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19645626 No.19645626 [Reply] [Original]

How to profit from the death of nascar?

>> No.19645688

>be The Only Nigga in Nascar
>get The Rebel Dixie Flag banned
rednecks be running something else entirely up a flagpole shortly

>> No.19645687

>everybody brings a confederate flag

Do they kick everybody out or cancel the race?

>> No.19645696
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>> No.19645697

they've already cancelled our race

>> No.19645768
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>> No.19645815

It's all gonna be about esports from here on out

>> No.19645840

cant drink beer with the sun on your neck and watch fucking esports dude
Requium for the Burgers

>> No.19645857

As if niggers ever cared about nascar

>> No.19645926

The Confederate flag literally went to war with the United States, why is even considered worth protecting?

>> No.19645961

An adequate analysis of cultural and historical events that unfolded in the US literally went to war with this non-argument, why is it even considered worth regurgitating?

>> No.19645962
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>> No.19646104

Same thing with the holohoax, it's in the past bro who cares. oh wait only whites have to cuck

>> No.19646107

its about destroying nascar. Not about trying to expand the audience

>> No.19646270

nascar hasn't even been relevant for 20 years

>> No.19646288

Explain why I’m wrong

>> No.19646529

Bitch the flag does not just represent a government that very briefly existed (before being INVADED by the US and destroyed) but it represents a PEOPLE who deserve to be proud of their history, their heroes and who they are.
It represents a rejection of Jew York values that caused Ike to sent armed soldiers to forcibly integrate schools. It’s a fucking crime what the Federal government inflicted on the South.

>> No.19646637

This. The people of the US in general and especially the South have a long and proud history of hating the fucking government and rebelling against it. On the ground analysis indicates many people are in favor of making war against the government.

>> No.19647531
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>t.cletus spuckler

>> No.19647709

People only watch NASCAR for the crashes. I mean, what's the strategy? draft the other guy until he gets annoyed and careens into the wall at 200+ mph?

>> No.19647758

Because it went to war with the United States
The reason why is said "the United States is..." Rather than "the United States are...."

>> No.19647784

Wait is that a CARTOON?

>> No.19647843

Pretty much. This why ultimately the US stock market is a bad investment over the long term, Jewish business majors running every company even though they despise their goyim customers. Pretty much the same reason Hollywood makes nothing but garbage that appeals to NYC lesbian rabbi's.

>> No.19648603

Freedom of expression

>> No.19648639

if Apu got canceled this motherfucker should too

>> No.19648646

That hits pretty fucking deep

>> No.19648657
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Only virtue signaling low IQ flyover cumskins fly the flag of traitors who got blown the fuck out by the Union. It's almost like you cumskins like learning lessons the hard way...

>> No.19648669


>> No.19648674

If you're retarded enough to find roasting in the sun to watch cars literally drive in circles you're probably retarded enough to be a butthurt by this.

>> No.19648691


Easily the biggest retards on Earth, they are step above the niggers they hate so much kek

>> No.19648700

kek. i dont give a fuck about this issue, but i absolutely love how much this will trigger nascar redneck faggots

>> No.19648723

>it represents a PEOPLE who deserve to be proud of their history

a history that was founded on literally killing other Americans for their "right" to own other human beings and force them to work?

wow, so much to be proud of...

>> No.19649059

Don’t worry, communism already controlling that.
You talk abou Taiwan, Tibet or any criticism of China you get perma banned from participating in tournament.
Already happening with blizzard, others will follow.

>> No.19649065

The civil war had literally nothing to do with slavery how fucking retarded are you?

>> No.19649163

this is bait because i refuse to believe you’re actually stupid enough to believe what you posted