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File: 119 KB, 1000x581, bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1963836 No.1963836 [Reply] [Original]

You can't make money trading cryptocurrency, 99.9% of traders fail.

Get a real job.

>> No.1963850
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Also people can have real jobs AND trade crypto. You probably do neither. Stay broke.

>> No.1963857

I have a 9 - 5 office job paying 35k per year and I won't be gambling any of that money on cryptocurrency because 99.9% of traders FAIL.

>> No.1963860

t. got cucked out of crypto

>> No.1963862
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That's fine. More money for the rest of us.

>> No.1963865

"cryptocurrency trader" is not a real job, what are you going to put on your CV two years in the future?

>> No.1963868
File: 2.64 MB, 960x540, ETHbulls in 2030.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh.... i won't need a job, kid.

>> No.1963874

Obvious shitpost



>> No.1963876

"""Traders""" there is also such a thing as buying and holding, which makes plenty of money not doing anything

I understand you want security, but that's too expensive for me

>> No.1963882

Woah were part of the 0.1%!
Thats sick bro thanks
I love waking up seeing I made another $500 on my coins btw

>> No.1963924

You can do both, and it's much smarter to do both. If you have a steady income from a job and you're properly rolled for trading you'll be much better off.

If you're full time things turn into "i should close this position because it's a technically sound decision" vs. "I should keep this open because rent is due in a week and i only need a few hundred more"

>> No.1963969
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>> No.1964020

>99.9% of traders FAIL.
Those numbers seem too high.
I'd like a source on that.

>> No.1964063

It's common knowledge. Why even try.

Just get a job.

>> No.1964071
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then how come i bought and its only going up?

>> No.1964095

Op is that one autist who mock and post on EVERY single crypto thread. Kinda sad tbqhfam.

>> No.1964099

Yeah but that doesn't make it a proper job.

"Cryptocurrency trader" is just another name for NEET

>> No.1964138

The call that saved Cuckthereum

>> No.1964169


I literally invested in the most conservative possible way since last year and my portfolio has already more than doubled since last 2 months ago.

ETH, STEEM, XMR, BTC, LSK, ZEC, and a bunch of other shitcoins on Bittrex. I even keep at least 20-30% in USD consistently on exchanges ready to buy.

I waited for them to dip and remain stable for more than 2 weeks, checked the historical averages and bought when there was a bunch of fear in the market. Sure enough they went up. Again, the key here is to keep 20-30% in USD. I almost kept all of that USD in LTC because LTC was almost as stable as USD hovering at $4 for like 2+ years, but did not. My big fat mistake.

>> No.1964436


I made back at least 10% on every time I cashed out and I don't know anything about stocks or trading, I just buy low and sell high and hold a lot.
It helps to buy coins that have some decent reputation or look like they have good tech behind it. You have to be an idiot to lose money on crypto, people even organize pump and dumps at certain times to make each other money easily.

>> No.1964457

ITT: wagecuck OP tries to let go off some steam.

Enjoy your ass wiping savings while I crash lambos on nurburgring every saturday.

>> No.1964495

>ITT: wagecuck OP tries to let go off some steam.
ITT: cryptofag OP makes a soft troll thread and dozens of splurging crytofags fall for it, hook line and sinker.

Ironic that cryptofags so easily fall for something fake? Or not ironic?

>> No.1964530

I hold btc long term, thats it.
Most of my income comes from other investments (the kind that produces revenue)

>> No.1964659

>he thinks btc isn't a cryptocoin
>he thinks btc isn't a shitcoin
Why are cryptofag bagholders all so stupid?

>> No.1964661

it's like the casino the house always wins, in this particular case the exchange. want to make money on trading? open an exchange! make it anonymous! there is great demand for that shit.

>> No.1964665

It's actually 90%.
The numbers don't take into account the fact that most """traders""" are clueless gamblers who don't know anything about trading, though.

>> No.1964684

>It's actually 90%.
Yay, another stupid coiner.

There's never been an academic study of coin trading loses. It could be 90% or it it could be 9%. Of course, we'd have to figure in all the losses due to theft, massive exchange fees, pump and dumps, and exchange fraud and failures. It may well be that 99% lose money; I wouldn't be surprised.

>clueless gamblers who don't know anything about trading
The 90% figure comes from the day-trading studies, which exclusively looked at experienced, high-volume intra-day traders. Clueless gamblers weren't even included in the sample.


>> No.1964699

You CAN'T make money from trading. It's just not possibly.

You think if you could make money from trading then everyone would do it.

>> No.1964722
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>studies done on every account at online brokerages like Fidelity are actually studies that only include professionals and specifically exclude gamblers

>> No.1964757

>studies done on every account at online brokerages like Fidelity
That's not where the day trading studies got their data, retard.



