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File: 393 KB, 598x360, 2789C207-DA83-4310-BCCD-C4F750C0E255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19679718 No.19679718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Now, it’s been revealed the U.S. Department of Defense has wargamed scenarios involving a Generation Z rebellion that uses bitcoin to undermine and evade “the establishment.”

In the Pentagon war game, young people born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s use cyber attacks to steal money and convert it to bitcoin, documents published by investigative news site The Intercept revealed.

>> No.19679722
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Called the 2018 Joint Land, Air and Sea Strategic Special Program (JLASS), the war game is set in 2025 and is “intended to reflect a plausible depiction of major trends and influences in the world regions.”

The scenario, which echoes recent protests in the U.S. and around the world against racial injustice, involves some members of Gen Z, who see themselves “as agents for social change” and believe the “system is rigged” against them, begin a “global cyber campaign to expose injustice and corruption and to support causes it deem[s] beneficial.”

The group, called Zbellion, encourages cyber attacks against organizations that support “the establishment,” funnelling stolen cash into bitcoin to make “small, below the threshold donations” to “worthy recipients” and Zbellion members.

The program, which also reportedly wargamed scenarios involving Islamist militants and anti-capitalist extremists, was conducted by students and faculty from the U.S. military’s war colleges, the training ground for prospective generals and admirals.

>> No.19679735
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>Now, it’s been revealed the U.S. Department of Defense has wargamed scenarios involving a Generation Z rebellion that uses bitcoin to undermine and evade “the establishment.”
They depend on us relying on their pedophile fiat papers

>> No.19679812

What does this have to do with LINK specifically?

>> No.19679821

>they think young people and hackers are converting it into bitcoin and not monero
is this forbes being retarded, or the government?

>> No.19679853
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If you read the legislation they’re working on, the US government specifically mentions oracles and straight up copy/pastes their explanation from chainlinks website.

>> No.19679869

The Pentagon has war gamed every scenario. No matter how unlikely.
I guarantee it.

>> No.19679876

Neither, it's a government building a specific narrative directed towards a specific demographic. It's always the same game

>> No.19679883
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I think their issue isn’t traceability, but the fact that they can’t freeze your assets or accounts and they can’t stop you from sending currency around if you want to and evading their sanctions for example.

Imagine in the future if they call your small business a “white supremacist” business and give you a nice gold star to go along with it and they ban you from using banks, credit cards or PayPal.
What will you use now to get around their sanctions?

>> No.19679892

This glownigger appropriates a lot of things with Chainlink, including sacred geometry.

Not your average shitcoin shill.

>> No.19679898

It's unbelievable how a fat flanneled piece of shit without scruples has managed to mesmerize and systematically scam a community of retarded homosexual incels, he can't get away with that

>> No.19679905
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Essentially, I’m one of the fortunate few who is still self employed so I’m able to have an opinion.
If you work for a large globo homo corp or for the state, you aren’t allowed to have a public opinion on anything out of fear for risking your livelihood if you spoke out.

>> No.19679929

Chainlink will leave bitcoin obsolete. Thats the master plan. They prefer to make rich some racist in a forum that voted made them win their elections in 2016 rather than julian fucking assange and wikileaks

>> No.19679971

I'm totally drawn by his charismatic smile..

>> No.19679993

Freedom of speech only exists for those that are independently wealthy or do not think through the eventual consequences of pissing of the wrong people.
If you piss off the wrong people then you can kiss many income streams goodbye. Forever.

>> No.19679995
File: 15 KB, 314x372, 3C518ECA-8D5F-4C36-A7D9-B46B071939D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows he’s right so he’s carefree
He’s surrounded by literal insane asylum patients

>> No.19680024

Unfortunately, he doesn't know that his future self hates him for destroying wealth building opportunities and women.

>> No.19680029
File: 56 KB, 728x400, 9DE5729D-E543-4A6E-AFCC-A7A19906EA4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you piss off the wrong people then you can kiss many income streams goodbye.
Don’t appease satan
These people are literally possessed
(((They))) have hijacked the global consciousness
If you’re white, it’s grounds enough to “piss them off”
You’re witnessing a literal attempted communist insurrection worldwide but it’s about (((racial equality)))


>> No.19680052
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>> No.19680055

Lol. People should have left CA 10 years ago to greener pastures.
Just be careful out there.
Social media makes it so easy to tarnish your character.

>> No.19680091
File: 728 KB, 717x1279, 1589997683363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Social media makes it so easy to tarnish your character.
that's the point, to institute a social credit score

>People should have left CA 10 years ago to greener pastures.
don't worry, they'll ship in thousands of migrants into your small town


>> No.19680105

>don't worry, they'll ship in thousands of migrants into your small town
Where to go then? Antarctica?

>> No.19680136
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, basedpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make your own state called Chaz and keep out the immigrants

>> No.19680140
File: 1.44 MB, 1254x1262, 1587218163132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just be careful out there.
stay away from the hospitals

>Where to go then? Antarctica?
basically we have to stop them before they kill everyone

>> No.19680148

>that's the point, to institute a social credit score
That blackfaced retard you posted has destroyed every future income stream before it even started.
>don't worry, they'll ship in thousands of migrants into your small town
I live in large city.
A few words: I'm rich and have already bought myself out of countless situations.
Good luck.

>> No.19680157
File: 896 KB, 720x720, 1570398847253.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That blackfaced retard you posted has destroyed every future income stream before it even started.

>> No.19680170

Exceptions only prove the rule.
But I'll tell ya what, just go wear blackface in public lol.

>> No.19680182
File: 190 KB, 1200x809, april_2001_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That blackfaced retard you posted has destroyed every future income stream before it even started.

>> No.19680206
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>> No.19680207
File: 58 KB, 620x587, STPBWPR2KRAGHLRW7KNB77EU6U.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ut I'll tell ya what, just go wear blackface in public lol.
no need, that guy already did and we saw what happened, a bunch of zombies "reeee'd" about like chickens without a head and he was arrested and (((charged)))

>> No.19680223
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>> No.19680247
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>Just be careful out there.
>stay away from the hospitals

>> No.19680256

look at his fucking HEAD

>> No.19680261
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he's a big lad

>> No.19680274
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>we saw what happened, a bunch of zombies "reeee'd" about like chickens without a head and he was arrested and (((charged)))

>> No.19680304

That's definitely another concern (and I don't think we are that far off desu), but traceability is definitely a major factor here. That's why most of the crypto mining hacks or ransoms are in Monero these days.
>What will you use now to get around their sanctions?
Yeah exactly, it will come down to crypto. But with chainanalysis you run into issues with transparent ledgers.
Shit is going to be fucked, best to prepare and study opsec as much as possible desu.

>> No.19680402

thats a big guy

>> No.19680610

For you

>> No.19680618
File: 67 KB, 1186x710, 267AA03F-7561-452E-9DFD-D898D207E000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if yhe pentagon gets involved they just to bomb 5-8 buildings full of asics and then 51% attack the chain. or just send 5-8 spooks dressed as janitors in and cut the network connections to those bulidings, and then 51% attack the network. bitcoin's vulnerability is the minimg hardware and the inability to move it should it come under attack and be siezed. just one more reason why god-tier Proof of stake protocols like Cardano's ouroboros are superior. the same security as bitcoin and the true incensorability - thousand(s) of stake pools all over the world, ability to redeploy in an instant on just about any hardware. shutting down cardano will be like trying to shut down torrents... coming July 29th

>> No.19680619

feeding this absolute unit is an environmental disaster

>> No.19680689

this is why BTC is doomed, it's a centralized shitfest now.
ETH won't need physical mining facilities, just invested capital.

