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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.19593899

I respect women, bros.

>> No.19593940

This general is very different from the penny stocks gen.

Also first for fuck women

>> No.19593970
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>Also first for fuck women

>> No.19593977
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>> No.19593994

Accumulate REFR



>> No.19594034

>make simple observation
>negros go crazy
Why do people keep apologizing

>> No.19594071
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>fuck women
wish i could

>> No.19594186
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>I bought IVR at 7.60
>immediately tanked
Thx /biz/

>> No.19594220

We're gonna make it first, then we move to Colombia and live off whores and coke forever more - or in my case /cute males/ and Coca-Cola since i hate women and i don't do drugs.

unironically though when the second wave starts all those whitepeepol rioting will panic at the spike in COVID cases and then my medical sector stocks moon at last.

>> No.19594303
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>Buying ath

Should have bought NYMT and MFA and waited for the IVR dip

>> No.19594305

>Tel Aviv startup

rule of /biz/: don't buy shit when 1. people talk about it mooning with green wojacks 2. it's pumping

>> No.19594313

South American women love white guys. Been through Brazil, Columbia, and Argentina. Latinas love blonde men with muscles.

>> No.19594390

>foreign women love white guys meme

They love the chance to escape their third world shithole using you as their ladder, they don't actually love some foreigner who thinks he's a Chad because he bought a plane ticket to Brazil kek.

>> No.19594484

Nah, they know they're not coming here. They just want a handsome white boyfriend. The difference in how you're treated in the turd world is wild. I could totally see myself working remotely and traveling full time.

Not that women in the states don't want a handsome blonde boyfriend. Usually art hoes love fit bros more than you would expect.

>> No.19594500

You've never left your mother's basement in your entire life.

>> No.19594526

HTZ just took off up over %100

>> No.19594529
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>> No.19594540

>rule of /biz/
This guy gets it. The bulk of my principle is sitting on stuff that won't see gains likely until July-August. Anybody see anything that nobody is talking about right now?

These guys unironically both also get it. This thread is based.

>> No.19594581
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>Don't buy assets when there are clear technical indications for a long-term bull-run as well as overwhelming technical indications of bull breakout
>What is market consensus

>> No.19594626

Fug, should have bought some

>> No.19594685

What do you guys think of TELL? It hasn't recovered much yet, reasonably steady price past 2 years, no news pointing to some possible bankruptcy... Seems like a great candidate right now. I'm in for 150 shares but considering pumping in more.

>> No.19594704

stop buying garbage

>> No.19594762

>implying MVIS, EMAN, IVR, Nikola all have clear technical indications
Actually IVR is pretty good but I feel like a lot of us are here to day trade and get out fast.

I don't get the pic /biz/ brother. Are you calling me gay or is it unrelated?

>> No.19595347


Don't gamble too much on penny stocks. It's alright to put some money into it but the vast majority of your investments should be in things that are reliable.

>> No.19595481

How should I get rid of these books? If they're so dangerous simply leaving them on the street would just lead someone else to picking them up. Perhaps burning them? If we made it a big party other people might work up the courage to join in.

>> No.19595485
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>AAAAAAAA the nothing burger virus that kills 5% of 80+ grandmas in nursing homes and 0.2% of the entire population is going to end the world and!

>> No.19595489

Trading 212 or Tradestation Global for europoor?

>> No.19595490
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I'm nervous. I'll either double my money or lose half this week

>> No.19595501

People who listen to talking heads and headlines for investing and finance are actually the lowest of the low of smooth brained, gullible idiots. Those people dont make money from helping you.

>> No.19595512

I wonder how many lurkers and bears on here are maximum buttmad that they're missing out on big gains. So many salty retards crying about "penny stocks" when things are set to go 4x and corona is looking less and less threatening to the global economy every day

>> No.19595582

Buy HTZ yes or no

>> No.19595591

I hope DAL hits 40 - 45 by July. It should. Peak summer travel season. Disney/Universal parks pulling in people by the loads. KO getting sold left and right as people wonder around.. Europe opening up, U.K,etc. Glorious profit awaits.

>> No.19595598

If this is true and self evident why do you have to say it over and over again like some kind of mantra?

>> No.19595610

I wish I had invested more when the dip hit

>> No.19595613

WMC and TWO seem like really great buys right now, but it's not the industry I know well (Power).
Any REIT fags know whats up here on a more technical level?

I worry about holding past July when the unemployment checks start dropping.

>> No.19595620

>buy a stock that when up %400 in a week

Anon you need to learn the hard way I think. So I recommend to buy it.

>> No.19595621
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why are people buying stock of a company that is bankrupt? this market is out of control

>> No.19595624
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Rate me bois

>> No.19595629

I’m done being a fucking bear I want to be on the winning side for once in my fucking life.

>> No.19595633

Abandon this thread, its thumbnail is an aesthetic crime against /smg/ and the world.



>> No.19595649

LMFAO this bitch on CNBC with the all time Freudian slip

>> No.19595653

FOMO. This market is ripe with FOMO.

>> No.19595686

I just turned it on and caught that, turning it off now because Tyler and Kelly are the WORST.