>> No.1964770

I would love to trade bitcoins, just buy a bit when its low and sell when it raises by 0.5% and repeat that over and over. Shouldn't be too hard

but fucking fees and taxes ruin this.

>> No.1964773


Are you a retard? bittrex charges a .25% transaction fee, and you grossly underestimate the volatility. it's more like buy when it's 0.5% down and sell when it's 20% up.

>> No.1964780

99.999999999% of traders FAIL. It's literally impossible.


>> No.1964786

I think some of those studies are fake, one says that at a particular firm

> 78% of those who've traded for more than a year made money.

NO! No matter how much experience traders have 99% LOSE MONEY.

>> No.1964803
File: 103 KB, 675x338, US-Retail-Traders-Profitability-Q1-2016.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This goy is correct.
The real number of losers is ~90%.
However, it seems the percentage of winners is larger in any given quarter because the dataset in my pic doesn't include those losers who went broke and/or exited the market, so there is survivorship bias in the data.

>> No.1964806

This chart is b/s, it says at one brokers 44% of traders profited. This is not possible.

99.9% of traders LOSE.

>> No.1964815

With Bitcoin or Crypto, the odds to succeed are stacked in your favor because once massive amounts of money are poured into the crypto market one doesn't need much trading skill. Just don't do anything stupid. ;)

>This chart is b/s, it says at one brokers 44% of traders profited. This is not possible.
This is for a given quater (Q1 2016). Of course it's possible. As I said, in the long run probably around 90% of (active!!!) traders exit at a net loss.

>> No.1964817

Also this is just their active trader population. those who have given up are not accounted for.. ;^)

>> No.1964818

>This is for a given quater (Q1 2016). Of course it's possible. As I said, in the long run probably around 90% of (active!!!) traders exit at a net loss.

More like 99%

>> No.1964841

And what you dont account for is that many traders trade for a while and make money while posting about their success but every once in a while the market goes down and they might lose all their profits and more, of course they wont post about that.

>> No.1964859

>im an high inhibition cuck

Stay poor. Just bought 100 BTC worth of PoSW. Once it hits a couple dollars I will be a retired millionaire. And im not even talking about my 1000 LTC investment which will double soon. Enjoy wagecucking.

>> No.1964881

I'll just leave this here:




>> No.1964882

I actually did make money trading cryptos back in the day. Not much...and certainly nothing stable...but on paper I definitely made a profit. Some dude on the bitcointalk forums put out this free excel spreadsheet that made it easy to track all your Bittrex trades and profits/losses and I hit it out of the fucking park on several trades...almost entirely by luck. The one thing I am proud of myself for was creating a coin called JadeCoin. I partnered with some random fucking Japanese kid I met on the forums and we both agreed to go 50/50 when we dump the pre-mine. I woke up and it actually got added to Bittrex lol

>> No.1964886

>I think some of those studies are fake, one says that at a particular firm
>> 78% of those who've traded for more than a year made money.
There's a difference between making money and making enough money to cover your trading costs.

The 90% failure rate is after deducting the cost of trading.

>> No.1964891

Also, shilling this hard for active trading? 4 posts in 6 minutes?


>> No.1964998

>cherrypicking info in my post.
Found the retard

>> No.1965002

I've made 190k since september

>> No.1965068

This. I wish I've started sooner.

>> No.1965080
File: 52 KB, 612x380, IMG_0230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$70k office job. Made $20k off crypto since January with less than $5k out of pocket. Made about $11k return last year.

>> No.1965083

Well done

>> No.1965135

Do you usually go all in on one coin or spread them out? I've made about a 1.5k the last month or so, but I think I'm way too conservative with my approach.

>> No.1965149

OP you sound like a jelly basement dweller.

>made a total of roughly $200K in XBT
>made a total of roughly $30K in ETH
>made a total of roughly $5K in XMR+XRP

And of course I have a job too :) 6 figure salary.

>> No.1965958

Try margin trading on Poloniex if you guys think you're so good at predicting the market. Most of you will get BTFO in a month.

I think a lot of traders got in on the last wave and think they're geniuses. Its going to disappear if you don't have a trading system.

>> No.1965963

make 7k the first week of eth trading last month

>> No.1965996
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>tfw OP is right and i have already wasted over $10k trading shitcoin trying to become the next warren buffet, carl ican, or george soros. feels bad man

>> No.1966592
File: 167 KB, 1911x1332, New-Cosmopolis-Stills-cosmopolis-26646534-1911-1332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how so? story pls

>> No.1967259
File: 39 KB, 194x212, 1278883754677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> all wagecuck thinks about is how to impress his future master.