>> No.19680850
File: 1.49 MB, 948x1126, 1591582111732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not having Warlord Raz or Punked Floyd on CHAZ I.O.U's

>> No.19681197
File: 89 KB, 1024x1024, ADFFEC81-5A8C-491A-B65A-864894485AE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well be at this point
Imagine being a business owner and getting extorted by Chaz while paying taxes

>> No.19681453

Considering how much they "theorize" about potential disturbances and carry out wargames, the USA is falling apart rather quickly.

>> No.19681802
File: 130 KB, 750x751, 1591894997909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's definitely another concern (and I don't think we are that far off desu)
they did it to Alex Jones in public and the mob was cheering for it not realizing that their livelihoods would be the next target

>> No.19682011

Lmao at pic, did you make that?

>> No.19682022
File: 61 KB, 512x431, huxley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The political hegemony of the Left was and is based largely on the intellectual hegemony of Leftist ideas, chiefly freedom, equality, and progress. Today’s phony Right shares the Left’s basic worldview, but not their clarity of vision, singularity of purpose, and moral idealism. Rightists are merely tepid or retarded Leftists, who lag behind their brighter classmates. Yet the superior Leftists always bring them round in the end. In every battle between Left and Right, the Left can count on a fifth column inside every Rightist, namely his own deepest moral convictions. If one begins with Leftist premises, sooner or later, one will draw Leftist conclusions and put them into practice.

But politics is not merely a matter of intellectual influence and persuasion. It is not just about changing minds, but changing the world. And that requires organized, concerted, purposeful action. Thus politics is also about vectors of control, chains of command, leaders and followers.

Samuel Francis explained the leftward drift of contemporary politics in terms of leadership. On the Left, the leadership is always to the Left of its constituency, moving them towards ever more radical positions. Furthermore, on the Right, the leadership is also to the Left of its constituency. Thus politics moves steadily to the Left, because the Left’s radical vanguard extends its influence through the whole political spectrum and pulls it along behind.

>> No.19682046
File: 1.86 MB, 300x300, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rightists are merely tepid or retarded Leftists
>In every battle between Left and Right, the Left can count on a fifth column inside every Rightist
>Furthermore, on the Right, the leadership is also to the Left of its constituency. Thus politics moves steadily to the Left

gif related
video related might as well be Seattle
all those ex-cons they released are going to congregate there if they get the chance and the mayor is inviting them in

>> No.19682048

>the mid-1990s
they dont get that its still people from 06 who have been balls deep in crypto. zoomers wont do shit because this is just the world they live in. they dont know anybetter

>> No.19682076
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chainlink twitter, they've got some good stuff

>zoomers wont do shit because this is just the world they live in. they dont know anybetter
unfortunately most of them will be cannon fodder if they don't wake the fuck up quickly

>> No.19682091

Literal human bobo

>> No.19682095

bitcoin is fundamentally flawed, so it wil never be a threat to government or the monetary systm. other crypto might be tho

>> No.19682108




>> No.19682112
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So fucking bullish for Kleros WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.19682122

its about capital control.

>unfortunately most of them will be cannon fodder if they don't wake the fuck up quickly
they cant wake up because every public forum is blocked off to good information with algos.

>> No.19682130


>> No.19682138

YEP, it's almost as though there is a whole government department that thinks up and tests various threats and try to develop counter-strategies to those threats.

>> No.19682149

no amount of crypto will fix anything if we cant get past the on ramping and off ramping problem.

>> No.19682155

Agree if they can’t stop you from sending or receiving they can put you in jail. But what if you have 100s of BTC wallets and keep sending money around like a chicken with your head cut off ? How will they know you’re the owner ?

>> No.19682171

They don't care, most people know something is wrong in the world, they are too attached to their modern western lifestyles to really question who or what group is in control of the geopolitical narrative.

>> No.19682181
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>they cant wake up because every public forum is blocked off to good information with algos.
they're stuck in their internet ghettos
gaming was a way of redpilling them until they realized it was gaining traction in breaking the hypnosis so they shut that down too
>pic related
look at these meat puppets
they expect you and me to believe that these are (((gamers)))

ANEEETA is a gaymer like I'm the pope of rome

>> No.19682184

That’s not a problem at all anymore. Maybe in 2012.

>> No.19682191

you and your internet friends are not most people.Most people dont spend more then 1hre max on their pc. most people use youtube and listen to podcasts.

>> No.19682198

his right tho. It is kinda a ponzi scheme and it´s definitely an enviromental disaster

>> No.19682202
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>if we cant get past the on ramping and off ramping problem.
it's why they want to prop up these boiler room exchanges like coinbase and chinance so they can pick and choose who gets to on-ramp and how quickly they can spend

DAOs like uniswap and the next gen of automated businesses will be a major threat to their stranglehold of control

>> No.19682210

im generally curious why you think that,can you explain and i will lay out my argument.

>> No.19682218

They do all of those things and still fall under spell to the kike narrative, they might be better off not doing anything than listening to bluepilled propaganda from jewtube.

>> No.19682246

this, except cardano is kinda of a scam.

>> No.19682255

I’m not listing all the ways I can buy monero so easily today that I couldn’t do in 2012. Waste of time just look it up. Also Trezor + GUI is fine better things will come soon.

>> No.19682256

And Bitcoin depends on fiat, so what? If you hate pedophiles, then you should look into gold and precious metals holders.

>> No.19682292

They have these interns do all sort of stupid mocked up shit. They have one for a zombie rebellion. Idiots think this means anything.

>> No.19682293

Oh. You’re gonna say KYC? Not really problem with monero. KYC is meaningless when you withdraw. So might as well do kyc if you want who cares you could say you lost your keys in a boating accident

>> No.19682367

im talking crypto in general doesn't have to be xmr. if you think its ok to be using traditional finance to get on and off crypto then i think you need to do a little more research man

you understand "redpilling" is its own propaganda too right? just cause you fucked up and spend a lot of time here (another internet ghetto) doesn't mean you're better then a "normie". you are just a different version

you have yo use traditional finance to on ramp/offramp what are you talking about?

>> No.19682402

Never said I was better than anyone, I just know that a lot of people who are preoccupied with their menial western lives are naive when it comes to the true nature of the world. I stand to make a lot of money but that's it, I don't feel like some genius guru or anything. I'm just a lucky (read blessed) fool.

>> No.19682478
File: 476 KB, 434x250, CarefulAngelicAlbatross-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world really suffered after gif related
pack of jackal criminals

Slobodan Praljak was born on 2 January 1945 in Čapljina, Yugoslavia. (aka my hometown)

Praljak attended high school in Široki Brijeg with the future Croatian Defense Minister Gojko Šušak. He had three university degrees. In 1970, he graduated as an electrical engineer at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Zagreb with a GPA of 4.5/5. In 1971, he graduated from the Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, majoring in philosophy and sociology. In 1972, he graduated from the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art.[12][13]

At first, Praljak worked as a professor and manager of the electronics laboratory at the Nikola Tesla Vocational High School in Zagreb, then lectured on philosophy and sociology,[12] and after 1973 was a freelance artist.[13] Praljak was also a theatre director in theatres in Zagreb, Osijek and Mostar. He directed the television series Blesan i Tulipan [Blesan and Tulipan], television dramas Novela od Stanca and Sargaško more [Sargasso Sea], documentaries Smrt psa (1980) [Death of a Dog], Sandžak and Duhan [Tobacco] (both in 1990), and film Povratak Katarine Kožul (1989) [Return of Katarina Kožul].[2][12][14]

>> No.19682501
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>> No.19682519

>Never said I was better than anyone
i wasnt trying to imply that you were just said it that way to make my point easier to digest.

