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File: 977 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-04-16-09-12-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1961179 No.1961179 [Reply] [Original]

On Snapchat's mashable there is a whole story dedicated to bitcoin and etherium....We are coming into normie land, buy everything and anything asap

>> No.1961183

oooooh shit i just saw this.... we deserve this boys

>> No.1961184
File: 16 KB, 168x168, IMG_0626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't need a bank account
>yet you need a bank account to buy/sell bitcoin in the first place

>> No.1961186

No you don't. I buy and sell BTC with cash, sometimes hands to hands

>> No.1961190

just too bad you need to submit your driver's license, passport or any other id to even begin to purchase any bitcoins

no normiefags wants to do this, even the faggots on localbitcoins wants your entire lifestory before they want to sell you anything

>> No.1961192
File: 762 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-04-16-09-12-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are even trying to get people to buy etherium for 40 bucks

>> No.1961195

Is there any place where you can easily buy and sell bitcoin or similar, without going through all kinds of shitty bank and ID verification steps?

For snapchat millinieals, anonymity might be an alien concept anyways, but for me, this kinda breaks the whole idea behind bitcoins.

>> No.1961197

mate, its etherEum

>> No.1961198

>get btc wallet
>get cash
>deposit to wallet at btc atm

>> No.1961201

I'm pretty sure i could get a norm to give me their ID for no reason lad, they don't understand the idea of staying anonymous

>> No.1961214

its just the stupidly long process of getting verified, not the fact that you are giving up your id

kraken takes weeks to get a tier 3 verification, coinbase can take a week, not to mention the limit buys/sells

no normiefag wants to wait weeks to get bitcoins, it has to be convenient and straight forward

>> No.1961222

>btc atm
yeah, at one of the 10 or so of them worldwide…

>> No.1961237
File: 98 KB, 1100x300, 1491169688285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure lemme travel thousands of miles to the nearest bitcoin atm so i can buy stuff on snapchat

normies dont give two shits about being anonymous, the fact that they use social media in the first place shows this, they care about convenience, instant transaction and low costs, and bitcoin has none of that, no cryptos has all three aspects infact

i had to pay several dollars to transfer 0.5 btc and it took half a day, and i had to buy those bitcoins on a site that took 2 weeks to verify my identify before i even could buy/sell any

aslong as this is the case, crypto wont ever be anything more than speculation, the id verifications needs to be removed from major sites, bitcoin needs to die and replaced with something that's actually cheaper to transfer than a fucking wire transfer and is instant

>> No.1961240

yo where is that article in snapchat

>> No.1961248

If your lucky it's under your friend's story's in the featured articles section. If not, go to the explore section (keep swiping right and you'll be at a page with a ton of articles, look for "mashable" with the title "cash rules everything" with a picture of a letter wallet with bitcoins coming out

>> No.1961289
File: 1.56 MB, 236x240, merry_xmas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original internet began as a cumbersome phone line displacing niche hobby anon. Crypto is the future, the only question is how much further in we go until explosion. Adoption is imminent anons.

>> No.1961334

that gif is fucking disgusting m8 whats wrong with u

>> No.1961396

This is a 18+ website kiddo

>> No.1961418

Nothing disgusting about it except for her huge nose. Other than that, she looks like an outstanding Christmas holiday.