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19647532 No.19647532 [Reply] [Original]

DEFI has been pumping like crazy recently with projects such as kyber and loopring. Which DEFI projects have the best pumpamentals?

>> No.19647552


>> No.19647594


>> No.19648034


>> No.19648057
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XHV before the mainnet launches next month.

>> No.19648068


>> No.19648080
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>> No.19648095

comp, ttheres like only a trickle of liquidity from their distribution when it starts, thing is gonna go apeshit

>> No.19648096


>> No.19648175

REN and KNC are clear winners.

>> No.19648178

DXD by far

>> No.19648180

the only correct answer
plus coinbase pump incoming

>> No.19648189


I don't think you people know what DeFi means. Not that it really holds any real meaning, yet. Chink scams aren't "defi"

>> No.19648451

Past few days have been breddy gud.

>> No.19648576
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>> No.19648888

Defis(XGM) it's a coin literally called Defis

>> No.19648899
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Auctus (AUC), less than $1m mc, and less than $1.5m valuation, should be fastest 10x defi project, and if things go well, could see a real 100x pretty soon

working products (dPiggy, built on Compound and Uniswap protocols, and ACO finance, built on 0x protocol), and LoopringPay just included it as one of 10 coins for payments, other coins includes ETH, LINK etc, even the lowest mc coin here, RPL has $35m mc, 35x for AUC from here, this is utterly under radar !

>> No.19649079

Harmony ONE, without any thoughts and doubts

>> No.19649370
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>> No.19649399
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Bancor BNT by a long shot

>> No.19649452


Year of the governance token to boom

>> No.19649521

if you aren't on ANJ all in rn after seeing this I don't even know what you're doing in crypto

>> No.19649549

when arbitrum releases their token it's probably going to pamp kek

>> No.19649773

How many dark nodes to make it?

>> No.19649800

I have 1

>> No.19649817

Sounds good

>> No.19649977
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>> No.19650140
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>> No.19650179
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>> No.19650289
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>> No.19650303
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REL on the swap


100k mcap
registered in NYC (not a typical biz exit scam)
backed by coinbase

imagine buying scams but missing this 100x

>> No.19650312


>> No.19650319


>> No.19650340


RPL is undervalued 10x at least. Its gonna suprise a lot of people.

>> No.19650464

burgers can't use the exchange/swap on their network, but it will be listed on coinbase? huh

>> No.19650517


On staking hype/dumb money alone, not tokenomics, but I agree.

>> No.19650688


Pure FUD. let me explain.

With the new update people are slowly starting to realize Rocket Pool is becoming critical infrastructure in supporting ETH 2.0 and RPL is the only project that gives a perpetual dividend on ETH.

The utility of RPL is a work in progress but we know a few things right now.

1. There is a burn mechanism which I don't really care for in other projects but considering that RPL has a circulating supply of 18 Million I find it incredibly bullish.

2. Holders of RPL will be able to stake RPL for a % rewards of network fees (the % to be determined). So the rewards will be greatly effected by how many people stake their ETH on RP. Considering Rocket Pool is the only decentralized staking node service and you only need .1ETh to stake I believe almost everyone at one time will be staking through the service. Even those that have 32 ETH and running their own nodes will eventually use RP. Why? because 32ETH is the min and max for each validator and the ETH they earn will most likely be staked on RP until they have enough to run a 32 ETH validator.

3. Governance and RPL DAO coming soon

4. More to come. The team has already stated RPL utility is a WIP.

So even from what we know of right now. we can compare it to something like AAVE or even Maker.

Consider Aave is also releasing details for their token utility but as of now Its only function currently is a burn mechanism attached to revenue from flash loans. Just like RPL.
AAVE market cap is 122M sitting at #60 CMC

Consider Maker. That's strictly a governance token. The unique aspect about RPL is that there is a revenue stream for the token to collect dividends on.
MKR market cap is 672M sitting at #24 CMC

Comparatively Rocketpool is currently undervalued by at least 10x.

>> No.19650698

Same. This will be 1000$ each peak bull run

>> No.19650712

Trb. Oracle focused on DeFi that actually works due to being PoW and Vitalik being a sucker for decentralization.

>> No.19650762


They can't have too high a fee or else they won't be competitive. I agree they can get away with a decent fee for phase 0, but beyond that, I don't see it. DAO just gives voting rights, no? Don't see how that makes coin go up. The fee does, yes, but you're going to be sharing a 2-4% fee among mega whales.

I'd love to be proved wrong, anon, but still don't see how the token would be that valuable to speculate on.

>> No.19650770


>> No.19650818


I just gave you an example of a pure DAO coin in Maker and it has a 672M market cap

2. There is more utilization than just DAO

3. They are the only game in town and are 3 years ahead of everyone. With rETH going to be the standard tokenized ETH for Defi there will be no other competition. Hello, Ethereum killers, Chainlink killers etc...

>> No.19650837

Checked and bumping >>19650762 for response.

>> No.19650855

Also, if Mega whales dominate the network fees its because they have purchased loads of RPL and staking it. last i checked this is a bullish tokenomic characteristic.

>> No.19651588

That's true. I never thought of it like that. Maker is pretty much a pure governance token and it's in the top 25 via marketcap.

I too think rETH is a huge deal. Theres almost no reason to stake on your own smconsidering the benefits of rocketpool and staking rpl. Theres just more value to be had.

Also holding rETH id a non taxable event compared to running your own ETH node.