> I just know that a lot of people who are preoccupied with their menial western lives are naive when it comes to the true nature of the world

i dont understand what your definition of menial means. People are people and just want to be happy. Some people dont have the ability to sit in front of a computer and get "redpilled". They are to busy having a family or trying to survive.

>> No.19682523
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>Praljak was charged with ordering the destruction of Mostar’s 16th-century bridge in November 1993, which judges in the first trial had said “caused disproportionate damage to the Muslim civilian population.”... In their ruling, the judges allowed part of Praljak’s appeal, saying the bridge had been a legitimate military target during the conflict. They also overturned some of his convictions, but refused to reduce his overall sentence....

>> No.19682526

What is that gif from?

>> No.19682541
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>What is that gif from?

>> No.19682590
File: 96 KB, 999x670, f5abed89b1828d7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Croatian (((war criminal)))
meanwhile...Killary's free-dumb fighters

meanwhile...they extradite Assange for a 4.2 billion dollar bribe from the IMF

anyone else noticing a pattern?
tomorrow they will label you a (((war criminal))) for being white

>> No.19682615
File: 37 KB, 638x501, stop resisting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tomorrow they will label you a (((war criminal))) for being white
tomorrow they will label you a (((war criminal))) for being Christian and for resisting their propaganda

>> No.19682673

> they are busy having a family, trying to survive
That's my point, most people I've seen who started a family either on purpose or from happenstance lack the discipline and drive to be able to prevent their family from absorbing too much kike media and it changes the way they think, in a worse way. I'm not blaming them 100% for it, but at some point a rational human being should understand that Zionists owned media is pushing narratives and thought patterns that will ultimately become a negative generational effect. For example most disney movies and media related really push for instant gratification etc.. this combined with other Zionist marketing methods are paving the way for a generation of drug addicted/sexually promiscuous, pacified degenerates the world has yet to experience . I just believe that if people were more concious about the Zionist globalist agenda then they could make small but important decisions to avoid the negative things that come from it.

>> No.19682702

I don't consider myself "red pilled" I just know that Zionists have an agenda to push and I steer myself away from it as much as I can help it.

>> No.19682760

Oh, I remember this but the way the screencap looks it looks like it's from a movie.

>> No.19682786

How do we stop and reverse it anon?

>> No.19682821

>their family from absorbing too much kike media
you dont understand how they take it in. They are spending most of their waking life working. They wake up eat breakfast gt in the car turn on the radio for background noise and subconsciously being programmed. has anyone ever siad " i heard xyz on the news" they just digested it from it being on in the background

>> No.19682822
File: 281 KB, 800x1218, socrates - praljak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, I remember this but the way the screencap looks it looks like it's from a movie.
yeah there is something familiar about Praljak drinking poison despite being innocent

>> No.19682838
File: 2.56 MB, 500x208, dark city planet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They wake up eat breakfast gt in the car turn on the radio for background noise and subconsciously being programmed.
it is that subversive
we all swim in the same pozzed waters unfortunately
there's a good fictional sci-fi movie that covers this hypnosis state quite well

>> No.19682859
File: 65 KB, 600x477, 154205428288834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Croat general who removed muslim shits in the Yugoslav war, defending Christians.
>Put on trial for (((war crimes)))
>Goes to the Hague voluntarily 15 years ago to prove his innocence
>Spends 2/3 of the sentence therefore was to be released immediately
>Court tells him he is guilty after all and sentences him to 20 years (he would still get out soon since he spent 2.3 of it in prison already)
>Says fuck your rules I go down how I want and drinks Hemlock poison like a boss.

He said “Slobodan Praljak is not a war criminal. I reject your judgment with contempt.”

Slobodan PraljakJust was a Bosnian Croat engineer, film and theatre director, businessman, author and retired general in the Croatian Army. This madman graduated from 3 different colleges (College of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Philoshopy and Dramatic Art) all with high marks, wrote dozens of books, made plays and television series and was a Philosophy and Sociology professor .

He voluntarily joined the newly formed Croatian Armed Forces after the outbreak of the Croatian War of Independence. He formed a unit composed of the Zagreb artists and intellectuals. Although he did not have any military education, he successfully defended this position from the technically superior forces of the Yugoslav People's Army and the Army of the Republic of Serb Krajina. Then he proceeded to remove Bosniak muslim shits and the Saudi mujahedeen sent to Bosnia, who were attacking and slaughtering innocent Christians in the war.

And mind you that he voluntarily surrendered to the International Court, not caught, only for all of this fuckery to happen in the end.

>> No.19682925
File: 92 KB, 211x375, GDUT6220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile Amerikkkan NPR was calling Praljak a "warlord"
hahaha USA is fucking zogged to shit

>He got a convoy of food through a civilian blockade, saving thousands of starving Bosniaks on the eastern side of Mostar.

>And to top it all off the man put rails and makeshift armor on the bridge, and ordered his troops to protect the bridge.

>A very intelligent man with a kind heart, showing his innocence through 13 years of jail, and still getting sentenced as a war criminal, while the HAG denies over 2000 eye witnesses proving his innocence.

meanwhile you have actual demons (pic related) who are the princesses of your urban areas
in this case, la goblina is the princess of new york

>> No.19682972
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>meanwhile Amerikkkan NPR was calling Praljak a "warlord"
it's akin to the british redcoats calling George Washington a warlord


>> No.19683038

he drank potassium cyanide actually.

>> No.19683085

this. the modern right is just the left, but 20 years behind the curve. In a decade, "conservative" pundits will be arguing about trannies, dragqueens, and chopping your sons' dicks off are all fundamental tenets of conservatism

>> No.19683132
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close enough

The Right follows the Left, just as train cars follow the engine. The Leftist cars are at the front of the train and the Rightist cars at the rear, thus they reach the destination later, but in no sense do they have an independent course or motive power. There is just one engine, and the people in the engine determine the direction of the train. The people in charge of the various cars may wear uniforms and carry themselves with an air of authority. But they are just conductors and ticket punchers, along for the ride with the rest of us.

How has the Left attained such power? And can it be attained by the Right and used in reverse?

There is no question that technology, science, and medicine are making remarkable advances. But from a White Nationalist point of view, everything is getting worse politically, culturally, and racially.

But Guénon and Evola did not regard historical decline as a disembodied force. They thought it was produced by concrete, embodied groups of historical agents. Although human agency plays a large role in history, however, most human beings are not historical agents. They are the objects, not the subjects of history. Historical agency is the preserve of tiny elites, vanguards that extend lines of influence and control throughout the entire culture, pulling it ever deeper into decadence. The vast majority of mankind is merely along for the ride.

>> No.19683143

decentralized exchanges are great for removing the centralization problem of traditional exchanges, but it doesn't solve the fiat on/off-ramp problem. Not unless/until someone finds a way of being able to exchange dollars for crypto and vice versa without having to go through some glownigger KYC exchange or getting scammed/killed fucking around with some lolcatbitcoins bullshit

>> No.19683156
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Guénon and Evola discuss these historical elites under the rubric of “occult war.” It is “occult” merely in the sense of “hidden.” In Evola’s words, it is “a battle that is waged imperceptibly by the forces of global subversion, with means and in circumstances ignored by current historiography.”[1] Evola also writes that the occult dimension of history “should not be diluted in the fog of abstract philosophical or sociological concepts, but rather should be thought of as a ‘backstage’ dimension where specific ‘intelligences’ are at work” (Men, p. 236).

Evola does add, ominously, that these occult forces “cannot be reduced to what is merely human” (Men, p. 235). But occult war is not necessarily connected with the occult in the usual sense of the word, i.e., mysticism and magic, although the two senses do overlap in such groups as the Freemasons.

