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19700527 No.19700527 [Reply] [Original]

kinda based

>> No.19700575

FOUR is the new VIDT, bend the knee

>> No.19700595

fuck off nigger
vidt is the one and only project if you want to make it

>> No.19700661

tfw sold 60k at 1150 satoshi swing trading and didn't buy back in

>> No.19700757

Binance listing any day now. Then a smooth 5x from here boys.

>> No.19700777
File: 155 KB, 694x864, Swing_VIDT_Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry fren, you'll fomo buy back in when we hit 2k satoshi

>> No.19700810


>> No.19700821

nah i'll just sell the other 30k i have in my metamask and buy back in when it inevitably dips to 1k

>> No.19700888

there TG is pathetic. This is herpderp btw lol. I sold for profits at like 14 cents and they kept saying I'll regret it. I go back in every once in awhile and everytime it goes from (c to 10C they are like " HERE WE GO BOYS!"

top kek all around this shitcoin dutch fags

>> No.19701005

this sadly, telegram brainlets are too euphoric this shit is going sub 10 cents again

>> No.19701029

Lol this shit's still around?
Don't get scammed, people.

>> No.19701447
File: 577 KB, 1053x965, verify-by-eye-lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

V-ID did a presentation recently where they admitted the "Internet of Things" project will have Z E R O affect on the price of VIDT. Because you can use the V-ID API to connect to IBM's Hyperledger and skip the V-ID's smart contract altogether, therefore not having to pay a cent to V-ID: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6YNs2Zc1oM

Make a clone of V-ID and own 100% of the token supply: https://www.udacity.com/course/blockchain-developer-nanodegree--nd1309

So why would you pay?

>> No.19701487

It can go up to like .5 or .6 during the alt run, but I wouldn't expect it to stay there for too long.
They don't seem to be making much progress and any news they send out seems more like noise instead.

>> No.19701663

All massive faggots who will be seething super hard soon when Binance listing is announced and we hit $1 or 7x from rn.

Vidt fudders kys

>> No.19701702

My man, we appear to mostly agree...
I claimed we'd do something like 5-6x and you said instead that we'd do 7x.
I'm not fudding, moran.

>> No.19701831

holy kek you've been saying that for almost 2 years now. You might as well buy stocks. You really think missing all the moonshots around the last 4 months is worth your measly 7x after YEARS HAHAHA

>> No.19702325

i guess its better than losing it all on some uniswap scam but still a shitcoin

>> No.19702652
File: 638 KB, 1200x1392, swingVidter_die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is Vidt has been a fucking stablecoin to park your funds in that entire time PLUS now is the start of a massive pump. Name another coin that has been this stable despite BTC dumping to 3800, coronavirus shutdowns, Binance vote failure, etc, etc. You fucking can't. As long as you bought near the 900-1100 mark your funds have not bee diminished meanwhile your bitcoin choice of the week has burned you at least once or more since then.

Ohh and the longer we go further in time the more true the Binance listing gets dumb dumb. So yes Binance listing is 10x more likely rn than 1 year ago. So I will continue to say it everyday before the actual listing.

What more do you fudder brainlets want?

- Joined Binance DEX *CHECK
- Partnered with LTO (Binance listed) *CHECK
- Failed Binance vote (which only means 100% will get listed for free on Binance) 3+ months ago. *CHECK
- In contact with the Binance team on a fucking weekly basis. *CHECK

LMAO. Seethe harder you fudding scum. We will never sell our Vidts and you will FOMO in for a fast 30% when all us Vidt hodlers will be up 5x already. Enjoy our bags when you get desperate to scalp some quick profits faggots!

>> No.19703155

i hold vidt senpai 20k , but i fud every chance i get

>> No.19703171

This guy GETS IT. Most coins were shitting the bed for months while VIDT went sideways. The price movement has been strong as fuck. It looks primed for a big run, it just needs a kick. The IBM Update was cool but once VIDT is added to IBM Cloud or integrated to IBM Watson (both due soon) it'll fly.

>> No.19703226

IBM? omega kek, it's IBM NL like all other scam partnerships of VIDT with local small dutch companies, the whole project is an exit scam

>> No.19703255

We already made money off hex esh and sta while you stayed poor.

>> No.19703305
File: 290 KB, 924x941, 1583544612447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IBM? omega kek, it's IBM NL
It's not even a real partnership with IBM Netherlands. It's "V-ID signed up to free, open-invite IBM workshop (where IBM supports devs)". Bagholders will talk about a sensor being put on an IBM building... nevermind that V-ID does not make sensors. And it's a usecase proof. And the IBM Watson API project has to be free and open-source (aka no profit from the integration).

>> No.19703603

disgusting scam, they need to get sued

>> No.19703654

isnt that a truckers coin with rumored shady links to subway that have never been disproven conclusively?