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File: 904 KB, 1949x1062, 221E4E5C-CF13-46AC-A89E-2730CE738DC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19613018 No.19613018 [Reply] [Original]

>$2521.63 before tax and deductions
>$1745.25 net pay
>30.79% instantly gone

>> No.19613080

Don't forget those taxes pay for low IQ blacks to have more babies, bringing Indians and Mexicans to your country to replace you, paying teachers to propagandize your children to Marxist ideology, and lining the pockets of Jews to subvert and destroy white families.

>> No.19613214

I want off this planet.

>> No.19613230

Cool it with anti-Semitic remarks

>> No.19613254

>not changing withholding to 0 then forming an llc to write off "business losses" to eliminate all your taxes
god i sure hope you guys don't do this

>> No.19613259
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>lose half your paycheck to taxes
>have to pay for healthcare and insurance every month
>have to pay rent or property tax
>have to pay sales tax
>money in bank keeps losing value due to inflation
Its all set up so have to run to stay in place. A perpetual hamster wheel. "Making it" is being able to step off that wheel.

>> No.19613398

dont forget, you also have to feed yourself! and your family! and save up for your kids' college funds!

>> No.19613516

Not true, low iq was flawed study by racist prof in the 70s
Replacing me? Wtf does this even mean. I exist here alongside them. I don't feel replaced
Teachers are just basic white bitches that blieve in astrology, they are dumbasses but they follow my states republican curriculum. Maybe in seattle you get this
Ok, pretty obvious you are braindead retarded by this point

>> No.19613580

>don't feel replaced
it doesnt matter what you 'feel'
what do you think is gonna happen when guadalupe and lashanuiqa next door shit out 10 babies each for the next 50 years, and stacey only shits out 1? maybe 0?

>> No.19613589

>nuh uh
Good argument

>> No.19613622

Have sex

>> No.19613630

I don't think you know what the word replace means. I'll still be here if this happens and by the way it's a racist trope and I'm not even going to acknowledge that

>> No.19613727


>> No.19613779
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This makes me so mad. I make $10.8k before taxes and only take home like 6k, wtf

>> No.19613842

>work 4 months out of the year to simp for shitskins, israel and military industrial complex
>thinking youre anything other than a slave pacified by garbage possessions
>b-but im a homeowner!!! (that pays 150k just in interest to shekelberg AND yearly property taxes)
when did you realize life is a complete joke, goy? its almost like being anything other than a criminal is being a cuck and the jews made it that way. they get to do all the "illegal things" like counterfeit money and fuck virgins while everyone else is just nigger cattle that are bound by imaginary laws.

>> No.19614087

It is like this in NYC too.

>> No.19614152

expecting to live on any land anywhere in the world and not expecting the sovereignity to take their slice

get laid dude, there isn't a global conspiracy and saying things like that makes you sound like a stupid person that learnt some big words

>> No.19614219

yeah bury your head in the sand, coward

>> No.19614237
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It didn't used to be this way, anon. Income taxes used to be unconstitutional. Then the kikes at the top said they'd just be introduced "for emergency wartime purposes." Then they got hooked. They could transfer all of the tax burden to the working classes? They went ahead and did that. Now they lecture and shame you for any and all income tax cuts while they collect fat profits that they barely pay any tax on.

Friendly reminder that income taxes are cancer and purely a burden on the working class.

>> No.19614309

This is why I feel good about not working and why I will never work a day in my life. But thank you wage slaves for giving me free healthcare while you wagies cant afford it

Tldr wage slaves are committing genocide on usa citizens

>> No.19614329

it is illegal to to impose income tax on money (gold and silver). The USD is a currency issued by a private corporation and is allowed to have an income tax. But it isn't supposed to be used as money in the first place.

>> No.19614335

Fuck how do I stop working and getting taxed to shit?

>> No.19614378 [DELETED] 

U sound like one of those white terrorists who mass shoots muslims

>> No.19614413

How the hell do you read this shitty chart?
On 1840, for example, how is tarriffs 100% of total revenue, but at the same time land sales are also 55%?

>> No.19614431
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Taxation is theft

>> No.19614480


$1745? why you can almost afford rent in a lowwer-mid income neighborhood, look at you go!!

>> No.19614505

xdai/stake yearly roi = 33%
coincidence? I think not

>> No.19614510

>not gonna acknowledge that
yeah just stick your head in the sand when the conversation becomes uncomfortable pussy.

