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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 1235x590, bitmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19658819 No.19658819 [Reply] [Original]

VPNs will be a $54 Billion market by 2024. Just like Uber was the death of the taxi cab, decentralized VPNs will be the death of the traditional centralized VPN. Everyday users will be able to host their own nodes.
sentinel dVPN will allow everybody to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market, bandwidth will be the first fully digital fungible commodity a completely untapped market potentially worth billions of dollars.

>> No.19658884
File: 87 KB, 912x1280, OOF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOOM! Good arbitrage opportunity between HitBTC and HotBit on the SENT/BTC pairing currently.

Free money!

>> No.19658890
File: 309 KB, 1000x1000, Sent Logo Transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SENT will disrupt the ISP and bandwidth oligopoly creating a decentralized network of ecommerce providers bringing more money and competition to the market same as ebay-like system, geographic segregation between sellers will decrease and it will reduce the pressure from the government to regulate the internet

>> No.19658899

I mentioned how nobody buys this trash just a few days ago and how you all gave up shilling, now youre back. What, did you forget about your own shill racket and get it going again Rajpinder.

>> No.19658952
File: 54 KB, 434x514, organic bandwidth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent is an open souce solution that provably doesn't log your data and allows you to sell your own bandwidth on a global market platform.

were Uber and AirBnB a meme? The P2P sharing economy model has been disrupting traditional centralized models for years. You are retarded if you don't think this trend will continue also for internet services.

this project has been delivering code all through bear, IOS app will be next

>> No.19658995

im looking forward for the ios app to see if sent team can actually deliver, when will it be released ?

>> No.19659021
File: 2.97 MB, 384x848, SENTios.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should be released in the next weeks, here is a gif that shows how it will look like

>> No.19659061
File: 162 KB, 914x693, newUI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and here is an image of the V3 desktop app that will follow the ios release (exact date has not been specified yet)

>> No.19659068

Are you literally retarded? SENT/BTC is up 100% in the past days. You had chance to double your money, but no, you are fully spasticated. Get off this thread you thick fuck. You must have zero money to buy value. Good luck defaulting on your mortgage faggot.

>> No.19659094

looks good, but till at least ios app is released i will not buy

>> No.19659162
File: 83 KB, 1112x784, desktop-client.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not only for looks, these release are both needed infrastructure to allow a successful main net launch later this year, the v3 desktop client has been fully re-coded from scratch, and its a total improvement over the old client, im attaching a pic of the old client to compare

the new client will also allow direct enterprise integration

>> No.19659254

is it still possible to download the old client ?
i wanna give it a try to see the differences when the new client releases

>> No.19659289


yeah you can download it from here, and use the dVPN for free (monetization will be enabled on main-net)

>> No.19659379
File: 61 KB, 1200x675, 50k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sentinel has also an android app
https://play (dot) google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.sentinel.sentinellite

>> No.19659453
File: 109 KB, 878x912, stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is clearly a growing trend in network use, last ath was 118k weekly sessions average is 60k.

total data consumed is around 380 TB

>> No.19659556

it litterally pumped 2x

>> No.19659719
File: 952 KB, 1052x1280, Sentinel Liftoff Imminent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trend is your friend, noobs.

SENT is officially uptrending!

Time to go all in.

The rocket is about to depart on a one way mission to the promised land.

>> No.19660031
File: 9 KB, 249x243, 1591052775453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am genuinely interested in dVPN but how do you stop someone who hosts a node looking and logging the IP addresses of the sites you go on? And what happens if I do host a node and some sick fuck goes on CP?

>> No.19660121


I would imagine that the exit node has no idea who or where the original came from. They have a demo showing the relay network working. I think in the future you can choose how many hops you conenctions takes.

>> No.19660140

Do I have to use Googleshitstore?

>> No.19660148
File: 811 KB, 2646x1860, SENT 1 - 0 OXT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where have all the Orchid fags on /biz gone?

Must have all converted to SENT.

Good work boys. Let's keep this rocket pumping.

>> No.19660239

sentinel will have 3 types of nodes:
-relay node (for normal users) this type of node never gets in contact with the clear data and only act as a relayer in the multi hop protocol, so people hosting this will be 100% safe
-tor exit node here the exit node funnels the data directly into tor
-normal exit node this will be for experienced users and data centers or people that host tor exit nodes already (so they will be able to get payed for the work they already do)

>> No.19660286

i never checked for the apk, but if they have released it should be here


>> No.19660368

Is this the same as there direct download through their website?

