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File: 387 KB, 2000x1125, FC0A058D-E347-4998-B6C6-9BDBB1D90E6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19755632 No.19755632 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck are ya’ll doing it? Returns are supposed to be insane.

>> No.19755878

Are you talking through a CDP or what?

>> No.19755959
File: 154 KB, 640x543, 4AD00E41-7C33-43AB-B269-A261FDEBADB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don’t know. The tools available are:

Maker CDP
Aave lending
Compound finance COMP token via borrow/lending
Curve finance

Some combination of that will yield massive returns. This chink talking about it

>> No.19755983


>> No.19756014

Shhh let bizz miss this to lol this shit is insane

>> No.19756027

any link to defi ?

>> No.19756057
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1590465587397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha and the pajeets coming crawling out of the wood works

>> No.19756073

ill give you a hint, aave flash loans are the centerpiece

>> No.19756096

wood is comfortable, give me a link and eat a dick

>> No.19756098


You sure about that? Because flash loans are for solidity kiddies only and I doubt most of the people tweeting about this can code. Plus flash loans are winner take all, not like a lot of people can take advantage of it without killing yields

>> No.19756105

Put USDT as collateral in Compound, take out a DAI loan, collect interest fees and COMP. easy

>> No.19756119
File: 1.39 MB, 500x340, 1590855857933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they are not lol kys pajeet
This si so good biz retards trying to figure out defi basics 2y later


>> No.19756199

2 years ago I did even have electricity, more hint needed,

>> No.19756251

what do i do with the dai loan?

>> No.19756260
File: 96 KB, 730x317, dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think this is all done manually, youre wrong.

>he doesnt know

last hint is pic related, some anon got close in this thread but im not saying any more

>> No.19756310
File: 17 KB, 480x310, 1592277909765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude you are dumb as fuck lol

>> No.19756312

you're asking for a link to "defi" and i just dont think you know how retarded that is. back to the hut ranjesh

>> No.19756365
File: 11 KB, 1041x344, 2344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know im being baited for more info because youre a dumb nigger, but a parting gift to the rest of you who aren't faggots, pic related

>> No.19756408



That’s not DeFi farming. The anon above just described step 1.

You can take out a CDP to generate DAI to convert to USDT to take out a loan in Aave to the deposit in Compound to then loan against compound then stuff unto Curve...

It’s like an insane combo but I don’t know what order min-maxes yield.

>> No.19756431


Fuck off Chink. You’re probably Arthur butthurt for being called a chink. You and Pajeet asking for a link to DeFi can fuck right off

>> No.19756476

Doesn't that just build a bubble destined for collapse?

>> No.19756497

Figure it out. Maybe put it in some other DeFi? Convert it to USDT on curve rinse and repeat?

>> No.19756576


You can take out a loan against USDC which is fixed at $1.00 so the price can’t fluctuate - meaning you won’t get liquidated

>> No.19756586
File: 170 KB, 2000x903, comp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok pay attantion since Im in good mood and this absolute retard sugesting 55 platforms anoys me :
>since 24h ago you earn comp tokens if you suply or borrow on compound pic related
>75%% of comp is going to USDT suply/borrow due to huge intrest in it
>so you just borrow dai swap it to usdt than lend usdt
>you can "fold" (repeat) this shit as many times as you like but liquidation risk rises 2x is like 99% safe im on 6x folds and 74% etc
>not only you dont need to use 5 platforms you can do it on all on compound AND you can do it all in 1 transaction using https://dsa.instadapp.io/compound# go on tab Maximize $COMP mining and pick parameters

Np and gl

>> No.19756634


USDT doesn't count as collateral to borrow against, on both Compound and Aave

>> No.19756673

link to defi or I rape you pajeet !

>> No.19756676
File: 1.37 MB, 900x866, 1565491579087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goaded into revealing the secret, god im so fucking good at manipulating people into doing exactly what i want them to do

>> No.19756696

Thanks good man

>> No.19756723


Absolutely based spoon feeding anon. Ty

>> No.19756732

Youre LARPing.
USDT can’t be used as collateral on compound faggot, you can’t ‘fold’ more than once using that platform alone

>> No.19756741
File: 7 KB, 212x238, 3578834215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now sir please post a pic of your position, with your actual values not blocked out

this isnt some datamining psyop, genuinely curious how much youre willing to throw at this

>> No.19756800

kys retard I helped anon anyone could see how omegadumb are you "master manipulator" lol literally EVERYONE doing this and 10y old can google it no need to larp on pajeet board

Also for rest use instadap for everything defi doing evferything in 1 transaction will save you ALOT on fees

>> No.19756806

did 5 seconds of research, this anon is right. USDT collateral is 0%, DAI and USDC are 75% so either one of those would work, but the rates are dogshit.

best scenario would be to use another platform with your USDT to convert back into DAI and then fold that way

>> No.19756863


Iill get brain cancer i sware form your posts

>> No.19756946

What are "C tokens" the post
I literally hope you never get it KEK

>> No.19756968

post position on instadapp

>> No.19757012

But anon I wont be master manipualted again I must be larping

KYS FAG keep fishing for most basic info on imageboard lol

>> No.19757084
File: 959 KB, 1329x1429, 1592250051821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna look into this when my crypto position pays out. Thank you anon. Very based.

>> No.19757139

Thank you anon. Brainlet question, is this just a temporary exploit or can people take advantage of this for good? I won’t have money for a few weeks

>> No.19757173

The demand for USDT can't last. Also consider the FUD around USDT. Doesn't mean other stable coins wouldn't come into great demand though. As always, earlier is better.

>> No.19757225

What happens to these positions if we have another market crash? Or if more tether gets minted?

>> No.19757363
File: 66 KB, 351x688, Screenshot at Jun 16 21-16-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 1000 dai in my wallet. what am i doing wrong?

>> No.19757549


derp.exe incorrect, stop trying to shill aave its dead - you just have to use COMPound, done.

>> No.19757992


Bump for a good deed

>> No.19758286

Best platform to swap usdt for dai?

>> No.19759396



>> No.19759617


Has anyone gotten this dapp to work? It's unusable pajeet shit. Wtf

>> No.19760506


>> No.19760605

i went all in lend and used it as collateral to take out a loan to buy bancor. chadiest move ever

>> No.19761729

thoughts on Bidao anons? scam?

>> No.19761787
File: 148 KB, 2048x1365, 184A8822mia_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't the interest rates get lower and lower the more people figure this out?