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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 245 KB, 1170x1048, 1584875692643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19643772 No.19643772 [Reply] [Original]


Its like you guys want to be poor.

>> No.19644543

to buy RSR sirs you need to travel to INDIA INDIA INDIA
you go to MUMBAI and travel to the end of the 3rd designated shitting street on the left
at the end of the road you will meet Skeet Skeet Pajeet
he will exchange your Rupees for RSR sirs
pls do the needfuls

>> No.19644556

We all know you gold RSR. Why don't you retards do this with other coins?

>> No.19644591
File: 80 KB, 482x420, indian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19644592

hot v2

>> No.19644737
File: 1.08 MB, 1600x1067, RSRLAMBO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binance listing in 3 weeks. Screencap this

>> No.19644740

Skeet Skeet Pajeet is a good guy honestly

>> No.19644759


>> No.19644826
File: 225 KB, 512x512, nevin freeman Reserve RSR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was over before it even begin

>> No.19644846


>> No.19644892
File: 224 KB, 1566x753, RSR RSV SCAM4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody else is selling after it was exposed as a scam by the app users

why aren't you?

>> No.19644909
File: 235 KB, 1481x759, RSR RSV SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reviews by people from Venezuela who tried using it

>> No.19644983

here's the thread that exposed satsgang/spectre group attempting to pump and dump RSR once again


recognize any of these names?

>> No.19645033

lol @ attempting to pass high demand for the app as fud. 90% of those people are complaining that they can't get into the app after we spiked from 1k user installs to 5k in a few days. this is literally some of the most bullish info you can have. the complaints are minor lag / freezing. how much do you want to bet that these reviews get changed over the next few weeks as the app rolls out some updates to support more clients?

only one user said he got a strange message from paypal but the same user didn't seem to want to do kyc so it's possible that he had some kind of privacy settings which flagd the app. similar to when you swipe your credit card on vacation. there are settings you can set up that warn you about the transactions but it has nothing to do with the company itself, it's a security setting that your card carrier has in place in order to verify that there's no fraud going on.

if you don't see what's going on then you deserve to stay poor. this is what it looks like when crypto companies have actual products, they have to test them in the real world and sometimes that means running into minor issues. unlike most of the vaporware garbage you tards throw your lunch money at.

>> No.19645129
File: 435 KB, 1010x713, RSR utility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this though? it was posted on twitter a few weeks ago

seems like RSR has no utility other than diluting the market with new RSR if assets lose value

>> No.19645321

that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

that post describes the protocol and then assumes a bunch of nonsense about the market forces behind rsv.

for comparison the remittance market (which reserve is targetting) is in the billions of dollars. more than the entire marketcap of crypto combined. i believe it's around 570b vs. crypto at less than 200b.

if rsv captures just 1-2% of that market you're talking about 1-2b usd worth of rsv being bought/sold/traded. if you don't think a smartcontract can capture arbitrage from this then you're a complete fucking brainlet and i have no time for you

>> No.19645365

>the mongoloid talks about 1-2b RSV being traded
>in reality the market cap of RSV is 200k

that's just...

>> No.19645385

Oh now we have time travellers fudding this coin. Fuck you niggers are desperate.

>> No.19645397

rsv isn't released on the app yet you fuckin birth defect

>> No.19645433


I thought they were trying to get RSV adopted
but it's actually not even offered within the app?

wow things are even worse than I thought

>> No.19645456

come back to the discord, it's not even worth fudding on biz anymore.

>> No.19645491

this place is dead.. fuck it. keep it in the lodge faggots. let biz stae pour.

>> No.19645549

honestly everything about this project seems to be dead

good luck bagholding when satsgang finally decides to dump their bags on you when they realize they're not able to pump it like they did the last time

>> No.19645583

everything is dead except your fud spam about how many more users are downloading and installing the app. lol @ your iq

>> No.19645596

What's the discord link?

>> No.19645597

i actually played a decent role in creating the satsgang fud. me + a few others from the discord couldn't think of anything to fud rsr with so we created an invisible boogyman "satsgang" to FUD retarded bizlets from securing a bag of this gem that has a chance to go 1,000x in the coming few years.

you know this of course, because you're fudding from the same discord.

>> No.19645611

are real reviews and ratings fud?

these are the people Reserve is trying to convert to users, but they obviously hate it and don't want to use it

so is it fud or is it the reality of the situation?

>> No.19645617

discord dot gg/uuxzXD

>> No.19645689
File: 377 KB, 1419x1176, satsgang twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the best damage control you can do?

the invisible boogeyman you're talking about has over 1000 members in the public group


are the accounts on pic related made up and actually not real?

>> No.19645711

top fucking kek you're going to unironically stay poor.

>> No.19645715
File: 13 KB, 259x194, photo_2020-06-03_17-55-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody with a functioning brain has a bag of this and either trashes it deliberately or is just chilling while it plays out over the next few years. The crying about tech issues for a new product is hilarious if its serious, you're investing in what is a highly speculative tech startup. Anybody who has built anything new in their life understands that when you undertake a project like this it never goes perfect first try. You build it, find the problems, fix the problems and repeat. If you're going to buy in this early you have to accept that you are along for the ride while this happens.

>> No.19645727


is this article fake and this group actually doesn't exist?

>> No.19645891

what's the matter?

I thought you made up the invisible group and it's not real
you also made up the 1000 members in their public group, what a great job
I almost fell for this epic prank

>> No.19646022

a former employee of Blockfyre also made up this invisible group


what a great prank