>> No.19683171


>> No.19683181

if this were true then how do you explain history veering between left and right rather than staying left?
Leftist core idea is equality, freedom belongs to the right. Every non-fringe political theorist going back to Aristotle will tell you this.

>> No.19683192

They are pushing in the NWO


this was on 10 JUNE

>> No.19683195
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>Not unless/until someone finds a way of being able to exchange dollars for crypto and vice versa without having to go through some glownigger KYC exchange or getting scammed/killed fucking around with some lolcatbitcoins bullshit
there will be no more fiat anyway, they will turn it into a "digital dollar"
the protests around the world in 2019 were tax revolts
the COVID shutdown and riots in 2020 are the jackboots of the pedophiles coming out as a counter to the populist uprisings
there is a clear difference in character to the riots in 2020 versus the protests in 2019

>> No.19683209
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>if this were true then how do you explain history veering between left and right rather than staying left?
Schopenhauer talks about the decline back in his day, it has been going on since at least the renaissance and probably before (pic related)

>> No.19683222


Evola writes this in his causes "Secret Causes of History"

> Regardless of the role played by Jews and Masonry in the modern subversion, it is necessary to recognize clearly the real historical context of their influence, as well as the limit beyond which the occult war is destined to develop by employing forces that not only are no longer those of Judaism and of Masonry, but that could even totally turn against them. To realize this, consider the law of the regression of the castes, which I have employed as a hermeneutic tool in my Revolt Against the Modern World in order to assess the effective meaning of history. From a civilization led by spiritual leaders and by a sacred regality, a shift occurred to civilizations led by mere warrior aristocracies; the latter were eventually replaced by the civilization of the Third Estate. The last stage is the collectivist civilization of the Fourth Estate. The same applies to modern Masonry, which prepared ideologically for and supported the advent of the Third Estate. Masonry still presents itself today as the custodian of the principles of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, its doctrines acting as a kind of secular religion of modern democracy; its militant action has revealed and continues to reveal itself along this line, openly or in semisecret ways. All this falls within the penultimate phase; this phase, the overall cycle of democratic and capitalist civilization of the Third Estate, will eventually usher in the last collectivist phase, to which it has inadvertently opened the way. It is therefore logical that the role of a central guiding force of global subversion in this last period will no longer be played by Judaism or Masonry and that the main current may turn against both of these groups, as if they were residues to be liquidated once and for all

>> No.19683225
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As Evola describes it, occult warfare is essentially identical to metapolitics.

Metapolitics deals with the underlying causes and conditions of political change. Metapolitics operates on two levels: intellectual and organizational. Metapolitical ideas include moral systems, religions, collective identities (tribal, national, racial), and assumptions about what is politically possible. Metapolitical organizations propagate metapolitical ideas, bridging the gap between theory and practice. Examples of metapolitical movements include the European New Right and North American New Right.

Small metapolitical changes can lead to vast political transformations over time. For instance, the values articulated in the Sermon on the Mount eventually overthrew the whole ancient world. But since metapolitical causes are often remote from political effects, and since metapolitical causes are often abstract and esoteric ideas entertained by only a few, metapolitics is invisible to most people, who focus only on the concrete and immediate. Metapolitics is, therefore, “occult” in the literal sense of the word, i.e., “hidden.” But it is often hidden in plain view and need take no special precautions to conceal itself from the public eye.

>> No.19683234

In short, the Jews, the Freemasons, the Modernists are used by these secret influences, but in the end, they will be used against even then

What are these secret influences and powers? They can properly be called Satanic and nothing else.

>> No.19683248
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>It is therefore logical that the role of a central guiding force of global subversion in this last period will no longer be played by Judaism or Masonry and that the main current may turn against both of these groups, as if they were residues to be liquidated once and for all

>> No.19683253

>this is what american tax dollars are spent on

>> No.19683258

Sure, but the US implementing a "digital dollar" doesn't mean it's going to be crypto that can be exchanged on uniswap with no way for them to control it. It's going to be a centralized digital currency, with all the downsides of fiat still there. Except even worse because it will just be a shit-tier USD that we already have, except now you can't even make cash transactions and the government can track every dime you make, store, and spend.

crypto maximalists can say "where we're going, we don't need fiat" and perhaps there will be a day where this becomes true, but I don't see it happening for quite some time, if at all. In the meantime, we still need to find ways to have on/off ramps without getting fucked over by KYC. As it is right now, while crypto may not be controllable by banks or glowniggers, they can still control all the ways on and off, which makes it practically the same issue.

>> No.19683280
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>What are these secret influences and powers? They can properly be called Satanic and nothing else.
they are non-human influences and have been around for a very long time
they don't shield their minds and psyches from it so they open themselves to it's influence

>Sure, but the US implementing a "digital dollar" doesn't mean it's going to be crypto that can be exchanged on uniswap with no way for them to control it. It's going to be a centralized digital currency, with all the downsides of fiat still there.
you're not wrong
the question remains, how will they force it on people and if there will be a proper resistance capable of subverting their goals

>> No.19683297


>> No.19683312

Every old fart talks about the decline of society.
In reality acting out radical left ideas goes back to Lycurgus (who abolished private Spartan property and made everything public, even the slaves, going so far as to abolish precious metals).
Similarly Ancient Athens had radical left ideas mocked by Aristophanes, who wrote a play in which women seize government and abolish private property.
Yet we veered back from that to feudal lords and monarchism. There were merchant guilds with their own power and rules in the early medieval times, a distinctly right-wing concept.

You are correct that we are currently over-extended in the left side, but history is a pendulum when it comes to political ideology. The only thing that changes is technological progress and progress in the sense Hegel envisioned.
I've not read Evola but seeing as he was far-right it is only natural that he would deem everyone leftist.

>> No.19683318

Even though this may sound "good", absolutely imagine what fill be the "Fourth Estate" Evola is talking about

It is the reign of Antichrist

It will probably turn against Judaism, Freemasonry and even Democracy itself, it will usher in what Evola calls the "Fourth Estate", I personally believe it is connected to the idea of "Fourth Industrial Revolution"

>> No.19683343
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>> No.19683354
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>I've not read Evola but seeing as he was far-right it is only natural that he would deem everyone leftist.
I would reserve any judgement of Evola until you've actually read his source material
other people's opinions about him should be taken with a grain of salt
that being said, Bowden did an excellent lecture on him giving a QRD

>Even though this may sound "good", absolutely imagine what fill be the "Fourth Estate" Evola is talking about
I don't think Evola meant for it to sound good, it was going in the opposite direction he would have liked
look at how they want to abolish the police and destroy monuments
shortly after they will come for your property and livelihoods

>> No.19683363
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hahaah niceee

>it will usher in what Evola calls the "Fourth Estate", I personally believe it is connected to the idea of "Fourth Industrial Revolution"
interesting point

>> No.19683373

Of course it's not good. Guénon and both Evola agree it the Fourth Estate will be Nimrodian itself

Tower of Babel type of scenario

>> No.19683375

They 100% can and they know it as well.

>> No.19683390

>Guénon and Evola
two rich neet faggots that have no basis in the real world

>> No.19683406
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>Tower of Babel type of scenario

>> No.19683418

He is on my reading list. But your link also calls him the world's most right thinker which is exactly my point.

>> No.19683428
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>> No.19683489
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Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme and an environmental disaster.

