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File: 375 KB, 1080x1853, 20200617_020250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19769415 No.19769415 [Reply] [Original]

>Haha Money Printer go Broke

>> No.19769456


Idiots, idiots everywhere

>> No.19769464

Haha, gold and silver coins do clink clink

>> No.19769470

Imagine actually listening to economists.

>> No.19769509

hahahah look at this fucking dude. Looks like he has sniffed too much ket

>> No.19769521
File: 6 KB, 200x200, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflation theories extrapolated from weak states like the weimar republic are invalid and do not translate when you are the most powerful country with the world's largest nuclear arsenal. MMT Chads know that value perception is a spook only enforced by power of the state. Nuke any country out of existence that dares lower the value of the dollar and start jailing 'economists' and inflation theory morons as dissidents, and level any credit rating agency that dares to lower the AAA+ rating of the US with a cruze missile. Money printing works if you have a big stick.

>> No.19769523
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Who were the ones that warned of the 1929 crash and no one listened. Don't be a faggot

>> No.19769533

I went to the store yesterday and food was 50% more expensive than it was a few months ago.

>> No.19769547

US lacked major international influence outside of the western hemisphere at the time. Now we are the #1 most influential and powerful country on earth with the largest economy, military and supply of nukes.

>> No.19769554

you are a complete fucking dumbass

>> No.19769557

>we're all gonna die from COVID-19!
>the economy will never recover!
>we're never going to be able to return to normal!
>niggers are good for society, we should import them with no restrictions!
>blah blah blah other useless garbage from "intellectuals"
I literally don't give a fuck, I'm an old man and I've seen these retards throughout the decades. They're retards.

>> No.19769567

>economists talking about the stock market

Why the fuck do you think the stock market players hire mathematicians, physicists and statisticians instead of economists?

>> No.19769569

>just nuke other nuclear powers, what could go wrong?

>> No.19769570

i-is he okay?

>> No.19769573

You failed to offer any argument so you might want to look in the mirror.

>> No.19769634
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you can't print your way out of every problem
You can't nuke your way out of every problem
You can't suck your way out of every problem
You can't just do whatever the fuck you want just because your nation has become so ignorant, weak and unstable that your only way to cling to power are legacy nukes from ww2, America doesn't even have new technology in this area Russia has fucking hyper sonic missiles, if Russia and China get their shit together between them they can easily fuck America up in a minute specially if Europe decides to sit this one out.

America isn't even holding a bluff at this stage

>> No.19769644

>weak states
Implying the US isn’t fucked right now
>pro tip: just bc we have a big military doesn’t mean we aren’t weak in all other aspects

>> No.19769687

dollar will never fall until there is an alternative world reserve currency

>> No.19769707
File: 24 KB, 360x450, 500full-igor-bogdanoff (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because in 1999 the stock market turned in to clown market, driven by greedy and mostly ignorant niggers like >>19769521
Who's still believed America is the all mighty never challenged empire from the 80's

I can't wait until every country dumps the dollar and you all find how hollow and full of shit America is always been, you'll never recover your status as leader nation and Europe will laugh as the nigger lover nation turns in to fucking Congo 2.0

>> No.19769765

>Stephen Roach

>> No.19769768

The dollar will indeed go broke because the Fed is unable to print dollars faster than the BoE can print pounds, the ECB Euros and so on. Smaller countries will go broke first, we can see that with Argentina already. Further, the US military was unable to handle girls in wok hats in Vietnam.

That's Bitcoin.

>> No.19769779

Anybody know of a reasonably stable foreign country that is OK with american landlords?

>> No.19769805

What currency are they gonna use instead?

>> No.19769826


>> No.19769847

c Hain l Ink

>> No.19769878

That's the thing. For the dollar to fall something else from another country has to be doing better. But what country is doing better? None, so the dollar isn't going to crash. Hell i even if China or another country was doing it better it would still put the US in second place.

>> No.19769891

maybe if you only eat beef. other than that shit has stayed pretty much the same. maybe find a new store to go to.

>> No.19769894

>prominent Yale economist

Also not gonna happen. The EU has been getting loans with negative interest for more than twelve years and still no inflation. Also the us is digitalizing the dollar. Dollar remains the most liquid currency in the world

>> No.19769929

Ethiopia. FATCA means no one else will touch you.

>> No.19769971
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>> No.19770169


Every reserve currency in history eventually failed

>> No.19770189

maybe you retarded americans will eat less for a change

>> No.19770355

better hope not, the american consumer is one of the pillars keeping the global economy up

>> No.19770450

This. Cash strapped Americans not consooming means all the nations whose economies rely on producing stuff for the U.S. to consoom are in trouble.

