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19775658 No.19775658 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of making it when you can't share any stories? All my friends are either building a family or working the rat race. The only windows of opportunities to hang out are friday and saturday evenings. The only travels I did those last 3 years were solitary backpacking adventures.

It's really hard to meet new "normal" people, everyone is a wagie and can't really connect with your lifestyle. Most people get their good friends through highschool or higher education. I wish I could join a nice group of zoomer full of hope and energy and do cool stuff with them.

I guess I just wanted to release some steam. Maybe I should have focused more on keeping a good relation with people instead of chasing money. People are everything.

>> No.19775704

>The only travels I did those last 3 years were solitary backpacking adventures.

How were they?

My dream is to buy an ADV motorcycle and cross the continent with it.

>> No.19775709
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>"building" a family
>hang out friday and saturday bro
>dude, backpacking
>meet new people!
>people are everything

Jesus Christ, is this the peak of cringeposting?

>> No.19775760

Lonely. Best memories were random citytrips with good friends, or going skiing and getting drunk. I tried visiting remote places and going to exotic lands, but alone it isn't the same.

I'll do another one soon without a cellphone, it really pushes you to talk to everyone, which is the best experience.

Tell me how many chainlinks you hold

>> No.19775774

You’re insecure about being alone. Stop caring so much about other people and what they think. They’ve chosen their paths and you’ve chosen yours. Enjoy your experiences and learn how to reflect on them instead of sharing everything.

>> No.19775800

so you want to tell stories to appeal to other people and make it seem like youre an interesting person?
heres a protip
stop giving a single fucking motherfucking fuck about what other retards think about you
find a non retarded woman and enjoy life with her fuck everyone else

>> No.19775837

I'm looking to meet new friends and get a GF to construct something meaningful, I don't really look to do "cool" experiences anymore. I don't really like being alone anymore as well. But getting to now people is so hard when you have a different lifestyle

>> No.19775857

Go to Burning Man.

>> No.19775869
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>city trips, the hustle and bustle!
>getting drunk haha
>remote places, adventure dude!
>exotic, for instagram!
>no cell, off grid, back to nature!
>talk to everyone, meet new people

You sound like a woman, fuck off back to NPC-ville.

>> No.19775882

see my answer

The thing is, everyone I know thinks highly of me, but I absolutely don't care. I just want to be around people, which is impossible because everyone is busy working.

>> No.19775899

Tell me how many links you hold and there will be an end to the horrors

>> No.19775920

Yes! I think that would be right up OP's street. Either that or Coachella.

>> No.19775945

Zero (0)

>> No.19775962

so you made it and don't work at all?
If I were in your shoes having those thoughts I'd join music school.

>> No.19775975

I'm not in US and I really dislike festivals, but let's say that I wanted to follow that advise : I'll still go alone there, have meaningless encounter with people that won't last past those few days. Back to square one.

>> No.19776021

I work 2-3 hours/day on my business; I make 3k€ each month, which is growing rapidly and more than anyone my age in my country.

Yeah I tought about joining art history classes or movie classes, and try to connect with zoomers. Maybe that's my best bet

and before anyone says
>muh study something useful
I have a master in engineering because I fell for the meme and I ain't going back to pain in the ass studies

>> No.19776192
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Looks like a prison of sorts. What the fuck was the architect thinking?

>> No.19776262

I love these kind of industria-styled livings. but the furniture is ugly.

Maybe I should become tiktok famous to find pretty zoomette to COOM. Just kidding today I made my first IG post and I had to google "how do I post on IG". That was my boomer tale

>> No.19776504

I'm not so sure that Instagram could allow you to truly meet and connect with people. People your age, I mean. I'm only 21 and even myself outside of one time when I hit it off with a online girl pal a few years ago because we both liked an obscure anime and noticed each other in the comment section as both living in the same country, it's practically impossible.

>> No.19776535

>people your age
>I'm only 28
>friends use to call me grandpa

I'll show you you youngesters

>> No.19776673

>What's the point of making it when you can't share any stories? All my friends are either building a family or working the rat race.
Would you rather love someone and lose them, or would you rather have never loved them so that you could never lose them?

Some of those friends are building a family that is going to break their heart, some of them are working their ass off only to get fired, and some of them are travelling so frequently that they don't know where home is.

I'm lonely as hell and I'm 36, married with kids, and a lot of times I feel more alone than I would if I were in a prison cell by myself.

You think you've got little chance of building connections with people? Try adding kids and a crumbling marriage to the equation. Where the fuck do people like me go who don't want 'social media friends' and literally just want someone to talk to?

