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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 211 KB, 425x453, JustWearYourHouseBro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19703998 No.19703998 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19705065

dude should put wheels on that

>> No.19705109

bamboo and trash bag wheels don't work so well though

>> No.19705168

do you even lift bro

>> No.19705226
File: 298 KB, 664x596, bamboo_wheels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<- checkmate nigga
lifting 60kg is one thing
carrying it 20km EVERYDAY is another entirely
>for the sake of stealing and hiding a shopping trolley underneath

>> No.19705677

He wastes so many precious calories by that kind of lifting..

>> No.19705788
File: 1.47 MB, 210x158, dont believe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way this is true. Either the house weighs less, or 20km is like the furthest he went one day, when he hitched a ride. Try picking up 132lb on a barbell and see how far you can carry it. And we're supposed to believe a little chink does it for 12 miles a day, every day, with an awkward bullshit teepee? Just clickbait.

>> No.19705803

Work smarter not harder

>> No.19706047

This guy grew up to be a Ninja Turtle

>> No.19706131

>He can't squat 1pl8


>> No.19706157


He looks like a silent hill enemy

>> No.19706177

>Try picking up 132lb on a barbell and see how far you can carry it.
Sure asshole, you put that shit on your back and tell me how good you feel after 20km in a day (on average), then do that every day. People who believe this are retarded, or never lifted anything heavy.

>> No.19706793

racism has no place on 4channel

>> No.19706823

Confirmed chinks not insects. They're molluscs

>> No.19706827

xrp bagholders

>> No.19706836

They're evolving

>> No.19707275

IDK man people tend to raise to the challenge when there is no choice. My example of this is me 5 years ago in the Army. I would walk 12 miles with about half that weight regularly, and could do it everyday if I had to. Make me do that right now and I'd fucking die, but that's the point I don't have to now, "so i can't" I had to then "so I did" The weight probably is lower than 60kg though. Bambo and plastic are light.

>> No.19707350

Im a spic btw

>> No.19707357


>> No.19707399

You get used to it eventually. And 135 lbs isnt that heavy