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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1973973 No.1973973 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is the deal with POSW?
Is this another dump scam, or a legit PIVX 2.0?
This is absolutely insanse, reading all the contrary opinions on whether to go balls deep or keep out.

>> No.1973980

Just drop 100 bucks on it

Either you make 10k or you lose 10 bucks

>> No.1973982

You really shouldn't touch it if you want to remain poor for life
Consider this: they haven't even started their own marketing yet, it's literally just twitter hype that's brought the price up to this point.

Don't buy now though buy when it's at $2, at least you'll have your certainties then

>> No.1973986

didnt even pump yet its a steady growth

>> No.1973989

It's a new exchange that lets you stake coins, faucets, chat, it's legit af anon.

Go to poswallet.com

Trust me I was hesitant about it too.

But goto the site.see for your self.

They use their own coin posw as a trading coin

>> No.1973991

Even normies are catching up:


>> No.1973992

Probably legit. Why would you exit scam with your own crypto currency? Unlike trash like GAM nothing about it is too good to be true. The exchange still takes a cut.

>> No.1973998

What's the best way to transfer some BTC to POSW if I don't currently have any BTC?

>> No.1973999

The site looks legit, I ran a test run yesterday with 50 bucks on the line.
I have a few BTC awaiting investment and I'm more afraid about the future prospect of getting fucked in the ass by the anonymous devs and their apparent african slush fund. That's where the mess begins when you try to reach for opinions from other anons.

>> No.1974024


Transfer to c-cex
Trade btc for posw

>> No.1974066

They also have tiny withdrawal limits, will that change?

>> No.1974070

Already changed desu, up from $500 to $2500 without ID requirements
What more can you ask for

>> No.1974076

For me, it's still at $500.
And I even activated 2 factor auth.
Let us however not digress from the main point, which is IS THIS THING A FUCKING SCHEME/SCAM/TRAP?
Or another legit predicted mooning via /biz/magic?

>> No.1974094

>What more can you ask for
10x that like every other exchange would be reasonable

>> No.1974121

That's the limit without IDs. They haven't released ID-enabled withdrawal limits

>> No.1974127

>Withdrawal limits

>Anonymous devs

>African charity (lol)

>Small dev team, one or two guys

>Bittrex and Polo scared to add it

What do you think?

>> No.1974149
File: 11 KB, 363x100, 1492676502934_bittrex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur retarded right?

so what do you say? get rich or die beaning mofo


>> No.1974159

What's a faucet?

>> No.1974162

PIVX is a dumpscam, just only a few know it...

>> No.1974165

>Believes whatever they say


>> No.1974175

yeah better go and buy bitbean / lepen and other shit coins with nothing behind it even if it's a scam make profit of it lul .. buy in 10000 POSW @10k sat sell @ 3$ ...?

>> No.1974216

why do you guys even care if it's a scam or not? just fucking take the money and run

>> No.1974221

This coin can go to $5+ dollars, what if they take the money and run before you do?

>> No.1974229

If they take the money and run, POSW is worthless which makes no sense whatsoever for them to do it
If they take the altcoins, it's no different whatsoever to any other exchange out there who can do that (mtgox, bitfinex...)

This isn't any riskier than Polo or Trex

>> No.1974240

if they take the altcoins, your POSW investment crashes

so yes, it's different

im sure this will pump easily to $1+ and they will not leave

but who knows if it keeps growing

>> No.1974314

So investing and selling out at ~$1 is a safe bet then?

>> No.1974317

I'm not selling for less than $5 but you can cash out at $1 if you want. It's a more immediate and realistic price goal if you're hesitant
I'm in it for the long haul

>> No.1974352

the fact that its so shilled on /biz/ is pretty much a dead giveaway that its a dump scam same as pivx but that doesn't mean you can't ride it to $1 and then dump.

>> No.1974429

Putting 10% of my portfolio into it. Looks good so far for such a new coin.

I'm still puzzled as to how the ICO with Komodo was a failure, yet the coin has a 16M market cap. They raised $3M which should be around where the market cap is, otherwise my coins would be worth at least 5x more. Instead it's worth about the same.

While this coin's ICO net like maybe $60k and is worth 4M now, the original ICO investors are reaping the rewards.

>> No.1974488


newfag/pajeet will never understand it.

>> No.1974584

It's legit OP.

Also, the very first thing on the dashboard is an announcement that they're regularly updating and improving the withdrawal limits and the speed of BTC confirmations.

Not to mention POSW itself has existed since January 2016.

>> No.1974599

how immediate you thinking?

>> No.1974618


Here's how to get started with POSW.

>> No.1974645

Where do you suggest to buy the BTC to transfer to POSW?

>> No.1974657

I recommend local bitcoins.

Make sure you already have a bitcoin wallet address.

>> No.1974671



I'm writing another article on this soon, but for two reasons:

It is the best way to get BTC without attrition (getting less BTC than your USD is worth) and it is also the most secure entrance/exit support for your money.

There are fees but when you look at the fees and attrition on other sites, it isn't worth not using Coinbase.

>> No.1974737

1. Make account at https://poswallet.com
2. Use aprest as refferal ID (optional)
3. Click Dashboard Scroll till you find the coin you want a wallet for
4. Click “Generate XXXXX wallet address” to create the wallet
5. Click Faucets find the coin you just made a wallet for and click it
6. Free coins sent to your wallet
7. Trade or keep the free coins

>> No.1974855

When will the article be out? I can buy through coinbase via credit/debit right now, but I dunno if I should go in now or not. Might put in a hundred or so for now.

>> No.1974860

Pretty easy to tell it's a scam when they get offended at questions. Defensive tactics are a sign on guilt.

The so called "community guru" should be handling this whole thing better than just, telling people with questions to leave.

Then all the people here defending it claiming their own money etc... you are lost in the delusion of becoming rich.The only reason you care about posw is because of our false hope you will become a millionaire.

Guess what kid, even if your btc represents a million it's stuck on their servers, with no private key available to you. Pathetic withdraw limit so you can slowly siphon out some and they will be gone before you know it.

Oh they stand to gain more by not scamming? Nope, they can happily retire with your funds and continue staking all those coins they run off with.

They can then because they are anonymous boot up another scam. Guess who have revealed their identities? The fucking college kids in support roles, the perfect patsy.

That African shit is a dead give away, and they claim to have documents they will be posting "soon", if you have them just post them.

Let's not bother every time questions are asked in the slack, they just start posting images of the coins price to keep the delusional focused on "gains".

Take your profits before the collapse. This is your warning.

>> No.1974863

So this is why HR exists in companies. They get tired of dealing with every pussy who bitches and moans when he gets his feelings hurt

>> No.1974888

exactly. You can tell who is an autist just by how they deal business.

>> No.1974925

This is the only crypto project I believe in. They have something to show a platform with an exchange and stacking feature unlike most coins people are buyng in with nothing to show but a roadmap.

>> No.1974927

How the fuck does this work

>> No.1975577

I've bought 3k, I'll never trust anyone on /biz/, if it turns out to be scam.

>> No.1975602

What are you confused on?

>> No.1975623


>Is this another dump scam

Literally every altcoin is a dump scam, man

>> No.1975666

Look, I just dropped 100 bucks in it.

If it goes up to 1$, I might cash out and then I made $900 for a $100 investment. I won't get greedy since I'm just getting started on the crypto meme. If it crashes or the devs are thieves, hey, I just lost 100 bucks, it's not the end of the world. Just don't drop your life savings in if you're not sure about the whole thing.

>> No.1975669

But this guy says is gud

>> No.1975810

is that your shekelbux referral link?