>> No.19683497
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If an initiatic secret society grounded in the eternal is the place where one stands, what is the lever? What are the means by which one moves history? The short answer is: by any means necessary. If the metaphysical foundations and practical aims of a secret order are as fixed and unchanging as Being itself, the means by which it seeks to influence and direct history should be as manifold and shifting as the historical flux. Absolute dogmatism about foundations and aims can be wedded to absolute pragmatism about means. Truth and order—as they define them—may employ lies and chaos. Good—as they define it—may be pursued by any means, including evil ones, provided that they really are means. If the ends do not justify the means, nothing will. All of these techniques, however, fall under two basic headings: the spreading of ideas and the infiltration and subversion of institutions.

>But your link also calls him the world's most right thinker which is exactly my poin
you miss the point Evola is trying to make
he is saying, "by definition", he is one of the few (((right-wing))) thinkers left
in his opinion, things are so far-gone and embedded that most people are not even capable of having thoughts outside the limits of prescribed acceptable cultural discourse
In Evola's view, they physically and spiritually lack the imagination to even understand let alone agree with traditional thoughts

one immediate example is how Evola, like many in the ancient world, did not believe in coincidences
this is derided as "magical thinking" in our modern world
there is a mental fog and dullness that has set into the minds of people today
modern man is a dullard and has been reduced to merely an economical unit

>> No.19683569
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>In Evola's view, they physically and spiritually lack the imagination to even understand let alone agree with traditional thoughts
It is something completely alien to them
It’s why western liberals fundamentally misunderstand islam and are incapable of putting themselves in their mindsets even hypothetically.

>> No.19683621
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>All of these techniques, however, fall under two basic headings: the spreading of ideas and the infiltration and subversion of institutions.

In Men Among the Ruins, Evola develops a number of Guénon’s ideas on the tools of occult warfare (see pp. 244–51).

First, the promulgation of materialistic and positivistic prejudices about historical causation blinds the intelligent to the occult dimension of history.

Second, to prevent those who reject materialism from finding the truth, false spiritual or idealist conceptions of history (e.g., Hegel, Bergson) are promulgated.

Third, when the effects of subversion begin to show up on the material plane and provoke a reaction in the name of ideals drawn from the traditional past, the agents of subversion promulgate counterfeit or distorted versions of these ideas, so that “reaction is contained, deviated, or even led in the opposite direction” (Men, p. 245).

Fourth, since “the basis of the order to be destroyed consist[s] in the supernatural element—that is, in the spirit—conceived not as a philosophical abstraction or as an element of faith, but as a superior reality, as a reference point for the integration of everything that is human” (Men, p. 245), all genuine spiritual longings must be channeled into inverted forms of spirituality directed toward the aims of the Counter-Tradition.

>> No.19683636
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Fifth, to weaken, derail, and destroy any genuine opposition that might remain, the enemy encourages them to attack those who share the same principles and to adopt the principles of their enemies. An example of the first tactic is to promote infighting among the resistance: “thus, they attempt in every possible way to cause any higher idea to give in to the tyranny of individual interest or proselytizing, prideful, and power-hungry tendencies” (Men, p. 247). An example of second tactic is to encourage the opposition to embrace the principles of the enemy in order to gain momentary rhetorical or political advantages. A good contemporary example is the tendency of White Nationalists to appeal to forms of moral universalism that undermine all nationalism simply to score cheap points against Zionism. (See my essay “White Nationalism and Jewish Nationalism.”) Evola stresses that “unconditioned loyalty to an idea”—as opposed to the egotism that leads to infighting or the pragmatism that leads one to adopt the enemy’s ideas—“is the only possible protection from occult war” (Men, p. 247).

Sixth, if the forces of subversion are in danger of being unmasked and punished, they will deflect public anger onto scapegoats. Evola actually suggests that the Protocols might be an attempt to make Freemasons and Jews into scapegoats for a much deeper conspiracy (Men, p. 248). Evola would probably not entertain such thoughts today, but the specifically Jewish nature of the ruling powers was not so apparent in 1953 when Men Among the Ruins was first published.

>> No.19683648
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Seventh, when subversion progresses far enough to provoke a reaction, this reaction can be diverted from the pursuit of a healthy new society based on eternal truths toward a return to an older form of society in which the sickness is merely not so advanced. In America today, this is manifested in reactionary nostalgia for the 1980s or the 1950s or the 19th-century or the Founding era. Of course, if we could return to the 1950s, our descendants would be coping with the same problems 60 years later.

Eighth, all principles or institutions may be undermined if people confuse them with their representatives. All representatives are inevitably imperfect, but when these imperfections come to light, the agents of subversion argue that it is the institution or principle that must be replaced, not their fallible representatives.

Ninth, Evola claims that one of the principal tools of subversion is to infiltrate Traditional organizations and replace their leadership, in order to destroy the organization outright or to use it to further the ends of subversion. Evola claims that Freemasonry was originally a vehicle of genuine Tradition, but it was infiltrated and taken over by partisans of the Counter-Tradition (Men, pp. 250–51).

>> No.19683659

>war games against whites
>war games against nationalist militias
>war games against their gen z reactionaries
How it's not obvious to even double digit IQ'ers by now that USA is zogged to fuck. Stop paying tax as Americans. Burn down the IRS. Only use Monero. They have given you the blue print for what needs to happen in this wargame and also how they will react.

>> No.19683660

god this board is so fucking dead. basically a zerohedge for boomers-in-training.

why would this wargame be released to the public if it was a legitimate threat that needed strategizing against? its obviously something they've determined is never going to happen (gaymers rise up lmao)

dream on. btc will crab between 4-14k for the next decade

>> No.19683676

Learning xmr is a small price to pay when use of the dollar is directly funding people who want you dead

>> No.19683712
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In the final chapter of The Crisis of the Modern World, Guénon further discusses this counter-current. He claims that, “the modern world would cease to exist at once if men understood what it really is, since its existence, like that of ignorance and all that implies limitation, is purely negative: it exits only through negation of the traditional and superhuman truth”

>its obviously something they've determined is never going to happen (gaymers rise up lmao)
which is why they spent so much energy and effort wargaming the scenario, because they DON'T expect it to happen...
>hint: you're a retard

Such truth cannot be understood by the vast majority, but this is not necessary, since “it would be enough if there were a numerically small but powerfully established elect to guide the masses, who would obey their suggestions without suspecting their existence or having any idea of their means of action . . .” (Crisis, p. 157). Clearly, this elect must operate at least in part through dissimulation, as do the initiates of the Counter-Tradition.

>> No.19683720
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>Evola claims that Freemasonry was originally a vehicle of genuine Tradition, but it was infiltrated and taken over by partisans of the Counter-Tradition

This he got from Guénon. According to Guénon, Freemasonry was infiltrated in 17th century.

Guénon also tells that all traditions are not evil, but when they are adopted by counter-tradition, they can become evil.

For example Guénon said that it would be extremely dangerous to "revive" Egyptian tradition (Pyramids, Benben stones etc.) and Egyptian symbols and religion in modern age, because it is a "dead" tradition that died naturally.

By reviving the Egyptian tradition and adopting their symbols through counter-initiation, one only activates the "psychic residues" of those dead traditions and may even adopt the so-called negative traits of those civilizations. For example, the Atlantean destruction of Egyptian civilization Guénon talks about (getting destroyed by the Hyksos etc.)

That is why Guénon maintained the importance of genuine, unbroken traditions and that is why he converted to Sufism, because the Sufi lineages can be traced, unbroken to Prophet Muhammad himself and it was never "dead", but continous spiritual influence from the founder itself.

This is not the case of Egypt. The Egyptian civilization died it's natural death, so to speak, and the religion died out (except some mystery schools of Pythagoras etc.), but the worship of Ra and others did not continue exoterically. Guénon points out that some counter-initiatic people in America have tried to revive those very same Egyptian symbols and also the westerners through their Egyptomania.