>> No.19595695

lol seething coronacuck

>> No.19595709
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priced in, bankruptcy is commodity of value in this economic climate.
we traders now

>> No.19595710
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>split thread

>> No.19595731

WMC is the next IVR big swing trade, prepare to take profits around 6.5 again, it won't hold up past that because it's fundamentals are shit.
TWO is more of a stable long term hold prospect, as is RWT.

>> No.19595759

buy the dip faggot

>> No.19595817

So when I dumped all my my into KOS and they surged 40%... should I just dump now and escape? Or wait til they get back to 5.50 in september and GAIN

>> No.19595819

Careful - there's going to be an instant revision of recent history, where people are going to claim "Nobody thought Coronavirus was THAT bad! Why are you acting like people thought it was bad? We were just worried about the elderly" etc. etc.

We all know the truth - there were idiots on this very board posting about how "things will never be the same" and all that fucking garbage. People are too embarrassed now to admit how scared they were.

>> No.19595908

You'd think the
>cash is king!
Crowd would realize that it's true because liquidity means you can buy things for cheap. It doesn't mean you should sit on it forever. Plus any investor worth their salt is going to step buy and step sell so it shouldn't matter anyways. I missed the absolute bottom, but still made like 20% on some cheapies.
Still a bear in this though, just accumulating more for wave 1.1 and 1.2

>> No.19595958
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>> No.19596064

whites are the most sought after in all dating websites. Shitskins need to stay and go back to their shitholes

>> No.19596073

I can't use Degiro because there is a very long waiting list, is there a good alternative that I could use instead?

>> No.19596076

stocks only go up

>> No.19596147

Seethe more hapooner

>> No.19596498

So how long are we holding IVR lads? Until the divvies pay out in a few days?

>> No.19596525

Okay, I was patient. Thanks SSL bro.

>> No.19596529

>Niggers do something good for once by boosting STONKS
>They're ashamed of it

>> No.19596674
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buy DAL

>> No.19596696

I hope you fucking degenerates went all in on the $GAN dip earlier today.

>> No.19596701

Buy more SSL now or trust in pre-close dip? I don't think it'll be below current on Tuesday

>> No.19596799

How long to hold nikola, frens?

>> No.19596850
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>3dpd shit

>> No.19596927


I got on that boat also! Just wanted to be a part of the building industry since everything is made out of wood.

>> No.19597170

Okay Denny's anon I'm in for 20 shares at 13.77
Hope you're right about their five year meme line resuming

>> No.19597173
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I have Ascended

>> No.19597195
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动态网自由门 Oderbrecht 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 2019 suzano massacre hoax 六四天安門事件 bolacha 天安門大屠殺 green module 1987 反右派鬥爭 israel did brumadinho 大躍進政策 taubate scandal 文化大革命 sopa de macaco 人權 Gunther Schweitzer 民運 fat ronaldo knew自由 oak olavo 獨立 whistle mafia 2005 多黨制 tv globinho roberto marinho KGB plant 台灣 臺灣 9/11 dbz mandela effect 中華民國 dona florinda was a whore 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 mossad killed senna 達賴喇嘛 gripezinha 法輪功 maraja hunter 新疆維吾爾自治區 maradona best player 諾貝爾和平獎 cesium 157 劉暁波 carandiru ethnic cleansing 民主 言論 思想 反共 banheira do gugu 抗議 運動 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 moro cia agent 維權 amazonia international territory 游行 李 7x1 斷種 et varginha bilu 唐古

>> No.19597228

DAL chad reporting in, comfiest hold of the 2020s

>> No.19597252
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>> No.19598052


>> No.19598137 [DELETED] 
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500k is the number. I hit that and I never need a job again.

>> No.19598209

I have to get rid of it by Friday since I sold a $50 call, unless it tanks down to 49.

>> No.19598359
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What is a good lower end stock to start selling options on. Price below 10 a share?

>> No.19598492

Yessir got in at 18.96

>> No.19598495

For those of you who missed it

>> No.19599202

Everybody fucking says that.
I've been beating myself up with it for the last couple. Just keep learning.

Fuck yeah do I regret not going all in SPY at the bottom though. But how likely would I or you have been able to perfectly time the bottom with everything we have and know it's going to pump 50%?

>> No.19599851
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Why did you doubt him?

>> No.19600543

I am unironically writing in money printer for president. Better than choosing between two boomers with dementia.

>> No.19600554

How long should we hold for?

>> No.19600621
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Question guys. I put in 11 different orders into TDameritrade two hours ago at regular prices. Two hours later, ALL of them are open. Why? I know after hours things are slower, but why would they ALL be open?

>> No.19600639

S&P 500 is positive again folks.

>> No.19600729
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Robinhood fucked up orders on me this morning.
Had to cancel and replaced because Volume was to high.
Party at the Fed.

>> No.19600780
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fucking hell i'm a 62 IQ braindead retard on the spectrum (diagnosed) and i'm making so much fucking money
literally couple grand or more every single day it's fucking insane

>> No.19600888

Holy shit how

>> No.19600936

Is that real???