>> No.19660429

My plan is to host a node when I go to sleep to hopefully make enough to pay for my own subscription. What happens if I stop running a node when someone is using it, will they just drop out or will they bounce over to another node? Could be dangerous.

>> No.19660621

yeah should be the same
v3 should have an automatic kill switch that shuts downs the internet connection if the vpn connection drops, preventing the scenario you described.
you will also be able to earn SENT passively bt staking it, other then selling your bandwidth ( keep in mind that full monetization will be enabled only on main-net)

>> No.19661192

how much sent should i stake to get "free" vpn for life ?

>> No.19661757

well it depends on how much bandwidth will cost when main net launch, but it should be much lower then normal vpns cause you can pay only what you consume.

lets make an example if sent staking interest is 10% and on average you consume 5$ worth of vpn bandwidth every month , then if you stake 500$ you should be ok forever, if the token appreciates during this time it can be even less

>> No.19661771

You can stake? I don't know mostly care about decentralisation, it's where most things are going.

>> No.19662378

right now you can't stake yet, but when sent main net will be launched you will be able to stake to secure sent blockchain same as tezos and cosmos

>> No.19662615


>> No.19662748
File: 189 KB, 368x299, ggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dirty deeds, done dirty cheap
dirty deeds, done dirty cheap

>> No.19663470

thats quite affordable, i think staking and browsing for free should become very popular, sent would be the first chain to offer staking utility

>> No.19663539
File: 145 KB, 1134x1029, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you miss the Sentinel pump.. you will have kids
and your daughters future will be wearing BLACKED.com Underwear and taking BBC.

Good luck Anons. Better make that Shekel and ge the fuck out before it is to late. Why stay poor, and make your sons and daughters fit for BBC?

>> No.19663773

too good to be true. it reminds me of Gladius token which never delivered. you will be burnt by this scam too. be wary marines.

dont buy a token without a product.

>> No.19663809

that`s a good shit wright here
if they will succeed it`s gonna be a big moon
i need more info who`s behind the project?

>> No.19663856

I dont own sent but they literally do have a product?

>> No.19663880
File: 3.81 MB, 1111x1457, saywhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black lives mater is behind it, we can't have black people's privacy being taken by the white man.

>> No.19663901

low key one of the best use cases in crypto and i dont even hold sent

>> No.19663924

i`m sorry black lives don`t matter, All lives matter

>> No.19663939

the product is already out , its not "too good to be true" just download it and try it for yourself, the updated version will be even better

>> No.19663969

the team is anon (but they delivered working code for 2 years), but ive seen they applied to some accelerators in usa so sooner or later they might reveal them self

>> No.19663988
File: 96 KB, 700x795, thePbuildersRuleAll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The history of King Sentinel disagrees with "all".

>> No.19664076

Aunt Jemima! By the Lords Gospels fluffy pancakes!

>> No.19664141

Bro you just woke me up. I am running out of time. What else besides SENT? Any more picks?

>> No.19664176
File: 41 KB, 851x315, Privacy. That's Sentinel 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is the source, right now sentinel is inside USA top rated entrepreneurship accelerator.
so people worrying about anon team should be satisfied sooner or later

>> No.19664705

thats amazing babson has helped some of the best companies

>> No.19664712

Satoshi was anon
Xmr taco was anon
DCR was anon

May I go on?

>> No.19664779

They are revealing themselves after mainnet and are forming a legit company in Switzerland

>> No.19664810
File: 38 KB, 561x570, 78678978978978978978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source for upcoming reveal

>> No.19665220

oh i didn't know this, thanks for sharing , now all retards complaining about team being anon should shut up.

>> No.19665459

I'll say it again faggots.

Who dont understand alpha decay

Who dont understand the nature of crypto and her roots.

Satoshi and 90% of btc devs are anon.
XMR taco time anon.
DCR ingsoc anon.

All have 10000% ROI.

Let the jannies fear the anon crypto imperative. They only increase their alpha decay.

Bunch of faggots.

>> No.19665497

What is this?

>> No.19665521

Mission to Mars 2021.

