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19782213 No.19782213 [Reply] [Original]

Immortality should be literally your number one priority in life. If you die it's over, you didn't make it and all your efforts were in vain. But if you manage to make enough money to buy the cure to aging, then you might have a shot at living long enough to be immortalized.
Why is no one talking about this?

>> No.19782246

you must be new here. blood-sucking jews is not a meme

>> No.19782262

Life is intended to be eternal

>> No.19782406

100% agree
Give to sens, invest in biotech and gene editing, try and live with people to minimize expenses to invest even harder.
Blessed Archons, save us from this rot

>> No.19782478

finally someone who gets it. If it wasn't possible all of our natural instincts wouldn't be telling us otherwise. its just a puzzle that hasn't been figured out yet

>> No.19782509
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>Implying I didn't preexist
>Implying I won't continue to exist after leaving this realm
>Implying this life isn't a short sector of a continuum
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.19782886
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Its so simple KEK without fluoride poisoning, our brains can survive 600 years, just do a simple head transplant and ur good. The anunnaki could do head/brain transplants EZ PZ just look at all the mythical hybrids there were.

"Genesis 5:22–29 states that Enoch lived 365 years, which is shorter than his peers, who are all recorded as dying at over 700 years of age. "

Sure 600 years isn't biologically immortal but its long enough for ETH 6.0 to be finally released where you can finally upload your consciousness into the Ether for just 0.25 ETH or 6 PNK. The best part is that your finally able create your own reality where you can do any and everything without and risks or consequences, you would be truly immortal. But you will soon realize that everything would lose meaning, nothing will amaze you anymore. you will never be surprised, you will always be given spoilers on the future forever. So you will eventually create a reality where you are not immortal.

>> No.19782919
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can't wait to merge with the machinic god of Capital.

>> No.19782937

Hell is an angel showing you to a luxurious apartment, where any food, or music, or book, or entertainment, or thing is available at your demand. Then he leaves you alone in there and locks the door behind him.

>> No.19782943

What’s adorable to me is that people have been seeking immortality since there have been people. The first emperor of China likely died of mercury poisoning trying to obtain immortality through alchemy. We always think we’re so close but never are. Everybody dies dude, everybody. Memento mori

>> No.19782972

life is shit

why would you want to prolong it

>> No.19782988

look into the pajeet guy who lives solely off of sun light.

>> No.19783009

the only people who make it are Christians
they get to live forever in the presence of God

>> No.19783035

Children are your immortality idiot

>> No.19783078

I pity you for all you could come up to cope with the inevitability of death is the childish notion that you can somehow escape it.

>> No.19783173
File: 440 KB, 1200x1200, D23DBA02-2B31-40D3-87B2-98D2C7FD9BD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immortality is a dream of the young. The older you get, the more pain you carry with you. It adds up, over time. Also, things get less exciting, nothing is cool anymore. I’ll never again be as happy as I was to get a new Nintendo game on Christmas morning. Eventually, life turns into something you just withstand each day. Immortality would be a curse I wouldn’t wish in anyone.

>> No.19783486

>t. mortal

>> No.19783510

I'm already immortal you fool. This body means nothing to me