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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 717 KB, 2048x1024, CDAA694D-823F-4214-B243-1617CDE5DB81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19674154 No.19674154 [Reply] [Original]

- Layer 1 solution to scalability and speed (Lachesis consensus protocol)
- Academically-researched development (similar to cardano)
- Fantom.finance DeFi platform
- regular github development
- Port Ethereum Solidity contracts in about five minutes
- Same Ethereum addressing system
- Staking unlock this month
- Suite of defi tools being released soon

As Ethereum is strained and begins to show cracks, Fantom provides real solutions.

At 30% (of today's Ethereum MC) , it'd be nearly a 700x.

Even 1% puts it about a 20x.

So many coins did that last run.

>> No.19674161


>> No.19674177

My Mom is kicking me out of the house. Should I just give he 125.5 link. She wants 500$ a month in rent and I have 10,000 LINK and negative 220$ in my checking account. I showed the dumb bitch where Link's price is right now and she knew where it was before. She's at her wits end with me and I told her to just give it 3 more months, but she isnt having it. She took away my XBOX too and I'm in South Dakota where there is nothing else to do but play Halo 3. Shes telling me to go work in an oil field but I dont want to be killed when we are so close to the singularity. Any South Dakota LinkMarines I can stay with for the summer? I'll give you 50 link a month. Or should I just hit the fat bitch over the head with a frying pan?

>> No.19674337

18 TPS

>> No.19674478

Literal retards

>> No.19674834

You have now devs, just a bunch of hired marketing scammers. Chink team exit scammed long time ago. There is always a new way you scammers package your scam, 300 K dag tps, smart cities, ponzi scheme staking, central banks, and now defi. All lies.

>> No.19674868

>Academically-researched development (similar to cardano)

LOL where? What are the names? Wadler? Tompson? the son of SPJ?

Just fuck off lmao

>> No.19674901

India is that way >>>>>>

>> No.19674915

You probably can’t even read English but here you go faggot


>> No.19674914

copy and pasta

>> No.19674930


Now shut up pajeet scum
India deserves a plague

>> No.19674968 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 715x660, 324324324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>India is that way >>>>>>
Fuck off FTM scammer. Tragic FTM projection, pic related.

>> No.19674980

Dag schizo with 12 month year old fud LMAO

Anyone can set ANY company as their employer on LinkedIn you fucking retarded faggot. None of those indian subhumans work at fantom idiot

>> No.19674992

Shut up scammer. You "forgot" the part where your "academic research paper" has NEVER been published anywhere. Not peer reviewed. All you have is a blog by scammer Andy. The guy that has never finished a single projefct in his life, but constanly scammed. Here is his last project that he crashed:

>> No.19675013
File: 21 KB, 250x226, B8DA329A-F343-47E4-BAD5-8271A336143B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s wrong, RETARD

>> No.19675024

They are listed by FANTOM FOUNDATION on LinkedIn, moron.

>> No.19675037

You’re a fucking retard LMAO




>> No.19675045 [DELETED] 

>That’s wrong, RETARD
The retarded Fantom scammers have gone full lying sociopaths. What science papers? Who did the peer review? It's a blogpost, faking science papers.

>> No.19675064

Your 3rd worlder english is showing you obvious subhuman shit skin

>> No.19675099

They are listed as employees on the site controlled by Fantom Foundation. Here:

More lies from you sick Fantom liars. They just got another and more profound letter or recommendation from USAF.

In a few weeks time, your sick ponzi scheme gig is up and more than half of your total supply will be dumped on the market, crashing your already disaterous price to zero. Good luck, scamming homo.

>> No.19675114

I am North European and you know it, muttboi. Why can't you muttboi scammers document your crazy science papers claim? Maybe because you shitskins have zero science background and low third world IQ?

>> No.19675127
File: 87 KB, 769x600, Annotation 2020-02-15 10113412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it going with your fake Oracle partnership, FTM muttboi?

>> No.19675141

LMAO just spamming the same fake fud from last summer what a pathetic human being you are


>> No.19675158

Wow you are posting your screenshot from your fake fud banned account on twitter for spamming your fake shit

Your ever leave the computer buddy? Pretty sad desu

>> No.19675169

FTM scammers promised 300 000 tps DAG technolog and smart contracts. What the scammers gave the market was a crashed 18tps Ethereum Virtual Machine fork. What a joke. No wonder you have only a giant marketing department, aka scammers, and zero devs. Shame on you, scamming newfags.

>> No.19675189
File: 99 KB, 760x706, Annotation 2020-02-15 101134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banned Twitter account. Are you high on crack, Fantom scammer. Why did your Fantom scammer team never dare to reply to the accusations? Pic.

