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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19654556 No.19654556 [Reply] [Original]

>Link had 7 consecutive red hours again
>just like yesterday

>> No.19654565

take your meds

>> No.19654579


>> No.19654586

that absolute piece of shit is dumping on us, again

>> No.19654595

You’re too emotional

>> No.19654596

we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.19654602

take your HRT

>> No.19654636

Everything is dumping. Second wave. Expect a repeat of the Covid dump from a few months ago soon.

>> No.19654650

>second wave

>Expect a repeat of the Covid dump from a few months ago soon.
That's not how markets work.

>> No.19654666

Eighth red hour forming.

>> No.19654759

>that’a not how markets work
Lmao yeah man, you tell us “how markets work.” Enjoy your assraping, mumu retard.

>> No.19654775

Take your assrape

>> No.19654793

End of July normies will get rekt in the stock market as Q2 earning are reported across sectors. The big boys didn't even expect to have this long of a selloff window presented to them after initial drop

>> No.19654863
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>markets responded with an X% move last time
>that means they'll do the exact same thing the next time!

>> No.19654876
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>> No.19654901

It’s going to be worse this time, actually.

>> No.19654907

its the general fundamentals, covid cases are rising again and gib checks end soon. Inflation doesn’t help you in stocks like you think it does. Cost of living will rise very soon, hopefully, you have a mortgage already KEK get rekt rentfags. My mortgage going to be $875 while your rent doubles in the next 5 years.

>> No.19654921

Well enjoy all that money you'll be making, market visionaries.

>> No.19654961

A simple google trends search can prove robinhood millennials are pumping the market with their printed checks. They have more time on their hands than ever, more income than ever from gibs. And there’s millions of them. If there’s 1 million people buying $1000 worth of stock, that’s a force of 1 billion dollars. Robinhood fags are behind this, and the boomers are the puppet masters
>you buy that stock yet, son?? I’m gonna beat your ass and press a cig to your forehead if you don’t

>> No.19654979

Your point?

>> No.19654989
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Last night Ari Juels appeared to me in a dream. I told him how cool it was that he could appear before me like this but he just said "oh like you're forgot 216" I was taken aback and could only try and say "it means fourness right?" But he kept cutting me off by saying "fourness right? Fourness right?" and closing his hand shut in my face. My autism got the better of me and spaghetti started shooting from my hands, ears, and mouth as I tried to explain the connection between fictional stories and real life. He just chuckled to himself and walked away. I woke up drenched in sweat and pee pee poo poo.

>> No.19654990

Dude, tulip mania.
Can you not think?? We’re on the edge of annihilation
A second stimmy check means we are DOOMED order filled 300oz worth of silver today, I hope you guys are stacking too.

>> No.19655002

So massive amounts of normies buying the absolute bottom of a historic crash is a bad thing?

>> No.19655007
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And there it is, eight consecutive red hours.

>> No.19655240

>absolute bottom
>sp500 the highest it's ever been
Anon, I...

>> No.19655259

Anon, March saw the most dramatic crash in stock market history.

>> No.19655271

Not now. But When the new money runs out, and the new highly emotional traders try to conserve their funds, massive drops will happen. Like what’s already happening now. Just wait til institutional stop losses get triggered. Yer fukt

>> No.19655314


>> No.19655318

>Just wait til institutional stop losses get triggered.

>> No.19655331

Why does this read like fanfic?

>> No.19655351

What was the wave that caused the 2000, 08, and 2018crypto crash to happen? It was the normie investors. Like you!

>> No.19655353

It's overvalued. True price should be $0.80 or less. You'll soon see.

AAVE fixes this.

>> No.19655357

>2008 crash was due to normie investors
no it fucking wasn't

>> No.19655366
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>fuds Link while shilling Aave

Aave runs on Link you derpass.

>> No.19655659
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9 consecutive red hourly candles.

>> No.19655855

10th one well underway.

>> No.19655872

Just be yourself

>> No.19655921

Almost every other coin out there has made incredible gains this week except link. What's the deal?

>> No.19655967

All the other coins became a part of a new token standardization alliance with IBM, Microsoft, Nasdaq, ...
That's why they went up and Chainlink didn't.

>> No.19656790
File: 69 KB, 1300x944, 91708131-number-10-birthday-celebration-candle-against-a-bright-yellow-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10 fucking consecutive red hourly candles.

>> No.19656819
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>> No.19656954

>Expect a repeat of the Covid dump from a few months ago
why should this happen?
It's summer.. covid can't do shit against summer

>> No.19657073

11 back-to-back red hourly candles, coming right up.

>> No.19657103

The volume on these is absolutely pitiful, btw.

>> No.19657170
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>Please let me buy your LINK for cheap

>> No.19657244
File: 186 KB, 717x467, june21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what happens.

Stock market crashes today / tomorrow

Bitcoin follows, crashes back down to 7700

Buybacks kick in enough to stop stonks bleeding further

June 21st (solar ring eclipse) we begin the new era.

>> No.19657377
File: 14 KB, 450x450, 100396414-burning-birthday-candles-in-the-form-of-11-eleven-figures-for-cake-isolated-on-black-background-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eleven (11) consecutive red hourly candles.

And this is the biggest candle body in the series. This shit is just getting started.

>> No.19657657

And there we go.

>> No.19657781

lmao, every time I blink it's down a full cent

>> No.19657981

Gonna go out on a limb and call this as the 12th consecutive red hourly candle.

>> No.19658057

>he doesn't know the solar eclipse is going to expose the scams. get out of link while you still can
>hexagram saturn worship logo
be gone satanist

>> No.19658082

checking satanic trips of death for link

>> No.19658417
File: 7 KB, 163x305, link 12 consecutive red hourly candles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or am I jumping the gun on this candle?

>> No.19659014

Show me your shorts bobo

>> No.19660317

> He isn't all in on PNK yet
Great gains to be had elsewhere sir

>> No.19660930

>covid cases are rising again and gib checks end soon
but situation will get better for when the check bux will end

>> No.19660993
File: 44 KB, 647x740, soy wojakk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>covid cases are rising again