>> No.19600948

>Company has not made profit or dividend in last 2 years despite being in a bull market
>company has so much debt it will take 5-10 years to pay off
>stock price still goes up
>people still buy
Why is this?

>> No.19600980
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>> No.19601031
File: 165 KB, 850x1192, F4606764-C807-4237-AC85-2DA61FB4DE4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy KO 7/17 55C

it is literally free money at this point

>> No.19601033
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Are you talking about AMC?

Because there is a pump just like in pajeet coins, don't hold the fucking bag get in to penny stocks to understand how that works, faggots here think we tumble penny stocks just for idiots, there is a science behind every situation of the market

>> No.19601066

Lost ~$50 today bros. Erased my profits from yesterday, very sad.

>> No.19601071

Things are feeling pretty frothy, boys. Time to rotate back into puts? Soon, I think. Kek, oh great one, please offer some guidance via the holy repeating digits.

>> No.19601094
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>> No.19601097

>going full Fahrenheit 451
Jesus Christ we have jumped the shark.

>> No.19601101
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>> No.19601118

Might as well slam that $1000 into an otm option and hope for the best unless $5-15 a week is acceptable to you. Become a theta whore after you make some 5 figure trades.

>> No.19601124

Buy and forget about it dude. Shit is hot right now, JP Morgan is getting in and Lake Charles Plant is opening in Louisiana and new CEO

>> No.19601155

I would but I ran out of daytrades on robinhood and wouldn't really be able to sell if there's a huge drop

>> No.19601171

based human dabbing on an innocent displaced animal whos habitat he's destroyed
we really are the pinnacle of evolution, you can tell by the tracksuit

>> No.19601183

Bears always need to be reminded of their place.

>> No.19601211

>buy and hold and forget about it
>still thinking about day trades

>> No.19601240

I DON'T LIKE RISK! I want an out.

Fine I'll drop $1K on open tomorrow.

>> No.19601267
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Remember that if you want to be a rich person, you must imitate other rich people.

>Rich people do NOT slack off on paying their bills, in fact they pay them ahead of schedule and before anything else
>Rich people do NOT take out mortgage loans for houses they can’t afford or are just plain ridiculous.
>Rich people do NOT eat out every meal, or go shopping at Walmart/Amazon 5 times a week.

>Rich people make budgets at the end of every month and audit last month’s expenses.

>> No.19601272

Report to me when you make some gains. I would say buy now in after hours before the market open pump, but do as you want. Remember, thank me when it hits 15 EOW

>> No.19601287
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>> No.19601302

you forgot
>Rich people inherit millions from their rich parents and accumulate more money that they pass on to their children

>> No.19601303
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>red futures
bullbros i'm still rock hard but it's slightly concerning

>> No.19601313

How do you guys stay in it on down days? What's the key to iron handing?

>> No.19601327

>tfw if my parents gave me 200,000 grand i'd have two million dollars right now and not 43 thousand
damn, i guess middle class is just not cut out to make it

>> No.19601329

do i cash out all my crypto to put into bull stonks market

>> No.19601337


>> No.19601342
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When do I short HTZ? I want to make sure I can jam it in as deep as possible into that sweet sweet robinhood fomo.

>> No.19601397
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This blessed chink flu is the best thing to ever happen to me.

>> No.19601414

pls don't post suffering actual bears. Bears are bro-tier round strong dogs.

>> No.19601435
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My car is 17 years old and has no payments and never did aside from the first one which was the whole sale price. Do I win the money?

>> No.19601436

when to sell CPE? what is the fair value here?

>> No.19601437

Pot, meet kettle.

>> No.19601440

Just set up a stop order everyday and sell by market close assuming you can actually do day trades?

>> No.19601453
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Look, I made money with puts in March too. It's time to grow up

>> No.19601469
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Confidence in your strategy that can only be developed through testing, experience, and time. When I switched to current strat there were a lot of nailbiter moments, or nailbiter weeks, where I knew I would have already taken profit with old (shitty) strat and skipped the drawdown.

>> No.19601485

not looking at charts all day and being a little panicky bitch. If you are long, you should be confident in your position and the bumps as we move forward shouldn't shake you out

>> No.19601511

mines 3 years old and no payments. gibs me the money

>> No.19601515
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i called for the mass sell off, then timed the bottom close to perfect and made money all the way up. Now im pretty sure everyone is blind. idk how I or anyone else can forsee where we are going

>> No.19601526

permabears don't have money in the market
permabulls are allies of the jews that will harvest your capital. And they do it for free.

>> No.19601528

I'm new. China flu got me in cause I had a lot of cash and I'd be up 4k on boeing if I'd stuck with my strategy. How do I know if I'm going to be right on such little experience and not just being greedy

>> No.19601530

>no matter how much money I make through stocks I'll still always be an ugly manlet virgin

How much do prostitutes actually cost and what are the chances I actually get an STD/legal trouble for it

>> No.19601549
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Oh yeah it's certainly fomo mania going on right now. I'm in until I see price action indicative of loss of oomph on the part of the bull charge. No such yet.

>> No.19601554

Seems like Euros are double fucked investing in the US markets. Between the double taxes and the slippage of the dollar.