>> No.19675225

Yawn, you’re a fucking clown loser. Stay poor

>> No.19675284

>Yawn, you’re a fucking clown loser. Stay poor
Right. I knew that you idiots never ever had the technology to do a 300K tps dag with smart contracts and you idiot believe I am poor. Low IQ whining from a scamming newfag with zero substance and integrity. Fuck off from biz, scammer.

>> No.19675329


>> No.19675347

Imagine being a pakistani paid fudder for 5$ a day like you, what a sad existence. Stop wasting oxygen for the rest of us nigger

>> No.19675367

Time for potential investors to look at these scamming losers and their tragic comments, totally unable to defend their lies and fraud. Stay the hell away from these con artists.

>> No.19675388

Literal third worlder paid fudder by the Constellation team KYS

>> No.19675455
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, 354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally scammer and lying psycho. At least TRY to defend your obvious scam project. You are a muttboi and tragic Bitconnect trash. Fuck off from biz.

>> No.19675475

What is your ethnic compostion, muttboi? Can't be great with that low IQ.

>> No.19675524

Look at this fucking retard
Edmund no one cares what you say

>> No.19675621
File: 100 KB, 779x713, Annotation 2020-02-15 1250088444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is Edmund? How do you defend your crazy lies about your own TPS and VISA's? Are you not ashamed, scammer?

>> No.19675631

thanks just bought 100k!

>> No.19675657

2018 level fud

>> No.19676015
File: 111 KB, 720x1280, C8C5B1F7-BBE2-49BB-8878-E3BF8081132F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven’t seen nothin’ yet

>> No.19676312

Ridiculous. Photoshopping central bank logos on your scam material. So how is it going, scammers? You have been talking about central banks finalizing your agreements for over half a year yet ZERO evidence for that being true at all. Kind of pathetic, is it not, scammer trash?

>> No.19676411

KEK you’re just taking the piss now ahahaha. That’s directly from SARB’s quarterly reports, go check their website.

>> No.19676480

Sure, why are you unable to provide the link then, scammer?

>> No.19676521

Wow 2 seconds on Google

>> No.19676588


>> No.19676600

"Central Bank Digital Currency
Feasibility Project" has absolutely ZERO connection to xar or ftm. Scammer.

>> No.19676606

Stop larping dude no one believes your fud anymore

>> No.19676613

"In the near future, a document will be released which outlines a partnership between the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) and a public blockchain. " Dec 22 2019

And yet here we are, fantom scamming liars with zero contract or connection to any central bank. Pathetic.

>> No.19676646

Feasibility project. lol, a simple presentation of the project, not even an economic or technical paper. Your scam project has zero connection to this presentation. Yet you scamming idiots are using the central bank in your scam material and ramble on about imminent rolling out of central bank currencies on your scam network based on a crashed fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine. lol, idiots.

>> No.19676649

Had to do some digging but I finally found the smoking gun.
Checkmate faggot. NOW KYS


>> No.19676667

You’re pathetic and smell like curry

>> No.19676696

That's xar network, you idiot. Part of your scam.

>> No.19676704
File: 15 KB, 245x176, 5BE00501-EEA8-45F2-AA0C-9AC6B4B2CEAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dab on the haters

>> No.19676709 [DELETED] 

I am from North Europe, ugly mutt. What is your ethnic composition? How many times per day do you have to shave your hairy back, animal?

>> No.19676716

Xar network is a Fantom Mainnet.
Can you even read?
Brainlet pajeet go sit in the corner you lost this fight.

>> No.19676728

>22 posts by this ID
Give it up ranjesh you have been ban evading for a literal year

>> No.19676826

Posting in a 2023 warozu thread
Hello future me

>> No.19676873 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 860x421, Annotation 2020-02-15 1250088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ask for evidence that any central bank is involved in your scam and you idiot refer me to your own scam material while your link to SA central bank has NO mention of your scam and is only a simple presentation of a low levelf feasibility project with zero economic or technical paper.

Why do I always encounter low IQ mutts and third world psychos when dealing with you crazy Fantom scammers?

>> No.19676884

Back to the fake fud cause you can’t refute 1 fucking thing LMAO kill yourself you pathetic shit skin

>> No.19676888

>Xar network is a Fantom Mainnet.
When you idiots were caught lying, you claimed that xar had nothing to do with FTM, despite scammer Andy being a vital part of xar. Now suddenly xar is your mainnet. This shell game is so typical of you scammers.