>> No.19651669

Staking dividend are nothing though, the fee needs to be low to get users and the rewards will be extremely low. .002 eth per rpl low. There will be another speculation hype and then the token will be absolutely driven back into the ground. The team is great, rEth is great, but none of that stuff will drive the price of the token up. They should have just left the rpl per eth requirement and also added staking and it would have been fine. Pegging the token value to the total amount of eth in the system is actually horrible for it because you can easily calculate how much the token should be worth for any amount of eth...and therefore when it makes more sense to dump all your rpl and get eth. The token is currently almost 4x overvalued

>> No.19651703

But all the current whales have purchased it before the massive price appreciation, and they paid almost zero. Everyone buying now is buying an overpriced token. That’s not bullish at all. Once the network is up and running they will see it makes more sense to sell their rpl and stake their eth because the staking returns are pitiful

>> No.19651723

If my loan on AAVE gets liquimidated I just lose enough collateral to cover my loan, not all my collateral, right?

>> No.19651733
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Pic related

>> No.19651736

That's not true. The team is changing the tokenomics and it's a WIP but ad it is right joe The value is directly tied to the utilization of the network. If people are using it and minting rETH RPL becomes more valuable. It's very simple basic value metric right now but the team is adding more things.

Also I agree with Anons Maker example. Its just governance token but it's a top 25 marketcapnin all of crypto. And I thin rETH will have even more usage than DAI.

Also. Domt forget splitting 32 eth to run towo nodes on rocketpool is more profitable then running your own 32 eth node. Everyone will be using rocketpool

>> No.19651761


The ICO of RPL was equivalent to $1. It's way undervalued right now.

>> No.19651868

Minting rEth doesn’t add any value to the tokens though, since you don’t need any tokens to mint rEth. They have pegged the value of the token to network utilization, and so the value is easily calculable. I agree with the maker example, but a rocket pool dao is not something that is going to be available at launch. Right now it’s only value metric is the staking returns and it won’t take those whales long to realize “I could sell my stack for 3000 eth and stake that and get way more returns than just staking the rpl and getting a pittance”

I am extremely bearish on the rpl token, but I 100% think that rEth is going to be an amazing DeFi tool. I just don’t think that they’ve currently found a way to make the token reflect the essentialness of it. The network utilization peg does more harm than good currently, though. I do hope they update us with some more plans soon.

>> No.19651877



Yeah, its too hard to quantify what RPL would be worth. No one knows the % returns are and the tokens that are valued at network usage based on % returns or burns are in the top 100. Look at Loopring, value based on % returns of network. Look at Aave burn model, much like RPLs. Look at Makers model, pure Governance. RPL has a little bit of them all and LEND, LRC, MKR aare all in the top 100, MKR as high as #24.

People that refuse to do basic evaluation of these new defi projects like RPL are gonna miss out huge.

>> No.19651901
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Checked, based.
>Tg: @BUIDL_Chat

>> No.19651928

MKR has a revenue stream. All stability fees are used to buy and burn MKR.

>> No.19651954


Minting rETH is directly tied to the network utlization which gives RPL value though. Thats basic.

But yeah I agree there will be some conversations of selling RPL to stake ETH and what will be more profitable but even you have to admit that this is the same argument between miners and those that just buy BTC and sit on it. Why didnt they sell all their Mining equipment the early years and just buy BTC. Theres a variety of reasons. I am going to assume that there will be some that do sell their RPL and some that will keep and stake it.

Again, though the team is updating the RPL tokenomics. But as it is right now I am extremely bullish on the project and with that the value of RPL.

>> No.19651979


Staking RPL is a revenue stream which depends on network utilization. All fees are distributed amongst stakers and nodes that fail are penalized RPL which is then burned.

>> No.19652016

You can’t compare those two though. Btc is 100% speculative. They are investing because it can be worth billions of dollars, or zero. With rpl, you will know exactly how much your rpl stake will earn you in eth and you will know exactly how much eth you could have instead through selling it and staking. There is far more information available to the rpl holders on their decision. It’s a no brainer for me. If I can sell my stack, get a bunch of eth, then stake it and get rEth returns I will do that instead, you can rely on dumb investors but I think the whales will make the smart choice and sell when it makes sense to do so.

>> No.19652036

I was just correcting what you said about MKR being strictly a governance token and not having a revenue stream.

MKR has the secondary function of acting as the liquidity of last resort. If a vault's collateral cannot cover its debt during liquidation, MKR is minted and sold to cover the difference.

>> No.19652042


And you can't say the same with BTC? selling your BTC for mining equipment and calculating what returns would be? or vice versa. I think its very much the same

>> No.19652053


>> No.19652061

This is a good discussion by the way. We may jsut have to agree to disagree.

Finally a decent thread on Biz.

>> No.19652066


compound is the other pure DAO - they went fully decentralized

token giveaway begins next week

>> No.19652074

No because in both scenarios you are still staking. In the btc scenario you are deciding to just stick with whatever stack you can get at the current price. You are sacrificing roi for whatever stack you have.

There’s an opportunity cost for holding onto rpl that is a large upfront eth stack (assuming they’re in profit) and that you can still stake those eth for returns (or they can just simply operate a node without rpl since that is an option now). They can compare roi for both of those paths and one will simply be higher.

>> No.19652093


Do you hold any RPL or plan to buy if the tokenomic changes are favorable to your liking?

>> No.19652101

Yes I agree, I don’t want you to feel like I was attacking you. I love rocket pool, it’s the only coin in the space that you can call legit. I just think that because if it’s utility it’s just really hard for it to get valued properly.

>> No.19652129

I sold my rpl stack on the last speculative bubble in profit and have been dcaing back in...i know I’ve said it’s overvalued (and it is) but the whales are just not exiting. Maybe they’re all dead, maybe they haven’t checked their holdings, idk, but I’m slowly increasing my position cause I feel like the team will announce more changes and the price will jump again.

>> No.19652147


>> No.19652225


>> No.19652415


>> No.19652591

Bancor will be the one