>> No.19614535


What? There's a spike where land sales and tariffs are split 50/50, there is no point where they eclipse 100% in total, that would require going off the graph you retard

>> No.19614562

brainlet, yellow is 45%

>> No.19614593

Take a picture of your nose with timestamp

>> No.19614608

Have you never come across a stacked column graph? Same thing here but with a line. in 1840 Land sales accounted for around 50% of revenue while tariffs account a majority of the remainder. It is showing the composition of gov. income always totaling to 100% over the years, and income tax has come and stayed.

>> No.19614646

So you're supposed to add up how long each part is? So "other" is 30%, land sales is 25% and tariffs are 45%?
That's fucking retarded, just use a bar graph

>> No.19614651

You want to know what's funny? The USA government borrows half of what it spends so you need to be paying twice as much income tax as you are now. So get back to work wagies those brown people and females dont pay for themselves

>> No.19614686


No, it's a visualization of the "share" of the 100% of each sector over the years. A bar graph isn't going to be able to be used chronologically numbnuts. The intention is to convey how the government made a hard about shift once they found a new river of gold and have refused to budge since and instead you decided to get autistic about tariffs and land grants.

>> No.19614735
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well someones got to pay for my wellfare

>> No.19614756
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>implying i care enough to do that
enjoy raging the rest of your life, jews live in your head

yeah but this way it shows you how the proportions change over time.
maybe consider yourself the retard for only understanding how to read a chart if its in a bar format

>> No.19614881

I don't want to leave my homeland, but I'm starting to make some serious cash and I don't want to pay 1/3 of my income to a system that's openly hostile to my family and people.

>> No.19614925
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Yeah it's definitely the teachers, anon.

>> No.19615000


You might be right but at least I have death to look forward to.

*hopes to die in sleep tonight*

>> No.19615038


> no global conspiracy

Literally about 100 people control all of planet earth, through powerful political and financial groups. Those people have goals, and those goals include legalized slavery and continuing war and murder.

>> No.19615121
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Post link to your Youtube source pls

>> No.19615193

You must be a moron if you dont know that teachers are paid at the state and local level

>> No.19615293

his point is that the taxes going to the parents is only 5%, when over half of the budget has been spent on defense. over 10x more on defense than teaching

>> No.19615315

Feels dystopian, mane.

>> No.19615339
File: 146 KB, 1003x915, budget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh look, it's the liar's graph which excludes 66% of the budget. The modern American paradigm is an engine which redistributes wealth from the producers (working class) to the freeloaders (welfare tards and the elite). If you wake up and go to a job with the rest of us you need to get your priorities in check and stop bitching about dumb shit like the military, which can stand to be cut or frozen, but so could the rest of this unnecessary, absurd shit.

>> No.19615367


>> No.19615474
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hello, friend

>> No.19615498

Do you think Healthcare and SS goes primarily to "welfare tards" or to boomers lacking the decency to die?

>> No.19615533


A lot more people than you think are on Medicare/Medicaid/SSI that don't pay into the system. SS is a perverted welfare engine at this point, it isn't just retirement savings it's a slush fund for all manner of welfare, my mom worked at one of the administration offices. People come in whining about anxiety and being too fat and walk out with a monthly stipend.

>> No.19615578

thanks for funding my foodstamps while I was investing in Bitcoin back in 2013
I was on dem' foodstamps for like a year too
At the time I earned like 300-400 bucks per paycheck so I really needed dem' to survive.
Honestly I didn't think BTC would blow up I just bought because I was obsessed with Alex Jones and Ron Paul
Now i'm fucking rich.
Maybe i'll give you some of my SUTER staking rewards as a token of my gratitude in the future, I don't even need it

>> No.19615599
File: 39 KB, 640x723, 1587625228014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool it with anti-Semitic remarks

>> No.19615686


Lol because Facebook and Google are going to allow large pieces of truth and evidence to be widely available to the public.

>> No.19615740


>> No.19615794
File: 48 KB, 499x499, 1427643749573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ofc, and you are one of the few enlightened ones that know whats REALLY going on.
honestly though, is youtube your source hahahha

>> No.19615797

Medicare is for retired workers
Medicaid is for the lazy young and their niglets
>According to the most recent data available from the CMS, national healthcare expenditure (NHE) grew 4.6% to $3.6 trillion in 2018. That's $11,172 per person. This figure accounted for 17.7% of gross domestic product (GDP) that year. If we look at each program individually,
Medicare spending grew 6.4% to $750.2 billion in 2018, or 21% of total NHE, while Medicaid spending grew 3% to $597.4 billion in 2018, or 16% of total NHE.

>> No.19615823

Oh come off it, Bateman.

