.19791518


>> No.19791533
File: 395 KB, 1543x868, adam_face0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>federal taxes will fuel state funded education

>> No.19791553

>Civil rights
>Legalizing Paedophiles
>3rd world war
>Trannies everywhere
this is it

>> No.19791583


he won't win but I will say he was VP from 2008 to 2016 and the market went up 150% in that time, it's up 31% under trump so far

>> No.19791670

>latent paedophelia instilled into white males by decades of "teen pornography" and the omnipresence of porn since the internet age
Biden has the white male vote locked as he is unconsciously perceived as the alpha male fuck chief of young girls.
>careful release of accusations of secual harassment by women against Biden before the election [this has already started]
Biden has the white female vote locked as he is -rather consciously - perceived as the alpha male fuck chief of adult women and a rapist. Women adore violence and have rape fantasies. All the rape and murder TV shows are made for women. Who better to vote for?
[the release of Trumps grab her by the pussy tape was an deliberate attempt to secure the white female vote which succeeded. genius]
>most likely having a black female VP pick
>already proclaiming that one is not black if one votes for Trump
Biden has the black vote locked.

Tell us again how Biden will lose?

>> No.19791706

Well it's complicated. He will raise corporate tax rates a few percentage points (still far lower than obama era) which will definitely weigh on the market but there is an argument for not having a shit disturber for better substained growth. Really the best answer is to look at political donations for what corporation prefers which candidate and plan accordingly. My money is Biden being elected will cause a mild rally while a trump win will be red on the whole with a few big winners

>> No.19791748
File: 55 KB, 892x588, ffdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's the last 100 yrs of presidents

>> No.19792241

How about we listen to what he was saying during the debates


No coal. No fracking. No drilling. And you guys are arguing tax cuts? Fucks sake.

>> No.19792427

the president doesn't actually have the power to stop legal businesses. Just like Trump can't order businesses to close or open, Biden can't shut down mining or drilling.

To do that he needs congress to go entirely democrat as well. A clean sweep where republicans lose both the white house and the senate. Which might very well happen, but isn't guaranteed.

>> No.19792428

how is that good for stonks or biz u f retard

>> No.19792495

lol no fracking , that would crash the whole oil sector basically lmao

>> No.19792592

demrats ideologically love the concept of MMT so yeah they worship the printer. republicucks printed alot cuz they had to becuz muh corona ' it's not my fault i should get gibs niggery

>> No.19792593

They already have a complete democrat control of congress. 233 members cpmpared to the republican 197. They have the entire media supporting them and more exectuive order powers than ever before. The president can also seize companies during emergencies like the one they are in now. Biden is planning a 93 trillion dollar global warming fuck the country bill and he also has said he will give free healthcare to illegals. Biden and obama rose the national debt by more than all the previous presidents combined. They bailed out the banks with 16 trillion and told the people it was only 800 billion. Biden is death to america.

>> No.19792620

>They already have a complete democrat control of congress. 233 members cpmpared to the republican 197.
you Russian trolls need to learn the very basics of our government if you want to be taken seriously

>> No.19792679

Because the house totally didnt approve a bogus impeachment because its not controlled by democrats.
>russian shill
>addresses no points
You tranny faggets are everywhere and youre not fooling anyone

>> No.19792729

biden is a kid toucher and is just a placeholder for whatever woman of color is chosen as his vp

>> No.19792734

BTFO. It's super affective

>> No.19792748

>access to healthcare
Wtf? People are banned from hospitals?

>> No.19792760
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They aren't going to run this moron, it's going to be Bill Gates and Bernie or Bernie and Bill Gates.
Normally I'd say that neither of those clowns has any chances against Trump, but since we live in a world where entire economies got force-shut down over something that's literally just the flu, anything can happen.

>> No.19792823

>is he a stock pumper like trump?
No, his political options wealth redistribution route goes from middle class (white males) to corporations, banks, niggers and dog eater Chinks.

>> No.19792901

Trump is part of the ZOG establishment sorry bud. So is Biden.

>> No.19792934


>n-no Trump is establishment too!
>The same establishment that has been ferociously trying to oust him from office for his entire tenure, media/academia/congress + state combined

>> No.19792978

Trump passed gun control laws, increased aid to Israel, and is now creating new hate crime laws to benefit ghetto lottery joggers

>> No.19792984

you must be delusional mate?
Only idiots think a rapist president is the desirable factor for voters

>> No.19793014


Can you just stop? I'm not an idiot. It's not going to work, just stop. Put your little cherrypicked talking points checklist down and stop, only nigbrains fall for that shit.

