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19643064 No.19643064 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 24 year old making $69k a year working a normal office job

>> No.19643074

whats your role?

>> No.19643087

Business Intelligence

>> No.19643129

how do i get into that and what do you do on a day to day basis

>> No.19643176

You don't get laid do you? Curious what is your end goal after years of wage slaving, while the country gets sold out to foreigners and people who hate you, and all of the women are so mind fucked that any chances of starting a family is eternally doomed because of high chances of divorce rape and your children will be even more fucked up, and have less opportunities than you did because education is watered down and national debt has never been higher?

>> No.19643210

how can a salary be so high?

>> No.19643474

>open Tinder
>wave after wave of gigathots living a pampered hedonistic lifestyle
>they all have job titles like "marketing manager" and "executive assistant"
>"don't even think about talking to me if you don't support black lives"
>meanwhile I wage away so that Jamal can get gibs and fuck all of these thots

>> No.19643500

Just huff that hopium deep, dude.

>> No.19643510

Based and true

>> No.19643527

It's just a fancy new name for data analysis. Get a vanilla business degree and make sure you take statistics and such. Or a math degree.

>> No.19643537

Any analytics/statistics background, literally just make reports based on dashboards or SQL data pulls. I’m a psychology graduate doing the same thing. It’s cozy.

>> No.19643547

>tfw I do it for free but I have hella stock options
>tfw unfireable and still made money during corona

>> No.19643551

I'm 25 and making $76k. It's pretty great for the midwest but not enough. Going to try to land a six figure senior role next year.

>> No.19643660

what do you do?

that does sound cozy. i'm completing a vanilla business degree but i don't have any real skills to speak of. guess i'll learn SQL.

>> No.19643723

Kaggle has free data science skills courses with Python/SQL. Having either of those on your resume is pretty necessary for any analytics job. Go learn basics of statistics, if there’s a six sigma course offering in your business degree as an elective take that since it gives you all the project management/stats you’d ever need in that kind of role.

>> No.19643837

>>tfw I do it for free
Are you a janny

>> No.19643889

Same. I make 70k as a business analyst as a 24 year old.

>> No.19643946

What does a business analyst do? I have to work with them sometimes but I’m not sure what exactly their role is.

t. software engineer

>> No.19643968


Software developer

>> No.19643997

69 you say?

>> No.19644043


>> No.19644063

Also a business intelligence developer here. Make $85k but I'm a bit older than you. Relatively low CoL area.

>> No.19644092


Correct. Business Analysts help bridge the gap between your development team and the product/sales/marketing teams. They need to translate the business rules and requirements into technical specs that the developers can take and build.

>> No.19644120

could you give an example of a translation to specs? really interested

>> No.19644152

Think halfway between 4chan janny, assistant-to-the-CEO, and industrial engineer. I shoot the shit with customers but never actually do sales work and I don't react to customers' demands

>> No.19644156

Kek you sound like a typical wagie faggot. Developers aren’t as stupid as you’d like to think, many understand the business a lot better than any business analyst lmao. You guys are a waste of resources

>> No.19644172

Good for you. I'm 27 year old neet and get $9500 a year in neetbux.

>> No.19644180
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22 year old making 85k + 17k bonus as a federal employee here.

>> No.19644201

How do I achieve this mode?

>> No.19644212


Meh, I'm a software engineer, sometimes if you're working with a complicated enough business model that isn't immediately intuitive the BA's are really helpful if they actually do their job and put together a comprehensive set of requirements for me to work off of

I make software for the insurance industry and insurance is an annoyingly complicated piece of shit to slog through. I don't really know what the clients want. Could I? Sure, but that takes a lot more time. Better to have a BA or 2 for a team of engineers. If they do testing as well all the better.

>> No.19644265

That's fine though. The endgame is to be one of the elites. The foreigners make better slaves than White trash, the women are mostly worthless sluts anyway (and there's still good breeding material if you look around), national debt is a meaningless number used to bilk taxpayers (which I won't be) & if you raise your children properly (and take advantage of the increasing ability to genetically select/engineer them with the right traits), with the rights schools & tutors they'll perform just fine. You're just an obsolete loser, bitter that you failed to enter the new world & that you lack the ability to compete in it effectively.

