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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 487 KB, 900x900, ghost_cell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19651158 No.19651158 [Reply] [Original]


This is a smart money buy, holy christ.
Current marketcap ~$26,000,000

ZCASH ~$514,000,000
XMR ~$1,227,000,000
DASH ~$749,000,000

Even if it can take just 10% of ZCASH marketcap, GHOST will be $3.25

It takes 25%, GHOST will be $8.00

Don't be stupid.

>> No.19651397

You guys literally need to do your research GHOST is actually building tech that is easy to use for the average Joe and not sacrificing your privacy.

>> No.19651539

I like it

>> No.19651604

How about no, John

>> No.19651608

Tfw you bought 2.5k at 40 cents and got restless and sold at 1.00

>> No.19651768

buy in now

>> No.19652001

Just get back in.

>> No.19652017

hows $6.50 USD by EOM sound?

>> No.19652051

I’d rather wait and see if any of the promises are delivered. I have no interest in buying an ERC 20 placeholder bauble made by a fugitive drug addict.

>> No.19652077
File: 412 KB, 1600x1200, 1590519776791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based 2017 digits.
$6.50 by June 30th confirmed.

>> No.19652280

it's all so tiresome. do you understand how telecom works, with cell towers and government regulations? do you understand how dark net markets work? do you know who Ross Ublicht is, yes?

do you think a dark net market and dark net phone network made for terrorists, tax dodgers and drug dealers is going to really happen when the devs identities are easy to discover? you think they're going to risk the same fate as Ross Ulbricht?

Do you think Ghost phone is going to build it's own cell network infrastructure? no? they won't? yes, it costs billions of dollars to do that. now, you think governments are just going to let ghost terrorist phone just slip in and use the existing networks???? huh retard?

Here's your lead dev, Samer Afach. He lives and works in Berlin at teamviewer. You think this muzzi is going full Ross Ulbricht you fucking retards?


>> No.19652410

binance wen?

>> No.19652443

fake video

>> No.19652521


Yeah I managed to get back in @ 1.60 but still

>> No.19652545
File: 258 KB, 1202x982, Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 10.58.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake you say? why is it coming from the ghost twitter then? that's the lead dev Samer Afach aka "the quantum physicist"

go to the ghost twitter and see for yourself, faggot

>> No.19652563

What makes you think it will pump so high?

>> No.19652585

im no ghost shill, but mate, do you really think criminals being prosecuted or killed puts people off making money? You are either trying to FUD using this, or you are naieve

>> No.19652825

Hush coin already has this.
Nothing new

>> No.19652826

retard, do you know who Ross Ulbricht is? no? ok, look him up, life in prison for creating and running what the ghost team is claiming to be creating and running. why would ghost admins and devs risk life in prison then? simple, they aren't... they aren't risking shit because this is all hype meant for retards to buy into their scam coin who don't know any better. Nothing illegal about pretending to make silk road 2.0 as long as you actually don't make silk road 2.0 do you get it?

Nothing will come to fruition, no ghost phone, no ghost dark net market etc etc dark markets already exist and they're run by anons who take major precautions to not have identity revealed because major prison time. You can find all the ghost teams first and last names, locations etc with a little digging on google, not hard.

you think Samer Afach wants to lose his job at teamviewer in Berlin and go to prison for life? he won't because none of this shit is real and only retards who don't understand how any of this stuff works are buying it. They will be dumped on hard, multiple times. they already have been

>> No.19652872

Lol. Right.. so ghost is an illegal project. Got it. Thanks. Must be one of those top secret FBI investigations

>> No.19652952

did my post go over your head? if any of what they *claim* comes to fruition then yes, it's illegal as fuck and they will all be in prison within a few short days of it coming out.

But pretending to make DNM's and dark phones isn't illegal and that's what they're doing. it's called lying or scamming... they aren't going to follow through with any of it or else they'd all go to prison. they just pretend they're making this stuff so retarded brainlets like yourself buy into the hype.

how are you not getting this?

>> No.19652983

muh ross ulbricht

>> No.19653073

go on, explain to us how any of this silk road roadmap BS is going to come about with known admin identities. let's hear it. are rajneesh and his cousins gonna go on the run? go into hiding to avoid prosecution? is Samer Afach going to get up and leave his job at teamviewer in Berlin? tell us faggot

>> No.19653082

Cringe. Don't you have enough money John?

LOKI is the chad privacy play.

>> No.19653090


>> No.19653100

also, Loki's SESSION fixes this.

>> No.19653126

careful everyone discord FUD group coordinated a dump abusing their volume to by back at half price

>> No.19653392

Unironically this. I’ve browsed both pol and biz and have concluded both have no sense of political financial and legal reality outside of their hive minds

>> No.19653429

your comment makes me wanna sell anon

>> No.19653479

How does ghost compare to monero? is it just another scam liike btcp?

>> No.19654228
File: 815 KB, 4650x2497, GHOST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe

>> No.19655102

Truth is, nobody fucking knows at this point. It is still an ERC-20 token until the mainnet is publically open and the "real" Ghost coins are unleashed.
The detail is quite thin on the ground. If you go and read Samer Afachs background, you can kinda see how all this panned out. Look at his Github account and his LinkedIn. He is no blockchain expert, despite having contributed to open source blockchain projects. Nebilo anyone?
I mean, FFS, he created a particl respository 4 days before the ESH->Ghost airdrop. This team is literally trying to bootstrap an entire privacy eco-system based on pre-existing tech. This isn't innovation. This is marketing and game playing.
This thing with the esim is a bit of a joke too. Anyone who knows anything about the inner workings of cellular networks and systems understands that you cannot be private. It doesn't exist. You can obfuscate to an extent, but the whole mobile phone system is basically a giant data well. A sim is not going to help you overall. And to the extent it does help you, you are still fucked once Team America World Police decide that they want the telco that is providing these white label services to either divulge or shutdown, ala LavaBit.
This might sound like I'm being down on Ghost. I'm not, just being realistic. What they are saying does not match up to reality and there is no working product yet. This doesn't mean they can't do it, but keep your fucking eyes open and your feet on the ground.
Monero at least has a working product. Wait and see come the 22nd and beyond what the comparisons are.

>> No.19655125
File: 44 KB, 399x385, 1561320304137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give us your eth suckers is basically all that is happening here

>> No.19655208

It is POSDAO, who are they gonna sue? There is no legal body. It is marketed and improved Particl. No one said anything about illegal shit on the p2p but it is not up to the dev team if there is. Why arent these ppl arrested https://particl.io/team/

>> No.19655247

> Bought the dip

What is making you happy?

>> No.19655501

Ghost faggots are so fucking deluded it's a joke.. They think that they can run silkroad 2.0 off their iphone and that the NSA/GCHQ wont be able to track them down because they have an "ESIM" PMSL you guys are so fucking retarded... You know they can still hack your Iphone even when it has no sim.... PMSL Ghost bagholders are dumbest group of brainlets so far. They are so un-self aware and gormless that they think they are smart. "64737D chess"

>> No.19655733

This reply was sponsored by 70IQ Pajeets™

>> No.19656732


you have no idea