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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19670986 No.19670986 [Reply] [Original]

when the boomers die who is going to live in their houses since lots of people can’t afford a big expensive house?

>> No.19670997

I'm sure the prices will fall when the real estate bubble collapses

>> No.19671017

more foreign millionaires will allowed to buy them up

>> No.19671040

nonono. RE never goes down

>> No.19671053

bat eaters

>> No.19671055

only if there is still demand for dollars ...

>> No.19671066

i doubt they'll let the housing market tank along with what supply/demand should dictate. The idea that property must always be an appreciating asset is too ingrained in the American psyche. There will probably be another push for very easy credit, so that low-income and no-income millenials can buy expensive houses. Not just through mortgages, but people will also buy real estate by way of crowd-funding websites, and black-market loans, as already happens in China.

>> No.19671071


>> No.19671090
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>> No.19671097

There's this thing called asking prices, and they fall when no one wants to buy at your asking price.

>> No.19671100

they will either get

>> No.19671111
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They will be given for free to queens and kings.

>> No.19671119

>cold war veteran
>vietnam era veteran

>> No.19671209

Exactly this. Chinks and pajeets are paying cash for houses in metro areas and either renting them out or moving their 20 person family into them

>> No.19671287

i hope so, its crazy that this house is 3.4 million who the fuck has 3.4 million to spend on a house

>> No.19671313
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>> No.19671328

I am hoping that society has retaken its values by then (soon), but if not then they will go to whoever may afford them while I become homeless.
Sad future. Kille me.

>> No.19671345
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Mexicans. They'll have 5 families living in each. White people will be relegated to their cuck sheds.

>> No.19671718

Why is he wearing a wig?

>> No.19671738

I want the loden poster to shrink his head. I summon him by the power of meme magic.

>> No.19671760

Chinks. That’s how it works in Canada anyway

>> No.19671774

Yeah, 50 years from now you'll be able to afford a real house haha

>> No.19671794

>father dies first
>mother keeps everything
>spends all her husband wealth before dying
>sons are now 65 and sell the house to wealthy chinese people and split the money
The future is yellow.

>> No.19671831

If you think a house has an insane asking price, look in the History section. Lots of those homes have been on the market for 2+ years. That should tell you that we're in a bubble, to the point where even people with millions of dollars know that it's a bad investment.

>> No.19671870

Nope, real estate prices won't be allowed to collapse because the boomer retirement plan is either doing a 10x on their house or becoming a landlord. Cheap real estate ruins those plans. We already destroyed the global economy and started a downturn that will take a decade to recover from and hit millennials with their second """once in a lifetime""" crash since joining the job market just to protect boomers from a cough.

You're delusional if you think the government will let anything bad happen to them. We go to such fucking insane lengths to ensure boomers get to happily ride off into the sunset while they leave the rest of us to scrounge in the ashes they leave behind. Normalniggers under 40 fall for it because anything that would inconvenience boomers and make them suffer a fraction as much as they have made younger generations suffer is framed by the media as ruthlessly murdering grandma.

>> No.19671888

If MGTOW ever become popular, even less people will buy those fucking houses.
Renting a 40 sqft apartment is the perfect spot for a bachelor's trying to enjoy life.

People will just kill their own parents if it comes to that.

>> No.19671921

Then they find out their parents had a reverse mortgage on the house when they died and it now belongs to the bank.

>> No.19671943

theird kids or extended family.

>> No.19671944

Good, the bank will have to sell that shit to someone and that is how bubbles pop.

>> No.19671958

that means real estate agent will have to actually get real jobs. That can't happen

>> No.19672211

Oof, madonn!

>> No.19672422

Normies will not have a will written, so the state will assume control. The state will be falling over itself handing the properties to non whites

>> No.19672562
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>> No.19672662

stunning estate

>> No.19672697
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>> No.19672761


>> No.19672826
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>mfw I actually want a cuck shed, looks cozy

>> No.19672830

>You're delusional if you think the government will let anything bad happen to them
Kek anytime the government fucks with the real estate market they inevitably make it worse I'm looking forward to it honestly

>> No.19672838

Brown and black immigrants of course

>> No.19672914

Is there any reason the boomers wouldn't just leave their houses to their kids?

>> No.19672923

Fuck you

>> No.19673127

>who is going to live in their houses
they will be empty, left to rot away
ownership of the land (and houses, which are meaningless) will be with the central bank who bought they MBS from the big investment houses at face value

>> No.19673147

That's why you become your parent's favorite child. People shit on you for not moving away, but then you get a house in the long run.

>> No.19673159
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keep dreaming rentcuck. Gen X is just going to move in.

>> No.19673160

Shitskins will, very rich shitskins, while whites are slaves.

>> No.19673200
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>Muh rent vs mortgage console war

>> No.19673222
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>There's this thing called asking prices, and they fall when no one wants to buy at your asking price.

>> No.19673224

half those shit boxes are going to fall apart in 5 years without constant maintenance, plus I bet municipalities will shut off utilities or increase property taxes for houses in the middle of nowhere

>> No.19673237

>who the fuck has 3.4 million to spend on a house
the bank :^)

>> No.19673272

will also happen to a noticeable degree
actual BUYERS of houses will be mostly non-white from now on
whites along with all the other colored poorfags will stick to a mortgage - which will become eventually nothing more than a lease because you won't pay it back fully and never own - or renting

>> No.19673313

>Good, the bank will have to sell that shit to someone
yes, the central bank
>and that is how bubbles pop.
haha. no

>> No.19673343

actually this
unoccupied plywood sheet McMansions are not going to hold up well

>> No.19674083


>> No.19674454

It's never going down. They'll import a billion more Third Worlders and do 300-year mortgages if they have to.

>> No.19674506

Their children, idiot.

>> No.19674601

Need a house but can't afford it?

FUND solves this.

>> No.19674621

Weimart will buy the land and employ third worlders

>> No.19674732

Yids will landlord over a a 500 million mulatto population

>> No.19675147

Immigrants, paid for by the (((state]]]

>> No.19675318

Rich Chinks or African refugees.

>> No.19675338


what? you think we're importing millions of them for fun?

>> No.19675451

fuk fuk fuk

>> No.19675523

cruises of course, lazy millennial. tons of boomers have no savings/ retired at 50 and didn't realize they can live to 110 with max kike pills keeping their vegetable ass alive the last 30.

adds up.

>> No.19675865

You're forgetting american houses are made out of cheap materials like plywood so they certainly won't last longer then boomers.

>> No.19675889


Every state has laws that govern estates for which there is no will. The estates go to the next of kin according to those laws. The state doesn't take anything.

>> No.19675914

Big brain analysis

>> No.19676412


>> No.19676608

Can I crash on your couch m8?

>> No.19676816

They will sell it to your generation and the prices will still be elevated in the next years. They will fall with the introduction of the next fiat currency.

>> No.19677284
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So look, government prints a bunch of money to keep the housing market propped up. That money eventually enters economy and makes everything else more expensive too. This makes high housing prices effectively lower. Hope does this help the boomers?