>> No.19644267

be extremely lucky, an engineer, and monkey branch your way up the hierarchy of government agencies through internships before you graduate college

>> No.19644375
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>tfw 25 making 20k a yr after taxes in LA with 150 college units

>> No.19644412

Post your face if you have such superior genes

>> No.19644436

Requirements, Data Analysis/Business Intelligence are the main things in Day to Day. I don't like roles that are too program oriented. I know SQL and VB, but coding is just not my thing. I like the business aspects of being a BA.

>> No.19644441

how the fuck do you get these jobs? I have a science degree and years managing budgets and dont get interviews

>> No.19644460

I met a girl on tinder who knew someone who needed a backfill

>> No.19644463

You'll never be one of the elites. It's basically impossible.

>> No.19644486

Maybe they are exceptional. Most people just aren't that lucky. 44% of 22-27 yr old college grads are underemployed. ~56% of those with a business degree (I assume they got a bus admin degree. Could be wrong) are underemployed.

>> No.19644501

I have a Business Information Systems degree that or MIS is probably the most suitable degrees to get BA roles. I have taken a lot of Business Analysis classes at my University. I eventually want to get into a Project Management role. I only have a little bit more than 2 years experience right now.

>> No.19644512
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It can be without enough luck (i.e. going hard with btc or whatever and crossing your fingers).

>> No.19644619

The system we live in is game and set match as far as the upper echelons of society are concerned. If you're talking about elites as in the top 0.00001% then that's an unattainable dream, Definitely not a bad one to have though.

>> No.19644644

ya, for sures. Oligarchy. Most people do indeed lose (stats support this). Pretty shit country

>> No.19644664


>> No.19644782

das rite whiteboi, get back to work

>> No.19644789

Pretty shit world. The economy is completely globalised and once you get past a certain wealth threshold you don't even need to be innovative, You can just sit back and adopt the newest trends and booms after they've already taken hold and still dominate the market due to your immense wealth with what is essentially zero risk due to your gigantic portfolio.

>> No.19644865

New grads need business degrees

If you have industry experience you can rely on that and demonstrate you have analytical thinking through past work

>> No.19644996

19 year old office gennius here, i make 105k + free skittles + federal business bonus of 1 MILLION DOLLAR

>> No.19645012

Since when do federal employees get bonuses?

>> No.19645047

Sounds pretty good, shouldn't you have picked a diff picture?

>> No.19645053

>tfw 21 making 48k a yr

>> No.19645188

Have you ever worked a normal office job?

>> No.19645247

It’s just a boring average life with nothing particularly interesting about it.

>> No.19645317

The things I would do to be able to work a 9-5 office job and earn a 45k salary and weekends off. Literally the dream.

>> No.19645513

It’s a lot like the myth of Sisyphus, but with weekends off

>> No.19645623

starting bonus
stay poor

>> No.19645643

if that's your goal, why not just getting a basic data entry job?

>> No.19645749

I wouldn't know where to start looking and I've got no formal education, I doubt I'd qualify for the position.

>> No.19645814

Look it up. Data entry is exactly what it sounds like. You enter data into a computer. That’s it. You don’t need an education to do that.

>> No.19645819

are you me?

a bachelors in information systems and 2+ years of experience doing anything data related in any industry that needs analytics. you can be good at computers but you need the industry experience so you can understand what the fuck people are asking you for. things like working on tableau dashboards, designing and maintaining a data warehouse, and designing ETL processes to suck all the data out of the "systems" that the company uses on a daily basis to feed them into the dashboards. pretty much anything that an analyst would want automated so they don't have to do it manually in excel will be done by your tableau or whatever other BI system you are using. there's also a lot of talking to business people to figure out what their needs actually are so they can see the right information. sometimes it's really cool with all kinds of visualizations and stuff and you get to be very creative, and sometimes you wind up doing boring shit like making automated accounting statements.

>> No.19645915

I wasn't even aware that this was a thing to be honest. I'll have a look into it now, Thanks a lot.

>> No.19645942
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I'm 20 and am a warehouse wagie while I go to college

>> No.19646099

>tfw 24 year old making $185k a year working a normal office job

>> No.19646124
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>> No.19646261

Whine more white boy. You had centuries and now your time in the sun is over. Get used to being submissive to every other race as karma is coming back around to you

>> No.19646295

You know that Bill Gates has a special vaccine for you right? You do know how this game ends right? You don't win.

>> No.19646926

Thats not even bad. Stop being a bitch.