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19590385 No.19590385 [Reply] [Original]

Admittedly, this sounds incredibly retarded but I notice even in games of chance; poker, video games, businesses, etc I tend to have shit luck. I'm not complaining about my lot or station in life, I'm actually probably more comfortable than 90% - 95% of the world (not enough to save but enough to cover bills steadily without having to work). I'm talking about pure luck. Pure chance. is it mental? Is it the fucking secret? Is it a rabbit foot? Tell me what has worked for you? Yes, I do believe some of it a negative perception and I don't believe in God. Maybe it's just my perception and the stuff I'm trying to do has a very low success rate, but has anything worked for you?

>> No.19590402

the secret is you need to rub your manclit more often

>> No.19590409
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Do the needful

>> No.19590419

Accept Jesus christ as your Lord and saviour, believe he died and rose from the grave after 3 days to atone for the sins of mankind, be grateful to God for life and your family/friends, the things you may have.

>> No.19590434

As someone who is also considered unlucky. I feel you.
I dont think it's possible to change it, seems like its hardwired in the universe. Some people got it, others dont.

>> No.19590496

Compare ear shape, it's different

>> No.19590498


>> No.19590501

I carry around a lucky coin, $2 bill and a fortune cookie note with my lucky number 42. I would say my luck is pretty good but it’s also mindset. If you believe you will win in the end no matter what then god won’t let you lose.

>> No.19590509
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I think of karma as a spiritual bank and when you are selfless to generate a better scenario for everyone it creates a positive novelty ratio in your favor

Also if you get weird and research astrology you can find an ebb and flow to everything

>> No.19590578

research internal alchemy, allign your heart and mind to your pineal gland during prayer at least 1-2 hours before going to bed, read the book of enoch, the emerald tablets of thoth, pay your karmic debts by enumerating all the sins of your life to god and ask for forgiveness, be good to others and share as the universe will reciprocate. Also buy link and ftm 1000 eoy

>> No.19590581

I hope that's not it. I haven't done anything truly bad to anyone and have paid very heavily in karmatic debt. Very heavily. If anything I'm fucking owed but maybe it's my sense of entitlement.

A lucky coin? What kind?

I think it's literally a luck strat we predetermine before death or something like that, just like Fallout.


This dude right here is probably the luckiest man of all time. He made the stupidest business decisions and got richer and richer off every single one.

>> No.19590641

just so you know, the soul is recycled endlessly in the birth & death renewal cycle so you could be paying a karmic debt in this life from crimes in your past life/lives.

>> No.19590654

>A lucky coin? What kind?

>> No.19590679

I hear retarded shit like that and don't know what to believe.

Is there a way to absolve muh debts karmatically or some kind of "i declare bankruptcy." Tired of this shit.

About to go the Wu Way and say fuck it
>Wu wei means – in Chinese – non-doing or 'doing nothing'. It sounds like a pleasant invitation to relax or worse, fall into laziness or apathy. Yet this concept is key to the noblest kind of action according to the philosophy of Daoism – and is at the heart of what it means to follow Dao or The Way.

>> No.19590695


You ARE incredibly retarded

>> No.19590727

Jesus christ this is why no one likes you guys. You pop in threads that have zero discussion with crypto and shill your garbage. Not buying your shitcoin faggot.

>> No.19590781

This is what I'm talking about when it comes to luck, I get dipshits like this in my threads.

Faggot open your eyes and read. Luck meaning that I know it's a game of skill and I'm a pretty decent poker player and can wreck noobs. But let's say I trap someone in an all-in hand after the river, with double kings and the hand is obviously mine, the last card, I'm just begging it's not an ace so the guy who get double ace... and guess what, ends up an ace. There's a component of skill to the game nigger faggot.

>> No.19590838
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If you dont believe in god you probably don't have that karma connection.
You might be a material world NPC.

