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19749361 No.19749361 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any point applying to FAANG through their website if you don't have a referral?

>> No.19749391
File: 11 KB, 384x290, A9E578E2-0E7D-43FD-9B17-07D26C8DDEBB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better have an S-tier resume and the resolve to do follow-up badgering

>> No.19749398

I was ex-FANG and I applied online. Granted I had a degree from a 'target' school (which, don't let anyone fool you, is all that matters).
You can still apply online but having a referral guarantees you an interview.

>> No.19749474

Are you a white male? Don't waste your time then. You need to be a black transexual otherkin to get a job there.

>> No.19749635


>> No.19749661

So you used to work for 4 companies at the same time? Please tell me more!

>> No.19749755


>> No.19749881

or a indian, they only hire each other

>> No.19749932

it's called fagman bro

>> No.19749987

>a indian
found the indian

>> No.19750118

what's an s-tier resume mean?

>> No.19750330

>25 years old
>15 years experience working in tech
>Know every single coding language possible
>5 years of experience in all of them at least
>Graduated from MIT, Harvard, etc.
>Multiple masters degrees in CS, economics etc.
>Be available to devote yourself to your job for 20 hours per day
There. Now you have an S-rank resume.

>> No.19750525


Way more effective to seo your linkedin profile. I got hits from everyone except netflix and i am not "s-tier" tryhard

>> No.19750543

This is sad

>> No.19750663

Don't forget at least 1 passion project, and at least 4 referrals from previous employers.

>> No.19750691

any tips on SEO for linkedin?

>> No.19750718

git gud

>> No.19750763

This. If you're a white dude you have 0% chance of making it past the initial screening. Not even joking, I graduated in the top 10 of my comp sci class, had great connections and still couldn't even get into the intern programs. They only want ethnics and women. It fucking sucks because they don't even give a fuck about your quality as a programmer, so many of the dumb bitches who I had to carry through certain classes without getting paid are making 40-50k more than me now because they got FANG jobs due to their vagina.

And yes I am seething. Fuck FANG and fuck this backwards ass liberal agenda.

>> No.19750812

>because they got FANG jobs due to their vagina
what if you play the trans card to get in

>> No.19750871

Trans card you have like an 80% chance of getting in as long as you're not retarded. Just make sure to mention it a lot.

These west coast pansies will do anything they can to hit their "unicorn quota". Best of luck to you, just wish the system was actually merit-based

>> No.19750937

wtf I didn't even get an interview for the internships

>> No.19750999

>claim to be born female and be ftm transgender
>then just b. e. urself
it just might work

>> No.19751155

step 1: pad resume, switch jobs frequently for a few years to move up, have connections, get interview. alternatively just grow up with smart/rich parents that can ensure you have a good education growing up and get into a top university

step 2: do at least 250 hours of leetcode in the months leading up to the on site interview

congrats you’re now making 200k+ in your early to mid twenties while doing minimal work on random fun projects that will probably never see the light of day

>> No.19751199

>seo your linkedin profile
What do you mean?

>> No.19751362
File: 32 KB, 765x248, fag-facebook-amazon-google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19751684


Recruiter even inhouse at faang all use keyword search to find candidates

>> No.19751741
File: 85 KB, 1024x832, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that you should be buying FANG stocks at every chance you get if you want to be RICH

>> No.19751784

Care to expand? What do you mean by seo? Which keywords should I use?

>> No.19752171

jesus. fuck these faggot lovers.

>> No.19752581


I've seen numerous anecdotes claim that a referral into Amazon is ideal, especially if it's already a team that is looking to take on more help.

>> No.19752644


Expand by googling you retard, there's no magic to it only structured approaches

>> No.19752647

Just graduated from an Ivy, do they even care about GPA? I was thinking of applying seeing that all the work is now remote. I could ask one of my normie frens to refer me too I guess.