>> No.19676900
File: 102 KB, 902x532, 2432434323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it going with your ponzi scheme and a 60% of circulating supply dump on the market within a few weeks? Your shitcoin will crash to zero. Hello Bitconnect.

>> No.19676909

You have mental illness.

>> No.19676946 [DELETED] 

>You have mental illness.
>t. empty and pathetic FTM scammer dude talking to himself, unable to defend his fraud and shitcoin. Tragic loser.

>> No.19677022

Take your meds schizo

>> No.19677099 [DELETED] 

How lies have you fantom psychos told the market? Let's start with your 300 000 tps, dag with smart contracts claim, them move on to whole FTM chink team exit scammed. How do you explain that? Then later we can deal with the rest of your lies, fraud, ponzi scheme and fabrications. You scammers have been exposed and you will never make it. #SorryNotSorry

>> No.19677109

Have sex

>> No.19677154
File: 136 KB, 1042x833, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking stupid motherfucking homosexual subhuman scumbag fucks. HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. YOU CANT FUD THIS SHIT MOTHERFUCKER

>> No.19677215 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 1296x661, Annotation 2020-06-12 065459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Fantom scammers are so pathetic. You are some of the most racist psychos on biz, yet if anyone says anything against you, - you slimy cowards will run to the mods and complain. Pic related. How pathetic. You fantom scammers are so predictable.

Here are some of the comments from you Fantom scammers:

>Now shut up pajeet scum
>India deserves a plague
>None of those indian subhumans
>Your 3rd worlder english is showing you obvious subhuman shit skin
>Imagine being a pakistani paid fudder for 5$ a day like you, what a sad existence. Stop wasting oxygen for the rest of us nigger
>You’re pathetic and smell like curry
>LMAO kill yourself you pathetic shit skin

Here are some more comments from the pathetic fantom scammers that constantly report my comments for racism "whole chink team exit scammed, etc", enjoy the comments from the trash people that love to report critics' comments:

>Checkmate faggot. NOW KYS
>You have mental illness.
>Take your meds schizo
>you fucking stupid motherfucking homosexual subhuman scumbag fucks

Despite your usual hysterical mudslinging, I never report your comments, fantom scammers. You are so pathtetic and so trashy. Tragic con artists.

>> No.19677226

It means nothing. It was all paid for. FTM mainnet has been out for months. NOTHING has happened. NOBODY wishes to use their crashed thech and forked Ethereum Virtual Machine.

>> No.19677233

Have sex schizo

>> No.19677241

Pajeet spotted

>> No.19677264


>> No.19677282
File: 306 KB, 1672x2560, E6678B37-48C0-4A27-A063-9BA1A7649489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desperate cope
They are working with fucking CHAINLINK


>> No.19677345 [DELETED] 

You are only working with the most corrupt nations in the world, like Afghanistan and have ZERO working relationship or presence in the first world. You have NO real world substantial and material work in progress. It's all fake partnerships or you partnering with with other crashed tech companies, like Ethereum classic, where they don't have to use your shit and crashed fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine tech. Pathetic. Don't forget to report my comments for racism, as you always do. Whole FTM chink team exit scammed long time ago. Deal with it scamming losers.

>> No.19677363

Have sex loser

>> No.19677436

Are you bragging about having sex, imbecile fantom scammer?

>> No.19677439


>> No.19677461

>t. fantom scammer trying desperately to defend his crashed scam and fantom shitcoin.

>> No.19677471

Just watch.

And FOMO later..

>> No.19677566

>like Afghanistan, ------ also UAE.
If you took the time to read the full article posted by the UAE's national program for artificial intelligence you would come up with higher iq fud than what has already been copypasta'd by some fag off twitter. Get a grip seething hater

>> No.19677608

UAE's partnerships are fake and paid for. Typical corrupt Arabs that love tech glitz and free money. Look at the rest of their blockchain partnerships. All trash projects and scam. Some of them have already closed their internet sites and are not traded publicly anymore. What a joke.

>> No.19677646

yeah thats sick bro but you have 0 proof, while I have government reports.

>> No.19677808

"government reports"
UAE is run by a crime family. Not a "government". How can you fantom idiots run a smart city on a crashed Ethereum Virtual Machine fork? How does that make ANY sense for you idiots? If your cooperation with UAE is real and not fake, you will have at least a ton of concrete empirical data to present now, as your crashed mainnet has been out for half a year now, and not some empty words from notorious corrupt UAE officials. Ryte scammer?

>> No.19677838

this is the worst thread in the biz catalog, holy shit

>> No.19677896

Thank the schizo.
Can't believe he's still alive after DAG all but openly exit scammed.
Do they have a mainnet yet? Any links to explorers? Any working wallets?