>> No.19776734

Do you see a shrink ? I do, I pay him to listen to my nonsense and he is forced to do so. I can get it off my chest once a week, plus other issues

I might try going to church as well

>> No.19776796

Better for you to learn this sooner rather than later:
Nobody cares about you. Repeat: Nobody cares about you.
Men provide value.
Children and women are inherently valued.
*Men provide value or they are useless.

*<10% of 4chan. Probably even less than that.
**Value = meaning

>> No.19776819

>Do you see a shrink

>I might try going to church as well
I've thought about that just to have some vague assurance that they're good people, but I'm not a hypocrite, and a lot of them are.

>> No.19776829
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Perhaps the army or something similar like the police force or being a fireman would be nice to help you build old fashioned masculine camaraderie? I often thought about doing something like this if my social life was to crumble for some reason. Sharing the hurdles and sweating with your bros might be reason enough to create deep bonds, especially in the army. I can't talk from experience though

>> No.19776873

good food for toughts. I will think about what you said.

try it out, what's the worst that could happen ? I suggest going to a make shrink because I believe men and women suffer from different inner issues but I could be wrong

>> No.19776894

I would enjoy joining the army as an officer, but I have to do 5 fucking years of study even tough I have a master already, and I don't know if I can obey to orders that well. I'm very independant.

>> No.19777019
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Yeah that was what stopped me in my train of thought the last time I imagined getting into the army. I might question the orders I get or something, notify inconsistencies or things that bother me and they probably wouldn't like that.

This is really complicated. This is sad, but maybe making it is about learning that instead of you not having to think about free time, you now have to consider the free time of people you hold dear. I like to cope and think that this issue ends up making the time you spend with them as valuable as it was when you yourself couldn't due to work or school responsibilities tying you down.

>> No.19777079

It's a very deep tought, thank you for sharing.

I think one of the key is really enjoy the moment when it is time to enjoy, and work really hard when it's time to work. Sadly it's hard to put in practice.

>> No.19777092 [DELETED] 

>tfw you are in an opposite situation

I am pretty pleased with other aspects of my life but I am europoor so I have difficulties even gathering enough cash to start trading or investing, and every way to earn money online I tried wasn't available in my country

I know this is a long shot but if you are doing good, would you be kind enough to share some funds to jumpstart me
It would be very appreciated , here's my BTC

>> No.19777134

I didn't /madeit/ by trading crypto you degenerate beggar. Steam degree, autistically saving for a couple years, first renting real estate, then a small online business. It takes longer than gambling in crypto but my way is almost guarantee to succeed if you have the skills. I told you more than you deserved, now go get it

>> No.19777324
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That's a shame. I guess you're the kind of person who really enjoys to be with others, I have a female friend who's like that. Even if she'd make it big, she'd be like you unable to bear through waiting every single day for her friends to be free. I always used to think she was a brainwashed extrovert because she values every kind of relationship, even her colleagues at work but your thread and replying to your posts made me think about another perspective I didn't know I could think of, honestly.

Since you've more or less already made it, at least with what I gathered from your monthly income and the little effort you have to put to earn it, perhaps you could do like all of those rich "jetsetters" and try to see, at least for once, how do truly rich people have fun or how they live in their bubble separate from average joes like you and I. Go into a rich bar dance club or something to see if you could be friends with people sharing similar worries as you do even if I doubt that they're the kind to hang out with normal people. Maybe you'll be disgusted by their materialistic approach regarding a lot of stuff, or maybe you'll find comfort in seeing other people like you who still are empty inside despite having a lot of money

>> No.19777473

Fun fact about modestly making it : it made me allergic to spending. I'm writing you from a 600€ laptop bought in 2012, my cellphone is half broken (bought 3 years ago). I rent the cheapest shittiest studio atm to save a bit more money. I cut meat from meals because it was expensive.

I actually tought about trying to reach the upper class, but even a night out with them would give me a heart attack. I /modestlymadeit/ by building the habit of saving, which is very difficult to get rid of actually.

That was for the /biz/ part. Actually I'm an introvert, always trying to be as independant as possible. I realised very recently it was a mistake. Look into your past, and you will see all the best things in your life were related to other people. And the logic that follows is that we should try to meet as much people as we can, even if we discard them asap afterwards.

My best travel experience this last 3 weeks was when I was in buttfuck nowhere in asia and I broke my former cellphone. I had no other choice but to get to know other travellers and locals, I had the best two weeks ever

>> No.19777497

these last 3 years*

>> No.19777635

>ITT : I'm so rich look at me and my problems!!!