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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19620288 No.19620288 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19620308

Full white paper dropping

>> No.19620316

Just sold my Ghost. Thanks

>> No.19620820

>big announcement
That they acquired some fake and gay shit token site or that they are now trading in some other fake and gay Chinese wash trading platform. It’s always giant bullshit nothing burgers With this Josh guy. What’s your move boys? I’m dumping pre announcement, I think. If it’s a white paper, it’s not going to make it bullish. It’s just gonna be some Marketing dazzle doo poo that retards think is smart and real, “p2p markets” “ghost phone” duhurrtrr. Just like their faggot roadmap

>> No.19621057
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it's the real whitepaper dropping tomorrow

>> No.19621263

>Full white paper dropping
Why did they rewrite the whitepaper. Was there something wrong with the first one?

>> No.19621392

You mean you are still holding? Are you fucking dumb? Shoulda sold yesterday at 2.

>> No.19622004
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>> No.19622125

meh I read that in context and cz seems to be talking about "the cap" if you look at the full conversation, and he ignores ghost. tell me how binance is going to make it bullish when all the whales are going to exit all over binance? binance would kill ghost so fast. without any real tangible news about the actual functionality of the coin, ghost is doomed long term.

>> No.19622176

>think he knows what the whales will do
go along pleb

>> No.19622192

Big new listing on BIDESK

>> No.19622216

Good lookin out bro. You know I pulled yesterday. fuck this shitcoin to hell

>> No.19622417

ok, slick how about you tell us all about silk road 2.0 and "ghost phone" you fucking imbecile. if you had even 3 brain cells you could see that large holders will dump this shit so fast when given the chance, they know what this is. Do you understand how dark markets work? tell us what happened to Ross Ubricht and how that won't happen to Samer Afach or Josh Case? or akshay C? or Joao Campos? the admins and devs. imagine thinking this isn't a pND, how can you be this retarded?

>> No.19622488

imagine knowing it is PnD and thinking this wont pump to 5-10 usd...

fucking hell..biz being infested with Rajeesh and his brothers

>> No.19622608
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>imagine knowing it is PnD and thinking this wont pump to 5-10 usd...
>fucking hell..biz being infested with Rajeesh and his brothers
-real whitepaper dropping tomorrow
-mainnet in 13 days
-binance listing
-lots of huge partnership annoincements
- john macafee shilling
Ghost is going to $100 and you know it

>> No.19622661

explain how, without a golden bull run similar to 2017, this thing is going to reach that kind of market cap by the 22cnd? you do know the price is going to pennies after pajeetnet on the 22cnd, right? they can't even pump this thing above $2 for the wed/15th announcement. go have a look at the top wallets btw, they are moving shit out and selling already. fucking hell haha, do you retards ever look into anything?

>> No.19622676

It was a falseflag to scare out weak hands and help distribution.

>> No.19622737

They just took another white paper and changed the wording around.

>> No.19622743

but you said Josh wasn't part of ghost.
>real white paper
the price always drops with a white paper announcement
very likely not and if yes, you are all fucked. just look at what happened when pivx hit binance
>huge partnerships
like what you fucking idiot hahahah? like verisafe and clear poll? ohhhh wowwwww duuurrrrr so big news. nobody legit is partnering with this fake retard coin. prove me wrong, fag

>> No.19622749

Get in NOW

>> No.19622761

so are the pajeet devs fake to then? is that all part of the plan too?

>> No.19622781

You are so fucking stupid it's almost funny..

>-real whitepaper dropping tomorrow
Why did they rewrite the whitepaper? was the first one you know the one they Copy + Pasted from Pivx was that just Mcafee playing 4D chess?
>-mainnet in 13 days
You clearly have no basic understanding of coding / dev work, It's laughable to think that a bunch of pajeets that Josh hired off reddit (FACT) can cobble together a "revolutionary" privacy coin in just 2 or 3 weeks.
>-binance listing
No chance. CZ was just talking about the hat. You think CZ would be stupid enough to list this shitshow of a project on Binance? HAHAHAHA He might be greedy but he's not an Idiot
>-lots of huge partnership annoincements
Nice spelling of announcement faggot maybe if you paid attention in school you would know how to spell the world properly. And no there are no "huge partnership announcements" It's more BS to string you brainlets along.
>- john macafee shilling
John Mcafee got shadow banned from twitter for scamming. Nobody trusts him and he has dumped on his followers too many times for anybody but newfags to trust him again. He also eats shit.
>Ghost is going to $100 and you know it
No it's not. You are stupid and deserve to loose your money if you are that stupid.

>> No.19622796

I think they true nature of this project is unknown and the odds of it being a scam vs a masterpiece are 50/50

>> No.19622805

Johnny boy will finally eat his cock live via CNBC at exactly 2:20 pm EST

>> No.19622960

>No chance. CZ was just talking about the hat. You think CZ would be stupid enough to list this shitshow of a project on Binance? HAHAHAHA He might be greedy but he's not an Idiot
This is not true and you might have autism if you interpreted it that way. You've been btfo'd countless times about this. Stop coping this hard faggot.

>> No.19623104
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>This is not true and you might have autism if you interpreted it that way.

He literally Tweeted "nice hat" because the guy is wearing a Binance hat...

>You've been btfo'd countless times about this.
This is the first time I've mentioned this, I'm not sure if others have brought this up but It doesn't take a genius to see that he's talking and ONLY talking about the hat... There is no deeper meaning, no conspiracy, no smoke and mirrors and no red herring. You are a fucking brainlet if you are reading into something thats not there.

>> No.19623148

you retarded Ranjeet.

He tweetet "nice cap" and then said "yup" as a reply if that is a sign of things to come.


>> No.19623149

Any retard can go to twitter to see anon. See

>> No.19623191
File: 325 KB, 1536x2048, mcafee ghost tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he just tattooed it guys
get ready to hit Mars

>> No.19623351

Finally someone with brain i only had to check its legitimacy with only one tweet lmao, shitcoin

>> No.19623365

>he just tattooed it guys
>get ready to hit Mars

>> No.19623644



>> No.19623944

was for the ghost erc-20 we have now you idiot
>13 days
they've been working on the project for years you fucking double nigger
>Binance listing
its happening bro tweet confirming or not it only a matter of time.
yes people on the internet can't spell cool story bro.
>john shilling
he just got a fucking tattoo bro its happening
>ghost 100 eoy
way to bullish but a man can hope.

>> No.19624069

only faggots, roasties, attention whores and niggers get tattoos. how well did that skycoin tat work out by the way?

>> No.19624126

7 posts by this id.

>> No.19624146
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>> No.19624176

>7 posts by this id.
Are you the samefag/brainlet who goes round ghost threads counting everyone else's posts? You must have no life

>> No.19624329
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>Are you the samefag/brainlet who goes round ghost threads counting everyone else's posts? You must have no life