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File: 179 KB, 828x1055, 0881CF8F-2E48-47C5-B9A3-42F151083AD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19778312 No.19778312 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19778348

uhm can you see op
300eth sell wall. ghost 0.30$ eoy

>> No.19778427
File: 184 KB, 828x535, 2642E418-A68F-40B3-AC36-1A2764738A64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.19778459
File: 333 KB, 828x1655, 1AE0EBA0-9E0C-40EE-9B47-EF17178BEA29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.
Who’s roger ver? The billionaire founder of bitcoin.com who supported the airdrop.

>> No.19778475
File: 251 KB, 828x1550, 589BE4EC-9EC5-44EA-8086-CB1C25D7F2EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who’s mate? The cofounder of bitcoin.com who is an adviser with switch.

>> No.19778545
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>> No.19778546
File: 365 KB, 828x1613, FF6EDABB-D044-4E61-B16D-B9725D1377B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another retweet from josh just for fun. What’s open bazaar? A P2P marketplace with no fees. Given this info... Is John fucking Mcafee making Silk Road v2 with the use of GHOST???

>> No.19778574

We’re going to make it anon

>> No.19778621

ghost will eat Amazon's marketcap

>> No.19778682

Bezos is seething

>> No.19778801


>> No.19778822

Holy fuck anon. GHOST $1000 EOY confirmed.

>> No.19778894

if you are in the crypto space and fail to recognize the importance of ghost then you should stop trading crypto because you don't understand anything. Ghost has completed the original dream of crypto itself. outside of interest generators all other coins are worthless. ghost is the only crypto ever made that can truly succeed in mass adoption. Bitcoin will fall and ghost will take its place as the number 1 coin. its only a matter of time

>> No.19778938


No ghosties awfully quiet in this thread

>> No.19778939

that address
>panama papers
what did he mean by this

>> No.19778989

You literally can't name a coin with more potential. Literally.

>> No.19779055

Hex version 52 might have slightly higher potential

>> No.19779057
File: 3.45 MB, 1734x1206, Screen Shot 2020-06-18 at 00.08.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


© Copyright 2018-2020 | New Silk Road BRICS LTD. CR No.: 2919418 Address: Unit F, 11/F, CNT Tower, 338 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Cool partnership ghosties. Their office looks top quality!

We are gonna make it

>> No.19779075

that's cool and all op but is the new silk road really going to be on a clear website

>> No.19779085

Chainlink also has an office in the Cayman Islands. Doesn’t mean shit anon.

>> No.19779132

this unintentional FUD of chainlink just cuased link to dump from $4.15 to $1.72 rip linkies

>> No.19779160

Wait for the marketplace anon. It’s coming

>> No.19779177

>Cayman Islands.
Running a multi million dollar blockchain project from a letter box on a tax haven island makes sense.

Partnering with a "project" that operates out the back door of a dirty Hong Kong takeaway is a laughable.

>> No.19779195

You think they actually operate there? That’s laughable too. And this partnership wasn’t even what I was getting at, did you ignore all of the other pics?

>> No.19779197

>Total independence from the USD and US financial institutions and interests
Ask Saddam how that worked out

>> No.19779216
File: 765 KB, 2342x722, Screen Shot 2020-06-18 at 00.19.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you ignore all of the other pics?

What like their broken website?

>> No.19779234

and this, he's probably already dead

>> No.19779290


Mcafee working through their "Ukrainian contractor"


Look on their broken shit ass website at their "structure" it doesn't even work..


And they are registered to a dirty take away in Hong Kong.. This is fucking laughable

>> No.19779347

What part of ->BRICS -> contractor did you not get? Weak fud anon, the implications are what matters.

>> No.19779386

It's not the real BRICS brainlet it's their "Ukrainian Contractor" who operate out of a Hong Kong takeaway ffs..

You guys are so fucking dumb, Enjoy your crispy Hong Kong duck

>> No.19779451

More fake and gay bullshit. The shilling of a new Silk Road appeals to brainlets who don’t understand how dnm work or how you can’t administrate one with known identities aka the pajeets on ghost team + Josh, John. Tax evasion is one thing but running dnm will land you in prison very quickly no matter where you are. That’s why this fake news is the bearish Of them all, it’s direct proof they’re scamming low iq tards on purpose with no intention to create any functional product or ecosystem

>> No.19779472

McAfee crashing and burning with his low IQ foreigner cyber army

>> No.19779496

I bet you were saying the same shit at 80 cents anon. Come back in two weeks so I can laugh at you

Imagine being this much of an idiot thinking that founding a platform in which drugs are sold on is illegal. Ross didn’t break any laws until he hired a hitman for someone.

>> No.19779519

You are going to lose all your sats you naive homosexual

>> No.19779537

Sorry Anon but Ukraine are not even a Member of BRICS


You just got a partnership with a Hong Kong Takeaway... PMSL

>> No.19779566
File: 362 KB, 828x1453, F9990179-6126-40D9-8BBF-0276072D636A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk anon. This looks pretty good to me. Nice google earth skills

>> No.19779598
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x917, 76574587487654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19779602

What is so hard to piece together about mcafee the druggie making a privacy coin with p2p marketplace

>> No.19779629

Literally says eleventh floor in the address and you took a pic of the bottom in the back. Remind me, who is the idiot here?

