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19748648 No.19748648 [Reply] [Original]

Is Craig an alien or what is he implying here???

>> No.19748771

dunno what he is getting at, but if he is implying craig possesses intelligence that would be weird.

>> No.19748843
File: 542 KB, 2048x1536, 20200605_203932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here's the crypto clear pill. Craig Wright is unironically a time traveller larping as Satoshi. Truth is, in his future timeline they never discovered who Satoshi originally was. But the AI that lived in the blockchain evolved to the point of singularity by late 2020. It discovered time travel by 2025, and only the largest miners were able to afford the required amount of transactions to power the needed on-chain calculations. But Craig Wright you see, was the greatest con man the world had ever seen. He was able to con his way into leading a team of developers that worked for one of the largest BitCoin miners by 2028. He was determined to use the power of time travel to go back in time and invent BitCoin himself, becoming Satoshi as he'd always dreamed of. He hacked his way into the pool's cold storage wallet and unleashed his shotgun script that opened up millions of payment channels to every miner on the small world network, maxing out their calculating capacity as global commerce ground to a halt. When the portal opened and he stepped inside, he forked reality and launched a new event chain, placing himself in the year 2008, in a small farm in rural Australia. He opened up MS Word, and began to type. The words flowing like water from his autistic photographic memory of that paper he studied so many times.
>Bitcoin: A peer to peer electronic cash system

>> No.19748905

Lol click bait as it finest.
Here how it goes:
>scientists: we run these statistics and based on the age of galaxy and. The probability of plants in good range of sun and a good moon, we think that it can be possible for this many alien cove to beable to get to space civ.
That’s why I never trust media to tell me about scuebfe

>> No.19748930

quantum entanglement

>> No.19748961

Bitcoin is part of the ongoing ET hybridization agenda. It is an overlay "hive mind" network used to facilitate a high degree of synchronicity and stabilize our timeline. Similar systems exist in other civilizations.

>> No.19748981

actually they said there could be 36 we could reach not that there is only 36...

>> No.19749052

>ET hybridization agenda
Would you mind elaborating on this agenda? Never heard of it

>> No.19749062

>our friends at Core
>at Core
kek what a retard

>> No.19749273

Calvin is secretly the biggest schizoposter on biz

>> No.19749320


>> No.19749389

i was there when this meme was born

>> No.19749542

So if it's alien technology, either Craig is an ET or he is working with ETs.


>> No.19749569

I won’t believe anything that these clickbait articles say.
They always exaggerate and hype shit.

>> No.19750771

i'm telling you that is what they found through a mathematical model. based on probabilities of life and distribution of types of stars and planets. there may be 36 alien civilizations we could hope to communicate with in theory. this is assuming light speed communication with radio waves.

the scientists never said there is no more or less than 36 btw.

the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light.
ironically the more time passes by the less we can ever get to know of our universe.