>> No.19665570

its from sent official tg chat , and thats the admin/owner

>> No.19665579

SENT one the accelerator start up award in the bay area.

Tim Draper is balls deep. Go long on accelerations. Look how much accelerations have occurred in 2020.

>> No.19665632

Admin of a shitcoin.

>> No.19665827

don't worry, i'm sure that orchid investment will pay off one day little guy

>> No.19666068

Mmm, team being anon was what put me off, i might consider getting some sent when they reveal themself if they are not pajeets

>> No.19666114

he is probably richer then you, come back when you have your own shitcoin

>> No.19666161

Yea thats why I did not invest in bitcoin back in 2012. Good point bro. Your a solid guy.

>> No.19666463

>Everyday users will be able to host their own nodes.
This is absolutely not worth the risk. The only reason VPN's are secure right now is because it's too difficult to track the traffic back to where it originated from. Quantum computing is right around the corner, and VPN's will only be useful for obscuring your location for region blocks, if that. All the illicit shit people use VPN's for will effectively be open.

>> No.19666561

there will be multiple types of nodes , the one consumers will be hosting will have no risk here is the previous explanation > >>19660239

>> No.19667355

Lol, passing on bitcoin in 2012 must hurt

>> No.19667944

Yeah me to, I waited to buy bitcoin at 20k!!!

>> No.19668084

This is the most reddit psedo techy comment I have ever heard. Are you that fucking stupid?
VPNs are more easily traced than not using one. " hiding in plain site" is actually the mode of operation for all intelligence agencies.

VPNs were literally set up to honey hole everyone who feels like they have something to hide, enough to the point where they purchase a 3rd party or download a 3rd party client to facilitate this need. It allows intelligence agencies like 5 eyes to go straight to the signal and avoid the noise.

Dont believe me? Set up a VPN company... scale it, and in a few months you will be asked to shut down, or sell out to a multinational corporate larp which is just a state actor.

This was the easiest money bag for everyone in comp networking game from 2005 to 2018.

Your quantum computer trope clearly shows you read some stupid articles from hacker.com or gizmod. A real DVPN will be the FIRST VPN. EVER.

White hat devs across the world are rooting for you SENTINEL. Keep up the good work.

Peace out.

>> No.19668139

I didn't see they were incorporating in Switzerland. Good location for a privacy foundation.

>> No.19668793

people living in the west, can't fathom that they live in the most restrictive market regimes,where every price is fixed by a central authority, the monopoly on the pricing and supply of money is in the hands of powerful hidden interests, that now are trying to extend their powers through mass surveillance, be it in the form of a centralized digital currency like china is prepping or social networks that steal user data.

if anyone has been to China, you would know that centralized VPN's have problems getting past China's huge censorship wall
they work for a while, before China finds their servers and blocks them
then they have to find a new server
and China finds it again
and it goes on and on
and the internet speeds are so slow with a centralized vpn
They mostly ban data center ip ranges
Good luck when literally any household in the world can become exit node, and infrastructure can be moved easily and separated across many locations

>> No.19669493

This is spot on, nsa will not be able to control a big part of the network cause of the incentivization, nodes need to get payed thats the problem with tor

>> No.19670160

sentinel looks to help tor, with the tor exit nodes, and allowing people that already run tor exit nodes to easily run sent too.
sentinel looks to integrate with tor , maybe becoming a layer 2 solution for tor

>> No.19670265

yup exactly, cant rely on network that lives off "good intentions"

>> No.19670567

I always thought the lack of monetization was a fatal flaw for TOR.

>> No.19670639

Where do you guys even buy sent?

>> No.19670706

there used to be some nice sell walls at hotbit and hitbtc, but they were eaten. but you can have most of mine at roughly 10x the current rate

>> No.19670723

no thanks my holding is doing better than sent ever will, but i just was thinking about getting some sent as a secondary or tertiary hold

>> No.19670879

hitbtc hotbit idex

>> No.19670895

what are you holding ?

>> No.19670916

Thanks, might check it out on idex sometime.

>> No.19671154

1000 bitcoin, 35 million Sents

>> No.19671916

it is, you cant expect network to be up just from good intentions and donations. Someone is incentivised to keep those nodes up

>> No.19671950

what else are you holding?

>> No.19672780

Sent has been doing surprisingly well on the charts, might actually pump this time