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File: 1.00 MB, 640x640, dkyszw-What_an_Ass-MarvelousElectricBlowfish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19644438 No.19644438[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are women happier now that they are expected to work instead of just bouncing on a dick every night?

>> No.19644455


>> No.19644464

generally speaking no



>> No.19644465

the ones who dont have to work are happier because they can look down on the others

>> No.19644466

They still bounce on dick every day, just not the same dick.

>> No.19644479

This >>19644466. Also,

All women are whores

>> No.19644522

all women are whores
women should not be allowed to vote
most women are mindfucked garbage
most women are addicted to social media
most women only fuck chad
most women are eternally miserable and want to take their man down with them.
most women work brainless jobs that will be automated
women are incapable of independent thought
modern women dont know how to cook
most women are boring and not worth the investment

>> No.19644568

ffuuuccckkk why cant i have an ass like that? life aint fair, bros

>> No.19644573

anything under 7 inches is useless with that much ass aka literally, genetically was built for BBC

>> No.19644603

>that much ass
She`s like 4`9

>> No.19644634
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tfw 7 inches

>> No.19644681


you literally never had sex and don't even know how pussy and ass are looking from the short distance, how legs spreading works, you are fucking nobody, man. Why do you even live? What are you doing on this board?

>> No.19644705

Islam is right and is better for women too

>> No.19644715

ima guess cotton candy

>> No.19644744
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raging lmfao

>> No.19644834 [DELETED] 
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> you are fucking nobody, man

>> No.19644852


>> No.19644886


>> No.19644918

You know its some retarded black girl that frequents this forum right? Has some mental issues and is on here a shit load. Can always tell here comments. who cares man

>> No.19644938

Most of those apply to any NPC normie, not just women.

>> No.19644980

My girl gave me a slow motion sloppy toppy with eye contact and let me cum all over her face after she saw my GHOST gains

>> No.19645029
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>> No.19645043
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>woman bends over
>asshole and pussy exposed
You've quite literally never had sex in your life.

>> No.19645066
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>> No.19645075
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> can't stop thinking BBC
> is a fat "white" American
checks out

>> No.19645172

>not understanding that larping as black and triggering insecure tards is peak humor

>> No.19645182


>> No.19645222
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>> No.19645223

imagine having a discussion with her that's longer than a few sentences. she'd probably start shaking her ass as a rebuttal

>> No.19645287


>> No.19645295
File: 8 KB, 233x250, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to fuck a black girl with a much bigger ass than that, and I'm a white dude with a very average sized dick (6"). Have you never had sex before? Seems like such a funny middle schooler line of thought, "her ass is big so you need a big dick to reach the vagina"

you're a freak and you have low self-esteem

>> No.19645300

Treat em like dirt, they stick like mud. Don't matter how hot.

Sincerely, Based Chad

>> No.19645577


>> No.19645790

man, those socks are low quality, cant stop staring at the seam especially on the right one, it's so bad, cant take this girl seriously, she needs to stop buying such cheap socks

>> No.19645871

i fucked chicks in prone with asses like that with my 6 incher
i could hit their spots just fine because my dick gets hard as steel and i know how to angle and butts are spongy
gtfo tyrone

>> No.19646035
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>"i fucked chicks in prone with asses like that with my 6 incher
i could hit their spots just fine because my dick gets hard as steel and i know how to angle and butts are spongy"

>> No.19646074
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I wouldn't want to be looking down on the others because I can't work. I've went through each stage. Student, wagie, now back with my parents and living as a NEET of sort, but with savings. Let me tell you this : if I do make it, I will never look down on people working. Even at the ones who got buttfucked and mentally raped all their lives to the point of finding joy in being part of the corporate machine, or worse. This world is no joke evn if I have it better than some of the really unfortunate. Filled with niggers in all races, scammers, bad people. So when I eventually make it, I'll make sure to still be nice with everyone. Even with normalfags. Because they all struggle in a sense. Being ahead of the curve financially doesn't mean acting like a niggerfaggot

>> No.19646086

your mom was one of em faggot

>> No.19646090

t. babbydick

>> No.19646125
File: 46 KB, 598x464, f6a6f2ff-5604-42e7-a83a-ecd0ff336d32..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't responding about dicks, just skin color

>> No.19646239


>> No.19646452

>he thinks hes gonna make it

>> No.19646540


>> No.19646561

Fucking idiot got baited.

>> No.19646566

Why do women hate sex with non-chads so much

>> No.19646606


>> No.19646627
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>> No.19646642

I like her face she has a cute face

>> No.19646740


>> No.19646759

Somebody post her name reeeee

>> No.19646811

No. You'll never meet a woman with feminist ideologies that isn't in antidepressants

>> No.19646850

>the americuck meme is real
This is the year that keeps on giving

>> No.19646867

why do you hate on this girl, getting that bouncy ass and that perfect muscle-fat balance is hard work, basically equivalent to a sixpack for guys, this chick probably works out daily and practises her moves because your ass dont move like that naturally, all for your pleasure, say thanks at least then call her a whore

>> No.19646946

Nah ill be the most insufferable cunt ever if I get rich because normies were shitty to me and my people (us)

>> No.19647101

I have a 3.5 incher and I would be fine. Actually prob prefer it. You know in roman times you were looked at as a god if you had less than 4 inch dick

>> No.19647228

they like rape and betas cant fuck

>> No.19647378
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1568898002263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking that it's a good use of a wom*ns time to practice garbage like this


>> No.19647684

>dick gets hard as steel
How? Do you take any boner pills?