>> No.19770479

Is now a good time to be stockpiling food and life essentials?

>> No.19770501

Probably. Plant a garden.

>> No.19770543

He is wrong. Yes inflation will happen due to the government and fed actions. But every single country in the world is doing the same or worse with the printing. So relatively speaking we will be fine.

>> No.19770544

You might be coping with severe retardation.

>> No.19770614

But won't costs explode out of control for the average person? I've already noticed my food items has gone up about 10-20% since January. My pay has definitely has not gone up by the same amount.

>> No.19770632

Lol, americans can't get their brains around this. Google yen euro currency basket. That's one of the several legitimate concepts to get rid of petrodollar and the us leech economy sucking out economies all over the world like a vampire. In the not so distant future US will have to deal with the real amount of their debts accumulated without being able to inflate it away.

>> No.19770640

I rent an apartment...

>> No.19770665

Except that China and Russia hate each other and are perennial frenemies

>> No.19770703

>we're all gonna die from COVID-19!
120k deaths just in the US isn't world-ending but it isn't exactly a drop in the water
>the economy will never recover!
no one knows this, including economists. All people can do is make educated guesses based on how events transpired in the past
t. econ grad
>we're never going to be able to return to normal!
i haven't seen ANYONE say this
just that it will take a while
my state just had a church that decided to reopen in a small county. 200 new cases in two days from the church, so clearly we're not quite ready
>niggers are good for society, we should import them with no restrictions!
so you mean literal slavery, like how nogs got here in the first place?

>> No.19770705


>> No.19770738


you're a fucking retard. pay more attention in class mr econ grad

>> No.19770740

>Nuke any country out of existence that dares lower the value of the dollar and start jailing 'economists' and inflation theory morons as dissidents, and level any credit rating agency that dares to lower the AAA+ rating of the US with a cruze missile
I really hate this buzzword but this is the most bootlicking fucking post I've seen all month
I feel sorry for you

>> No.19770742

The money printer is the reason why the dollar will fall...

>> No.19770758

Get creative. Planter boxes or pots may be the way to go. You won't be able to be self-sufficient that way, but it may lessen your food cost burden.

I'd dyor on this. If you have family with property (and they're relatively nearby), ask if you can grow a garden on their property somewhere.

People will just have to make friends, reconnect, and pull together.

>> No.19770806

nah get some grassland, a few cows and chickens instead.

>> No.19770814
File: 102 KB, 640x922, jyyc1358vu251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes please lecture me with your econ 101 education.
Economics is a social science and anyone that says they can predict the market with 100% accuracy is full of shit. Nor can the US magically fix their problems without error, as each economic event is completely unique with unique variables we've never seen before.

>> No.19770816

>pro tip: just bc we have a big military doesn’t mean we aren’t weak in all other aspects
Such as?

>> No.19770860

Thanks, anonymous shitposter on a New Dehli Link Shilling Board

>> No.19770889

Population of fat degenerates

>> No.19770904

If you can, definitely.

>> No.19770935

I can turn a closet into a store room for maybe a month of food, but I have nowhere near the window space to grow anything meaningful. I bet the waiting list for city garden allotments is about to get a lot longer as well.

Fuck's sake, I always knew the west was going to collapse, but this is 10 years too early, I am supposed to have saved up enough and buy a house in the country by then. All my savings will also be made worthless with this inflation.

>> No.19771011

I don't have a crystal ball. Things could go to hell in a handbasket by the end of the year, or limp along for another decade. The ultimate goal should be to learn to be as self sufficient as possible, reconnect socially so that you and others can pool your resources and help each other out without waiting for daddy government to act, and have the resources on hand to buy time when things do get screwy.

It's not the end of the world or civilization, but tough times are coming for most of us.

>> No.19771019

Modern economics is detached from reality at this point due to operating on flawed premises then repeatedly doubling down on them rather than correcting them. You'd almost have to reset the entire discipline at this point for it to have any merit. Economics in its current form is like a glimpse into an alternate timeline where biologists found some way to accept a concept other than cell theory and then built their entire discipline on top of these flawed premises. Everyone sort of recognizes it's bullshit, but it's easier to operate within the framework of the discipline and get patted on the back than it is to try to actually go in and try to fix it.

>> No.19771056

Dangerously based

>> No.19771083

>Nuke any country out of existence that dares lower the value of the dollar
Why would the US nuke itself?