>> No.19615824
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oh look someone left the oven door open

>> No.19615855

Why are fuckwads like you always blaming blacks and mexicans. Yea its their fault they got fucked by Jews for hundreds of years and still want to survive. ITS ALL JEWS.

>> No.19615924

He’s not red pilled yet. Let him live the lie.

>> No.19615950

>blaming the jews for your shitty life
stay poor and angry
t. enlightened chad

>> No.19616048
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Because they are more likely to immediately hop on welfare, assistance, benefit from diversity initiatives and then turn around and whine that whites are oppressing them. A race to the bottom, dependent mentality like this helps no one and regresses the country.

Comparatively speaking, the German, Irish, and Italian waves of immigrants met a country that was fiercely patriotic and demanded they get to work immediately and assimilate, or risk shame and ostracization. This pressure worked, they assimilated and became contributors within 2 generations. We're witnessing an opposite dynamic right now, it's dangerous. Do you want a unified, productive America in 50 years, or a fragmented, cancerous shit state? Blacks may be too far gone but we're at a moment of truth for hispanics.

>> No.19616111

This is the most ignorant comment I've seen today. Like damn, you stupid ass probably doesn't even pay taxes lmao

>> No.19616261

I make 2800 euro and can invest/save around 1k a month. Problem is I live in a flat meant for polish seasonal laborers (the lowest of the low that live off of nothing) and pay almost no rent. I need to move because I can't take a tinder date to a flat full of drunk polacks. Problem is any normal appartement costs about 3 times as much as I pay now.

Seriously doubting if I should just accept my living situation and invest and save for a while and then buy a house or something. But I am a full grown white man living in a 10m2 room surrounded by the worst people in the planet. Can't even have friends over.

850 euro and I have an okay apartment in downtown Amsterdam...

>> No.19616616

LOKI staking fixes this (and the privacy issue)

>> No.19616650

>Comparatively speaking, the German, Irish, and Italian waves of immigrants met a country that was fiercely patriotic and demanded they get to work immediately and assimilate, or risk shame and ostracization.

you mean during a time when jobs were plentiful and paid a livable wage with lax regulations, existing unions, and accessible healthcare and housing? Is that where you're going with this?

>> No.19617141

The politicians and top earners who earn more than 100k don't pay their taxes but expect us plebs to keep paying taxes to keep the system in place.
Perfect example in the UK is the government telling the people to stay indoors to prevent a second wave, meanwhile the chief advisor to the PM travels 300 miles to visit his parents. They expect us to make sacrifices while they reap the rewards for doing nothing.

>> No.19617182
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What exactly are you trying to say here? Life was a lot harder, this was a faster growing country, but welfare didn't exist. They had nothing else to rely on and many lived like shit. Spam, ketchup sandwiches, campbell's soup, these were the staples back then not fucking McDonald's.

Do I think we're overloading this country with too many people vs. amount of available work for lower class earners? Yes anon, yes I do. We need to fix that, for the sake of EVERYBODY already in this country.

>> No.19617184

based, taxation is theft

>> No.19617196

I just found out the the highest paid public servant gets $850000 total compensation in my country.

The head of our banking regulatory agency. The biggest crony in town in gets paid 13 times the median salary in taxpayer's dollars.

>> No.19617217

>arguing with holes

>> No.19617254
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>> No.19617261

Israel has no right to exist.

>> No.19617287

>accessible healthcare and housing

Didn't you know that 200 years ago we had free universal healthcare and free mcmansions for all

>> No.19617301
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>look ma i said nigger!

>> No.19617318

The people making over $100,000 are the only ones who pay taxes

>> No.19617324
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>> No.19617362

>Do I think we're overloading this country with too many people vs. amount of available work for lower class earners? Yes anon, yes I do

Then you understood and we agree, thanks

>> No.19617389

>$5000 before taxes and deductions
>$3300 deposits into the bank
Yeah it's a good life with mandatory retirement contributions, family medical insurance coverage and a PARKING FEE for the privilege of coming to work

>> No.19617395
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>> No.19617396


>> No.19617594
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>> No.19617711

and he's wrong because there's still other taxes going to teachers that are not federal. the federal budget is not THE budget. you must be yuropoor

>> No.19617736
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They aren't forcibly taking my money away. I can choose and don't use most of those services. If I am employed by one of them I make more than enough to live comfortably. The 40% combined theft from - local, state, federal, FICA and add the added taxes on food and fuel I'm nearly at poverty level. Kill yourself.

>> No.19617813

Yeah, you can avoid them if you're a GNU evangelist and eat fungus from your foot like Richard Stallman, but if you are even slightly serious about your work you cannot avoid them.
Perfect example: Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Word. They have such a massive hold over the industry that if you use anything else you get funny looks. Try working in any normal office and just try to use anything other than Microsoft Office.