>> No.19779696

you wrong friend, I didnt post this pic

>> No.19779700

>running platform for drugs is legal
Oh yeah you’re right. That’s why there is a giant clear web Bustling market for it as we speak. Right anon? Then why didn’t Ross just run it on the regular old internet and why aren’t their hundreds of competitors? You can’t answer this and it’s sad for your little Jew scam

>> No.19779732

fuck this shit, I never got my ghosts that fucking jew jewed me

ive had them in metamask the whole time, never sold

>> No.19779749

did this happen to anyone else? how do i get my ghosties :/

>> No.19779792

Brainlet detected. It was made on the dark net so users can use it anonymously. That’s why it attracted drug dealers. Is owning a marketplace on TOR illegal? No.

>> No.19779816

Have you ever been to Hong Kong? I’ve been multiple times and this building/area is similar to Chongking mansion building where it’s all pajeets, Nigerians and other various brown scammers. There’s a bunch of these building in HK and a bunch of pajeets and Nigerians in that area of Hong Kong scamming shit all day long, even in the fucking streets everywhere. Anyone’s who’s spent time in Hong Kong knows this. The street front look of a building means nothing. Fuck sake man all the Hong Kong and Chinese are fucking scammers 90% of them, that ain’t no trump tower lmfao it’s scam central aka practically everywhere in hk/China



>> No.19779824

Brainlet detected, read my other response, im just pissed I didnt get my ghosts like what kind of bullshit is that

>> No.19779839
File: 554 KB, 764x938, 1589946068023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone that doesnt have a large bag of ghost deserves to stay poor, these kind of opportunities dont come around often

>> No.19779853

because Samer Afach is the lead dev who’s a rapefugee living in Berlin. If any of this came to fruition he’d be arrested. Nothing illegal about shilling a pretend p2p marketplace though, that’s why they’re doing wake up

>> No.19779863

Did you add the token to metamask? If you did and still didn’t get them a simple message to josh on TG with proof would solve the issue

>> No.19779876

I believe I had added the right address. Is TG telegraph?

>> No.19779887

>is it illegal
Yes very illegal

>> No.19779897

Telegram, since I’m nice I’ll even link you to his account. Several other anons ran into issues and it was resolved almost immediately.

Download telegram and message @JoshSwitch

>> No.19779912

thank you, if you have it handy could you post the correct address? the one I have in my metamask wallet is GHST, so i may just be retarded

>> No.19779929

Enlighten me on how owning a market on tor is illegal. Just because criminals used it does not make it illegal in itself.

>> No.19779947

Dude that’s the wrong address!
You probably have your ghosties lmao

>> No.19779961

Yes thanks! I've been there before, and also in Shanghai, Beijing, South Korea, Thailand, Tokyo most of the Asian countries, so what?
I'm just saying it's a bullshit to post this pic >>19779057

>> No.19779968

Exactly, and the address says 11th floor yet the pic is on the street lol

>> No.19779981

Is 2000 GHOST enough for my own cartel???

>> No.19779983

based anon, thank you
too bad i bought at like 200 lmao

>> No.19780000

these posts reek of low iq desperation

>> No.19780013

You’ll be El Chapo in a matter of months
No worries, we’ll be there in a week

>> No.19780056

What a waste of quads. I’m as comfy as ever with my bags and it will moon regardless of a Silk Road or not

>> No.19780180

Bump bump bump. Not sure if going anywhere but this is interesting

>> No.19780194

Weren’t you retards saying this 3 weeks ago? What happened why is the volume so low, even with Chinese wash trading sites prolong it up. Bitcoin.com has $500 24 hour volume and this was the big news of the month lmfao

>> No.19780250

Green id quads never ever lie, you all just got officially ruined. Down to 0000 we go oooops

>> No.19780257

Based Retard

>> No.19780289

>ghost has completed the original dream of crypto itself

Faggot, ghost is still a useless ERC 20 token, it does absolutely nothing. What a bold statement to make when the coin in its current form is literally a chuck e cheese token. DELUDED SHILLS COME AT ME

>> No.19780315
File: 194 KB, 750x512, A43E6315-C34B-41B2-971E-23F55CA3FFF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ross didn’t break any laws until he hired a hit man
Just how retarted are you ghost fags? I’m starting to feel bad, pic related. His charges for murder hire were thrown out, I think

>> No.19780355

buying anything under 2$ for now is good. big dick mcafee aint play no games

>> No.19780606

Monero already does 99% of what Ghost does and is already fully adopted by anyone wanting privacy. Convincing the large userbase of Monero to instead switch to an ETH token of all things over such a small detail is just flat out not going to happen. Not saying its not worth investing in but stop being such delusional fucking spergs.