>> No.19683760

Sure I can agree with that. I just disagree with his premise that leadership naturally tends towards the left. It's defeatist and a narrow way of looking at history. But on rereading your post I see this was put forward by Samuel Francis and not Evola. That makes sense, Evola doesn't strike me as someone with narrow historical thinking like what Francis expresses.

>> No.19683765
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>By reviving the Egyptian tradition and adopting their symbols through counter-initiation, one only activates the "psychic residues" of those dead traditions and may even adopt the so-called negative traits of those civilizations
interesting point about activating "psychic residues"
Jung talks about the power of archetypes and symbols when it comes to the human mind

>> No.19683856
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good chainlink meme thread:

>> No.19683860

The problem is similar with Guénon and archeology..

If you dig too deep you might awaken something that was not supposed to be uncovered

Something more ancient and more evil than even what is currently going on


>> No.19683876
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>> No.19683897

Because left vs right is a psyop that keeps 95% of the population in a mental cage moving towards globohomo ambitions.

>> No.19683947
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yeah I found it strange in highschool when they explained politics through the lens of a "spectrum" of right vs. left
coming from a three-way civil war in yugoslavia, it seemed naive to me back then even as a teenager
these homosexual sodomites love use technical jargon and adopt it as newspeak
"spectrum" is a perfect example
it is a scientific term, but these luddites who have no understanding of technical concepts, are only to quick to adopt these "smart-sounding" words for their own nefarious ends

for example (((gender))) is a "spectrum", etc.

>> No.19683965
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>If you dig too deep you might awaken something that was not supposed to be uncovered
>Something more ancient and more evil than even what is currently going on

>> No.19683968

Hahaha fuck you chainlink cocksuckers. Every Fucking day with your centralized scam. Holochain was the blockchain killer yet nothing has happened. RLC was the new decentralized cloud storage or AWS killer. Guess what? Nothing. Hundreds of Ethereum killers. Nothing. Chainlink is no different. Enron all over again. You wait and see.

>> No.19683990

you had three years to accumulate

>> No.19683994

>god this board is so fucking dead. basically a zerohedge for boomers-in-training.

all these faggots are used to reading and theorizing. No real world doing anything. i find it so annoying to constantly come here and talk about the same shit over and over.

>> No.19684010


It is absolutely disgusting what they do to human body


I think it was Guénon who also talks of this. How Iblis or Satan hates the form of Man, because in the Islamic/Quranic lore Iblis refuses to bow to the form of Man

>When God created Adam, He ordered all the angels to bow before the new creation. All the angels bowed down, but Iblis refused to do so. He argued that since he himself was created from fire, he is superior to humans, made from Clay-mud, and that he should not prostrate himself before Adam

This is why it is this Satanic influence that wants to destroy or mutilate the human form itself. to "Perfect" god's creation

Only in reality mutilate the most holy parts, genitalia, procreative parts to satanic mockery unable to produce new life: only sensual pleasure (if even that, that anal skin in your neo-vagina probably can only cause pain)

>> No.19684016
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>all these faggots are used to reading and theorizing. No real world doing anything
speak for yourself

>> No.19684032



>> No.19684071

you wouldn't be shit posting if i was wrong. you would be doing not having the same conversation over and over

>> No.19684083

No i didnt. Because its just an erc20 token with the most massive shill campaign. Ive watched Sergey and Ari speak. Read the paper. I hold a dozen coins that still have updates but no working product. You just dont get it. Crypto is about making money off illiterate retards willing to throw their money in because its a fast way to multiply your money if you buy low sell high. Bitcoin is fucked and nothing like it was before Hal died.

>> No.19684099

FUG YOU 42!!!!

>> No.19684104

interesting perspective. I have a muslim friend who made similar claims, that because Arab is still spoken today it is the only true and non-distorted religion, whereas us christians follow a sacred text in a dead language and because of that the faith of the majority has become distorted and misinterpreted.

>> No.19684109
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another big-tell is the mother-goddess motif they are trying to push
reminds me of that Pink Floyd song:

there is a really good Christian movie called "Heaven's War" with a particular scene covering this female-goddess heresy we are seeing today

>you wouldn't be shit posting if i was wrong
you are wrong regardless of what I do or don't do

>> No.19684128

>you are wrong regardless of what I do or don't do
thats just like your opinion man. Just like every thing you think you have an understanding of

FUG YOU 42!!!!

>> No.19684152

I don't know if he's correct in this though.
Greek is a dead language but I feel like, reading translations of Thucydides etc., I still understand the ideals and thoughts of that age pretty well

>> No.19684153

Guénon was born Catholic, but believed that Catholic Church was "lost" or the tradition had been severed and it was no true, genuine initiation possible anymore in Christianity because the tradition was severed

That is why he converted to Sufism. He was also ex-Freemason, but he wrote about it in later years how he dabbled with Occult/Freemasonry, but understood later that these traditions had been all infiltrated to the 'subversive influences' so to speak.

It is a hard subject, but Evola also writes about this. Guénon also writes about it, it is connected to the concept of "Holy Grail", the so-called Lineage of Jesus. Not probably actual blood lineage, but the lineage of tradition, initiation chain. Now the "Grail" is lost and there is no tradition, same way there can be no true royalty as long as there is no Grail.

>> No.19684191
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You finally made a new trip detectiveanon, it’s been a while since your last one got (((hacked)))

>> No.19684193

Bananas in pajamas are coming down the stairs.

>> No.19684235

kek. you're try so hard to fish for any amount of information.

FUG YOU 42!!!!

>> No.19684266
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>Yet the superior Leftists always bring them round in the end. In every battle between Left and Right, the Left can count on a fifth column

“We need a voice against racism. We need many voices against racism and against brutality,” he told reporters. “We need to stand up and say black lives matter.”

>> No.19684285
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>8 minutes 46 seconds


>8:46 Flight 11 crashes into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99. The aircraft enters the tower intact.

>> No.19684286

Funny because he got 2% of the black vote and Trump got 8%. Probably going to be higher in November. I can already smell the tears.

>> No.19684307
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The new Google captchas have arrived

>> No.19684310

FUG YOU 42!!!!

>> No.19684320
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>you're try so hard to fish for any amount of information.
we all know who you are since you keep having to invent new trips after getting BTFO on your previous ones

>> No.19684325
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>> No.19684336
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yeah I saw that synchronicity earlier today

>> No.19684367

i know who you are

FUG YOU 42!!!!

>> No.19684388
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In a CUNT-TREE like this, it is impossible for useful decisions to be made or for any productive work to be done. Worse, however, is the fact the nation pretends that it can still continue to work.

Sometimes, the results are pretty funny.

For the past several days, mass gatherings in American cities have become increasingly tolerated, either for the purpose of “deescalation,” as is the case in Seattle, or simply because there is no way to crack down on the events without such an amount of force that it’s likely citizens would end up dying — a major reputation concern.

>i know who you are
if you don't know me by now, you will never ever know me

>> No.19684407

FUG YOU 42!!!!

>> No.19684459
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Consider that the US is unable, for both political and image reasons, to use its massive military power to quell the popular wave of civil disobedience that has swept the entire country — yet it is fully capable of dispatching troops to far corners of the globe, in places where they are not wanted or even needed. The US military cannot fulfill the very basic role of providing national defense under the conditions and reciprocity of other foreign nations; instead, it throws its weight around in areas where some muscle is needed to meet the needs of interest groups evidently in charge of the nation.

As our country’s demographics turn, things will no longer work right. “Karen” will have nobody to call. Our nation will cease to be a serious country in toto, and in some places, it’s stopped being a serious country a long time ago.