>> No.19771085

Military doesn’t help you against an internal enemy especially if the military (or parts of it) have been compromised

>> No.19771151

Based and redpilled. Listen to this man.

>> No.19771178
File: 26 KB, 680x383, 632092043ad50c112f94b25d802c0198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they can easily fuck America up in a minute specially if Europe decides to sit this one out
>If Europe decides to sit this one out
Imagine thinking Europe has any military significance whatsoever

>> No.19771262

You are a stupid fuck, you don’t understand how markets work.

>> No.19771274


holy fuck this is one dumb fucking post

>> No.19771299


>> No.19771333

Go ahead breh. Sell all your USD and invest it in (checks notes) Remnibi? Euros? CDN? AUS?

I'll wait here on the sidelines with my USD. There is not enough liquidity in all the currencies in the world to replace the USD.

We are at multi-decade lows for USD right now.

>> No.19771345

>More dollar
>Americans value dollar less
>Just nuke other countries
The absolute state of the brainlet burger

>> No.19771348

that's not how inflation works you moron

>> No.19771370

Why is this jew being shilled everywhere? His warning also appeared in CNBC & Bloomberg. Is this just the media hedging their bets?

>> No.19771372

>all this seething and no argument
might want to look in the mirror

>> No.19771382

OK boomer

>> No.19771479
File: 19 KB, 1080x1246, 34142F22-4451-4420-8026-3E5BDCC0235F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inflation theories extrapolated from weak states like the weimar republic are invalid and do not translate when you are the most powerful country with the world's largest nuclear arsenal. MMT Chads know that value perception is a spook only enforced by power of the state. Nuke any country out of existence that dares lower the value of the dollar and start jailing 'economists' and inflation theory morons as dissidents, and level any credit rating agency that dares to lower the AAA+ rating of the US with a cruze missile. Money printing works if you have a big stick.

>> No.19771484

It's ok we are starving because everyone is staring is a hot take

>> No.19771504

it's not that he's an economist, it's that what he's speaking is common fucking sense

>> No.19771512

>supply of nukes

kek. Yeah, but nuking your poor citizens is not gonna improve the economy

>> No.19771526

>we are the #1 most influential and powerful country on earth with the largest economy, military and supply of nukes.
and so what's your plan? nuke everyone who isn't willing to sell their assets for dollars?

>> No.19771532

Noooooo you can't just put all your money into gold and silver barrrinoooss

Haha gold and silver go clink clink

>> No.19771534

One french nuke and New York goes poof

>> No.19771551

>nuke everyone who isn't willing to sell their assets for dollars?

Not nuke, but remember what happened when irak started to sell oil in euros

>> No.19771555

>we're gonna nuke the market if the dollar tanks
americans are fucking delusional

>> No.19771567

kek good luck with your nuclear war. sill sure be comforting to know you have the largest arsenal once the ICMBs start raining

>> No.19771583

>the american consumer is one of the pillars keeping the global economy up
jesus fucking christ

>> No.19771606

Oil/$ rises if $ inflates tho
Or do you really want to force a price at gunpoint?

>> No.19771610

>Yale Economist says dump
Get ready for the pump of a life time!

>> No.19771624

honestly shit like that would be a lot harder to pull off nowadays. 80% of people formed opinion primarily based on major news outlets in the early 2000s, less than 10% factored in knowledge from the internet.
now it's inverted

>> No.19771652

there was 0% chance of awareness of the BRRRR phenomenon catching fire before the most modern times. now the majority of people know about it.

>> No.19772348

ask an economist, it ain't wrong

>> No.19773316

Economists are wrong.

>> No.19773444

often, but I think this is true.
not even that bold of a statement.

>> No.19773867

Spain Empire? Spain Empire.

>> No.19773886

Europe doesn't need much we would use there land as a base of operations in all probability. That being said China and Russia together would wipe us off the earth.

>> No.19773929

KYS you sad little incel. Have sex so you don’t feel like you have to take obviously retarded contrarian views and larp with gigachad pics to feel like a man.

>> No.19773972

Pretty much. Every time I see someone getting worried or panicking over this I think,”how basic are you?”

>> No.19774009

Bitcoin retard. Actually.

>> No.19774013

This much butthurt and still no argument. Ironically so far, MMT school is the only one being proven right by the policies taken during this pandemic.

>> No.19774020

Well we are fucked then because Americans are broke as fuck now.