>> No.19601571
File: 33 KB, 673x139, Screenshot from 2020-06-08 19-36-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you.

>> No.19601584

Just go to nevada

>> No.19601604

Untrue. 78% of millionaires did not inherit the money from their parents

>> No.19601615

Some study was done sometime and wealth is usually lost within 3 generations

>> No.19601622

Could be. Older you get the less inclined you are to take decisive action on risk. I don't think papa Buffett was necessarily wrong to ditch his airline positions at the time. The risk analysis on that would have looked pretty grim with that huge unknown about how long corona chan will be a factor hanging over everything. The mistake I think he might have made is declining to re-enter those positions when data started to shift positive.

>> No.19601633

Very good anon! You certainly did very well. NEVER take a loan out for a car. Just buy it with cash.

>> No.19601639

kek. true

>> No.19601658

Living in a city or suburb on either coast and buying a house without taking an idiotic mortgage would turn you into a millionaire after 30 years.
Homes are one of the best wealth generators out there. Very power debt leveraging tool.

>> No.19601660

FA is dead. long live TA

>> No.19601661
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Anons with DFEN, how long are you going to hold them for?

>> No.19601667


Not a bad idea. It’s legal there and the prostitutes are pretty clean. They make you wear a condom of course

>> No.19601669


>> No.19601682

The 'da taught me mechanics when I was a kid, despite my pointed lack of interest and heel dragging about it. His car strategy of buy around 5-8 years used vehicles and maintaining them himself did wear off on me.

>> No.19601683

any ASX nigger be warned you may want to pull out of woolies stocks, apparently they're gonna give a bunch of stock options to their basic bitch supermarket employees so be careful of a drop caused by poorfags cashing it

>> No.19601693

how do i cope with missing out on more gains?
my measly +30% gains on a measly $5K portfolio is so fucking lame. I wish this crash happened after I graduated. Fuckk..

>> No.19601711

You guys think there will be a dip towards the end of the month? I think that's when the FOMO plebs will peak and they'll start selling low again because they're afraid of being in the red short term.

>> No.19601714

Why would you want to live in California or NY? Guns are basically illegal in NYC and rent is fucking outrageous.

Also, you buy a house and the market could literally crash. No one is flocking the big cities anymore anon. They prices are terrible and the laws are shit. Look at how NYC handled Covid and the riots.

>> No.19601733

Don’t even consider buying a new car unless your a millionaire and completely debt free (including no mortgage).

>> No.19601745

>Very power debt leveraging tool.
Spoonfeed pls no bully

>> No.19601748

at least you had money to put in
I only had $2k to my name in March, now I've finally got the money I wish I had then but everything is moving on up

>> No.19601768

Newest I would ever go on a car is a year and a half old. The drive off the lot instant -30% on most new vehicles is untenable.

>> No.19601773
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I need a stock between $4-$7 that will increase by at least $1 100% this week.. anyone?

>> No.19601824
File: 131 KB, 1015x1000, 271A4B7D-C8B6-4201-ABCA-E1996A0DB44E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are a millionaire, you can take the Financial hit of a new car every 4 or 5 years. Otherwise it’s literally suicidal.

>> No.19601839

These digits check em

>> No.19601842

>I think

you're wrong

>> No.19601847

>Guns are basically illegal in NYC and rent is fucking outrageous.
Right but NYC doesn't cover the entire coastline.
>Also, you buy a house and the market could literally crash
Real estate is absolutely correlated with the market. Market attempts to run away from inflation. Real estate uses debt as leverage that becomes more lucrative the more inflation there is.

>> No.19601848
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I hold oil and airlines worth keeping till end of June or sell on friday?

>> No.19601852

any of them

>> No.19601873

they're worth keeping till the end of june

>> No.19601884

why would you sell on Friday?

>> No.19601896

Which ones do you have? I would hold on a bit longer.

>> No.19601907

can someone give me a quick rundown of the IVR pump, why and how high they expect it to go?

>> No.19601909

How do you guys handle taxes on these gains?

>> No.19601910


>> No.19601927
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>> No.19601935
File: 874 KB, 1432x2034, 450E52A1-BCCD-4185-AE7E-E0416F0F4D29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any thoughts on buying a house with cash vs A lower interest mortgage loan?

>> No.19601939
File: 1.86 MB, 1024x1020, 1590716602600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

direxion or proshares?

>> No.19601964

Reminder that this is the top and you shouldn't buy more.

>> No.19601975

Long term debt obligations are "softer" during inflation. You also pay a small fraction down to own all of a house. The equity on the house can be borrowed (this is dangerous) and serve as collateral or leverage for owning other properties or securing further loans for business ventures. Houses are also one of the few hard assets that tend to appreciate unlike say, cars.
Debt can be as powerful if not moreso than cash if properly used and corporate finance is filled to the tits with it. Home mortgages are pretty much the only vehicle for the average person.

