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File: 466 KB, 828x1416, 3D3B4392-EDAC-4EA2-AFA6-F41652247946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19767766 No.19767766 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine seething this much lmao

>> No.19768174

he's not really seething but ok

>> No.19768193

I think the democrats put that $600 in there, along with all kinds of other retarded shit like money for the arts, expecting the republicans to reject it but they didn't. They wanted to make the republicans look bad by having them hold up the bill.

>> No.19768516

They came up with that $600 because with economic and market data they figured that's what a fair amount is in order to sustain yourself.

Wagies should be mad at the fact that their current wages are a fucking ripoff, and need to fight for higher minimum wage.

Said tweet is just propaganda designed to make poor people fight against each other in a race to the bottom.

>> No.19768904
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seethe in the cage, essential cuck

>> No.19768937 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 675x388, brrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

question pls answer: are you getting the 600 or are lefties really such giant cucks? there's NOTHING wrong with my peers earning multiple times their previous wages out of my tax dollars for sitting at home! it was a great decision! bless the dems!

>> No.19768948
File: 44 KB, 675x388, brrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

question pls answer: are you getting the 600 or are lefties really such giant cucks? there's NOTHING wrong with my peers earning multiple times their previous wages out of my tax dollars for sitting at home! it was a great decision! bless the state!

>> No.19768962

It's the passively aggressive seeth which is the worst kind there is. He is so upset he needs to rhetorically tone it down and use verbal pauses.... to... well uh and CAPITALIZE for emphasis. I bet if I talked to this bitch boy in real life I could have him riled up to the point of shouting and being red in the face.

>> No.19768993


>china usa trade war
>china tries to damage usa economy by releasing corona virus
>usa being the world reserve currency responds by printing unlimited money and giving to its people with no drawdown while china sells the stock market bottom

china BTFOd

>> No.19770307

Literally scraps compared to covid corporate bailouts. You're a model sheep, displaying your angst against something that is ultimately irrelevant.

>> No.19770374

I hate everyone.

I'd rather have corporates getting bailouts than the redditors and niggers working at McDonald's getting $600 a week to protest BLM and burn cop cars.

At least giving money to corporations pumps the market.

>> No.19770476

Corporate bailouts just prop up unprofitable business. Just look at the German car industry. Hand of it should have died in 2008, instead it's all barely held together by literally free credits from the central banks and will all come tumbling down as soon as the interest hists even .5% again, crippling the country for at least a decade

>> No.19770562

Fair enough.

>> No.19770594

>point of shouting and being red in the face.

>> No.19770596

I don't mind people leeching off the system. It's better than wasting your life paying 30% taxes to Tyrone and Shekelberg. The faster the whole thing collapses the better.

>> No.19770615


spotted the NEET without skin in the game

>> No.19770645

I got furloughed and I'm only making ~650 USD less on unemployment and CARES than what I would've made working full time. In that time I've played a ton of video games, read a ton of books, completed some personal projects, and got good at cooking. Fuck wage slavery. My income bracket is forced to pay pretty high taxes anyways so I don't give a fuck about rich people complaining.

>> No.19770667

I'd rather the money go to the average US citizen (I know who the average US citizen is, trust me). That decision doesn't come lightly, thinking of all the weak and useless people who will receive it. But more than ever functional, good people of America will receive these benefits, taking a load off their back, making it so they don't fear for their own futures as much. I'd rather this money go to the national citizen than an international corporation. if anything the US should be subsidizing all US bred corporations that emphasize a nationalistic growth approach, hiring only Americans, selling American products, and kicking in high gear smarter, not harder, innovative technologies and resources. Giving any bailouts to companies that hire foreigners or have their slave shops set up in third world countries is not ideal, and any further benefits given out should be taken away from these conglomerates, and handed to the average American. Even if a nigger gets it I would rather he spend the money in the local economic circuit than give billions to corps that will just send the money out of the country.

>> No.19770900

NEETs are true heroes

>> No.19770936

imagine when he finds out that NEET mcNEETSON made a fortune by buying LINK on ICO without doing anything but shitposting all day

>> No.19770993
File: 25 KB, 250x332, 250px-Shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe wages should've risen in the past 40 years...

>> No.19771039

gotta make do with the cards your dealt. Kikes and boomers fuck the country and are mad people are finding their way through the cracks

>> No.19771078

yeah i'm getting $800 a week until the end of july (unless the place i work part time opens up before then) and i worked about 15 hours a month on average since i just did it for beer money as a college student. i literally made almost twice as much last month sitting at home than i would have made in an entire year.

corona has been very good to me. putting it all into blue chips, crypto, and precious metals.

>> No.19771131

If they didn't give the extra $600, wages would have collapsed and deflation would hit like a ton of bricks.

Clown worlds require clown solutions.

>> No.19772051

775 per week. Using the time to study certifications and start a business. Neets RISE THE FUCK UP. OUR TIME IS NOW. WE ARE FORGOTTEN NO LONGER. DO NOT WASTE THIS OPPORTUNITY.

>> No.19772120

exactly....wage stagnation since the early 80s and increases in productivity are what aggregated all the wealth where is stands today.

>> No.19772273
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, E1C2F815-9DE3-4B6D-9275-786B36BD05BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw your miserable company/job is “essential” and you don’t get any extra time off or hazard pay

>> No.19772298

This boomer is jealous of that kid, why is he counting someone else’s money like that?

>> No.19772425
File: 434 KB, 1328x1488, dark-wojak-light-grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some high school drop out pizza neet makes more than me. A college graduate

>> No.19773679
File: 81 KB, 985x1024, 1591630329872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw make more in a job a highschooler could do selling hydraulic/pneumatic consumables.
>Have eng. physics degree. Only employment options were military and academia, both paying utter shit.

>> No.19773706

based boomer calling out lazy nigger zoomers

>> No.19773733

He's right though

>> No.19773838

Imagine a whole generation of neets where nobody ever works. What do you think would happen to that society?

>> No.19773856
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1585790293417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine a whole generation of neets where nobody ever works

>> No.19773939
File: 433 KB, 989x723, 1566942173011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine a whole generation of neets where nobody ever works.

Based? Yeah, I'm thinking it's based.

>> No.19773971

>Buy crypto with unemployment buxs.
>brag about unemployment making him a millionaire ten years later

Wagies btfo.

>> No.19773987

The line of logic that went into arriving at $600 was the ability for those who were laid off to have between themselves and a fucked up economic situation. It is fairly simple. When you consider the face that another relief bill might never be approved, it was a smart move. Another thing to consider is that this amount will not pay into SSI or someones health insurance, so that is another aspect of how they arrived at that amount.

>> No.19774734

It’s like watching alt right babies cry about black people getting welfare.

>> No.19775412

i would be making more money unemployed right now and it's gay af. this is my excuse for half assing the shit out of my job right now. the funny thing is it didn't even matter. i still get everything done, i still do it well, the difference is i don't give a shit. being unemployed right now would be a blessing. the only reason why i still continue to half ass is because the resume meme.

>> No.19775741
File: 77 KB, 700x658, 1520974643234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine a whole generation of neets where nobody ever works.

>> No.19775818

>Zoomer makes $5k in unemployment
>Boomer uses $1 million in medicaid to survive covid
We're not done fucking up your pensions boomers, the day of the pillow is soon

>> No.19776367
File: 1.36 MB, 1200x1144, 1592290337239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wastes opportunity