>> No.19774057

No deeper systematic unserviceable debt is why it will fail. Printing is what they will do to try to fix it or buy time but it won’t work.

>> No.19774061

>zoomers knowing anything about the world outside Fortnite
(B/Z)oomers are the bookends choking out the last bastion of humanity's future before being flung back into the dark ages

>> No.19774071

Europe doesnt have a massive standing army, but they produce almost 1/3 of the worlds military Equipment. If they decide to Keep it instead of selling most of it they can do a quicker Mobilisation than the us did in ww1 (from 150000 to a few Million in less than 3 years)

>> No.19774092

holy shit an intelligent comment. Where am I?

>> No.19774114

>muh debt
Irrelevant. Nullify it and if any country gets upset nuke them.

>> No.19774133

Checked., and it has served us well in the past. Also we have no other options

>> No.19774138

Except that for many years they’ve been selling that production to sandy sandniggers like turkey and SA. How many years of production to make up for that Fritz?

>> No.19774165

No retard. Inflation was last enacted to Counter deflation and it’s just starting to have an effect. They always overshoot. Cute take but you are wrong about everything.

>> No.19774174

How about mortgages, auto loans, student loans, credit card debt, and corporate debt?

>> No.19774186

ok so you’re just an idiot. I guess we already knew that. Nvm

>> No.19774215

he unironically thinks we should nuke ourselves. change starts with you anon.. do it.. rope

>> No.19774328
File: 301 KB, 1500x2000, EYE5vwXUEAUXf5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if we print money and give it to a portion of poor people, 20% or so? They'll naturally spend it, and that will provide economic stimulus.

But if we told people it was because we're desperate to escape a global depression, they'd totally panic. Instead of the truth, what could we tell them that they would understand?

>> No.19774355

the us back then stockpiled less then the eu does now, modern warfare is almost entirely about production capacity. And in that regards the eu is a close second to the us, ahead of China and russia

>> No.19774371

Followed by the U.S. being justifiably nuked by the other nuclear powers. Now what, tough guy?

>> No.19774384

Tell them its trumpbucks and they get them because america is great again

>> No.19774390

An even better time was before everything you want in your stockpile mooned. You're about to find out where inflation went.

>> No.19774416
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>> No.19774425

yes, we did that, they didn't really buy it.
And if we give it to EVERYONE, a lot of it will go to savings, and that doesn't do anyone any good.

Who could we give it to that would spend it quickly to cause money to flow through many people's hands?

>> No.19774513

Oh, here we go
BTC to be worth $100,000 EOY
Almost enough to buy one loaf of bread

>> No.19774535

Yeah, that'd completely defeat USA and they could do nothing in retaliation at all then....

>> No.19774659

That was the plan, but instead all that happened was inflation on the products people actually need and a retarded stock rally.

>> No.19774746

What's the rest of the world gonna do? Nuke the US into paying up? Don't kid yourself. The Jewnited States controls the economy and the nukes. No one's going to oppose them and any opposition is just controlled goys.

>> No.19774756

>Who could we give it to that would spend it quickly to cause money to flow through many people's hands?

Hint, it starts with "N".

>> No.19774760

do you think grippens stand a chance against f35s? also imagine the eu if ww3 errupted in the near future, what chain of command would be accepted? a lot of military leaders would feel like they should be in charge

>> No.19774778

You sound like an idiot talking about things he doesn't understand.

>> No.19774804
File: 91 KB, 830x1159, 05 fate - glubb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. All Empires fall anon, usually from arrogance and greed. American institutions don't make sound decisions anymore. And rather then address this and tackle the problem, retards just chant "USA #1" or "Muh Military", even as social unrest and burning cities dot the landscape.

You have traitors in your midst, and get angry at us, the messengers, for pointing out the emperors deteriorating clothes.

>> No.19774807

>just nuke other nuclear powers, what could go wrong?
mutual assured destruction

>> No.19774828

Fear mongering boomer meme. First strike advantage exists and nuclear winter is pseudoscience.

>> No.19774831

No. They'll nuke the U.S. into irrelevance, thus destroying the dollar by default.

Yeah, China, the EU, Russia, India, and Pakistan will also be smoldering rubble, but the U.S. nuking anyone ever again will let the MAD genie out of the bottle.