>> No.19602012

You sold it before the close didn’t you

>> No.19602044

oh no no no no no it's going back up

>> No.19602048

there's no such thing as "the top". it's all cyclic. there's always opportunities on both the long and the short side, hell even when the market was crashing during the covid hysteria, you could have bought shit like GILD and made a bunch of money on the long side. remember when there was at least one day where the entire fucking market was red except GILD and that R company (REGN i think) because of vaccine hopes? then of course you get into the penny stock pump and dumps that happen every day, regardless of what the economy is doing.

if you're talking about long-term hodling then you might be right though but that's for suckers and DCA'ers who don't give a fuck where the top or bottom are anyways.

>> No.19602052
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>> No.19602053

DOW futures up 60 points
>b-b-but futures are m-meaningless until 1 h-hour before o-open

>> No.19602058
File: 2.21 MB, 1745x1200, __hatsune_miku_zuikaku_nakano_azusa_toosaka_rin_hiiragi_kagami_and_18_more_kantai_collection_and_21_more_drawn_by_asanagi__ac24b03f35dce39dbf0f5d24438a6ae0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(ugh is this why there's no new thread? People are using this shitty thread?)

uhhh so Cramer flipped out a little on his online interview thing today... he seems to think something's fishy about what's going on in airlines and cruises... "that's not sustainable!!"

I think you guys should see this. But also, how the hell does he know what price the government has warrants at for these stocks? I don't imagine thats just a tip from his buddy Mnuchin that he's dropping on the net.


>> No.19602065

literally me. 5k in march and only 30% gains because that was entire savings at the time so only did fairly safe shit. trying to make an emergency fund of cash asap so i can start growing a stack of dry powder once i feel a little secure.

>> No.19602071

stocks only go up

>> No.19602076
File: 45 KB, 1111x402, ty oil chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons saying the market will tank on monday
>getting a bit worried I made some shit calls on Friday
>go to work before market opens
>dont have access to phone at work so cant check shit
>come home to this
I will never doubt you again based oil chad

>> No.19602083

If I've made up my mind to hold on to something, I close my brokerage out and do anything ends so I'm not constantly watching it.

>> No.19602087

There are no brakes

>> No.19602103
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>> No.19602106

reminder that meme stocks that are shilled here are at their ATH and you're buying someone else's bag

>> No.19602138

>Do you have any thoughts on buying a house with cash vs A lower interest mortgage loan?
Depends on the risk you want to take on. 30 year fixed loan is the standard. If you can pay in cash there is a theoretical benefit to "bumping" it down to 10 or 15 years. A tradeoff between liquidity now and interest later. I just can't remember where I've seen that (so do your DD). There are also itemized deductions for mortgages beyond the standard deduction. Paying in cash means you frontload your liquidity crunch. It is easier to foresee a lack of expenses over the next 2 years than try to guess what 10 years down the line might be.
Just don't get a mortgage if interest rates are negative. That is going to burn a lot of people who won't be informed about it from agents or their banks.

>> No.19602170
File: 426 KB, 780x832, 0F6942EB-0C13-4DFF-9C42-015907626884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) The American economy is so leveraged and feeble that, when yields go to only 2 or 3%, stocks crash.

2) We saw this in late 2018. Yields rose to 3%, and stocks crashed from 26,500 to 22,500. The Fed found that it simply could not let rates go up, and began doing Q. E. again.

3) This period is also when gold began its rise from $1200 to $1500--well before the coronavirus hoax had started. Hence the coronavirus lockdowns are merely the exculpatory cover for the coming economic collapse.

4) This rise in the price of gold was because the price of gold goes up when real yields go down. An environment with low real yields is the reason why gold went up 20 times during the 70s and 80s. At this time, inflation was so bad that bonds became known as "certificates of confiscation."

5) Because of the present stampede into the stock-market, the ten-year yield is presently soaring. On Friday, it went from 0.70 to 0.90 in a single day.

6) PMs dropped temporarily because of this stampede into the stock market. But if yields go up any further, stocks will crash.

7) To prevent a stock-market crash, the Fed will soon announce a formal cap on yields. This will signify that hyperinflation is coming. They would need to print tens of trillions to impose a formal cap.

8) This cap will cause a bond-market crash, and gold, silver, gold miners and silver miners, to soar to unprecedented levels. This is because the bond-market is even bigger than the stock-market, and precious metals will become the only safe haven to escape inflation.

In sum, the Fed has two options: let yields continue to rise, and crash the market by 90% in nominal terms; or cap yields to prop up the market, and begin hyperinflation, crashing the market in real terms against gold. There is no way of escaping this dilemma.

>> No.19602174
File: 869 KB, 1300x1300, maido_skateboard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this

>> No.19602175

isnt negative interest rates good for the borrower?

>> No.19602176
File: 84 KB, 700x1185, __ebina_nana_himouto_umaru_chan_drawn_by_asanagi__6f14841ee44e1558b6cb57d5e898bf73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19602184
File: 112 KB, 1085x1135, StoppedClock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sven always brightens my day with his cheerful opinions

>> No.19602191

if you only bought wti youl would rich

>> No.19602209

damn it feels good to be an oilchad

>> No.19602213


>> No.19602216
File: 85 KB, 890x434, 032A054A-C34E-461C-AFDD-9A9D41BEE7CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else feels like the market is going to absolutely dump next week? I mean, i made some ridiculous gains with BA calls and im riding the wave, but permabulls are for a grim reminder of how reality works starting next week. This recovery looks way too fake imo. As of today, the market is officially above/equal Q4 2019 value. Once airlines and travel earnings start pouring in, this shit is going to correct itself back to at the very least SPY 300. VIX is up. There is no fucking way this is not a bubble ready to burst. Im going to abandon all my beliefs and logic and become a permabull retard that tries to predict market direction with astrology if we keep reaching ATHs like that.

