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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 369 KB, 1200x1200, renm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19730855 No.19730855 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19730901

income has shot up over this weekend. gone up 1m in total revenue over past few days.

nodeless fags being left out

>> No.19731008

<100k = renlet

>> No.19731106

You had two years.

I have three nodes.

One of us will make it.

>> No.19731165

i wanted more...

>> No.19731194

I tried shilling REN several times when it was below 2 cents about a year ago. People were calling it a chinese scam and kept bringing the same stupid arguments with complete lack of foresight. This board is seriously worthless 99% of the time, so I just stopped caring for the most part and now I'm just enjoying the vision of the team behind it becoming reality with stoic joy.

>> No.19731314
File: 103 KB, 1011x764, loongwang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ should have toned down their racist bias. They saw the CTO was named loong wang and didn't look further.

5 minutes into this podcast anybody with half a brain can recognize loong is a fucking genius. This guy will be in the annals of bitcoin and cryptocurrency history.


>> No.19731454

loong wang has the funniest name in crypto, however he is probably top 10 smartest unironically.
i literally bought ren a year ago knowing nothing about it after hearing him on a podcast. the only other coin i hold is bitcoin.

>> No.19731521

Haha same here, I wasn't convinced about REN especially compared to other decentralized alternatives like tBTC and after hearing him talk in a youtube video I got a dark node

>> No.19731824

115 IQ midwit here. Was 100% convinced after listening to Loong speak on a couple of podcasts, fucking hell that made my brain hurt, but it also told me i'd bought the right tokens.

>> No.19732109

I am actually happy that /biz is full of Americans with their anti-Asian racism.

Less early birds, more late FOMO buyers

>> No.19732113

How much does a node generate? I told my friend to start his up since he has enough but he doesn't think it's worth the effort

>> No.19732137

i honestly think this is going to make it big in 3-5 years. here are the positives as i see:
* loong is smart and seemed to make good security choices. the documentation on website is clear and easy to digest. this will help adoption.
* its an infrastructure play, users never need to know it exist at all
* a killer app will eventually appear - doesn't have to be "defi" could be anything; gaming, security tokens, etc. once that appears ren holders get free ride
* btc OR eth OR bch OR zec price spike results in ren price appreciation. almost acts as multi-currency index
* low infrastructure cost of running a node (~$10 month) means investors (us) will be able to continue to fund network indefinitely (compare that to buying and running mining rigs)
* unlike mining rigs, nodes will continue to scale. difficulty doesn't affect. sure more nodes may come online but likely max number of nodes will probably be 5k or so. means a $10 per month node could produce regular btc dividends for decades....

>> No.19732245

I like /pol/ and it is necessary in this era of censorship but a lot of /biz/ is comprised of the most racist people from /pol/. They are so racist, it blinds them, and makes their life worse.

>> No.19732308

On the ethereal podcast i posted earlier he completely deconstructs tbtc. I think he knows tbtc better than the tbtc team themselves.

I'm adding that to my criteria for investing in a coin. The founder has to know their competitors more than their competitors know themselves

>> No.19732343

people start to understand the potential of Ren when you explain arbitrage to them.

If the price of renBTC is higher than BTC that is free money for bitcoin whales. A percent of all that volume goes to dark nodes.

>> No.19732829
File: 639 KB, 700x1000, keneki0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19733191

It keeps climbing....

>> No.19733917
File: 171 KB, 431x464, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they want to build a pajeet-free republic. the only viable kind of republic.

>> No.19734778

How much skill does it take to make these images?

>> No.19736193
File: 597 KB, 789x700, 9CD8ABA0-7946-4820-A4E3-7D0788807B31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big day

>> No.19736261

It's low at the moment, but the explosive growth of rBtc being minted is a good sign of profits to come. I think REN is going to explode past ATH desu.

>> No.19736318
File: 35 KB, 786x597, septemberblues.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurry up and dump nodefags so I can hop in on september when people exit.

>> No.19736938

Wbtc.cafe just launched. That means institutional investing is coming

>> No.19737141

lol i remember buying 100k back in january for like 650 sats and immediately it immediately dumped to 450
dcad and broke even then dumped everything at 550
that feels so stupid

>> No.19737167

Is it though?

>> No.19737512