>> No.19617850

Also watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojGveiE51Hk

>> No.19617886
File: 15 KB, 360x180, never gonna make it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just getting gibs and getting a job under the table

>> No.19617887


Open office has great compatibility with word and as long as you can convert back to office it's fine, but god help you if the person you send the file to is tech illiterate jesus fuck

>This is .doc and this other one is .txt, my computer can ONLY open .docx

no, word can h-

>Send it as docx and nothing else!!

>> No.19617926

anon you'll feel so much fucking better if you move out to your own place, i'd say go for it my man

>> No.19617940

Do you retards not realize the only reason you can even make 2k a paycheck is because you live in a first world country? If you lived in a shit hole with 0 taxes you would be making like 3 cents and hour where no one would come help if nigs come and rob your house

>> No.19618071
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>TFW you work an easy government job and wagies pay your wage.

Thanks for the money, retards.

>> No.19618299


>> No.19618360

The system is rigged. Either you become a wagie or live as a shadow on the outskirts of society.

>> No.19618400

only thing i take issue is that part of the medicare budget is paid for by premiums by those on medicare. other than that, i don't understand how SS is so big, medicare is so big which is like 9k in taxes for me but then i pay 15k in addition for the other 2/3 of shit.

>> No.19618546
File: 121 KB, 670x1024, AADB3404-B7B9-4A96-9256-4C3176B76C18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not the jews guys

Mr shekelberg even says so

>> No.19618572

>unions and livable wages in the 1880s thru 1920s

fuck you're dumb

>> No.19618634
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>> No.19618702


Those are some really specific dates you got there, did immigration stop before 1920? Was there only one industrial revolution? Should we compare the lives of potato farmers of the 1800s or slightly more modern immigrants of the early 1900s.

hmmm..what did happen in 1920? Oh the first world war and depression? When america was pouring out money for one of the largest wars known at the time after bleeding money for reconstruction for the civil war? I wonder why there was no available money during that time and money seemed to work out better after recovering from the great depression leading to a better standard of life overall? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?????????

>> No.19618708

>Doesn't know his wages aren't paid by taxpayers.
Government employee confirmed
future generations are paying wages you absolute fuckin tard

Look up 'The grace commission ' shit for brains
>The report said that one-third of all income taxes are consumed by waste and inefficiency in the federal government, and another one-third escapes collection owing to the underground economy. "With two thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely
by interest on the federal debt and by federal government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services that taxpayers expect from their government."


>> No.19618743

(((officials))) make much much more under the table then they do written.
those (((officials))) could be paid 1 dollar per hour and still be getting millions in bribes and favors.

>> No.19618804

You are not being replaced. Your people are. Your grandchildren, if you have any, will be born as foreigners in their own homeland.

>> No.19618863

>Your people are. Your grandchildren, if you have any, will be born as foreigners in their own homeland.
How did you know that anon was a native American?

>> No.19618948
File: 27 KB, 474x624, OIP.Kh6RIjKLh8KC7U7sJ3RzJwHaJw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound mad.

>> No.19619004

You sound like the typical low IQ gov employee.
no fuckin clue
Fuck off in to the corner or something, bring a hankie.

>> No.19619009

>Implying native Americans didn't also emigrated to America.

>> No.19619154

>forced to use a product because of funny looks

>> No.19619166

Funny looks AND inability to do your job

>> No.19619237

The voters in my state ratified a tax initiative to fund the sector that I work in. If they want to throw their money into public works projects via the ballot box, that their prerogative—that's how a democracy works, isn't it?

>You sound like the typical low IQ gov employee.

If government employees are retards, then what does that make you, who are governed by retards?

>> No.19619288
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>> No.19619321

you mentioned german italian and irish immigrants which came en masse during different periods in those times and that was the whole corner stone of your argument.

you're just contradicting yourself with the rest of your post. shame on me for engaging with a retard.

>> No.19619344

how are you oppressed because your employer chooses to use monopolized software? don't use it in your personal life if you hate it so much

>> No.19619443


lmao dum

>> No.19619451

Cognitive disodence the post

>> No.19619620

This is why i refuse to pay taxes, no way i'm financing the ennemy.

>> No.19620479

good luck living your life without ever going to anything that uses big tech
what, you think you can use the internet without ever going to a service which uses AWS or Google servers in the backend? You think any viable alternatives to Google Maps exist? Fuck, even Red Hat backed projects like Gnome and systemd are now "owned" by big tech thanks to IBM's acquisition