>> No.19677928

ALL threads by the daily Fantom scammers are shit. They have been shit since they started years ago with spamming and scamming.

>> No.19677939

>Do they have a mainnet yet? Any links to explorers? Any working wallets?
You are complete psycho. Yes to all of it. Fantom liar.

>> No.19677971

Prove it.

>> No.19678022

>Prove it.
Here you go, Fantom scammer. Enjoy. https://www.dagexplorer.io/

>> No.19678072

Was this made by pajeets?
What a piece of shit. It's almost like you're intentionally trying to obfuscate the team wallets.

>> No.19678130
File: 308 KB, 2566x1856, Fantom 18 tps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fantom morons promised a 300 000 tps dag with smart contracts. You gave a crashed fork of an Ethereum Virtual Machine with 18 tps, pic.

Constellation promised scalable dag and gave horizontally scalable dag with free transactions and tx time less than two seconds. PLUS ability to handle big data onchain. No wonder you fantom scammers and psychos rage so much against DAG. Worse, the market cap of your obvious scam and future top ten CMC is around the same. This despite fantom being a crashed scam, will also dump 60% of their supply on the market in a matter of weeks. How sick and crazy is that?

>> No.19678165

Did not read.
Show team wallets.

>> No.19678246

>18 tps

try harder brah

>> No.19678524

hes a JEW

>> No.19678665
File: 94 KB, 1056x663, Fantom Fraud - 300 000 TPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many nodes? Where is your stress test? Why did you fork Ethereum Virtual Machine instead of developing the dag you promised? When did you inform the market that you lied through your teeth in your ICO/pre-sale? Why did the chink team exit scam and when did you inform the market?


>> No.19678724

Still waiting.

>> No.19678768

You know EVM is running on a DAG structure, right?

You know what that means, right?

>> No.19679082

been staking 300k for 6 months im ready to make it boys

>> No.19679114

I'm staking 1kk from 5 days and still do not see any rewards
I thought I will not be able to collect any rewards, not that I will have to wait one week for anything

>> No.19679147

Use the new wallet


>> No.19680177
File: 135 KB, 2048x1024, 1yQSWWnhFdDq5kXUfFFl4w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the shit, glad you dug this up, was having trouble finding it again

>> No.19681757
File: 233 KB, 800x600, BB2B0AF7-054F-4D6D-AA7C-854D8120358E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you all, fanties will make it in the great bull run

>> No.19681860

Cheers, I went looking for it just to spite the seething schizo pajeet. When you see him sputter nonsense just know he used to be paid by DAG telegram to try and take market share away from Fantom. He’s been banned like 100 times for spamming and ban evasion. Total fuckwit; we need flags.

Besides all that just stake and compound your rewards + DCA until 2021/2022 and we will all be laughing. Except schizo he will be seething and crying.

>> No.19682303


>> No.19682544

No one can dedicate so much of their life to a fud campaign without a big financial incentive. There is literally nobody alive that pathetic. So schizo is either being paid by a competitor, or much more likely imo is trying to keep the price of fanties down while they stake and accumulate. I am convinced that soon schizo will be saying the opposite thing and championing fantom once his position is unlocked and he is ready to start selling

>> No.19683570


>> No.19683607

We’re gonna make it

>> No.19683617
File: 378 KB, 2456x1242, AF3B5E18-7F02-4816-A65B-5D08A76937F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19683669

Both realities are embarrassing, how many hours a week does he spend fudding? It's been a year now does he have nothing else to do?

>> No.19683704

I think the other Dag projects have a major problem on their hand should Fantom get traction. Im not sure if they are a scam or not but they do a sufficient job of pumping out the good news on my blockfolio so I am in with 55k im confident it will pump scam or no scam.

>> No.19683817

We’re just early, give it time

>> No.19684685

.10c EOY

>> No.19684977

$1 EOY

>> No.19685111

Literally just fcking bought 100k

>> No.19685587
File: 87 KB, 621x720, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19686487

Pump those numbers up son, those are rookie numbers

>> No.19686523
File: 2.35 MB, 2408x2046, 1591291240942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, I'm not done acoomulating.
Fuck off glow nigger. Take your dead Egyptian religion shit elsewhere.

>> No.19687284

I’m up to 2m fantoms and going to keep staking for a long time

>> No.19687636
File: 2.04 MB, 3694x2342, CB3CA440-1410-43A5-8031-A7056E9EEF1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom is going to top 50 and of CMC and theres nothing you can do about it

>> No.19688991

How do i stake this coin?

>> No.19689018

it's easy. you just run the staking function on the contract. I have made over 100k fanties so far