>> No.19602218
File: 156 KB, 1200x1170, 1585345331905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol nice meme peter still not buying your fund

>> No.19602234

Just be happy you didn't miss out. I missed out on waaaaay too many bull runs when I was young, getting in on them when they happen is a blessing.

>> No.19602245
File: 262 KB, 850x1244, 7374012469d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to long inequality ETF?

>> No.19602248

Gtfo asanagi

>> No.19602255
File: 461 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20200608-195825_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post gains

>> No.19602259

How do we feel about HEXO boys? Just overhyped dudeweed shit, or will it pop off?

>> No.19602260
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>> No.19602264
File: 68 KB, 1122x817, 1591568206573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone posting gains on other boards, people literally seething and calling it gambling. ahahhahahahahahah


>> No.19602267

Should I go all in on IVR tomorrow? Then dump it at $14?

>> No.19602274

Airlines don't report earnings until first week of July. Most report after the 20th.

>> No.19602281

Bull market forever bros. Fuck bears.

>> No.19602295

any of you guys ever do any interesting data analysis on markets? like, looking for "most of the time when X happens it causes roughly Y% average move in Z direction" sort of correlations? like analyzing have often an analyst's upgrade actually causes a stock to go up? im really interested in doing more data analysis stuff like that, feels like im gonna need to learn programming though.

>> No.19602298
File: 180 KB, 750x1334, CDA761D2-93A5-46D0-BD03-46B4E250F9FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did something right for once!!!!!!

>> No.19602299


Go NYMT or MFA. Dont chase the dragon, you'll get greedy and lose money

>> No.19602300

Can you explain what we're looking at here?

>> No.19602305
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>> No.19602308

your mac dizzy and rsi both indicate a hold on the australia chart there

>> No.19602309

literally the opposite of gambling. Anyone with common sense knew that the crash we had was way too much for what was occurring. Only smoothbrains believed the nothingburger hype

>> No.19602314

Listen sweetie there's literally no reason not to over charge for your stocks since jerome and steven are going to pay what ever the going rate is.

>> No.19602321
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>> No.19602323
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>> No.19602338

With negative rates it is better to hold debt than cash. That would cause a spike in housing prices. Negative rates are "supposed" to be short term to prevent long term damage to the economy. Once the rates go positive again, offers will plummet. And so you get loaded with a much higher mortgage and any offers you'd get to buy it from you will be much less.

>> No.19602362

How easy is it to set up a hedge fund, invest in cash and gold, and then constantly complain that the markets are going up due to “manipulation” while charging a management fee?

>> No.19602370

damn I wish this was me. I can only afford 25 shares each of IVR and MITT and wish I had a few extra bucks for some TWO and MFA

>> No.19602371

as someone who's been investing his weekly $1000 of UI into leveraged bull ETFs and SPY calls since march, he's not wrong

>> No.19602372

the flu is objectively more deadly than covid. This bear cope is too much for me. Of course we are returning to normal, nothing happened

>> No.19602402

Nice dubs but I wanna YOLO. Why are you bearish on IVR?

>> No.19602420
File: 143 KB, 1055x1234, Tweets(cope).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's using the twitter social media platform that all the kids are into these days to post a bunch of cope
and I love it

>> No.19602423
File: 17 KB, 213x684, pbct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pbct is my only regret.

>> No.19602425

Thanks fren. I bought my house for 90k a few years ago and have less than 30k left to go. My property is now valued at 120k and I'm thinking about renting it out and upgrade.

>> No.19602431

POS I hope Nkla opens with some more options

>> No.19602434

Are ya gonna hold till divvy time or dump soon???

>> No.19602444

Im literally within seconds of possibly getting even on DHT for the first time in 4 months. Without seacats memes can anyone tell me why I shouldnt sell it at break even and never think about a tanker again

>> No.19602447

Has the XSPA train pass? or did it just begin?

>> No.19602450


I have a feeling a huge dip is coming. Ideal time to buy would have been under 5$, I missed the window as well

>> No.19602461
File: 10 KB, 803x172, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic really doesnt matter but I spent three seconds making this screenshot so here

>> No.19602465
File: 5 KB, 299x169, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microsoft and QQQ almost at new highs. Can't bet against America.

>> No.19602470

Any data to back up that feeling?

>> No.19602474

Up $5000 from AMD

+$50 last week
-$100 today because I messed up a stop order not realizing it doesn't count past 2 digits.

