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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19732029 No.19732029 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that bitcoin is basically tulip mania 2.0 and you are going to lose all of your money.

>> No.19732045

little white incels who crowd this board cant even get close enough to smell a girl. Even black guys with no legs can easily pull white women

>> No.19732074

wonder how many times shes slipped up and said something like "your dick feels so good" while hes using a dildo on her and he has those words rattling around his mind for the rest of the night, wishing he actually had a penis and knowing that he will never feel the pleasure of satisfying her with a biological extension of his own body, and if she thinks about how hes probably worried about it and apologizes or avoids mentioning it altogether because she doesnt want to make it seem like a bigger issue than it is if hes not worried about it in the first place

>> No.19732085


>> No.19732089
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>> No.19732093

Implying no one made money from tulips XD dumb fuck.

>> No.19732127

All financial products are tulips dipshit.

have a business that creates value if you dont want to be betting against other people losing

>> No.19732220

Not even close to a good comparison.

>> No.19732251

i have a bigger dick than he does

>> No.19732290
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Where's the rest of his body?

>> No.19732329

that's a gypsy

>> No.19732354

>Where's the rest of his body?
Outside, raping.

>> No.19732383

Clipped through the floor

>> No.19732402

Daily reminder '17+ fags opinions are worthless

>> No.19732404

what did he mean by this

>> No.19732432

To be fair he's only half black.

>> No.19732472
File: 12 KB, 236x373, bm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To be fair he's only half black.

>> No.19732488

I'm not half the man I used to beeee

>> No.19732558

How do you feel about missing the greatest appreciating asset of all of human history OP?
Do you think you might consider suicide when it breaks 100k?

>> No.19732708

Can I send tulips anywhere on earth and even to space installations nearly instantly transferring value of billions of dollars in a totally secure way?

>> No.19732989

LMAO are you him?

>> No.19733375
File: 121 KB, 1200x630, sec_46970792-2ca7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of women have maternal instincts kick in when it comes to the severely wounded. not complaining, we can all end up with MS or without body parts and at least there's a chance a girl will be into you then

>> No.19734445

that's one and a half men

>> No.19734584

Imagine this is your daughter. What do you do?

>> No.19734642

Imagine breaking into their flat and raping her while he flaps around around like a crab and screams. He'd pull himself towards you by grabbing onto things and maneuvering himself but you could effortlessly move out the way or kick him back.
'STOPPPP SOTP AGHH' snot and tears run down his face, impotent rage making his arms flail wildly. 'STOP STOPPP!'


>> No.19734652

jesus christ what kind of sex are they having?

>> No.19734666

my sides

>> No.19734690

So there a huge amount of women into SS then ?


>> No.19734715

The relationship isn't about the sex, it's about genuine love and care. I know it's hard to imagine in this day and age but such a thing has existed throughout the ages.
But she probably jacks him off and he probably asks her to rub her feet on his face.

>> No.19734720
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>> No.19734812

No wonder niggers rank themselves by skin colour.