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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19694727 No.19694727 [Reply] [Original]

Can take this bullshit anymore

>be "sys admin"
>get to do support for a whole fucking bank from people asking shit like cant turn on my laptop to unlocking retards
>baby sitting idiots in 5 projects at the same time. It feels like I'm the only one actually doing shit, other areas just ask ask and ask for shit while we do do and do
>Also in charge of upgrading and do maintenance to 20+ servers
>Get to deal with every stupid question users have in our 4+ applications
>Also a programmer, business analyst and tester for any project that doesn't get outsourced
>Keep tickets in check(doesn't matter how many things you do outside this, if number go up you're in trouble)
>Meetings all day everyday that consume the whole working hours
>A little less than 20k a year...
>Unpaid extra hours because always give the fucking extra mile
>need to solve brain damage tier problems in stupid banking applications and processes while everyone else sleeps comfortable and leave at 5pm
>put out day to day fires

is being a sysadmin the digital constructor worker plus working 10-12 a day plus dealing with corporate bullshit? Is this bullshit like this everywhere or Im getting ubercucked?

Im so tired of doing 10 things at the same time everyday from different departments who don't care at all about pipelines while accomplishing nothing and specializing literally in nothing since you never get deeply involved on anything and getting constant management arrestment because something some fag asked which wasnt important 1 minute ago is now a matter of life or death.

Im an inch way from quitting this week

>> No.19694767

welcome to the real world

you may as well enjoy the ride, cause you are on it for the rest of your life

>> No.19694771

In a similar position. My boss (the owner) is planning on stepping down away from his role and trying to give me all his responsibilities which include all the systems/business side on top of my current IT role. I welcome them all because when he steps away and gets comfy, I will just ask for more money and not train anyone else in my specialized role. Just hold out anon. I bet someone else is dumping their job onto you. Wait and turn it on them.

>> No.19694780

Gain 2 years of experience then switch job...

If its your first it sucks but you'kl have to stick with it else you'll fuck youe resumee.

I did dat, quit my first job after a year because of so much bullshit and royally fucked my carreer, now I'm trying to open a business because that's my only path left.

Second job try to go for a smaller company or a startup. Big structurs will suck you soul since you're not mr anon but cog#863738

>> No.19694806

You should apply for a different job. With this kind of experience, you would be able to make way more at a different place.

>> No.19694834

Grow up you baby. Can’t skip class or call mommy for help anymore when you don’t wanna do something in the real world. You’re a slave to the system, so deal with it.

>> No.19694856
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hey anon, i noticed some of these tickets are for tier 1 applications can you please get to work on those

>> No.19694920


Have you come up with a good excuse for the interviews or you aren't searching at all? Never ever say you quitted or give much details about it: you're using that time to learn and do X project.

In my case I have made enough to pay my shitty salary for years in crypto and literally just finished my mba i took just to learn to manage money and switch careers. You can always come up with a good excuse for that gap.

>> No.19695084

Stop doing overtime.
Work only your contracted hours
Go through your backlog of work and identify the priority (your priority is the thing that gets you more money, either in this job or the next). Drop everything else and let them know you can't work on this due to other priorities. Same goes for anything new.

You need to be brutal in limiting your commitments. Ignore the management whining about being a team player and all that guff, they won't reward you for complying so it's just noise.

>> No.19695203

I've been learning a new language for over a year and part time creating products for the company i try to make, in case of hard failure i'll justify it on my resumee with those two things. Life is comfy desu because I get 75% of my former salary in unemployement neetbux, justified as long as I'm learning that language lmao

>> No.19695245

>$10 an hour as system admin

What the fuck shit hole county are you in?

>> No.19695529

One of my europoor brethren would be my guess. I got a master degree in engineering and first salary was net 24k€ a year. In benelux.

>> No.19695796

>I did dat, quit my first job after a year
I thought quitting after a year was fine? It's anything less than a year that employers care about, especially less than 6 months. I've been at my bottom rung bank job for 15 months now and there's no fucking way I can face doing two years before quitting and applying for better roles.