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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 320 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200616-100405_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19754919 No.19754919 [Reply] [Original]

Finally hit 160k

If we crab for 3 more months I can probably get 170k, feels good bros

>> No.19754955

People like you are the reason they're going to suppress the shit out of LINK's price until everyone is forced to sell to feed themselves.

>> No.19754987

Let them surpress i’m still accumulating as well.

>> No.19754991

how you have so much money to buy so much at these prices man? i can only hope to gather another 5k for make it stack

>> No.19755023

I have a fairly high salary I guess, I also vest a chunk of company stock every financial quarter

>> No.19755027

Imagine believing this
65% is held by creators.

>> No.19755032

Imagine being this retarded and irresponsible

>> No.19755045

216k should be your goal

>> No.19755048

Welcome, newfriend. Grab a refreshing beverage and open up the archives. It has literally been proven that LINK price is being suppressed. It's becoming increasingly difficult as the big exchanges lose control of more and more supply.

>> No.19755052


>> No.19755090

It is being "suppressed" by the team cashing out their tokens every 2 weeks. Scammer.

>> No.19755099

Jesus man there's a such thing as risk management.

>> No.19755116
File: 122 KB, 734x737, 1591559219659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 4.5k enough to make it?

>> No.19755118

How does someone so foolish have so much money?

>> No.19755136

There's a reason why he has that much money and you don't even have a indoor toilet

>> No.19755148

>Is 4.5k enough to make it?
Absolutely but you're posting on /biz/ so you're never going to make it, just go spend it on something nice before some poo convinces you to go all in on a shitcoin.

>> No.19755159

It’s either
1) A literal lie meant to bait retards to buy and pump his tiny bags
2) A retard who can’t manage risk properly
3) Someone who believes in the project with no real world adoption + delusion

>> No.19755190
File: 148 KB, 1238x1480, 8548ABDC-3BD4-4FE8-B3D0-B071563FC25C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a pro-tip. Convert to Bitcoin or go to 0 from Sergay the scammer you goddamn ignorant monkey.

>> No.19755212

5 btc here as well. Nice work anon.

>> No.19755248

Kek you’re retarded all it takes is for LINK to hit $100 and OP portfolio will be much higher than yours, what BTC expected price this time, prob 150k max so your portfolio would only we worth $750k, OP would be $16M.

>> No.19755318

>he thinks his premined billion supply erc20 shittoken will 25x after already mooning 4 years after the ICO craze
Your shitcoin already mooned. Move on scammer.

>> No.19755345


>> No.19755411
File: 366 KB, 828x1792, 3076CA45-9078-41DD-95F7-D333472591A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work anon.
Your gonna make it

>> No.19755891

risk management starts after you have accumulated high wealth

People who become filthy rich do so by taking tremendous risk early on, then playing it safe when youve reached the top. Thats what I plan on doing

>> No.19755916

Not gonna make it, u need to buy some shitcoins sir

>> No.19755957

My dude you must be in the corporate world, what do you expect LINK worth to be? I feel like it changes so much shit.

>> No.19755978

that’s how price suppression tends to work, yes

>> No.19756295

>Could buy 3 houses with that money and have passive income forever
>Instead bets on a scam that literally hit zero cents three months ago.

nice larp faggot

>> No.19756406

Take 10% of that, sent to coinmetro, buy Xcm, Thank me later

>> No.19756446

I cant speak to exact market cap numbers, but I firmly believe it will be top 4 market cap (likely top 3) before the end of next year

>> No.19756451

Somehow the big larp stack fud has returned.

>> No.19756544

>be poor fag
>tell rich fag that demonstrably makes better financial decisions what to do
>now i'm.. happy?

>> No.19756622

wtf this is fake how fucking stupid one can be !!?

>> No.19757737

>demonstrably makes better financial decision

Holding a shitcoin scam to zero cents sounds like a good decision to you? You so know that link doesn't even have a real floor right? It's just bots, that's why it flash crashed. Nobody is waiting to buy this shit.

>> No.19757753

Lmfao down $60k. You crypto fags never know when to sell.