>> No.19684466
File: 101 KB, 1218x291, osiris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I was watching that Nancy kneeling Ghanda scarf ritual before

They were kneeling before this guy statue


Perhaps connected to Obama their savior? Also the Golden fucking statue of black Kamehameha I behind them

Reminded me of
>"Osiris is a black god"

>> No.19684483
File: 68 KB, 528x583, mittens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romney’s siding with racial agitators who want reparations and police abolishment keeps with his family legacy. His father, George Romney, marched with civil rights protesters when he was Michigan governor in the sixties. Romney the Younger sees this as a point of pride. In truth, it’s a disgrace, and shows how deeply committed the Romney family is to white dispossession.

George Romney was a standard moderate Republican of his day. He declared “discrimination” the biggest problem facing America when he became governor in 1963. He eagerly championed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and refused to support Barry Goldwater, the Republican presidential nominee that year, because of the conservative’s opposition towards it.

>> No.19684497

you are moronic. they spend the money BEFORE they know the true viability of the threat. they propose threats, determine a % of viability, play the game, then determine amongst the games played, which is worth investing defenses in.

lmao. guess which game did not merit investing in defenses? the crypto gamers rising up lmao


>> No.19684511

FUG YOU 42!!!!

>> No.19684527


>> No.19684545


>> No.19684546
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>Detroit 1960
I wonder what happened to Detroit after that?
mittens is proud of that accomplishment

>lmao. guess which game did not merit investing in defenses? the crypto gamers rising up lmao

COVID + communist insurrection worldwide riots were triggered to stop chainlink

>> No.19684573
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"This is my father, George Romney, participating in a Civil Rights march in the Detroit suburbs during the late 1960s—“Force alone will not eliminate riots,” he said. “We must eliminate the problems from which they stem.”

>> No.19684579

FUG YOU 42!!!!

>> No.19684583

i like you dude. you told me to invest in linkpool. and i did. but please drop some evidence that suggests the global elite triggered a pandemic and incited a complex loosely-banded protest movement just to stop investments into a cryptocurrency because.... reasons

>> No.19684672
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>> No.19684692

Well it was an obvious flop.

>> No.19684702

so meme magic? its the same as scrying with chicken bones. where's the evidence

>> No.19684707

The leviathan leans left...

>> No.19684719
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>> No.19684734

"meme magik" is some idiot using a sript to get trips and dubs

FUG YOU 42!!!

>> No.19684757


I bough 50k Chainlink in 2018 I was just released from mental institution

I know its fucking memes how linkies are said to be deluded but I actually felt like I was guided by some higher force, I went for a smoke at my parent's house and I was watching this cubical lantern hanging in my backyard hanging from a chain and then I bought 10k

Next night I could not sleep I just had to buy more, buy more and the price was like 20 cents then I ran out of money before I got a bit over 50k

tldr; I was literally clinically insane when I bought Chainlink. I spent the years 2015-2017 in mental institutions, last time I got out was mid 2017 and been stable since. Now I'm back at university studying computer science

>> No.19684759
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 1553701327784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the leviathan is drunk and about to fall over on top of everyone

>> No.19684773

I'm literally a maniac it even reads in my papers:
>Possible bipolar schizoid schizoaffective disorder

I don't need medication anymore, my doctors agreed that it was probably drug induced psychosis and I have been without pills for almost 3 years now

>> No.19684781

>stop chainlink
It was to stop chainlink's meteoric rise, it is too early.
So zoomers on can continue to chase pumps on robinhood, while allowing LINK to sink back into semi obscurity where they can gobble more up for cheap, they did the same thing with shitcoin pumps back in 2017.
Every pump is like a succubus shaking her ass, trying to pry away some linkies from your hand anons, don't fall for it.
I still think that market makers will crash the stock market (maybe not down to new lows) just enough to burn all the new blood, decimating paper profits, to condition people to "take profits" early, so that even hardened marines feel the itch to sell at the first 10$ pump.

>> No.19684801

FUG YOU 42!!!!

>> No.19684823
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>I bought 50k Chainlink in 2018 I was just released from mental institution
there's a reason I post the bladerunner memes anon...

>> No.19684838
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>> No.19684891

Well I don't know I kinda fried my brain with acid and lots of other drugs. I did way too much LSD in 2014-2015 and all sort of pills, etc. I have been drug free for years and now I am back at the university studying.

But seriously though many later traditionalists writers like Charles Upton who have continued in the line of Guénon talk how these acid etc. can actually open "harmful" psychic influences in you and you just become a fucking NWO false spirituality muh chakra mumbler bullshit fucking puppet. I personally think this is the case with LSD and some other psychedelics

You mistake this psychic phenomena, psychedelic fractalia etc. for true spirituality while in reality God itself is something much greater and works in much more mysterious ways

Another problem is that they produce such "strong", or even traumatic experience for your mammalian psyche brain so you start to equate this fucking soul rape / ego rape as some sort of religious experience while true devotion is something much more simpler and modest

>> No.19684894
File: 7 KB, 224x225, cult of the black cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and people thought we were weird for reading about the cult of the black cube (pic related)

>> No.19684965
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>Well I don't know I kinda fried my brain with acid and lots of other drugs
yeah I have a friend who was an acid-head back in the day and he tells me that every now and then he'll still get flashbacks

LSD was thoroughly used in MK ultra mind control experiments to wipe the personalities of patients

it is for this reason I never took synthetic psychedelics

however, there are clear allusions to magic mushrooms and other natural psychedelics in ancient religions
even in those cases you have to be extremely careful since not everyone reacts the same

>> No.19684968

>disconnect your internet
Good luck evading the man now.

>> No.19684989
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>while true devotion is something much more simpler and modest
it's true
people think it needs to be this grand-thing when in actuality, it is much more subtle and humble
>"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches."

>> No.19685106

>LSD was thoroughly used in MK ultra mind control experiments to wipe the personalities of patients

I mean the 60s with legal LSD and the "Age of Aquarius" bullshit was just forerunner of Antichrist system. They like to see the destruction of all old, traditional and talk of the "New Age"

There was so much bullshit going on there with various fucking mind control orders like the Process Church of Final Judgement and multiple others it was a huge fucking mess

Even Guénon writes in letters how all the counter-initiation and counter-traditionalists are drawn to California for some reason and this was written in the 1940s, then they had all the fucking Manson murders there and muh hippie population

Absolute fucking mess.

This is a good book / review that touches on these subjects


false dawn
united religions
initiative, globalism,
and the quest for a
one-world religion

>Christ came to bring to an end the Jewish dispensation which should have climaxed and passed away as a religion with the movement of the sun out of Aries into Pisces. He, therefore, presented Himself to them as their Messiah, manifesting through the Jewish race. In the rejection of Christ as the Messiah, the Jewish race has remained symbolically and practically in the sign of Aries, the Scapegoat;6 they have to pass—again speaking symbolically—into the sign, Pisces, the Fishes, and recognize their Messiah when He comes again in the sign Aquarius. Otherwise they will repeat their ancient sin of non-response to the evolutionary process. They rejected that which was new and spiritual in the desert; they did it again in Palestine two thousand years ago; will they do it again, as opportunity is offered to them? The difficulty with Jew is that he remains satisfied with the religion of nearly five thousand years ago and shows as yet little desire to change.

Just search what connections Alice Bailey has to United Nations through Lucis Trust.

>> No.19685122

That quote there is from Alice Bailey.

Total pseudo-religion like Guénon writes. They invert Christianity to their own Aquarian ends.

Bailey is the one who coined the term "age of aquarius"

>> No.19685318

thank you 42 this has been a good one.

>> No.19685353

FUG YOU 42!!!!