>> No.19774855

You forget we have nuclear submarines each with enough nukes to blow the whole planet up in key locations around the globe ready to burn the earth to the ground if god forbid anyone dare attack the us. Hyper sonic missiles can suck my short dick. What’s the point of them if they’ll still get destroyed in the process when we starting shooting nukes like Kobe at the free throw

>> No.19774886

No one survives the us when it comes down to nukes we have the most powerful navy with subs each equipped with enough fire power to unleash the power of 25 suns on any given nation at any given moment

>> No.19774922

The Unites States IS Weimar.

>> No.19774950

They'll get to cripple the U.S. forever by destroying all of the infrastructure and people that those submarines allegedly "protect".

It doesn't matter if they'll also be dead. The whole reason they don't nuke the U.S. right now and wipe its hegemon from the Earth is because the U.S. will do likewise to them.

>> No.19774972
File: 913 KB, 2272x1704, saddam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I don't remember. But do you remember what America did to Iraq after Saddam tried to trade with pic related? Remember what America did to Libya's Qaddafi when he tried to trade oil in pic related?

>> No.19775005
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>> No.19775038
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>> No.19775049

>the United states is a nation that lost a war and has no military strength or any surrounding allies

>> No.19775056
File: 46 KB, 618x416, saddam's gold 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad Company IRL

>> No.19775084
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i think you mean completely fucking based

>> No.19775148
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Exactly. The answer is reparations.
It's easy for the masses to understand, and the money will get spent, and my shares of PEP will go up when a lot of that money ends up spent on the fine products of Frito-lay.

>The Unites States IS Weimar.
The reichsmark was never a world reserve currency, it was never held by investors and institutions and governments all over the world like the US Dollar. The comparison is fucking stupid. It was one of the worst currencies in Europe, in one of the worst economies in Europe.

the stock rally was more because the fed came in and said they'd do "whatever it takes" to stop a wave of simultaneous bankruptcies. And they proved it by buying up MBS and fallen angel corporate debt etf's.

But a lot of that money will also go to those massive corporations. And a lot of their competiton will be eliminated, because the actual small businesses don't have access to the publicly traded credit market.

>> No.19775207
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trump moving US to sound money. using FED bbbbrrrrrr to pay for it and leaving them with worthless bags. stop believing jew FUD

>> No.19775243
File: 177 KB, 750x381, 782FE882-634F-4D00-8A33-3E4D72FE1BA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it began in march


>> No.19775445

Right, the money was to stop bankrupcies, not save the big companies from a health 30% correction that would have been good for them and the country in the long run. It wasn't meant to be "go make ATH, boys!"-money.

>> No.19775592

*ring ring*

>> No.19775999

>not save the big companies from a health 30% correction
yeah, but the stock rally was more of a secondary effect.

>> No.19776586

No one will start a war over the us defaulting on debt, they will just stop lending them money. And since without a constant stream of new credit the us cant afford its army or government trust into the Dollar will plummet, making it worthless in buying foreign goods, and the standard of living will fall to 3rd world country Levels, probably leading to civil war and Formation of 1 or more new countries that dont formally count themselfes as sucessor states

>> No.19776601

>this time is different
>this time a fiat currency will work

>> No.19776633

Dude they are actually pretty god damn good to listen to, and I’ve been following markets for about 15 years

>> No.19776674

Literally used to work with a guy named this. Fuck he was annoying too

>> No.19777363

Checked. I'm unable to reply because I just keep guessing what you mean, arguing to my mind convincingly against that but then deleting it, thinking "no he probably didn't mean that". Could you expand a bit?

>> No.19777435
File: 12 KB, 310x221, 310px-B-52_and_FA-18_aircraft_flying_over_the_Carrier_Strike_Group_Five_during_Valiant_Shield_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get rid of the petrodollar

>> No.19777453

The world is give and take. Providing useful information is mutually beneficial.

>> No.19777590

good bait but i still cant explain the hoards of retards who took it seriously
who are you people??? especially if you agree. hey >>19769971 (You), retarded frogposter, where did you came from that you unironically took an obvious b8 like this?? what are you, 5?

>> No.19777632

Nah, the red pill is that currency is a meme created by governments, and provides zero significance to the economy.

>> No.19777647
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It's not bait. Value is a function of power. Back in the caveman days, if you disagreed with the subprime rate of drug, you would get a free skull reconstruction. It's the same thing today, except states assumed the role of tribal warlords.

>> No.19777659

this unironically. doomerfags eternally btfo, god they’re annoying
guess what faggots, new paradigm. inb4 meme chart.

>> No.19778188

The currency that was working for hundreds of years; gold

>> No.19779078
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Hey that sure is a neat theory.

Oops turns out the us military is a decaying husk.