>> No.19757818
File: 249 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200616-153627_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer money go up.

>> No.19758258
File: 321 KB, 1125x1011, 5F04F929-EE3A-41A2-A878-1A86A9CC1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based whale, I’m aiming for 125k, going to flip some eth in when it pumps

>> No.19758268

I wonder if he killed himself, I certainly would

>> No.19758304

jesus, sia bro, that takes me back.

>> No.19758570

how much did you fuckers buy in for?

>> No.19758599

Bro he has this much, and he still fucking buying. I still fucking buy and i’m already at a make it stack...

>> No.19758723

Fuck off newfag, Link was dirt cheap back in the day, they didn't buy link at 2$ to make this much profit

>> No.19758850

i bought the first 110k or so around 40 cents, lost track of the rest

>> No.19758906

I'm sia bro. I sold back in January 2018 at around 400-500 sat and kept quiet since then. I bought back when sia reached 18 sat. I increased my sia holdings by 10x.

>> No.19758934

very impressive, whats your target net worth?

I always thought i'd be satisfied with a couple mill but nowadays i'm thinking low-mid 8 figures

>> No.19758958

What's your salary?

>> No.19758993

100 million. My maximum target is 850 million if sia passes 1$ per coin in three decades or so, but it would need a market cap of over 41 billion. To achieve my target range of 100 million, sia would need to pass 2.5 billion market cap. It did it in the past and could do it within the next five years.

>> No.19759243

what the fuck does Sia even do?

>> No.19759326
File: 16 KB, 633x758, 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 80k linklet

>> No.19759416

Decentralized storage. It has an internal competitive hosting marketplace where people can sell their storage for money, and your storage is divided among hosts, encrypted and locked by contract, paid by siacoin. They released Skynet which creates portals so you can pin files to be uploaded and send links to download files from wherever. It's still in production but will be streamlined within the month to be efficient. The team makes money with siafunds whenever people use their network, so they're incentivized to make their system efficient and can't run away with any money.
The only other competitor, filecoin, has more capital to throw around but they're inefficient and unlikely to release anything. Recently, the ceo/lead dev showed skynet to filecoin investors and they said: "this has everything filecoin is missing."
I consider sia the only valid coin beyond bitcoin worth having, so I put all my money in it.

>> No.19759558

Cope and seethe
Lmao stay poor

>> No.19759689

mid 200k total comp or so, fluctuates depending on company stock price

>> No.19759693

lmao. Nice larp. Sia is dead

>> No.19759717

curious, do you have plans for that 100mil? I cant think of anything I want to buy that would require more than 50mill in total

>> No.19759839

I want to set up a few businesses on the sia network. I also want to set up an international market that will sell everything and cannot be taken down or traced. Afterwards, I want to set up a storage website that contains all movies, tv show, art, games, exhentai, etc in a single location that can be accessed for free and downloaded without needing torrents. And also have backup storage of the internet. I want to preserve everything and live comfortably, allowing people to watch and play everything and buy anything without the government or anyone else preventing that from happening.

>> No.19760043

What do you get from posting your portfolio every few days? Flexing on poor anons here? I don’t get it.

>> No.19760298

oh shut the fuck up, no one here actually believes you ... fuking 850 million faggot

>> No.19760354

when do you think link is going to be 100? also do you think it'll ever hit near 1k

>> No.19760431

dont take this personally but that will never happen, there are multibillionaires making fortunes on those things who would sooner see you assassinated before you even get off the ground floor

>> No.19760450

if he's white he's gonna get waco'd the second he buys a server

>> No.19760533
File: 24 KB, 806x310, sia holdings final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I care if people believe me?

I don't care for link; oracles cannot be decentralized. And being tied to eth will be its downfall when eth becomes a sinking ship.

That's why I have to remain hidden. It's an incredibly dangerous proposition but I want it to happen. I believe in the fundamentals of silk road and I hate what happened to Ulbricht, and I don't want that to happen to me. But the world would be a much better place if I can set it up.

>> No.19761689