>> No.19685475
File: 416 KB, 1400x2220, 81NcurHogkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another person who looks at drugs in this way is Itzhak Bentov. Highly recommend his book.
The way to spiritual progress is mediation, drugs is cheating and in the end will blunt you rather than help you.

>> No.19685493

Zoomers would

>> No.19685582

Christians are the original thought police and good goyim. I hate how you fags have no idea how disastrous it has been for the white race and have no idea how incredibly Jewish and how against natural law it is. Pathetic slave religion that only breeds weakness and allows Jews to easily conquer and subvert. There is a reason Jews thrived post Roman Empire. The christain nation’s enabled them and destroyed their enemies for them. Christians are the original SJWs

>> No.19685758


>> No.19685781
File: 32 KB, 500x579, 847F5135-6857-4BC4-AE78-2CA9C6764DD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wouldn’t have internet if it wasn’t for Christianity
There’s a reason they want to destroy it and you’re playing the useful idiot for them
You harken back to pagan ideals but it’s all a LARP

>> No.19685804
File: 1.96 MB, 922x1188, AA832586-7BD9-45A5-AD0F-1A67555324C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol world war z takes on an entirely new meaning
>Mfw Link marines will be the generals of world war z

>> No.19685827
File: 2.05 MB, 2000x1125, B5608069-EA88-442E-B588-57E4C62ECF11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think they’re going to try and call us warlords when we take over?
Glad you’ve enjoyed it so far, despite uncleoldfags best efforts to derail

>> No.19685859

What game is that?

What release date?

>> No.19685871

Every day that passes, the more I feel we've lost, anons.

If you say "Nigger," someone inevitably jumps to "It's current year!"

If you respond with "It's current year, so let's rape puppies! The year isn't a justification for anything but the fucking calendar," you get 1 of 2 responses:

1. Complete dismissiveness and then you get called a "Wacist." I usually respond with "Nigger nigger, fried chicken and gravy dinner!" at this point. The response is always great.

2. Someone calls you a racist

When asked "Do you believe the word "Nigger" is inherently racist?" most respond with yes.

"So you believe that the many basketball americans who spout the words "Nigger" and "Nigga" are also racist themselves?

The response is either silence or they mute you. If the arguments on the other side are so easy to poke holes in, and the fucking drones across this country believe it, why the fuck can't we make progress?

>> No.19685925

Ethereum will unironically flip btc

>> No.19685929

doesnt the american constitution state that all men are created equal? probably a major flaw in that case which might give credence to your thoughts.

>> No.19685975

My argument does not rely on the preamble to the constitution. How does this help me.

>> No.19686078

Kvetch somewhere else Jewish demon

>> No.19686093

If there were no Christians the US would have bombed us all into ruin already during WW2. The UK would have gone the Roman route with their Empire and plundered the other nations more completely. In short, the world would be chaos.
We are soon coming to a point where mutual destruction is truly possible. With pagan ideals that outcome is an inevitability.

>> No.19686165
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>> No.19686202
File: 2.16 MB, 1405x891, 8EC9BB98-0E7C-4473-9ED3-6EC8DADA59D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bans you from the internet
Just get your own satellite goy

>> No.19686297
File: 93 KB, 584x826, brainstorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny that you’re going down this rabbit hole. Some of my very first threads as 42 discussed the dangers of psychedelics


>> No.19686379

Just dont watch sissy “hypno” porn while on lsd then you are really done

>> No.19686416

how about a pandemic?

>> No.19686502

Yeah bill gates war gamed that with the government. People gotta realise wargaming is so common and is part of good risk management across government, business and military

>> No.19686513
File: 2.11 MB, 2000x1598, 38ACF2DB-94FB-4A4C-AFBE-9351AE8B0639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those things exist because of whites. Chirstainity holds backs whites. It is not a religion that is tied to racial consciousness. It goes against what is best for whites. What we need is a return to tradition of our ancestors. The Christcuck belongs on the cross to be fed to the lions.

Jew are only destroying Christianity now because they have stronger poisons to infect and subvert us with. Chirstainity has finished serving it’s purpose. The reality is even traditional catholic families as nice as they may seen are not truly based, the only way to be truly based is to be 100% racially conscious and to do what’s best for your people and bloodlines, since the Christcuck never thought this way they were easily conquered by outsiders and would turn the other cheek and welcome thy neighbor. You’ll be astonished to realize Judaism is a religion that is 100% just about the racial consciousness for their own parasitic race. The Jew’s morality is only what’s best for themselves, we need to be like this for ourselves as white people or we will always be bullied. So ask yourself what do jews who are extremely racially conscious do to destroy the racial consciousness of the people they see as enemies? Promote poisonous egalitarian ideologies. the first was chirstainity now they are going for sjw progressivism and loyalty to the state as the next evolution of chirstainity

>> No.19686566

You are so far off because you only know history superficially. For example how come the Romans never built the steam machine? Because they had slaves to do it.
It took christianity for people to actually start abolishing slavery and that took us to where we are today.

>Promote poisonous egalitarian ideologies. the first was chirstainity now they are going for sjw progressivism and loyalty to the state as the next evolution of chirstainity
Again, so far off. Christians are the conservative people today. The poison you talk about comes from a hollow idea of equality as put forward in communism.

>> No.19686585


>> No.19686589

Have you taken your medicine yet?

>> No.19686644

Not knowing about Harmony must suck.
Check out the roadmap.

>> No.19686688

The world is a degenerate Jewish ran hellhole. Whites are openly accepting their extinction and allowing their countries be flooded with niggers. Things have never been worse and the reason things are so bad because we has a race have been fractured to nothing but a group of individuals who only care about their own little world and couldn’t care less about their people or the future of their bloodlines. We wouldn’t be living in this terrible dysgenic world if from the start we had racial consciousness and only did what was in our own best interests. Instead we listened to Jews and the desert Manuel book they made for us. Racial consciousness and natural law are the only truths. Blood is everything. You live on through your blood. Do you want the future of your people to be mutt nigger slaves of the Jew, or is that notnyourmconcern because things will be better when you are dead, you’ll just be partying it up in eternal heaven for being a passive good goyim who obeyed desert Manuel. You people disgust me.

>> No.19686717

>the pope of rome
Hmm... You're doing very well here.
I appreciate you helping to inform the normies of reality outside of /biz/.
Thanks for stopping by again, anon.

>> No.19686922

Whites didn’t need chirstainity to invent anything, they need racial consciousness, a society that caters to what’s best in their own interests. During the Roman Empire we were the most advance and powerful people on Earth because we were racially conscious. The romans did so much more then any other empire and it took ages to return to their level of advancement and living standards after the collaspe. Things were only evolving and the advancements and discoveries just keep going. That is until chirstcuckery dumped us into a Jewish darkage. Who knows how advance we would be now if Jewish subversion never took over the Roman Empire. The eugenic upward spiral would of continued on!

Racial consciousness is everything, it is peak eugenics and that’s what drives innovation. When we are against eachother then innovation dies out. Nazism was the last fight for us to becoming a tribal racial consciousness and a shit load of innovation came about from German scientists during that time, many scientists even got shut down post war because their discoveries threatened Jewish control and profits. We live in another terrible Jewish darkage and we are going down a dysgenic spiral. Things are getting worse and worse andbthats because nobody cares about what’s important in life. The evolution of bloodlines, to do whatever is necessary for your people prosperity and to defeat anybody who threatens your way of life.

>> No.19686974

>And Bitcoin depends on fiat
For now, and that's because fiat is dominant. This will begin to change as more people earn in Bitcoin directly, as conditions with the dollar worsen and as Bitcoin becomes too irresistible.

>> No.19687140

>i hate money
cope harder LOL

>> No.19687330

Fat feminist fuck spotted

>> No.19687766