>> No.19793017

>he believes their lies
They're both on the same side you stupid cunt, the only difference is colour.
Do you want Zionist flavour A?
Or Zionist flavour B?

The only reason to vote is to trigger the other side.

>> No.19793039


>> No.19793140
File: 409 KB, 600x338, printer_goes_brrrrrr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did i just read
the amount of larp in this post

>> No.19793185

It'll be like George Bush Jr. Someone else running the game while using his name to get the votes need.

>> No.19793248
File: 74 KB, 300x256, 084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pedophile
lol waht?

>> No.19793317
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>> No.19793881

>it is exactly how a country worked 100 years ago
>it is exactly how it worked post WW2 boom
What is the point of comparing a post war boom to now? The entire country was rallied behind manufacturing and rebuilding the world, of course the US saw insane growths. But they also paid astronomically high taxes back then, everyone, including corporations. Practicing protectionism, reducing taxes and not taxing corps is not how you go back to that conservative fantasy land of the 50s and 60s. Unless you have a time machine, we're never going back.

Protectionism is fucking autism, because unless you plan to be entirely self sufficient, you will not compete. Why would I buy made in USA for 2x the price, when I can get jap shit that is cheaper and runs better. Why would you shoot yourself in the foot like that, to artifically prop up an industry that is on it's way out?

Sure, you've created a bunch of shit ass jobs for the fly over states; Did the average American suddenly have more money to spend? Did their wages go up? Is the dollar worth more? Are you planning to compete with China? By the time someone will feel a significant enough economic impact from manufacturing, it'll be dead and replaced by robots. It's a horrible fucking investment for a country with modern economy. It works for industrial tier countries, but it will eventually take a shit like it's starting to in China.

>you're getting sold out by powerful, internationalist businessmen
And who is doing anything about it? All these crusty oil boomers that run this country only care about making more money at your expense.

>> No.19793966

>>most likely having a black female VP pick
>already proclaiming that one is not black if one votes for Trump
>Biden has the black *female" vote locked.
>Tell us again how Biden will lose?

Black men are going to vote Trump in 2020 and hand him the vote

Screencap this

>> No.19793978

>one jew has subverted the entire world
I guess jews really are the superior race. It's really too bad there's never some galaxy brain right winger who could infect the entire western education with things that people liked. Or even do a single thing to combat it. Even when there's an entire party of them, and half a country that supports them. Imagine being that fucking stupid and useless, you might as well just accept your fate. You've been bested by a single man.

>> No.19793983

*Hand him the election

>> No.19794191

What are you talking about!! Are you fuckin serious? He (his political party) is socialist. Say goodbye to stonks if he wins - douche

>> No.19794265

Need to add housing costs and salaries to that set of charts

>> No.19794276

Trumptard detected

>> No.19794277

This. 2016 all over. Every city will behave like Baltimore.

>> No.19794291

Good for markets. He’s a Wall Street puppet more so than any politician ever. I think is Biden win is partially priced in.

>> No.19794598

>Black men are going to vote Trump in 2020
Why would they? Everyone's licking up their asses and otherwise pandering to them, why would they give up all this attention?

>> No.19794642

Long term economic gain vs short term blowjobs from white liberals

>> No.19794743

So is trump retard

>> No.19794969

>Black men are going to vote Trump in 2020
kek imagine that black men actually voting

>> No.19795093

who care about that shit what about my meme stocks

>> No.19795104

he'll only win if Trump's police state works against him.
Hypothetically, he'd be neutral on crypto. But the series of events it would take to put him in office would be absolute tyranny. Crypto is a hedge against government tyranny.

>> No.19795255

Biden and Trump are demential. Doesn’t matter which one is in office. They’re with the same party anyways. And only serve the party. Nothing will change.

>> No.19795380

This is 100% correct.

The only problem is if Biden proposes taxing capital gains as regular income. That would shake up the market.

>> No.19795382

Obama and Trump have used the money printer. Have a feeling Biden will keep it going. Predict nothing changes. Get ready for inflation either outcome.