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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 992 KB, 1378x827, Annotation 2020-06-16 161922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19761397 No.19761397 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else noticed how insanely over priced everything is right now? I used to rent
a 3000 squarefoot house with another 3000 squarefoot of land to go with it for $1400 a month from 2009 to 2018, now something like that would be $4000 a month. As someone who's been buying and selling everything from computer components to vehicles via craigslist for the past 10 years, this is somewhat worrying. Cars that I used to buy for a couple thousand 5 years ago are selling for double the price even though they've had 5 more years of depreciation. Bicycles that wal mart used to sell for $79 are being sold by resellers for $200. People are asking for almost the retail price of current gen computer hardware for last gen hardware. People actually have the nerve to ask for money for piss stained furniture that people used to give away for free What the fuck is going on?

>> No.19761409

Hyperinflation soon fren
Pepper ur angus

>> No.19761426

Sounds about right for a low miles museum quality example of a true type r

Not the heavy turbocharged abomination they have out now

>> No.19761430

They’re figuring out how to squeeze the leftover income that people have. It’s been said that rent accounts for about 50 percent of people’s income now, but if you’re a landlord why would you want to settle for 50 percent? Why not 90 percent? The same concept of price creep is moving into other sectors.

>> No.19761435

People get hard-ons when markets are good. Find something you want and just wait until we get to a panic period and buy it for a more reasonable price.

>> No.19761440

That a type r, most likely extremely low miles. I wouldn’t pay that price but I grew when that was the hottest and rarest thing available.

>> No.19761444

lmao at americans who always get the shittest variants of japanese sports cars, inflate the prices and have terrible modifications and taste 10 years behind the rest of the world. God can only get retribution against america for ruining the skyline market. Prices inflated based upon speculation and forbidden fruit mentality, and the fun, knockabout culture ruined by people who unironically think they are supercars and not just fun sports cars, hoard muh 'rare' (read: shit) JDM parts and now try to gatekeep people who aren't involved in the race to the bottom to find 'muh nismo old logo!1! rare part le JDM rare!'.

>> No.19761459
File: 331 KB, 753x707, 1500585587778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my integra I got for free from helping elderly neighbor move got stolen and completely stripped

>> No.19761467


It has less then 9k miles and was a true museum piece example, but it still isn't worth that money

>> No.19761475

Not sure about eBay murica, but everywhere else (Yurope) it went from $1+ auction - to fixed Buy My Shit At What I Think Its Worth Price (Protip: Its Not). I think the now entire absence of a platform where you could (if you weren't too fussy) buy literal shit for $1.00 had a lot to do with prices and expectations now in general. Also, resources, people value trash more, and finding exactly what they are looking for. tldr, overpriced 2nd hand here to stay

>> No.19761503

>my neighbor had dementia
>so I taxed his integra
>then I gots niggered
karma anon

>> No.19761611

They are a classic at this point.

>> No.19761722

Low sense of community, high sense of greed.

>> No.19761805

Dodge Neon SRT cheaper, faster and not some overrated Jap import that nerds splooge over.
Learn about value and it'll get your far in life mates

>> No.19761835

Are we talking a hard R here?

>> No.19761893


Boomers can't resist fucking the future generations. Just can't control themselves.

>> No.19761949

People are desperate to make a lot of money with minimum effort. It's a bubble.

That type R is worth the price though, absolutely savage vehicle. FWD drifting without trays is a reality.

>> No.19761994

>it still isn't worth that money

Someone paid that money so obviously it was worth it. You do understand how "value" is defined right?

>> No.19762010

That's a real classic if in the right condition

But it's all fucked. Specially rent

>> No.19762050

Real inflation is out the wazoo. Government just increasingly subsidizes food, and there is real cheap entertainment now which is why people don't notice. Its complete joke really. Rent, healthcare, etc. shit is just sky rocketing and the government is nope inflation is only 2% because that phone you bought has 10% more pixels but only cost 8% more. Meanwhile the quality of life just goes to shit.

In the background the fed is just inflating the fuck out of our money, devaluing our savings and future income to bail out multinational zombie corporations again and again so they can continue to pay million dollar bonuses and stock incentives. We as a society pretty much rain wealth down on billionaires and heirs while the lower class are essentially debt slaves. Prices constantly going up but wages staying the same, while you're born into massive life long debt (student debt, lunch debt, etc.)

We have reached peak neofeudalist capitalism.

>> No.19762052

boomers gon boom. simple as.

>> No.19762060
File: 244 KB, 1076x646, Consooming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People are desperate to make a lot of money with minimum effort. It's a bubble.

This. We are reaching peak capitalism.

>> No.19762063
File: 127 KB, 498x280, gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck is everything over priced?
are you serious?

