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19717563 No.19717563 [Reply] [Original]

Any ideas about how to improve ADHD, slow proccesing speed? Im tired of looking online and reading softcore shit like
>Drink tea!!
Also what drugs w/o prescription are good to take so I can clean my ass properly without getting distracted

>> No.19717890

If you fap, stop doing that for at least a month and you'll see dramatic improvements in mental clarity and processing speed. I used to get minor psychotic symptoms after fapping until I stopped. Also if you have ADHD, might wanna get checked out for autism.

>> No.19717925

Accept Jesus

>> No.19718101
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reminder that you can only make it if your brain is at constant post nut clarity. fap more and then after cumming immediately force your attention to something productive. the first moment a tit or ass comes to your mind you start fapping, then you cum and then you force your post clarity nut attention towards making money.

it also has financial advantages:
>fapping to porn is cheaper and more entertaining than holding a 5/10 3DPD and their mediocre sex
>porn can be easily pirated which makes it FREE
>no risk of getting babby (babby very expensive)
>dont need to pay for STD medication
>dont need to pay for roasties in any way
>can retire faster and invest more
>more money = more chances to make it

or listen to the nofap discord shills that want to drag you into the wagecuck ponzi for life while chaining you to some 3D pig. its your choice

>> No.19718309

Thanks I do nofap for 1-2 weeks top and never use porn but I never tried doing it for 1+ months I'll give it a shot. Yes I have some mild aspergers I managed to get good with social skills over the years but my mind still wanders

I do.

Dude I actually think that fapping melted my brain. I may have fap induced retardism

>> No.19718420
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maybe you were never smart to begin with?

>> No.19718495

Never said I was.

>> No.19718514

Don’t listen to this retard

Nofap is a bit of a meme. You should being doing it once or twice a week but NOT to porn. It needs to be to women you’ve seen in public or interact with and you need to self insert. If you watch porn you’re literally watching another man fuck another woman while you sit on the sidelines. Pornography is cuckolding no matter what you watch.

>But Muh solo female
You’re still desensitizing your brain to normal females who you interact with. 99% of the girls you meet will never look like the girls in porn so stop setting yourself up for failure. The longer I go without sex the more my standards lower. Your standards will never lower if you’re constantly rewarding your brain and busting nuts to 9’s and 10’s online which you know you could never land.

>> No.19718583

Drugs are a shortcut solution to addressing underlying symptoms. The softcore solutions take work. If you can’t fix that you’ll never pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Do a 7-day stimulus detox and stop being a pussy.

>> No.19718663
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post nut clarity works
maybe you should actually try it
you will never make it if you waste your life chasing 2/10 fatties
get post nut clarity, get more chances to make it and actually make it.

>> No.19718671

Thanks, I have girls to have sex with so that's not a problem for now. I'm actually more concerned about improving my mental abilities that were hindered by excessive pc use from a very young age (I think) such as my processing speed and focus

>> No.19718722

As far as drugs go, I ordered some Modafinil to try in terms of focus and energy, but I don't think it has even shipped yet kek. I think I got scammed.

>> No.19718785

Jacking off every time you think of a pussy means you’re a slave to your desires. How can you possibly defend this and spin it as a good thing? I’ve never heard of disciplining yourself being construed as a negative. You’re posting 2D though so your brain is likely already permanently warped from fapping to unrealistic shit anyway. There’s a reason why most people feel incredible shame after busting to porn. I don’t need a professor or religious nut to tell me if it’s right or wrong since my brain already seems to know.

>> No.19718854
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If you have ADHD then diet, exercise and meditation are literally proven to help.

If you try to live like any other normie or solve your problems with drugs you are very likely to end up in jail.

>> No.19718893
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you will never make it because you dont have the post nut clarity.
pussy and ass will cloud your brain and make you pick the worst financial decisions, make the worst trades and you will never make it.

everyone reading here if you dont want to make it and stay a poor faggot and have a landwhale 2/10 wife do what xXH7hp+9 says

>> No.19718897

Yes probably, but these things are really easy to do and honestly seem like low effort advice. I already do most of the things that I find online (Eat well, Exercise, Meditate, etc.) these are ok for overall health but I feel that I'm not adressing the problem directly doing that. My intention with drugs is to start high-functioning while I also do something that may fix the underlying issue over time if possible.

lool, I have done that already, I always end up sleeping after fapping. I think that too much clarity may fatigue me

>> No.19718923

UK undiagnosed ADHD'er here. Can't concentrate for shit, all my life I've left things till the very last minute, still do it now in a high-pressure job. Could probs be 10x the person I am now if I could just focus. Never tried drugs or meds (hard to get ahold of here without shit going on your medical record), but when I really, really need to focus, I'll listen to Binaural Beats. So many people say they're placebos and I couldn't give a fuck, they work for me - find a focus playlist on youtube

>> No.19719199

Thanks never thought about that, I belive that these are placebo as well but mostly because there are binaural beats for literally everything. I have nothing to lose so I might try them too

>> No.19719220

Where do you order?

>> No.19719551

It was buymoda dot org.

99% sure it was a scam - card was charged, never got an email about shipping or with a tracking number, and my card recently had a strange fraudulent charge so I had to cancel it. Not good

>> No.19720366

I once ordered Modafinil online but it was almost 7 years ago now. It came from India. I was afraid to try it but it worked.

Quit masturbating for as long as you can. When the urge eventually becomes too great to abstain (when it starts taking all of your focus to not masturbate), then quickly rub one out and immediately switch to the task you were intending to do. I have found this to be the best of both worlds. The trick with this particular method is not to slip back into the habit of excessively masturbating all the time. The other important thing is not to masturbate when you're stressed. You will relax after you cum, but your motivation to remove yourself from the harmful situation will be too weak to accomplish much.

>> No.19720405

Is that real? How did they get his brain to dance like that?

>> No.19720454

More choline.

>> No.19720457


>> No.19720496
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Chromium Picolinate
Every orifice. Every day.

>> No.19720721


Interesting, how does those products work? what are your results with them

>> No.19720756

I'm just shitposting. No idea what chromium picolinate actually does. I have add too though, so I wish it was a solution

>> No.19720786

lmao, I was already researching about that thing

>> No.19720862

It might work. I have no idea, it's just a Dale Gribble quote

>> No.19720898

Lift weights.

>> No.19720917

What about procrastinate lion

>> No.19720999


>> No.19721576
