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File: 1020 KB, 640x800, ddgdvl-God_Damn___-PoshVastFirecrest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19638792 No.19638792[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the media in the United States sexually repressed or overly sexualized?

>> No.19638826

That's a man

>> No.19638879


>> No.19638900

I'm going to need to see a source for this one. I'm in the market for an exercise bike.

>> No.19638937
File: 69 KB, 670x573, 1568073349683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine just licking every inch of that crack clean after an hour of hard cardio...just imagine

>> No.19638942

Biking chicks are whores and love rape i remember i was biking once and a milf pulled passed me and i could see her thong you i did the deed

>> No.19638993


did she love it tho?

>> No.19639085


I've done it lads, I've found her.

>> No.19639138

the smell of that lad's ass

>> No.19639193
File: 11 KB, 299x168, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even comprehend the magnitude of the smell of a BBBRRRAAAAAPPP PPPPFFFFT from and ass like that

>> No.19639195

The real question is why the neoliberal mind is incapable of acknowledging that sexuality is a sensitive topic. But instead of ever entertaining the idea that one could be considerate of others, the neoliberal mind lobbies for "tolerance" and the proud display of overt degeneracy from an entirely egoistic and constantly self-victimizing perspective. Which, for some reason, resonates amongst the psychotically deluded population making up the majority of today's """educated""" Western world. Whereas said deluded Western populace, suffering under psychotic self-victimization and going out of its way as to reward anti-social behaviour, will ultimately end up going so far as to actively defend murderers and thieves, then killing and stealing from those who have never killed nor stolen. Because, psychotic as they are, they have genuinely deluded themselves into believing those considerate social elements to be representative of "the enemy." Compared to those who are never considerate, but fully anti-social, who are declared "righteous." Still the latter will be declared "victims" for forcing onto others the most degenerate facettes found in the deepest corners of their mind.

You can already see this in effect when looking at how frantically they lobby for the normalization of single mothers, sluts, obesity, etc. While actively making efforts to shame demographics pursuing non-conforming ideals. Thus you must be "misogynist" for not liking single mothers, a "puritan" child-rapist for abstaining, an "incel" for being repulsed by sluts, or whatever other slur they can slap onto non-animalistic people understanding the concept of at least moderation.

Truly disgusting...

>> No.19639775

Who in the sweet fuck is this. Please fellas, someone hook up the name!

>> No.19639864
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Holy hell, these Peleton commercials just get better and better!

>> No.19639909


>> No.19639960

lmao. Not even a little surprised. Disgusting.

>> No.19639979


>> No.19640046

It's both at the same time. It's the sort of repression that oozes sexual tension.

>> No.19640061

>entirely egoistic and constantly self-victimizing perspective.
as opposed to religious authorities who shout that any and all sex outside of procreation is amoral and sinful, and should be a source of constant self hatred and guilt, while fucking 9 year old boys behind closed doors and propagating the largest cult of pedophiles in human history. Sure keep telling yourself that tolerating people with abnormal sexual tastes is the solution while posting on a website known for harboring pedophiles, traps, pornography and all manner of deviance. I'm sure it'll make a positive change.

>> No.19640102
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>> No.19640106
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>> No.19640113
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>when 20 pajeet see a white woman alone on a street

>> No.19640278

It's the repression that comes from repressing the acknowledgement that women are whores and that our giving women freedom was giving them freedom and license to cuck and abandon us. Both the sexual repression/discomfort and the overt sexualization stem from this.