Ok you know how everything is a jewish trick?
People will say flat earth is ridiculous and the universe is forever keep looking out into space and never into your soul

So that is half true half confusion.
Flat earth is another way of saying you see things from your perspective in my opinion
While round earth is an outside perspective

Now think about meditating to nothingness
Then open up and become something
That's the real big bang the 0 to infinity but (((they))) don't want you looking in there.

When you develop that relationship you'll start going schizo but also begin to make lucky/favorable decisions

>> No.19590865

>i declare bankruptcy
Yeah there are entire rituals regarding this
The jews would sacrifice a scapegoat the catholics do a confession ceremony and pray for forgiveness

>> No.19590872

Become all arond smarter so that you don't do dumb things that makes you un-lucky.

>> No.19590900


You need skill not luck. If you get unlucky once you are unlucky, if you get unlucky a bunch of times you suck.

>> No.19590909

>Then open up and become something
>The jews would sacrifice a scapegoat the catholics do a confession ceremony and pray for forgiveness
All of that sounds I N C R E D I B L Y G A Y
Christ, I think I'd rather stay unlucky. I don't fucking know. Thank you for your posts though, food for thought .Not going to be obnoxious and bump any more.

>> No.19590954

NPC response discarded

>> No.19590957

>In one notable episode, Dexter faked his own death to see how people would react. About 3,000 people attended Dexter's mockwake. Dexter did not see his wife cry, and after he revealed the hoax, hecanedher for not grieving his death sufficiently.

>> No.19590973

Increase locus of control.

>> No.19591006

based and Christpilled

>> No.19591064

Well I'm just explaining how to put yourself in different anchor points to frame things differently
Even if it isn't metaphysical you gain better perspective and have what masonfags call hidden knowledge

>> No.19591093

>Maybe it's just my perception and the stuff I'm trying to do has a very low success rate
>Maybe it's just my perception and the stuff I'm trying to do has a very low success rate
>Maybe it's just my perception and the stuff I'm trying to do has a very low success rate

>> No.19591105

if your consciousness is able to go from nothing to something you can accelerate that into a massive force because 0 to 1 is a game changer
Or you know just feel insignificant idk it's a game you can play in your head that has benefits

>> No.19591163

I like to think that doing small things like putting shoes or jacket where they belong, doing my bed etc. etc. increases my luck reserves. Couldn't say I am unlucky. And even if it is not because of this, then at least I have built small but useful habits.

>> No.19591247

Ask for Bune's intercession, unironically

>> No.19591510 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you just don't understand short term variance and/ or have selective memory. Most people think they are unlucky in poker because our brains mainly remember the times that we got unlucky. There's a ton of variance in poker. Take it from someone who plays poker for a living (and I'm not more lucky than average). I get sucked out on all the time, it's part of the game. You literally need to play hundreds of thousands of hands before the luck/ variance starts to even out...

>> No.19591513


> Dexter did not see his wife cry, and after he revealed the hoax, he caned her for not grieving his death sufficiently

This dude was not only a troll, but he married a wealthy widow n then just canned her for not crying at his fake funeral. My dude was a fckin Chad too.

>> No.19591600


> The book contained 8,847 words and 33,864 letters, but without punctuation and seemingly random capitalization.
> Dexter initially handed his book out for free, but it became popular and was reprinted eight times.[2] In the second edition, Dexter added an extra page which consisted of 13 lines of punctuation marks with the instructions that readers could distribute them as they pleased.


This dude wasn't lucky. He had confidence n apparently funny as fuck. Added an extra page with punctuation marks with instructions in his second edition.

>> No.19591650
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Pic related

>> No.19591704

Exactly. But human life is so short, it's very easy for somebody to get unlucky throughout their entire life. And the question is on what "variance" is based on...

>> No.19591799

Ask "Lucky Larry Silverstein"

>> No.19592544

chaos magick + wu wei

>> No.19592626

>dont believe in god

well kiddo thats your problem

>> No.19592663

unlucky at games, lucky in life

>> No.19593147
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>he still didnt figure out how to bend reality with his mind and "force" luck

>> No.19593169

Good thread. I often feel the same, it's not even funny