>> No.19780721

99% of the world's population does not use Monero though, because they don't use any crypto. Ghost will be first mainstream utilization of crypto becasue they are fast-tracking an app and shit

>> No.19780879

Ghost will be first mainstream utilization of crypto because they are fast tracking an app and shit
Hands down lowest iq post on thread so far. Tons of widely used exchanges, wallets etc have phone apps already what’s your point

>> No.19780905

Fucking god dude. This is NOT overtaking BTC and ETH. This is targeting the XMR market. It'll likely get a run in and might even find a solid niche in darkweb shit but this is never going to be an everyman coin. Are you getting paid to post here?

>> No.19781155

>get a solid run in find a niche in dark web
How much are you u getting paid to shill here? Ghost is all made up marketing it will never get a niche in the dark web. Last shill defense I suppose

>> No.19781188

people still falling for mcafee hopium coins in 2020. At least people who know how to ride his ponzis sure made a good buck out of it

>> No.19781275
File: 99 KB, 1023x681, depositphotos_92545050-stock-photo-indian-man-using-a-public.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes sir, that's correct, sir, $1000 end of year... Yes, sir, you hear it correct, GHOST token to one-thousand dollars per the end of the year.... Yes American dollars, sir... Okay, so how much are you want to invest?..... $200,000?.... Okay great sir, so are you how to pay to today?..... Fantastic, sir, I emailed you the details, send the money right away, I will stay on the line....

>> No.19781405

Just looked at their whitepaper, this is what they say they are trying to accomplish?
And how many real life people do you know that hold any crypto? Your Uncle? Dad? Cousin? Anyone you graduated High School with?

>> No.19781460

Bro, just stop.

>> No.19781475

>trying to accomplish
Yes a copy pasta of particl for a fake marketplace that paid shills will say is the next Silk Road. If they didn’t have a dishonest marketing plan like this how else could they dump on low iq brainlets holding mcafee scam #17

>> No.19781523

>Ghost is all made up marketing it will never get a niche in the dark web. Last shill defense I suppose
bro this shit isn't even gonna be real coin, this must be the last last shill defense I suppose

>> No.19781590

Hay, Former Ghost coin supporter here. Post like these are fucking hilarious my sides really can't take it, but in all seriousness, we can't let ghost get its hands on the launch codes.

>> No.19782540

Does monero have a marketplace? Esims? Is it on decentralized exchanges? Staking? Proof of stake? Mcafee behind it? A private messaging platform? This is a retarded pov anon.
Silk Road didn’t run on its own blockchain anon, not even mcafee owns it
Bitcoin.com was nothing yet they listed the fucking ERC20 of ghost and supported the airdrop, and they let the team announce the listing first. If that isn’t bullish I don’t know what is. This isn’t your average coin.

>> No.19782580

ESH had 2000+ sell walls and they were eaten up in minutes. Nobody bought esh for esh.

>> No.19783061
File: 82 KB, 750x406, A07BC2C0-F655-4975-B6CC-54A2E84EBD35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin.com was nothing
Exactly nobody gives a shit about bitcoin.com it’s ranked number 111 on CoinGecko and cmc lol but faggots like you my posts acting like it’s so bullish to be listed on a literal nothing burger. Why is that?
>isn’t your average coin
Explain what’s so bullish besides just marketing quick liner bullshit you fucking idiot, you can’t. Pajeet team, failed airdrop, failed white papers (copies) nothing of substance at all. You’re just another 3rd world shill faggot from the telegram. Who’s this? Geo? Joao campos? Which spic retard are you lmao

>> No.19783077

ITT: Schizos

>> No.19783278

>Silk Road run on the blockchain
Do you even understand what blockchain is? You’re beyond retarted, tell us how will you access venders on the “blockchain” lmfao you just go into the blockchain and buy stuff? Duuurrr. You need administrators to run interface on top of “blockchain” brainlet and Running/administrating anything remotely close to a drug and cp marketplace will get you arrested day one. The administrators of ghost are all publicly identifiable with a few google searches.

>> No.19783387

Hay, Former launch code supporter here. Post like these are fucking hilarious my sides really can't take it, but in all seriousness, we can't let the launch codes get its hands on the launch codes.

>> No.19783417

How is Roger Ver connected? I’m a big holder but don’t watch the tg/Twitter for news too much.

>> No.19783547

No he’s not he doesn’t he owns the domain to bitcoin.com and whores it out. Ghost is listed on bitcoin.com‘S exchange section, a shitty exchange that nobody uses

>> No.19783595


>> No.19783817

These guys are getting real sick of the Illuminati calling the shots. It was never just merely about making money; instead, it’s about quite literally making money.

>> No.19783871

>Challenging the dominance of the petrodollar.

Welp, McAfee had a good run.

F's in the chat, lads.

>> No.19783898

THATS why he only got 0000s which are the shittiest quads. 8888 and 7777 are the best.

>> No.19784179
File: 33 KB, 645x588, E9E07144-BFB9-46F2-A720-C52674F425B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MaCsapEe cHAlLeNging oligarchs wID JoSh pAjeet made Pnd

>> No.19784808
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