>> No.19640594

the media is "sexualized" but the general populace and all the talking heads who push ideologies are repressed. Liberals in hollywood are generally all coomers but that offends that average person

>> No.19640638

Yo, Germany! This is the foreigners speaking! Just one thing to clarify: You say Indians are pounders, pizza makers, some carpet salesmen. You were wrong, guys. There are tough guys too, Alta! So get it out of your head that you're killing us, you wankers! You got a problem, come here! Me and my boys, we stand by Alta! And we don't give a shit about the NPD boys. We don't give a shit about them. If you've got something to say, say it, Alta. And stop beating up on Indians, you pissant. And that fucking Kaya Yanar, he's soft on Ranschid, Alta? This isn't Ranschid, man! It's fucking Alaskan style forever, man! Dortmund City boys. You don't know what you're doing, Alta. And we foreigners stick together.Turk,morok,jugo,algerian,tunisian,everybody stick together,you know what i mean,we are the street,boys. We are the street and you're talking rubbish, you want to fuck us and all that? Fuck you all, Alta! You've got to understand who we are, Alta! We're just fucking rad, lads. Hearing Killer. There you have it, boys. So you watch your mouth! And if you reckon any Indians are pussies or cunts, I've got my boys behind me, we'll fuck your arse, boys. So you watch your mouth! Man, I'm Turkish, not Indian but Indians are like my brothers to me, man. This is my family. One blood! One blood! Blood is thicker than water. So watch what you say, boys. Me, my brother and my homie, Alta. If you have a problem, let us know. YEAH! You say fucking turks? Fucking Turks fucking Kanaks, Alta? I am K-Kanak but Turk. You know what "Paki" means? Kanake means man. You're fucking Pakis too. Germany is nothing without us. We are the foreigners. If there were no foreigners, there would be no fucking Germany. Turks and Indians and all foreigners have built Germany. Germany is nothing without foreigners, Alta, so check it out. We are the majority. We are the majority. But a hell of a lot of problems, man! And there are many foreigners, more than Germans. So watch what you're doing, boys!

>> No.19640645
File: 208 KB, 710x802, Bonjour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pardon me madame, may I partake of a small whiff of your precious BRAAAAAP?

>> No.19640749


>> No.19640871
File: 832 KB, 1658x2468, 1591716738093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why bother with them. they are hella annoying. useless. worthless. brainless holes. they fucking suck.

>> No.19640946

Repressed. Not really a free country because buying and selling sex is illegal and looked down on. Female nippled are supposed to be scary for some reason. Std scare tactics on teenagers. Sure the girls wear sexy clothes and they advertise dildos on cable tv, but America is a terrible place to be a pervert.

>> No.19640969

Oversexualization actual devalues sex and turns it into merely physical act. The truth is sex is a profound act of creating soul ties with the opposite sex. People screw with this God given connection with multiple sex partners and end up open to the demonic. They often are depressed while still seeking the highs of casual sex and weren't able to connect the two things. This leads to drug use to soothe the soul pain. This takes people down a darker path. This is America and the West right now.

>> No.19640994

Go home.

>> No.19641096
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, laughing duck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as fuck.

> idiot feels smug about reporting the dude
> dude shows him the futility of his actions

>> No.19641205

disgusting pounded by a nigger
SAGE thread

>> No.19641231

both at the same time, if you can believe that, basically we live in a culture where prostitution is illegal de jure but legal de facto, and this fucks with men's heads very very hard

>> No.19641233


>> No.19641389
File: 22 KB, 243x396, large_c8542ecda93de5b58b8cf849febdc329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well said. sex is profoundly important primarily as a spiritual act between lovers. it is so debased and stripped of its true importance in mainstream western society. it's incredibly ironic that those who debase this act are also those who label themselves as "pro-sex".

>> No.19641669

>the largest cult of pedophiles in human history
Listen you dumb faggot, the largest pedo group ain't christian. It's jewish and it operates through the hollywood-democrat nexus.

>> No.19641725

That Anllela Sagra?

>> No.19641935

based and redpilled

>> No.19642192

i just want a girl to sit on my face
is that too much to ask for?

>> No.19642492

why do white girls love bbc so much?

>> No.19642612

>why do white girls love bbc so much?
As per data from various dating sites, they don't. It's just the kike porn industry that tells you otherwise. Never a bad day to wish death to all jews, including little jewish children for they are satanic monsters in the making.

>> No.19642680

Look the mentally ill liberal cries as Xe lashes out. Fucking retarded degenerate.