Should have just set up a stop order = to the previous close

>> No.19602479

Nah I still got it , I still have faith I guess

>> No.19602480
File: 101 KB, 720x950, you are a weakling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hit bear with car after it randomly wanders out on the road, impossible to miss
>bear survives but all bones are broken and it screams in agony, struggling to even breathe
>being you, a fat pussy, who can't even end the bear's life so it dies after several hours if not days

>> No.19602486

trips say hold your sea cats

>> No.19602502


What ever happened to that dude who put 50k into CHK????? He's a millionaire now

>> No.19602505

I'm peter schiff delete this

>> No.19602506
File: 3 KB, 269x73, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, why are tankers such a shit?

>> No.19602517

I'm holding until these return to 75% of their pre corona prices. So if a dividend payment happens within that period I'll take it

>> No.19602536

Is HTZ a good long hold?

>> No.19602546


>> No.19602548

wtf is going on with CHK?

>> No.19602549
File: 1.17 MB, 1240x1170, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clown world?

>> No.19602570

They filed for bankruptcy

>> No.19602577
File: 279 KB, 750x1359, BCFBD3F5-40F5-463F-B5FA-D7832809204C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please someone explain why everyone says to stay away from LTM when all it does is go up . Last Monday it was 1.85 .

>> No.19602599

Just never had gains like this. Shit is more nerve wracking then losing money desu.

>> No.19602609
File: 199 KB, 941x887, 1515433078535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone I knew called the 2008 crash early enough to save his parents' retirement and make some money. After that he suddenly became a perma bear and constantly talked about how "fake" the markets are and a crash is just around the corner; was a walking Zerohedge article.
This happened for about 10 years before I stopped interacting with him. Apparently died from fentanyl OD, likely suicide. If only he waited like 2 more years. When I see someone here talking about the "next crash" or how "fake" the markets are I think about this retard who got lucky one time out of 12 years then ended everything he had. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.

>> No.19602614
File: 827 KB, 1265x1000, tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol EA

>> No.19602617

Same as Hertz. Filed for bankruptcy. Just riding the wave with everything else. Don't get stuck holding.

>> No.19602625

Why did GME moon?

>> No.19602643

mortally wounded bear lives matter!

>> No.19602645
File: 447 KB, 1125x1891, 0FDDBED0-94E8-481A-BC5B-E896F09897DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my portfolio

>> No.19602654

>Don't get stuck holding.
How sell top, sensei?

>> No.19602662

What's a good play tomorrow???

>> No.19602664

If you understood bankruptcy you would understand it can be bullish af. Look at PCG and CHK. Shit CHK is up almost 200% as they prepare to file today. It's debt restructuring, creditors don't want them to disappear.

Too bad you are a dumb faggot.

>> No.19602665

bro I want to eat Taco Bell right now
don't even play around like that

an interesting tale

>> No.19602677

Yea I was down $6k last week and now up 8k. Way more nervous now.

>> No.19602680

Why are you in biotechs penny stock, they won't move until they get clinical testing clear.

>> No.19602682


>> No.19602683

That was me.

-posting from bear heaven

>> No.19602689
File: 34 KB, 640x640, 1590641383902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally making money on tankers after 80% of all other opportunities are over

I'm not even mad at myself at this point. I'm just disappointed.

>> No.19602698
File: 51 KB, 604x458, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not black bears

>> No.19602703
File: 100 KB, 686x891, 1528052815884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if S&P fills the gap at 3340 and then just dumps hard. Would you be ready for it?

>> No.19602711

>Yea I was down $6k last week

But they're obviously going to crash right back down soon right?

>> No.19602722

anyone buy EMAN?

>> No.19602723


that one-eyed freak is back in

>> No.19602725

What's a good way to play SPY calls? Futes are looking flat right now, so should I buy tomorrow right at open or wait for dip????

>> No.19602755

>Would you be ready for it?
Yep. I had a good exit on the March crash. It would have been golden had I not attempted a long on oil just prior to Russia breaking deal with OPEC, setting in motion the slide to negative on the May contract. That was a -25% mistake. Completely recovered and plenty more off that now though.

>> No.19602779

Just set a stoploss if you are that worried imo. I'm up 99% in my meme port this year where I literally do nothing but catch distressed/bankrupt filing knives and hold for 50%-100% return. It's hilariously easy.

>> No.19602798

I guess I could open up a Webull account to get more day trade slots...

>> No.19602813


>> No.19602819
File: 146 KB, 989x678, jc penney marge stock meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone actually buy jcpenney memestocks? what is even going on with them

>> No.19602825

>more day trade slots
lolol your name are still attached to the trades and you will get locked out

>> No.19602844

I’m still new to all of this. If I have a Stop Order that I bought a stock at $18, if I put in $12, it will sell all my stocks if it reaches that amount, correct? I just want to make sure I’m not retarded.

>> No.19602850

I made 7 grand today and a guy who I hated in high school killed himself today

And I think to myself

What a wonderful world

>> No.19602867

yes, but -$6 seems like a bit much, just do the previous close or something

>> No.19602869

They aren’t.

>> No.19602874
File: 73 KB, 672x511, Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 9.03.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19602877

Yes they are.

>> No.19602891

hertz most likely

>> No.19602895

That was just an example. I put all of mine for about -4 in the chance that shit crashes soon.

