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19609445 No.19609445 [Reply] [Original]

LINK is the most actively shilled coin on twitter by simps

>> No.19609807

Kinda like when bitcoin was less than 30 dollars.... and nobody listened to them

>> No.19610068

>Implying crypto Twitter matters
>Implying Twitter matters

>> No.19610610

Still an overvalued centralized easily replaceable no-need-for-token shitcoin

>> No.19610732

3 years my dude... stop letting ego cloud your vision.

>> No.19610751

Wow, this is quite worrying. They say that "normies" buy into tops, so if Chainlink (ticker: LINK) is now being shilled on Twitter so heavily...

You have created fear, uncertainty and doubt in my investment in Chainlink. If this really is a "top", then I certainly would like to avoid the embarrassment and financial distress of a dump. Therefore, I have decided to sell my Chainlink tokens after I complete this post.

Thank you again for your concern over our financial well being, Original Poster (OP). Seriously, going to all the effort to warn us, making new threads and posts as I highlighted here >>19610417 ... and all for free! You're a good dude.

>> No.19610786

The only way to know this would be by going on twitter.
Imagine thinking I'm going be fudded out of link by a twitter fag lmao

>> No.19610863

every chainlink holder is a 2017 newfag borne out of fomo after missing out on btc and eth
perhaps you should apply your own advice. the boat has kinda sailed on btc, but eth came back down
yet you guys are adamant you found a hidden gem the "normies" aren't aware of. nevermind sergey was well known in the space for years before you even heard about bitcoin and ran a couple failed crypto ventures, nevermind that the oracle problem was a 2015-2016 buzzword in the eth community, nevermind that a startup in the cayman islands with 65% of the supply held by one man is valued at $8B
nope, better hold the top because we're going to 1000EOY. no ego at all there

>> No.19610909

>3 years
You don't even know what this canned response means anymore. 3 years and still nothing to show other than announced announcements of pseudo-partnerships? What happened to the 50 startups selected by Oracle who were going to use Chainlink at their core?

>> No.19610922

Hey why don’t you use the uncle trip anymore, did you get that booty blasted?

>> No.19610933

>imagine spending all your energy on 4chan just to fud link a "shitcoin" that you dont even hold
pretty sad anon

>> No.19610935

Yooo heyyy my man Detective is back!!

>> No.19610938

It seems that chain link means a link of gay simps becoming degenerate cultists and scat eaters

>> No.19610945

>everyone I don't like is the same guy
We're not even from the same continent. Take your meds.

>> No.19610964

Still butt hurt some random anon fucked you up so bad, damn.

>> No.19611079

Hi tripfag on a different IP, fuck you suck dicks

>> No.19611089

Lmao another creg tripfag?

>> No.19611136

>every tripcode is the same person
What is wrong with you people?
Are you also in need of psychiatric help? Must be a LINK holder thing.
What the fuck. No. BSV and Creg are just as bad as Chainstink. KYS.

>> No.19611163

Okay unclefaggot.

>> No.19611177

Why did you enter this thread creg if chainlink upsets you so much?

>> No.19611528

wow you put so much effort in typing this fud

>> No.19611679

>b-but TWITTER said
And apparently it's the most actively fudded coin on biz by completely retarded porchmonkeys like you since 2017, long before Twitter even knew what it was.
Fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.19611703

Oh look, it's uncle pretending that we don't know who he is. Keep hiding behind that spoon, we promise no one can see you, kek.

>> No.19611730

Utter delusion

>> No.19611935
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>Link has the least amount of Twitter followers in the top 20
>Link has the highest level of activity on Twitter

Just imagine what'll happen once Link catches up in terms of followers.
Thanks for pointing this out, OP!!