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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 400x400, euro-debt-crisis-medium[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
196027 No.196027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If taxes balance the budget why do European countries by and large have a higher amount of debt as a percent of their GDP? These countries have higher taxes so by left logic their budgets should be more balanced.


Public debt as a percentage of GDP

Greece: 161%
Italy 126%
Portugal 123%
Iceland 118%
Ireland 118%
Belgium 99%
UK: 90%
France: 89%
Spain 85%
Canada: 84%
Germany: 81%
Austria: 74%

USA: 72%

>> No.196036

We spend the taxes on buying our higher qualities of life.

>> No.196039

you made the mistake of thinking that leftists actually care about the deficit. they just want to raise taxes because once taxes are raised they can claim that the republicans want niggers to starve if they try to repeal the taxes

>> No.196043

debatable. The USA outranks most of Europe on the HDI which measures quality of life, higher median household income, higher gdp per capita higher mean household income higher cancer survival rates.

>> No.196050

So what is the point of taxes at all? to keep up the appearances that theyre being responsible?

why not preach lower taxes while praising spending?

>> No.196052

HDI scores are complete bullshit though

>> No.196055

You can quibble on quality of life definition for sure, but it's not anywhere near as debatable that EU states with higher tax have higher quality public services.

>> No.196059

>You can quibble on quality of life definition for sure, but it's not anywhere near as debatable that EU states with higher tax have higher quality public services.
My higher quality private services are superior to your public services.

>> No.196063

Says you.

But thats not really the point. The point is why be for raising taxes when it clearly has zero effect. Except perhaps on perception.

>> No.196073

Keep sucking that market dick. Do you even know the tax rates of the countries you listed and how they compare to the US? Go shitpost on /int/ if you want to troll. All I'm saying is EU countries tax higher to spend higher.

>> No.196079
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You were the one trying to make this a Euro vs USA argument. I am trying to talk about taxes and their effect on a govts budget.

>> No.196085

Notice that Norway and Denmark aren't up there, and they are two of the happiest.

Maybe when high taxation is done right it works. Idk, I'm not an economist

>> No.196091

So why do we need taxes? most of the govt money spent is borrowed anyway. this way people get to keep their money and the govt can spend how they wish.

>> No.196096

Theyre also tiny white countries and Norway has more oil per capita than many middle eastern countries.

>> No.196137

Seriously, is this what /biz/ is shaping up into? 80% bitcoin threads, and 10% "Yurop sux" /int/ level shitposting. It would be nice if we could at least get some nice threads going, but they're outnumbered by shitposters like OP.

>> No.196144

I was never making that argument, you were just being over defensive.

>> No.196164

I wasn't saying Europe sucks. I was saying taxes don't do anything. You and >>196144 took it as that by being overly defensive.

>> No.196180

Please. You weren't trying to create any form of factual discussion. Your post is pure bait and nothing more.

Besides, how is this business&finance related?

>> No.196213

Poland - 55%
Invest in Polish companies.

>> No.196218
File: 114 KB, 595x633, 1393724036109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was saying taxes don't do anything.

Taxes decrease happiness per Income, since that income is now worth less and buys fewer goods.
Picture related.

>> No.196241

taxes are business related. taxes hurt growth and prosperity. I could also make a correlation with higher taxes high public debt and lack of GDP growth.

>> No.196369

Only True Way To b Happy Is 2 b Yourself.. Troof..

Yup proves those idiots wrong, people make excuses saying that: "they're rich BUUTTT..." To justify their own failures and cover up their envy

>> No.196377

So therefore eliminate all taxes. Problem solved! We'll all be rich and prosper. Are you going to post the Laffer curve next?

>> No.196390

purpose 1 of taxes is to fund government
purpose 2 of taxes is to remove money from the economy

purpose 1 of deficit spending is to fund government
deficit spending adds financial assets that investors pay cash for. it is good for the private economy.
taxes remove cash and replace it with cash (assuming spending > or = to tax revs), so they have a wash effect on the private economy via offsetting effects on specific individuals/institutions within that economy.

if you stop trying to look at things as good/bad and look at their effects and how they differ you can learn a lot. unfortunately that's difficult when politics are such a charged topic.

>> No.196419

>deficit spending adds financial assets that investors pay cash for. it is good for the private economy.
what is better for the economy? more money in the pockets of business owners at all times or deficit spending to a few choice corporations?

>> No.196437

i don't do litmus tests, especially based on false dichotomies.

it's pretty clear people here are more interested in clinging to their world views than actually understanding the world, which is fine, my firm profits off of people like that, thanks for your money. you should probably take it to /pol/ though.

>> No.196470

I don't think I gave you a litmus test I just asked you an either or question. but stay on that high horse jackass. Just looking at countries with high taxes and high debts it doesn't appear that your ideology is working very well.

>> No.196525
File: 73 KB, 1177x892, 1377243515618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>improving Jamal, the unemployed morrocan rapist, and his 17 nigglets' quality of life

>> No.199277

>We spend the taxes on buying our higher qualities of life.

Yuropean here, I'd like to know where I can find said high quality of life. Has the government hidden it in the wall of my expensive shared slum house?