>> No.19762073

Factor in inflation alone and it's worth double.

And if Its a type R...and in mint condition with low miles, then yeah. I can see it going for that.

When you have something of rarity, you get to charge for rarity. You can find old shitter integras no problem. A mint , garage kept, type R with low mileage...different story.

>> No.19762149
File: 9 KB, 182x276, drink-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some asshole with more money than he knows what to do with bought the car for that much as a way of setting the value for it. Now, the value of every single Integra type R has increased slightly because of this sale. This is how rich people make markets. This is also why art sells for so much money.


>> No.19762186

Ever watched this guy?

>> No.19762234

Doesnt have the type r bumper/grill tho

>> No.19762240

But those are ugly af

>> No.19762257

Why doesnt a neon hold the same types of records?

>> No.19762272

Fuck forgot link

>> No.19762331
File: 745 KB, 1526x2167, 8E122F75-D472-4738-9981-011126AF0E69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh anon, if only you knew how bad things could really get

>> No.19762469

I used to buy and sell vintage that I got from thrifts. Before, I used to buy the shirts for like $1-4 each. Now thrifts want $4-8 for t shirts and the shirts I used to buy on eBay for $30-60 now go for $100-300. Everything is more expensive and we keep giving more money to billionaires. I’m sick of it

>> No.19762525

Death to the boomers!

>> No.19762576
File: 1001 KB, 750x1334, 45BA1B54-8E3F-4C05-8FFE-6DE14BEE8E93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this shit. This shirt should be $150 absolute max and this guy wants $500 for it. Even old ass video games are expensive.

>> No.19762636
File: 114 KB, 1111x605, hats4sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's nothing, check this. dude bought a bunch of the really rare maga hats.
>7 sold
the charity he's supporting with the sales is related to autism.

>> No.19763020


Doesn't the NSX increase $4k in value every year?

>> No.19763225

That’s a classic car that’s why

>> No.19763370

honk honk

>> No.19763708

its usdm

>> No.19763769

Consumers aren't usually in debt and are usually the dave Ramsey sory of retards who'll throw a fit if you suggest bankruptcy.

>> No.19764444

Learning to let go of wants in these times where any want will be milked to its fullest extent is a good idea.
I don't want for anything, and I haven't been hurting.

>> No.19764591
File: 1.93 MB, 400x300, Its okay to have nothing but negative thoughts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I haven't seen or heard an ad on radio, the internet, TV, in about 2 years now. When ever I see billboards trying to sell something, they look like they're pandering to retards. And who the fuck needs a phone plan where they 'give' you an upgrade every year? Is it really true that consumer spending is 70% of our GDP now?

Once the real estate bubble and stock bubble gets popped by bond yields, all that QE money is going to flood into the normiesphere. I wonder if any of them will an hero because they can't get a new laptop?

>> No.19764616

Flyovers truly make me sick to my damn stomach.

>> No.19764646

Neofeudal socialism here we come.

>> No.19764783

>essential consumer goods

>> No.19764898

Seeing this makes me want to neck
>31 year old boomer
>Dad went half with me on a yellow Integra Type-R as a graduation present
>3 weeks later I got jumped getting into my car in a Walmart parking lot
>Get thrown out of car going about 15-20mph
>Several bruised ribs, 2 black eyes, and lost a tooth from the ejection + punches stomps from 3 people
>car was found totaled 2 cities over a week later

Sorry for the blog post, but I really wanted to keep that car long as I lived. They’re going to be $100k+ in the next few years for sure.

>> No.19764922

Forgot to add this was like a week after my 18th birthday. Fucking still have dreams about that car to this day. Fuck

>> No.19764939

This is why these cars have value.

>> No.19764964

Imagine not buying Bitcoin in that time instead

>> No.19765088


At this point, I'd vote for a Constitutional Amendment to get a weath tax going or anything that would capture the dough people like Bezos accumulate on the backs of underpaid serfs, outsourcing everything, deindustrialisation and financial manipulation.

>> No.19765128

What do you think a US dollar is worth now. Anything limited or rare is going to Moon in the next few months. The dollar is dying.

>> No.19765171
File: 446 KB, 808x805, 4C5C14F9-1291-4962-9BBD-32297C604237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based and redpilled

>> No.19765208

I bought a Kia forte today for under 17k. That's a goddamn good deal in my book.

>> No.19765976

People have more money
>but people are bitching about not having enough money more than ever?
thats what people do. It's not about how much money they have, it's about how much stuff they want.

>> No.19766886

fuck hyperinflation is really around the corner..
I wonder if I will make it with 20k FUND.

>> No.19766937

>charity he's supporting is related to autism
So he's buying LINK, nice.