>> No.19647738

because she doesn't care that guys are jerking off to her. She's a whore who uses her attractiveness to get what she wants.
She has also most likely always been attractive, meaning her personality is nonexistent (any interesting qualities about her are from whatever guys have fucked her).
I'd feel differently if she was actually doing something respectable...like a sport or if she was dressed in business casual and was working etc. But no. She's bouncing her ass around like a worthless nigger who is doing some tribal dance. It's disgusting and it says a lot about what she is like when the camera isn't on.

>> No.19647806

Her IG is pretty tame. If you saw her profile you wouldn’t even know it’s her. She’s not that hot and she doesn’t post tons of twerk clips lately. Her profile is more tame than 99% of other female influencers. She has pics of her reading, skiiing, cooking, and shit like that.

Y’all faggots are just mad you have to scheme and work your asses for years off for what influencers make in a month. You’re just an incel raging over something you can’t have and it’s sad. If you’re over 25 acting like this you need some counseling and you need to have sex.

>> No.19647826

why would I be mad? In a few years she will be forced to settle down. I'm a man and can basically fuck around until I'm 45 with girls. And I plan to because I'll be fuckin loaded at that point.

>> No.19647858

Women require constant stimulation and are magnets to status, charm, and charisma. Betas have none of the above. If you can’t keep a woman entertained she’s done with you. If you have no status and you have the personality of a dead fish, hookers and bottom barrel women are all you’re going to get because you’re on that level.

>> No.19647938

Most female influencers are already married or in committed relationships. Wether they let that be known or not is on them. So you think soon as she hits a certain age nobody will fuck her or want to marry her? There are legions of men that stalk her profile that would eat another mans nut out of her on their wedding day. Older women make a killing on social media too. Cope.

I wish you well on your road to making it though.

>> No.19647963

I've fucked chicks with a 6 incher and that ass.

>> No.19647995

obese subhuman

>> No.19647996

lol do you even understand what the wall is?
yeah, she'll have some desperate guys who will hit on her. But she will never be able to fuck chad again. this breaks women. They either turn to cats or they settle.
>Older women make a killing on social media too.
what is diminishing returns
and meanwhile? I can fuck 10s whenever I want. because I have money and power.

>> No.19648162

Not every woman hits the wall. The one you’re incel raging at goes to the gym religiously, practices sports, follows nutrition, and takes care of herself.

Most Insta thots hit a wall because they chase status and the lifestyle. They want to be seen at all the hot places with the right people so they end up being washed up drug addicts who took 2500 dicks by the time they’re 27. Older women make a killing on social media and only fans.

You keep referring to this great life while she has it now and she will have it later. She will lap you and all your earnings 4 times over before you make it at 50, hitting the wall yourself at 35.

Post a 10 youre fucking. If you had money and power you wouldn’t be acting like such an incel. Good luck though. Btw, Chads can be any age. You have a lot to learn, kiddo.

>> No.19648195

> Not every woman hits the wall.

>> No.19648215

Cope harder. Good luck with your shitcoins, sure you’ll make it one day. Nice talk

>> No.19648245

Jailbait and ugly
First time I witness this phenomenon, very stranfe

>> No.19648278
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>> No.19648289

A sniveling kike. Knew it!

>> No.19648305

her parents are rich, right?

>> No.19648363

Who is he?

>> No.19648599

Imagine being this much of a brainlet

>> No.19649359

Very feminine hands

>> No.19649679

anyways source?

>> No.19649750
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It's a man's world.

>> No.19649857

Can someone please post her Insta already. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.19649908

No, no you don't and no you are obviously an incel who gets no pussy

>> No.19649989

This. It's not 2010 anymore nobody getting actual pussy is talking like this lmao

>> No.19650190
File: 58 KB, 640x640, SmartSelect_20200610-163142_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>built for BBC

>> No.19650626

Any bbc content?


t. Baby dicks

>> No.19650664

thats a man

>> No.19650685

You need to lose weight my guy.
Look up OMAD, it'll change your life

>> No.19651742

ig: juliakul_official

>> No.19651856

er IG is pretty tame. If you saw her profile you wouldn’t even know it’s her. She’s not that hot and she doesn’t post tons of twerk clips lately. Her profile is more tame than 99% of other female influencers. She has pics of her reading, skiiing, cooking, and shit like that.

>> No.19652130

>tfw 8 inches AND I know this is bait
there was no way to lose for me
have a (you), on the house

>> No.19652131

>thinks the pussy is in the ass crack


>> No.19652168

in order to twerk you need to be a fat ass or get BBL surgery.
also, a woman should naturally get off to shaking her ass in such a manner, either they are hiding how horny they get, covering it up or too drugged up.

>> No.19652452


>> No.19652588

I used to fuck a black chick with a big ass and yeah, 6 is enough. god she was hot. i fucked up tho and she moved to colorado and got pregnant from some lanky looking pasty guy.

>> No.19653094

Drop her nudes.

>> No.19653274

I love this site.


pick one.

>> No.19653296

I fucked a girl once that was dating a black guy.

She said his dick was tiny so she really loved jumping up and down on my big fat dick.

>> No.19653302

no, I'm going to go ahead and pick both

>> No.19653322

built for BBC

>> No.19653327

spiking blood sugar isnt good for you

>> No.19653340

that is a man

>> No.19653492

Why post a picture of a balloon with 5 sausages sticking out
so random

>> No.19653798
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