>> No.19602897
File: 446 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200608-150359_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I fucked up bigly today. This has been my fourth chance at making it in 6 months, I better pull it off this time.

>> No.19602898

Hey it went down!

>> No.19602905

Ok guys what's a good meme-tier stock like JCP or CHK that I can dump 5k into tomorrow?

>> No.19602912

I ahead did

dumb aqua

>> No.19602917
File: 58 KB, 800x450, i am stonks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HTZ moons from bankruptcy
>JCP moons from bankruptcy

>> No.19602922
File: 2.36 MB, 1813x2560, 1579798477155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLUG or NRGU which do I dump 50% of my port into tmw?

>> No.19602925

That’s the point. It’s inverted, you would want to buy like mad.

>> No.19602928

how did he do it?

>> No.19602931
File: 134 KB, 750x631, 8FB384AD-A710-4F9D-87CB-B80686496D09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you invest? I have about $1000 I still want to put in.

>> No.19602935
File: 20 KB, 1505x91, todamoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


where were you when a bunch of biz faggots bought jcp?

>> No.19602936
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>> No.19602948

Energy and airlines are the small handful of sectors that are deserving of going up to pre corona prices.

>> No.19602964

This is how know retail is flooding the market. They don’t understand the basics.

>> No.19602965

Havent found out yet, people are not very talkative after something like that happens

>> No.19602966
File: 288 KB, 750x1041, 77894F7C-6B18-48F6-A0A2-C0BE2C90B007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19602967

No, if you're using the macd you're supposed to wait until blue line crosses above orange to buy. Blue is still below, which is continuation pending new price action. The mickey d and rsi are also inverted on that chart, just so we're on the same page here.

>> No.19602968

whoa whoa whoa. jcp was a penny stock? the fuck when? i've been a /ptg/ srub for a long time i didn't catch that?

>> No.19602975
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>> No.19602979

That's a long term one there, I expect to hold until the second coming of Christ.
All of the major ETFs I see are looking great.

>> No.19602980


>> No.19602983

I've come to the conclusion that complaining about retail investors is just a form of bear cope.

>> No.19602995


no thanks

>> No.19603005

There’s unlimited upside potential and very little downside.

>> No.19603025

Should I buy Calls or just the stock outright?

>> No.19603026

Quickly guys, Jerome just went to bed, hit the circuit breaker on the futures.

>> No.19603031

have you ever stopped to consider that maybe youre what they call "dumb money?"

>> No.19603039


>> No.19603048

What did you pretend to lose it on mr larper?

>> No.19603049


congrats on the massive gains then. unless you followed baggie's advice...

>> No.19603050

This is why I own Fox stock lads

>> No.19603053
File: 38 KB, 554x439, 5e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one way to get it all back, faggot. Double or nothing.

>> No.19603063


>> No.19603072
File: 52 KB, 1289x405, Screenshot from 2020-06-08 21-16-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The copium is strong with this one. Where is the correlation between robinhoodies and stock price here?

>> No.19603077

What the hell did he buy?

>> No.19603079

I only make 3-10 trades a month and never go more than 10%. It isn't necessary imo.

>> No.19603086

You told me to buy oil I just bought the top

>> No.19603088
File: 55 KB, 1296x450, Screenshot from 2020-06-08 21-17-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better screenshot.

>> No.19603092

Uniroically this. Been holding on to NYMT and XAN since $2

>> No.19603097

I bought DFEN at ~$16 and sold babby's first covered call at $19, and then woke up the next morning to find it in the money.

>> No.19603108
File: 6 KB, 304x51, Screenshot from 2020-06-08 21-18-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept saying not to buy leveraged commodity ETFs because of volatility they all go to zero. I have a 1x oil december futures ETF (HUC) and I can HODL it forever (and I'm still in the green).

>> No.19603113

>he exited the dip on IVR instead of buying more

Bought 1000 more shares when it dipped down to 6.50

People gotta look at prices relative to pre corona and compare them to how high other stocks are doing in that sector. Most are higher than half of Jan highs, but not ones like Ivr, which means people will be buying it up because there's more room for gains. We should see atleast $9 Ivr tomorrow.

>> No.19603129
File: 3.09 MB, 300x264, 3e999ea2-d948-4e8d-abd4-29398789abc8..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19603131

Any other SAVA boys in here? I think once they get over this slump we’ll see this thing go back up at least $6/share.

I’m in at 2.55 thinking about loading up.

>> No.19603161

Shipping in general is stupidly cyclical. I wouldn't touch tankers or dry cargo or boats in general. They are money pits.

>> No.19603176

Creditors want their money by any means necess

>> No.19603251



>> No.19603355
File: 392 KB, 800x534, StJoseph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but this would be an interesting thing to look into.

a follow-up question to this (and a more philosophical question at that): Can the market be predicted? With enough AI algos and past information and current information, can the market be predicted? Are all these youtubers explaining candlestick trends etc etc worth a damn?

>> No.19603977

I see lines of green, mad bobos toooo~~
I made 7 grand today, and I guy I hate died too~~
And I think to myself...
What a wonderful wooooorld~~~