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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19780828 No.19780828 [Reply] [Original]

Is studying unironically the best way to turn your family's financial and social status around?

>> No.19780841

It is the most dependable way

>> No.19780850

yes. knowledge = power.

>> No.19780861

Its the most predictable way. If you do something like accounting or cs.

>> No.19780998
File: 47 KB, 640x640, acd888b98d6265f35debbe8af94d7fc4647d05534384551b7141c49934c54c3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh, sadly she's also a man.

>> No.19781011

DESU, the before pic looks like a dyke or FtM tranny, so I think he may actually have made the right choice by transitioning.

>> No.19781034

more useful to the world as a boipucci desu

>> No.19781373

Assuming you're not swimming in debt and study something worthwhile maybe

>> No.19781437

Yes study well and become a software engineer to earn more or marry a software engineer

>> No.19781470

Depends on what you study.
If you study at college racking up debt and being indoctrinated by jews you'll never make it though.

>> No.19781516


>> No.19783030

as long as its something that actually makes money, yes, it can be a ticket into the upper middle class.
>accounting, law, medicine, software, finance, an MBA etc.

Starting & owning a business is a ticket into the upper class. Business owners make more than you'd think. I know a guy who is the least educated 40 year old i know and his small outdoors shop makes over a million in revenue a year, pays himself about 160k per year in bonuses.

>> No.19783049

Man thats so obviously a dude

>> No.19783072

alright, im getting legit mad at all these tranny posts that flood /biz/ every single fucking day. Not because they are off topic, but because of the massive blue balls I get from getting horny looking at the picture then my erection deflating instantly due to someone saying "that's a man."

>> No.19783253

Knowledge is worthless with out applying said knowledge. Also, I sure hope that’s a man

>> No.19783291

I love it, the that's a man posting makes it better for me but I'm a sissy loving coomer and I'm not afraid to admit that on this anonymous basket weaving forum

>> No.19783337

I also get a kick out of how much it seems to trigger some. I’m not into traps and I don’t post them, but fuck it’s 4chan, you kinda have to expect it to be a cesspool

>> No.19783351

Yeah. Become a Doctor and your family is immediately redeemed.

>> No.19783391

There's no females on biz anon

>> No.19783792

Yeah but also I'm an absolute degen and I love it

>> No.19783819

No, stocks are. Find me the richest people in the world. Nobody gets there by working 24/7. They all invest and find loopholes and tax write offs and such.

>> No.19783824
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Is it too late to start college at age 35?

>> No.19784303

That's gotta be a man right,?

>> No.19784561

u can do a tradesjob

>> No.19784958

knowledge is worthless without practical application. if you want to make money, you really have to become specialized for most fields. trying to know everything about everything is pretty pointless unless it's just for personal interest.

t. 33yo w/ 2 degrees and dozens of certs/licensure/etc from management to CS to psych to automotive and more, yet still struggle to get entry level jobs making $10/hr. don't make my mistake trying to be a know-it-all.

>> No.19785022

$10/hr? no way it's that low. But this anon speaks the truth; if you stay corporate, you need to weasel your way into some kind of management position or at least a senior position based solely on only you being able to do some task.

>> No.19785040

Its better than starting at 40

>> No.19785402

Yeah, sometimes trannymaxxing is really the correct choice.

>> No.19785688

only the dying part

>> No.19785706

FUND solves this.

>> No.19785814

nope, no excuses anon

get your shit done

>> No.19785848

Might wanna read this anon


>> No.19785864

If you're young literally just cut your expenses to the bone and work a ton 100 hrs a week, save everything and invest. Make it in 10 years.

>> No.19785949

How much to save up before investing? What to invest into?

>> No.19785998

I knew that guy in highschool

>> No.19786030

Real estate and stonks, probably not in that order though, save 100 per week. No Netflix, no vidya, live with a roommate or 5 with same goals.

>> No.19786043

Also 100 per week isn't even bare minimum, it's what you should be able to save with just cutting expenses.

>> No.19786049

thats a man